这首《西风颂》, 讴歌了秋风摧枯拉朽、荡涤一切污秽腐败的磅礴气势, 诅咒严冬, 而呼唤着生机盎然的大好春光。它是雪莱的代表作,也是歌颂自由理想、向往美好生活、赞咏大无畏的奋斗精神的不朽颂歌。
《西风颂》 雪莱西风颂赏析指导《西风颂》是雪莱的名作,比起一般的抒情短诗,它的篇幅较长,加之诗中的场景不断变换,意象也十分密集,阅读的时候,可能会有一种眼花缭乱的感觉,所以讲解时要注意抓住诗歌的展开线索。这首诗是在佛罗伦萨附近阿诺河畔的一片树林里构思的,雪莱自己曾解释了它的缘起:“那一天,孕育着一场暴风雨的暖和而又令人振奋的大风集合着常常倾泻下滂沱秋雨的云霭。不出所料,雨从日落下起,狂风暴雨里夹带着冰雹,并且伴有阿尔卑斯山南地区所特有的气势宏伟的电闪雷鸣。”书写暴雨来临之际大自然的伟力,成为该诗的起点。第一节,写狂暴的西风如何摧枯拉朽,将落叶扫尽,又将种子吹入土地,等到春天的到来。诗中有两处可能不易理解,需要做一点解释:“有翼的种子”,指的是那些靠风力传播到远方的种子;“碧空的姊妹”,是指春天清新的东风,诗人将东风称为西风的姊妹,为了表明二者之间的联系。在这一节中,诗人运用了色彩对比的手法,在描写西风扫荡的秋天时,“黄的,黑的,灰的,红的像患肺痨”一句,渲染出树叶凋零时一片色彩斑斓的衰落景象,而“鬼魅”“巫师”“疫疠”“死尸”“黑暗的冬床”等词汇、意象的出现,更突出了一种万物肃杀的气氛。但当写到“春天”来临,语言的色彩又趋于柔和、明媚——“将色和香充满了山峰和平原”。诗人不愧是用“色”的高手,在这几行诗中大自然由枯到荣的变化过程,被形象地呈现。最后,诗人将无处不在的西风命名为“破坏者兼保护者”,这里包含了一种特定的认识,西风既是旧世界的破坏者又创造了新的世界,这正是大自然周而复始的辨证规律。第二节,视角拉向了高空,写西风怎样吹破了乌云,形成了暴风雨。这一节是全诗中想像最为奇异、瑰丽的一部分。在一开始,被风吹散的流云,被比喻成大地上的枯叶,在第一节与第二节之间,由此形成了自然的转换,混乱、撕扯、纠缠等词的使用,也强化了一种动荡的感觉,破碎的云朵也像落叶那样,正在挣脱那些看不见的“枝干”。在下面的诗行中,诗人运用了一个更为大胆的想像,将飘落在空中的云气,比喻成“狂女的飘扬的头发”。所谓“狂女”,原文是“Maenad”,是希腊神话中的一个人物,在古代的绘画中,她有着怒发披散的形象。狂怒的形象,四散的长发,恰恰准确地表现了乱云飞渡的自然奇景,也暗示出大自然的神秘和危险。在这一节中,还要注意的一点是,诗人的想像虽然大胆,但事实上也遵循了一些科学常识,如暴雨的形成,来自水气的蒸腾、凝结,伴随着云层之中“电”的作用等。作为一个浪漫主义诗人,雪莱不仅拥有丰富的情感和想像,他对物理、化学、电学等自然科学,也有极大的兴趣,在这首诗中,对自然伟力的赞颂是与对自然的认识结合在一起的。第三节,视角从高空回到了海洋,写西风唤醒了海洋,也让海底的植物战栗不安。在形容西风到来之前海洋的平静的时候,诗人设想“它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天”,而且在梦中它还见到了“古老的宫殿和楼阁”,读者似乎能看到楼阁的倒影在澄澈的海水中,如何荡漾形成一片波光潋滟的美景。随后,大海也似乎有了人格,在西风到来的时候主动劈开了自己,暴露出了深藏在海底的植物。这一段描写十分奇异,似乎完全出自诗人恢弘的想像,然而也符合了某种自然的规律。据说,海洋、河流、湖泊底部的水生植物,也像陆地植物一样,对季节的改变有相同的反应,因而西风的到来当然对它们也会产生影响。上面三节写的是西风纵横于天地之间,第四节回到了诗人自己,他呼唤西风将“我”带走,像树叶、浮云、水波一样,不羁地、自由地浮游于世界。为了表现西风的速度和“我”心情的迫切,诗人使用了一连串相同的句式——“假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起”,“假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾”,“假如我分有你的脉搏”,“假如我能像在少年时,凌风而舞”——形成一种铿锵、飞扬的节奏,“当我是水波、树叶、浮云”一句,更是模拟出西风的不断激荡。后面的第五节,这种语言的气势愈发强劲,诗人改用一系列祈愿的句式,表达了要与西风合为一体的决心和勇气。最后出现的那句著名格言,则以反问句的形式出现,而且好像是直接对着读者发问,仿佛西风刹住了脚步,诗歌的内涵一下子变得无比隽永。从大地、天空到海洋,再到“我”,在人与自然之间,诗人纵横驰骋地展开了想像,将自然现象、科学观念、宇宙的认识、生命的激情,融为一体,充分展现了诗人扩大的心灵世界。在描绘西风的形象之外,诗人也多用感叹词与重叠的句式,特别在前三节都以“哦,你听”来结尾,使五个诗节,虽可独立成篇,但相互连缀,正像在天空中自由舒卷的西风一般,一气呵成。西风颂关于此诗的主题,与上面讲过的《老虎》一样,也有不同的解释。通常的说法,是将这首诗的写作与当时英国工人阶级的运动相联系,雪莱借对西风的描绘表达了对摧枯拉朽之革命力量的赞颂。但还有一种说法,认为此诗的内涵更为复杂,不一定要从政治层面解释,季节轮换之中一种不可抗拒的大自然力量,一种自然中蕴涵的破坏与创造的激情,或许这才是诗人赞颂的对象。教学建议一、预习指导《西风颂》是雪莱抒情诗中的名篇,但篇幅较长,意象密集,头绪似乎有些纷乱,先让学生各自默读此诗,再大声诵读,尝试把握诗歌展开的线索。二、作品解读1.介绍此诗的一些背景,包括诗人情况、历史条件、写作缘起等,为更好地理解作品作铺垫。2.这虽是一首抒情诗歌,但上天入地,空间、场景不断变化,理解起来有一定的难度。先让学生分头朗诵诗歌的各节,再细致讲授各节的内容,把握住诗歌展开的内在线索。3.为了表现西风摧枯拉朽的力量,以及天空、大地、海洋之间自然的奇观,诗人使用了大量新奇的比喻和鲜明的意象,让学生挑出相关的段落,分析诗人想像力的瑰丽之处。4.此诗的句式和用词非常有特点,多用重叠、复沓的句式,以及充满力度的动词,铿锵激昂,在语言的节奏上就体现了西风的强劲,要着重分析这些用句、用词的特点。5.关于这首诗,一般的解释是认为它表达了一种对革命力量的赞颂,但在此之外,还要为学生讲解诗人的自然观,在衰败与繁华的循环中,大自然生生不息的力量得以展现。三、扩展与比较1.《西风颂》是浪漫主义的代表作,在抒发强烈情感的同时,也包含了丰富的想像,境界阔大,组织学生讨论:它与我们一般熟悉的抒情诗歌有什么不同?2.