我国3PL落后于世界水平:我国的3PL在起步后的几年内,尽管取得了一定的成绩,但与世界发达国家的3PL发展水平有一定差距,总体效果尚不明显。根据美国田纳西州大学的一份研究报告,美国大多数企业在使用3PL服务后,作业成本可降低62%。而目前,在我国,企业使用3PL服务以后作业成本只能降低28%。我国3PL的相对落后主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)使用比例偏低,由美国TENNESSEE大学物流研究中心进行的年度调查表明,在1996年,有58%的美国被调查者采用了3PL的服务,而到2000年这个比例上升到73%。在欧洲,使用3PL的比例更高。仅在1996年,欧洲使用3PL服务的比例已经达到了76%。同时,研究表明,欧洲24%和美国33%的非3PL服务用户正积极考虑使用3PL服务;欧洲62%和美国72%的3PL服务用户认为他们有可能在三年内增加对3PL服务的运用。而在中国,根据中国仓储协会于2001年2-4月组织的第三次全国范围内的物流供求状况调查,在我国:生产企业原材料物流只有18%被分包给3PL,成品销售物流中只有被完全分包给第三方。尽管与中国仓储协会1999年第一次调查资料相比,全由第三方代理的比例上升7个百分点,但这个比例远远地低于欧洲和美国。这个水平甚至远远低于欧美国家90年代中期的水平。(2)服务范围狭穿在欧美,3PL的服务的品种已经由最初的简单仓储运输发展到了具有一定宽度的阶段。3PL提供EDI、信息管理等全新的服务项目,在很大程度上满足了客户的多样需求。而在我国,根据中国仓储协会于2001年2-4月组织的第三次全国范围内的物流供求状况调查的结果,3PL的服务范围仍局限在传统的运输、简单仓储等方面。生产企业的外包物流主要集中在干线运输,其次是市内配送:商业企业的外包物流主要集中在市内配送,其次是仓储,再次是干线运输。与前两次的调查结果相比较,经管各项服务的组成比例有了变化,但物流系统设计、物流总代理等高增值、综合性服务仍然未能成为我国第三方服务的主流服务项目。可以说,我国3PL仍然处于由传统运输、仓储企业向真正意义上的3PL转变的过程中。(3)服务规模偏小我国目前的3PL普遍存在规模偏小的现象。2001年我国3PL企业平均员工数量为259人,而根据一份1997年以前的统计资料,此时的美国3PL企业的(算术)平均员工数 量为432人,其中500人以上的企业占到了36%。另外,全国从事公路货物运输的经营业户有274万户,平均每个经营业户拥有的运营车辆仅辆;拥有运营车辆超过100辆的企业只有中远、中外运等少数企业。(4)服务满意度偏低由美国TENNESSEE大学物流研究中心进行的年度调查表明,约有80%的客户对3PL提供的服务表示满意。而根据中国仓储协会于2001年2-4月组织的第三次全国范围内的物流供求状况调查的结果,只有54%的生产企业和53%的商业企业对3PL的服务表示满意。由此可见,我国3PL服务的满意程度是相对偏低的。 第三方物流供货商所面临的问题:(1)系统发展的成本。( 2)承诺和现实的关联。( 3)文化和关系的一致性。( 4)制定一个合适的价格体系。( 5)获得合格的人材。( 6)制定一个适合性的合同框架。( 7)客户要求越来越苛刻。( 8)技术和社会的飞速变化。 四、阻碍我国企业推行第三方物流战略的原因分析 只根据个别因素就盲目推行或排斥3PL,而不是在完整、准确地把握整个系统结构的基础上考察各方行为的关联性,因而不能以动态联系的思维去挖掘造成问题的深层次原因,这正是我国许多工商企业的通病。 首先,有的企业未能认识到不恰当的物流决策会削弱企业的核心竞争力甚至架空企业的权力。 一个突出表现是盲目扩大外包业务范围,而对外包决策的战略价值及可能会造成的一系列后果缺乏清醒认识。它们不能找到一种有效方法,确定哪些物流活动需要自营以加强控制力,哪些物流活动选择外包会更利于企业整体运作水平的提高。或许它们只是由于无法管理好自己的物流活动而选择外包,并不了解物流管理失控的真正原因,这常常使它们陷入无法与物流服务商进行有效沟通的尴尬境地。 第一、另一个极端的表现是顽固坚持自营而排斥外包,因为它们认为自己拥有自营物流所需的硬件设施和经验。其实这种看法非常粗浅:决策者是否从获取长期竞争优势的高度去权衡过自营和外包总成本的高低与服务水平的优劣;是否全面、准确地考评过物流在整个价值链中的地位并思索过物流是否值得作为企业的核心能力来培养;决策者不愿忍受外包带来企业运作暂时动荡,倒可以忍受本位主义作风严重的各部门低效率地工作以换取四平八稳,这样以妥协换来的稳定意义何在;决策者主观上是不是过于夸大了外包风险。企业这些认识上的根本缺陷常常被其它博弈方利用来要挟企业。 第二、有的企业组建物流联盟时很盲目,对3PL运作的复杂性、风险性缺乏清醒认识。 它们的经营思想充满许多浮躁、狭隘和主观主义的东西,这使得结成的联盟是低效、脆弱、高风险的,往往以失败收场。比如:在联盟酝酿期它们常常不是按照一整套科学的指针体系来选择最佳合作伙伴,而是代之以人情关系的亲疏;在联盟运作过程中往往只是从表面看到结盟带来的直接好处,而对于已经滋生蔓延并缓慢发展的某些不利因素却麻痹大意,并且没有认真考虑过以一套合理的机制保证高效运作的长期性;在联盟出现挫折时有些企业不是考虑如何采取恰当方式与对方沟通协商以共渡难关,而是只顾自身得失,甚至企图把灾祸转嫁给盟友;在联盟被迫解体时很多企业束手无策、惶恐不安,而不能及时拿出一套周全的可最大限度保护自己利益的策略。其失败的主要原因很多时候还不是诸多不可控的外部因素,而在于企业自身短视、自利的根本弱点,以及缺乏充分预计各种可能出现的情况并基于此制定全面战略规划的能力。
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Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. Transport is performed by various modes, such as air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space. The field can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport, and may be roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals and pipelines, and terminals such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, wharehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots (including fueling docks and fuel stations) and seaports. Terminals may both be used for interchange of passengers and cargo, and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks include vehicles of appropriate types such as automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks people, helocopters and aircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legalities and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either public or private, depending on the country and mode. Passenger transport may be public, where operators provide scheduled services, or private. Freight transport has become focused on containerization, although bulk transport is used for large volumes of durable items. