儿童的语言和思维(The Language and Thought of the Child,1923)儿童的判断与推理(Judgment and Reasoning in the Child,1928)儿童的世界概念(The Child’s Conception of the World,1929) 儿童的物理因果关系的概念(The Child’s Conception of Physical Causality,1930) 儿童的道德判断(The Moral Judgment of the Child,1930) 智慧心理学(The Psychology of Intelligent,1950) 儿童期的游戏、梦和模仿(Play,Dream,and Imitation in Childhood,1951) 儿童智慧的本源(The Origins of Intelligent in the Child.,1952) 儿童的数的概念(The Child’s Conception of Number,1952) 儿童的符号的形成(La Formation du Sumbole chez I’Enfant,1954) 儿童的实在结构(The Construction of Reallty in the Child,1954) 儿童的空间概念(The Child’s Conception of Space,1956) 逻辑学与心理学(Logic and Psychology,1957) 儿童期至青年期思维的成长(The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence,1958) 儿童的几何的概念(The Child’s Conception of Geometry,1960) 维果斯基述评(Comments on Vygotsdy’s Critical Remarks,1962) 儿童早期逻辑的成长:分类和序列(The Early Growth of Logic in the Child:Classification and Seriation,1964) 语言和思维(Language et Pensee,1965) 心理学研究论文六篇(The Mechanism of Perception,1969) 儿童心理学(The Psychology of the Child,1969) 儿童的时间概念(The Child’s Conception of Time,1969) 结构主义(Structuralism,1970) 教育科学和儿童心理学(Science of Education and the Psychology of the Child,1970) 发生认识论(L’Epistemologie Genetigue,1970) 儿童的运动和加速的概念(The Child’s Conception of Movement and Speed,1970) 哲学的机制与错觉(Insights and Illusions of Philosophy,1971) 儿童的心象:想象表象发展研究(Mental Imagery in the Child:A Study of the Development of Imaginal Representation,1971) 生物学与知识:论机体调节和认知过程的关系(Biology and Knowledge: An Essay on the Relations between Organic Regulations and Cognitive Processes,1971) 发生认识论原理(The Principles of Genetic Epistemology,Towards A Theory of Knowledge,1972) 心理学与认识论(Psychology and Epistemology ,Towards A Theory of Knowledge,1972) 记忆与智慧(Memory and Intelligence,1973) 儿童与现实(The Child and Reality,1973) 能理解就能发现教育的将来(To Understand is to Invent the Future of Education,1973) 关于儿童数量、守恒和院子论的结构(The Child’s Construction of Quantitites,Conservation and Atomism,1974) 儿童的机遇观念的来源(The Origin of the Idea of Chance in Children,1975) 意识的领会(The Grasp of Consciousness,1976) 皮亚杰和他的学派(Piaget and His School,1976) 成功与理解(Success and Understanding,1978)其中他的《智力心理学》(1950)和《儿童心理学》(1969)是两本比较系统的儿童心理学的理论著作。