这首诗在歌颂西风的同时,也描绘了很多自然的现象,其中包含了不少科学的因素,让学生找出相关段落,思考科学的知识经过诗人的想像,如何也有了“诗意”。参考资料读雪莱的《西风颂》(袁可嘉)1819年10月20日午后,雪莱在意大利佛罗伦萨近郊的卡斯辛丛林中散步。他沿着阿诺河走去,疾劲的秋风横扫落叶的景象使他激动。他想到苦难重重的祖国,他也想到一年半前被迫离开祖国的个人身世。英国某些报刊对他的诬蔑攻击还在耳中响着。诗人不禁感叹祖国和自己都深深陷在反动政府一手制造的苦难中了;他愤慨,他迫切需要借用一个有巨大威力的艺术形象来表达一个革命者的愤怒。眼前这一阵西风来得正巧:这不正是他所寻求的艺术形象吗?借西风横扫落叶的威势来比喻革命力量清除反动政权;借西风吹送种子来比喻革命思想的传播,寄托诗人对于未来的希望——这就是《西风颂》中歌咏西风是“破坏者兼保护者”这个主题思想的两个方面。经过几天的酝酿,雪莱进一步以西风自比,以西风比喻一切革命诗人和诗歌,大力阐发了诗人和诗歌的双重作用:破坏旧的,催生新的,这就更加丰富了这首著名抒情诗歌的进步内容。当然由于时代和世界观的限制,雪莱的革命思想基本上属于空想社会主义的范畴,还带有抽象和虚幻的性质。这样看来,为了确切掌握《西风颂》的主题意义,了解一下当时英国的处境和雪莱的生活、思想,就不是什么多余的事了。这里,简明的历史背景知识显然能够帮助我们欣赏具体的哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸!你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫,有如鬼魅碰上了巫师,纷纷逃避:《西风颂》开篇恰当地借秋风扫落叶的威势表达了诗人对丑恶现实的愤怒和清扫旧势力的决心。雪莱是一个革命乐观主义者,他不仅看到西风席卷落叶的破坏威力,而且也看到它吹送种子的建设作用。《西风颂》全诗贯穿着这个又矛盾又统一的主题思想。第一节开门见山把它点明了,这就为后面几节诗的发展提供了中心线索,更为诗篇结尾的著名预言:“要是冬天已经来了,西风啊,春日怎能遥远?”伏下一笔,使预言获得落实的基础。西风的威武形象贯串全诗,起着决定作用。但各节又有和西风相联系的辅助形象,以扩大艺术效果。与全诗主题思想的两个方面呼应,第一节中既写到秋之呼吸的西风,也写到春天“碧空的姊妹”(即春风);既写到鬼魅似的落叶,也写到“像羊群一样,觅食空中”的春天的嫩芽;诗人既用“重染疫疠”等字眼来咒诅垂死的秋叶,也瞻望春天“将色和香充满了山峰和平原”。对现实的鞭挞和对未来的幻想——也即是对西风破坏旧的、催生新的双重作用的讴歌——主题思想中这两个部分通过并列对比的描写,不断地在交叉中发展。《西风颂》的第二节除了继续描写为“濒死的一年”唱出了葬歌的西风的威力以外,还从上节枯叶的形象联想到天上的流云。狂风席卷流云和横扫落叶本来异曲同工,这里的联系既密切又自然。这么一联系,诗的意境随之扩大:我们的视线从地面移到空中。这里吸引我们注意的,仍是西风排山倒海的气势,以及流云所将带来的雷电、风暴,革命的风暴:那是你的浑然之气,从它会涌出黑色的雨,冰雹和火焰:哦,你听:《西风颂》的前三节都是以“哦,你听”结束的,只是第一节的措辞略有不同。雪莱要我们听的当然不仅是劲急的风声,而且是发自诗人衷心的革命号角。我们知道,雪莱对于革命采用暴力的问题始终摇摆不定,成为他一生思想中的重要缺点,只是在1819年英国工人运动高涨的情势下,他才明确地指出了暴力的必要性。尽管某些西方资产阶级评论家还持不同意见(如1956年出版的《雪莱在工作中》一书的作者),《西风颂》对于暴力的歌颂是确定无疑的。雪莱明白地说:“啊,但愿你给予我狂暴的精神!奋勇者啊,让我们合一!”(第五节)也正是这一点,使《西风颂》明显地超过雪莱大部分抒情诗的思想高度。前两节里,读者随着诗人的笔触上天入地,到第三节诗人引导我们进入海洋。地中海的惊涛骇浪成为突出的辅助形象,正如枯叶、流云分别是第一、二节的辅助形象。雪莱着力描绘被秋风唤醒的波涛汹涌的蓝色地中海。西风的威力进一步得到了渲染:大西洋的海水为西风让路,“向两边劈开”;深植渊底的草木被西风“吓得发青”,“一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩”。到此为止,雪莱抒写了西风横扫落叶、席卷流云、掀起波涛三种自然现象。读者固然也感到诗人寄托在西风这个形象之中的自己的思想感情,但明确点出西风与自己的关系还在第四、五节。第四节是本诗结构上的转折点:开始向诗人的主观方向发展。“唉,假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起,/假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾,/是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息”。值得我们注意的是:雪莱在引导“我”进入诗篇的时候仍然重复运用了前三节中的辅助形象。这个巧妙的重复总结了上文,启引了下文,使全诗结构立刻严密起来,而且使描写对象的转变——从西风到诗人——来得妥贴而自然。这里雪莱的意思当然不是贬低自己为西风扫除的对象,而是希望获得和西风一样的威力,起到和西风一样的作用。他说“这被岁月的重轭所制伏的生命/原是和你一样的:骄傲、轻捷而不驯”。《西风颂》最后一节,雪莱表示了希望获得“狂暴的精神”以后,深刻而简明地指出了诗人和诗歌的社会使命。诗歌应当像西风一样,促成新世界的诞生,向人间播送“火星”,像预言的喇叭——与第一节春天的喇叭相呼应——“把昏睡的大地唤醒”。这正是雪莱作为革命浪漫主义诗人所一贯强调的东西。他在没有完成的长篇论文《诗辩》中指出:诗人首先应当是战士,社会的立法者,生活的导师。《西风颂》的主题思想经过上述发展以后,最后以出色地表现了雪莱革命乐观主义的预言结束:“要是冬天已经来了,西风啊,春日怎能遥远?”不少读者背得出这句名言;它所以深入人心,固然由于它本身所含有的巨大的思想意义,同时也由于它出现在全诗的末尾,非常恰当有力地总结了历经曲折的思想情绪。假如它在开篇就出现,效果就会大为削弱。从这个巧妙的安排上,我们也可以领略到雪莱优秀的诗歌艺术。雪莱的抒情诗有两大类:一类以鲜明的政论性为特色,诗句简明有力,如《给英国人民的歌》等作品。另一类以辉煌的想像和优美的情致取胜,如《云》《云雀》等篇章。它们富有想像的魅力和奇异的色彩。《西风颂》兼有两类的长处。诗人的想像上天入海,但并不过分渲染;所用形象具体明确,而且前后连贯,不像《云》中的形象丰富得叫人眼花缭乱。