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but has a deteriorizing impact on the environment. While it is heavily subsidized by governments, good planning of transport is essential to make traffic flow, and restrain urban sprawl. Mode Main article: Mode of transport A mode of transport is a technological solution that used a fundamentally different vehicle, infrastructure and operations. The transport of a person or cargo may be by one or more modes, the latter called intermodal transport. Each mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and will be chosen for a trip depended on the nature of the purpose, cargo and destination. While there transport in air and on water has their own mode, land transport has several modes. Human-powered transport remains common in developing countries [edit] Human-powered Main article: Human-powered transport Human-powered transport is the transport of person(s) and/or goods using human muscle-power. Like animal-powered transport, human-powered transport has existed since time immemorial in the form of walking, running and swimming. Modern technology has allowed machines to enhance human-power. Many forms of human-powered transport remain popular for reasons of cost-saving, leisure, physical exercise and environmentalism. Human-powered transport is sometimes the only type available, especially in underdeveloped or inaccessible regions. It is considered an ideal form of sustainable transportation. Although humans are able to walk without infrastructure, the transport can be enhanced through the use of roads, especially when enforcing the human power with vehicles, such as bicycles and inline skates. Human-powered vehicles have also been developed for highly encumbering environments, such as snow and water, by watercraft rowings and skiing; even the air can be entered with human-powered aircraft. [edit] Animal-powered Main article: Animal-powered transport Animal-powered transport is the use of working animals for the movement of people and goods. Humans may ride some of the animals directly, use them as pack animals for carrying goods, or harness them, alone or in teams, to pull sleds or wheeled vehicles. Animals are superior to people in their speed, endurance and carrying capacity; prior to the Industrial Revolution they were used for all land transport impracticable for people, and they remain an important mode of transport in less developed areas of the world. [edit] Air Main article: Aviation Scandinavian Airlines System MD-80 airliner at Kiruna Airport, SwedenA fixed-wing aircraft, commonly called airplane, is a heavier-than-air craft where movement of the air in relation to the wings is used to generate lift. The term is used to distinguish from rotary-wing aircraft, where the movement of the lift surfaces relative to the air generates lift. A gyroplane is both fixed-wing and rotary-wing. Fixed-wing aircraft range from small trainers and recreational aircraft to large airliners and military cargo aircraft. Two necessities for aircraft are air flow over the wings for lift, and an area for landing. The majority of aircraft also need an airport with the infrastructure to receive maintenance, restocking, refueling and for the loading and unloading of crew, cargo and passengers. While the vast majority of aircraft land and take off on land, some are capable of take off and landing on ice, snow and calm water. The aircraft is the second fastest method of transport, after the rocket. Commercial jets can reach up to 875 kilometres per hour (544 mph), single-engine aircraft 175 kilometres per hour (109 mph). Aviation is able to quickly transport people and limited amounts of cargo over longer distances, but incur high costs and energy use; for short distances or in inaccessible places helicopters can be used.