诗人的想像虽然与流云、碧涛一同驰骋,他的脚跟却是牢牢地站在现实的土地上的。《西风颂》结构的严密是它获得成功的重要原因之一。在上面分析主题思想的过程中,我们已经看到主要形象和辅助形象的配合和发展。全诗始终以抒写西风的威势为中心,同时又不断地从地上、天空、海洋吸收其他形象来丰富诗篇的艺术感染力量;诗篇突出地表现了西风的雷霆万钧之力,同时又提供了色彩绚烂的画面;既显示了集中凝聚的效果,又不失之于单调枯燥。诗人处处以内心的感情来渲染外界的景色,又以外界的景色来反映内心的情绪,确实做到了情景交融的动人境地。我们不能忘记,雪莱曾经以赞扬的心情抄录过一位同时代诗人的话:“化自然景象为思想,化思想为自然景象——这是艺术天才的秘密。”在格式方面,《西风颂》也别开生面。全诗系以五首十四行诗组成。一般的十四行体适宜于表现一个完整、单纯的观念或情绪,因此往往单独存在,或者构成组诗,但各部分仍有相当鲜明的独立性。像《西风颂》这样把五首十四行体紧密地组成一首抒情诗,各部分密切依赖而不可分割的例子并不多见。根据对当时雪莱所用几个笔记本的研究,最初他所采用的是无韵素体诗,几经修改,才成为目前的形式。我想,这可能是因为无韵素体诗虽然宜于表现雄浑的感情,却一般比较松散,不符合结构严密的要求,而十四行体正以结构上的严密完整著称。但一首十四行体容量太小,不足以充分表现雪莱的宏大气魄和深厚感情,因此需要用几首十四行体组合起来。这里我们可以看到内容与形式的密切联系。(选自《半个世纪的脚印》,人民文学出版社1994年版)
Western poetry, the vast night sky, once had the innumerable stars shine, shine and life course only thirty spring and autumn the English poet Shelley is like a rushing in through the sky bright meteor, flashing a strange and brilliant poetry imitation way not the song of life, always singing poet rotten life, echoed eternal Shelley was born the hereditary aristocracy family, from childhood the conservative family atmosphere and mannered gentleman with disgust school time, he accepted the eighteenth Century enlightenment thought, and the early British Utopian socialism to a more profound impact once said: I swear and selfishness, powerful, Wu, and evil people, and I will be attacked I must my whole life contribute to the beauty of worship Shelley young life begins like a rebellion and struggle spirit, from "Ode to the west wind", we feel to quiet soul, a clean cut evil forces of destruction: it should be said, Shelley is qualified to enjoy worldly pleasures of life, primogeniture into family title and property shall be heirs, youth. Eaton noble school, youth read in University of Oxford, which should follow rules docilely, duty While the family lend cost all used to purchase books, may before the title and heritage sacrifice so Shelley "s, is Europe in the dark ages, the reactionary forces the assembly, composed of the holy alliance, the bourgeois regime ruled, democratic and national revolution was at a low ebb, the society at that time a suffocating atmosphere, more wine Shelley to smash cut to get rid of spirit, mental suffering bondage and obstacles, Shelley will use the kind of male defended strong artistic image to vent the backlog of heart resentment say the west wind, so wild, wanton destruction of power is what Shelley longing for the life force, by imprisonment life strong resistance to the west, all over color, trembling with fear, despoil themselves, the sky across the cloud, the sea rise in long wave short wave, hand to cut everything belongs to autumn clean, failure and cleaned up the battle for fun, always full of vigor male pleasure, is the consciousness of life of Shelley reveal the true in the past, when we Shelley poem understanding, the westerly wind power for all-powerful more understanding social revolutionary forces, when there is no wrong because Shelley really who always pay attention to politics Research on governance, politics, and devoted himself to political poet, the dark social reality and evil enemies, to cut the repulsive forces cherish an undying, to change the old cut, many poems are reflected and strong westerly when understanding like revolutionary spirit symbol of Lu Xun was said to have "Ode to the west wind" the new society strongly desire to create, especially emphasized the poetry and the social division into and destroy the spirit, because at that time the social many forms of bondage and disorder, need to destroy and newborn like today we can get Lu Xun only single understanding of political revolution warrior like (Lu Xun had accepted Nietzsche's superman philosophy, according to Nietzsche's view, failure and strength is reflected as a superman, life vitality), Shelley borrow westerly image Xuan Yu a kind of philosophy of life: the life force to destroy destroy destroy both have meaning, more have against, profound connotation of struggle but Shelley life, always embodies the revolt and struggle: being expelled from school, was expelled from the family, run the world's largest condemnation and bit the civilian women's private life and the eldest daughter eloped with his teacher in Switzerland and adventure and so on, are examples of Shelley the depths of character agitation and struggle Tired, and diligently, Yongwangzhiqian pursuit of spirit through shaping the westerly great artistic image, we should see Shelley himself superhuman power reflects life
The vast night sky, in western poetry has countless stars shine, life course only thirty spring and autumn period of British poet Shelley has past tianyu resplendent in a meteor, glowing with singular and dazzling hear of his poetry is more like the song of life, not always singing poet immortal life, echoes in eternity of time and was born in a hereditary noble family, since childhood to the families of the conservative atmosphere and the kind of gentleman poise filled with disgust school, he accepted the eighteenth century enlightenment thought, and the utopian socialism of early British trend more give him with profound once said: I will not with selfishness, company image, curse people together, and I will be swear will pour out my whole life contribute to worship of 's young life is such a spirit of rebellion and struggle at the beginning, from his ode to the west wind ", the first thing we feel is a peaceful soul, one erases all the destruction of the ugly forces:It should be said that Shelley is conditional enjoy praised the secular