[1] InterCityExpress, a German high-speed passenger train [edit] Rail Main article: Rail transport Rail transport is where train runs along a two parallel steel rails, known as a railway or railroad. They rails are anchored perpendicular to ties (or sleepers) of timber, concrete or steel, to maintain a consistent distance apart, or gauge. The rails and perpendicular beams are placed on a foundation made of concrete, or compressed earth and gravel in a bed of ballast. Alternative methods include monorail and maglev. A train consists of one or more connected vehicle that run on the rails. Propulsion is commonly provided by a locomotive, that hauls a series of unpowered cars, that can carry passengers or freight. The locomotive can be powered by steam, diesel or by electricity supplied by a trackside systems. Alternatively, some or all the cars can be powered, known as a multiple unit. Also, a train can be powered by horses, cables, gravity, pneumatics and gas turbines. Railed vehicles move with much less friction than rubber tires on paved roads, making trains more energy efficient, though not as efficient as ships. Intercity trains are long-haul services connecting cities;[2] modern high-speed rail is capable of speeds up to 350 km/h (220 mph), but this requires specially-built track. Regional and commuter trains feed cities from suburbs and surrounding areas, while intra-urban transport is performed by high-capacity tramways and rapid transits, often making up the backbone of a city's public transport. Freight trains traditionally used box cars, requiring manual loading and unloading of the cargo. Since the 1960s, container trains have become the dominentsolution for general freight, while large quantities of bulk are transported by dedicated trains. [edit] Road Main article: Road transport Interstate 80 near Berkeley, United StatesA road is an identifiable route, way or path between two or more places.[3] Roads are typically smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel;[4] though they need not be, and historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance.[5] In urban areas, roads may pass through a city or village and be named as streets, serving a dual function as urban space easement and route.[6] The most common road vehicle is the automobile; a wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Other users of roads include buses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. As of 2002, there were 590 million automobiles worldwide. Automobiles offer high flexibility and with low capacity, but are deemed with high energy and area use, and the main source of noise and air pollution in cities; buses allow for more efficient travel at the cost of reduced flexibility.[7] Road transport by truck is often the initial and final stage of freight transport. [edit] Water Main article: Ship transport Automobile ferry in CroatiaWater transport is the process of transport a watercraft, such as a barge, boat, ship or sailboat, over a body of water, such as a sea, ocean, lake, canal or river. The need for buoyancy unites watercraft, and makes the hull a dominant aspect of its construction, maintenance and appearance. In the 1800s the first steam ships were developed, using a steam engine to drive a paddle wheel or propeller to move the ship. The steam was produced using wood or coal. Now most ships have an engine using a slightly refined type of petroleum called bunker fuel. Some specialized ships, such as submarines, use nuclear power to produce the steam. Recreational or educational craft still use wind power, while some smaller craft use internal combustion engines to drive one or more propellers, or in the case of jet boats, an inboard water jet. In shallow draft areas, hovercraft are propelled by large pusher-prop fans. Although slow, modern sea transport is a highly effective method of transporting large quantities of non-perishable goods. Transport by water is significantly less costly than air transport for trans-continental shipping;[8] short sea shipping and ferries remain viable in coastal areas.[9][10] Trans-Alaska Pipeline for crude oil [edit] Other Pipeline transport sends goods through a pipe, most commonly liquid and gases are sent, but pneumatic tubes can send solid capsules using compressed air. Any chemically stable liquid or gas can be sent through a pipeline. Short-distance systems exist for sewage, slurry, water and beer, while long-distance networks are used for petroleum and natural gas. Cable transport is a broad mode where vehicles are pulled by cables instead of an internal power source. It is most commonly used at steep gradient. Typical solutions include aerial tramway, elevators, escalator and ski lifts; some of these are also categorized as conveyor transport. Spaceflight is transport out of Earth's atmosphere into outer space by means of a spacecraft. While large amounts of research have gone into technology, it is rarely used except to put satellites into orbit, and conduct scientific experiments. However, man has landed on the moon, and probes have been send to all the planets of the Solar System. [edit] Elements Bridges, such as Golden Gate Bridge, allow roads and railways to cross bodies of water [edit] Infrastructure Main article: Infrastructure Infrastructure is the fixed installations that allow a vehicle to operate. It consists of both a way, terminal and facilities for parking and maintenance. For rail, pipeline, road and cable transport, the entire way the vehicle travels must be built up. Air and water craft are able to avoid this, since the airway and seaway do not need to be built up. However, they require fixed infrastructure at terminals. Terminals such as airports, ports and stations, are locations were passengers and freight can be transferred from one vehicle or mode to another. For passenger transport, terminals are integrating different modes to allow riders to interchange to take advantage of each mode's advantages. For instance, airport rail links connect airports to the city centers and suburbs. The terminals for automobiles are parking lots, while buses and coaches can operates from simple stops.[11] For freight, terminals act as transshipment points, though some cargo is transported directly from the point of production to the point of use. The financing of infrastructure can either be public or private. Transport is often a natural monopoly and a necessity for the public; roads, and in some countries railways and airports are funded through taxation. New infrastructure projects can involve large spendings, and are often financed through debt. Many infrastructure owners therefore impose usage fees, such as landing fees at airports, or toll plazas on roads. Independent of this, authorities may impose taxes on the purchase or use of vehicles. A Peugeot 206 participating in the World Rally Championship [edit] Vehicles Main article: Vehicle A vehicle is any non-living device that is used to move people and goods. Unlike the infrastructure, the vehicle moves along with the cargo and riders. Vehicles that do not operate on land, are usually called crafts. Unless being pulled by a cable or muscle-power, the vehicle must provide its own propulsion; this is most commonly done through a steam engine, combustion engine, electric motor, a jet engine or a rocket, though other means of propulsion also exist. Vehicles also need a system of converting the energy into movement; this is most commonly done through wheels, propellers and pressure. Vehicles are most commonly staffed by a driver. However, some systems, such as people movers and some rapid transits, are fully automated. For passenger transport, the vehicle must have a compartment for the passengers. Simple vehicles, such as automobiles, bicycles or simple aircraft, may have one of the passengers as a