life, he became his family as the eldest son of the rank of nobility and property of the inevitable successor, boyhood into Eaton his noble school, youth he studied at Oxford University, he should follow the rules from nation, Ann keepeth he lent his family expenses were all used to buy books, he was reluctant to sacrifice his spirit in the presence of the title and to s, Europe in the age of darkness, the reactionary forces gathered together and formed a "holy alliance", under the coercion of the bourgeois regime, the democratic and national revolution in the trough, the atmosphere of choking on the society at that time, more make the Shelley to burst all mental , in order to get rid of the bound and obstacles of mental anguish, Shelley with "west wind" such a male of powerful artistic image to an outlet his pent-up resentment in the say the "west wind" the precision wild, uninhibited, wanton destruction force is just what Shelley's desire to pursue life force, was his strong resistance by the currents of wind comes, "all saddened discoloration, bravery afraid lose, shuddering litter" itself, it went through the cloud in the sky, the long wave short waves in the sea to rise, its hands to have swept away all things that do not belong to the autumn, the damage and refreshes fun, this energetic male pleasure forever, is just the most real Shelley's life the past, we in the understanding of Shelley's poem, the "west wind" of this kind of destructive power as more of a social revolutionary force, it is certainly not Shelley is a always pay attention to politics, the study of politics, and engaged in political poet, he is the dark social reality detest evil, to hate everything ugly power, he is going to change all the old, a strong desire to create a new society are reflected in many of his strong west wind, of course, can be interpreted as a symbol of revolutionary is said that the the lu xun's "ode to west wind" is introduced to China, with particular emphasis on the poems that misfits and destruction of the time spirit, because the Chinese have many forms of bondage and obstacles of the society, need to "destruction" and "new".But like today we can't take only a single understanding of lu xun for a political "revolutionary fighters" (where lu xun once accept Nietzsche's "superman philosophy", according to Nietzsche's view, "destruction and power" is reflected as a "superman" life vigor), Shelley "west wind" this image also borrow xuan yu on such a philosophy of life: the power of life is to the "destruction" of both destroy meaning, has a profound connotation of struggles against, in Shelley's life, always embodies the resistance and struggle, he was expelled from school, was expelled from the family, his against the tide with a civilian woman private life and his eldest daughter eloped with teacher Switzerland and his adventure, etc., all in the bowels of the character indicates that Shelley restless and struggle, and his tireless, YongWangZhiQian the pursuit of the shape through the "west wind" this great art image, we should see more was the "superman" Shelley himself as the embodiment of the life force. 终于打好了,打字好累。望接纳~