driver. [edit] Operation Incheon International Airport, South KoreaPrivate transport is only subject to the owner of the vehicle, who operates the vehicle themselves. For public transport and freight transport, operations are done through private enterprise or by governments. The infrastructure and vehicles may be owned and operated by the same company, or they may be operated by different entities. Traditionally, many countries have had a national airline and national railway. Since the 1980s, many of these have been privatized. International shipping remains a highly competitive industry with little regulation,[12] but ports can be public owned.[13] [edit] Function Relocation of travelers and cargo are the most common uses of transport. However, other uses exist, such as the strategic and tactical relocation of armed forces during warfare, or the civilian mobility construction or emergency equipment. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai, India [edit] Passenger Main article: Travel Passenger transport, or travel, is divided into public and private transport. Public is scheduled services on fixed routes, while private is vehicles that provide ad hoc services at the riders desire. The latter offers better flexibility, but has lower capacity, and a higher environmental impact. Travel may be as part of daily commuting, for business, leisure or migration. Short-haul transport is dominated by the automobile and mass transit. The latter consists of buses in rural and small cities, supplemented with commuter rail, trams and rapid transit in larger cities. Long-haul transport involves the use of the automobile, trains, coaches and aircraft, the last of which have become predominantly used for the longest, including intercontinental, travel. Intermodal passenger transport is where a journey is performed through the use of several modes of transport; since all human transport normally starts and ends with walking, all passenger transport can be considered intermodal. Public transport may also involve the intermediate change of vehicle, within or across modes, at a transport hub, such as a bus or railway station. International travel may be restricted for some individuals due to legislation and visa requirements. [edit] Freight Main article: Shipping Freight transport, or shipping, is a key in the value chain in manufacturing.[14] With increased specialization and globalization, production is being located further away from consumption, rapidly increasing the demand for transport.[15] While all modes of transport are used for cargo transport, there is high differentiation between the nature of the cargo transport, in which mode is chosen.[16] Logistics refers to the entire process of transferring products from producer to consumer, including storage, transport, transshipment, warehousing, material-handling and packaging, with associated exchange of information.[17] Incoterm deals with the handling of payment and responsibility of risk during transport.[18] Freight train with containers in the United KingdomContainerization, with the standardization of ISO containers on all vehicles and at all ports, has revolutionized international and domestic trade, offering huge reduction in transshipment costs. Traditionally, all cargo had to be manually loaded and unloaded into the haul of any ship or car; containerization allows for automated handling and transfer between modes, and the standardized sizes allow for gains in economy of scale in vehicle operation. This has been one of the key driving factors in international trade and globalization since the 1950s.