Form Each of the seven parts of "Ode to the West Wind" contains five stanzas--four three-line stanzas and a two-line couplet, all metered in iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme in each part follows a pattern known as terza rima, the three-line rhyme scheme employed by Dante in his Divine Comedy. In the three-line terza rima stanza, the first and third lines rhyme, and the middle line does not; then the end sound of that middle line is employed as the rhyme for the first and third lines in the next stanza. The final couplet rhymes with the middle line of the last three-line stanza. Thus each of the seven parts of "Ode to the West Wind" follows this scheme: ABA BCB CDC DED EE. Commentary The wispy, fluid terza rima of "Ode to the West Wind" finds Shelley taking a long thematic leap beyond the scope of "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty," and incorporating his own art into his meditation on beauty and the natural world. Shelley invokes the wind magically, describing its power and its role as both "destroyer and preserver," and asks the wind to sweep him out of his torpor "as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!" In the fifth section, the poet then takes a remarkable turn, transforming the wind into a metaphor for his own art, the expressive capacity that drives "dead thoughts" like "withered leaves" over the universe, to "quicken a new birth"--that is, to quicken the coming of the spring. Here the spring season is a metaphor for a "spring" of human consciousness, imagination, liberty, or morality--all the things Shelley hoped his art could help to bring about in the human mind. Shelley asks the wind to be his spirit, and in the same movement he makes it his metaphorical spirit, his poetic faculty, which will play him like a musical instrument, the way the wind strums the leaves of the trees. The thematic implication is significant: whereas the older generation of Romantic poets viewed nature as a source of truth and authentic experience, the younger generation largely viewed nature as a source of beauty and aesthetic experience. In this poem, Shelley explicitly links nature with art by finding powerful natural metaphors with which to express his ideas about the power, import, quality, and ultimate effect of aesthetic expression.
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