[19] Bulk transport is common with cargo that can be handled roughly without deterioration; typical examples are ore, coal, cereals and petroleum. Because of the uniformity of the product, mechanical handling can allow enormous quantities to be handled quickly and efficiently. The low value of the cargo combined with high volume also means that economies of scale become essential in transport, and gigantic ships and whole trains are commonly used to transport bulk. Liquid products with sufficient volume may also be transported by pipeline. Air freight has become more common for products of high value; while less than one percent of world transport by volume is by airline, it amounts to forty percent of the value. Time has become especially important in regards to principles such as postponement and just-in-time within the value chain, resulting in a high willingness to pay for quick delivery of key components or items of high value-to-weight ratio.[20] In addition to mail, common items send by air include electronics and fashion clothing. [edit] History Main article: History of transport Bullock team hauling wool in AustraliaHumans first means of transport was walking and swimming. The domestication of animals introduces a new way to lay the burden of transport on more powerful creatures, allowing heavier loads to be hauled, or humans to ride the animals for higher speed and duration. Inventions such as the wheel and sled helped make animal transport more efficient through the introduction of vehicles. Also water transport, including rowed and sailed vessels, dates back to time immemorial, and was the only efficient way to transport large quantities or over large distances prior to the Industrial Revolution. The first forms of road transport were horses, oxen or even humans carrying goods over dirt tracks that often followed game trails. Paved roads were first built by the Roman Empire, to allow armies to travel quicky; they built deep roadbeds of crushed stone as an underlying layer to ensure that they kept dry, as the water would flow out from the crushed stone, instead of becoming mud in clay soils. The first watercraft were canoes cut out from tree trunks. Early water transport was accomplished with ships that were either rowed or used the wind for propulsion, or a combination of the two. The importance of water has led to most cities, that grew up as sites for trading, being located on rivers or at sea, ofter at the intersection of two bodies of water. Until the Industrial Revolution, transport remained slow and costly, and production and consumption were located as close to each other as feasible.
随着信息技术的飞速发展,非物流企业与物流公司之间的关系也在发生变化。物流公司从提供传统的公共物流服务转向提供3PL服务,非物流企业则强调供应链管理、各职能部门的高度集成,非物流企业与物流公司更倾向于结成联盟关系,企业间的欺诈背叛行为将会受到制约,因此与这种服务关系转变相适应的决策标准也要随之改变。 BALLOW注意到了传统决策标准的局限性,提出了二维决策标准。他认为自营还是外购服务决策主要基于两个因素——物流对企业成功的影响程度和企业对物流的管理能力。物流对企业成功的重要度较高,企业处理物流的能力相对较低则采用3PL;物流对企业成功的重要度较低,同时企业处理物流的能力也低,则外购公共物流服务;物流对企业成功的重要度很高,且企业处理物流的能力也高,则用自营的方式R1。围绕企业战略目标,寻求物流子系统自身的战略平衡是他建立的决策标准的最大特点。尽管这样,他建立的决策标准有一个致命的缺陷:没有考虑成本的影响。一般来说,每一个特定的物流系统都包括仓库数目、区位、规模、运输政策、存货政策及顾客服务水平等构成的一组决策。因此每一个可能的物流方案都隐含着一套总成本,可用数学公式表示如下: D=T+S+L+FW+VW+P+C (其中D为物流系统总成本,T为该系统的总运输成本,S为库存维持费用,包括库存管理费用、包装费用以及返工费,L为批量成本,包括物料加工费和采购费,FW为该系统的总固定仓储费用,VW为该系统的总变动仓储费用,P为订单处理和信息费用,指订单处理和物流活动中广泛交流等问题所发生的费用,C为顾客服务费用,包括缺货损失费用、降价损失费用和丧失潜在顾客的机会成本,这些成本之间存在着二律背反的现象)。例如,在考虑减少仓库数量时,虽然是为了降低保管费用,但是在减少仓库数量的同时,就会带来运输距离变长、运输次数增加等后果,从而导致运输费用增大;如果运输费用的增加部分超过了保管费用的减少部分,总的物流成本反而增大了,这样减少仓库数量的措施就没有了意义。在选择和设计物流系统时,要对系统的总成本加以检验,最后选择成本最小的物流系统。因此,不考虑成本的决策标准是不完全的标准。 3、3PL决策标准 考虑到BALLOW决策标准的缺陷,本文认为在进行3PL决策时,应从物流在企业的战略地位出发,在考虑企业物流能力的基础上,进行成本评价。具体实施时,可遵循以下决策程序。 对3PL进行决策时,首先要考虑物流子系统的战略重要性。要决定物流子系统是否构成企业的核心能力,一般可从以下几方面进行判明:(1)它们是否高度影响企业业务流程?(2)它们是否需要相对先进的技术,采用此种技术能使公司在行业中领先?(3)它们在短期内是否不能为其它企业所模仿? 如能得到肯定的回答,那幺就可以断定物流子系统在战略上处于重要地位。由于物流系统是多功能的集合,各功能的重要性和相对能力水平在系统中是不平衡的。因此,还要对各功能进行分析。 某项功能是否具有战略意义,关键就是看它的替代性。如其替代性很弱,很少有物流公司或物流公司很难完成,几乎只有本企业才具备这项能力,企业就应保护好、发展好该项功能,使其保持旺盛的竞争力;反之,若物流企业也能完成该项功能或物流子系统对企业而言并非很重要,那就需要从企业物流能力的角度决定是自营还是外购了。企业物流能力在这里指的是顾客服务水平。顾客是个泛指的概念,它既可以是消费者,也可以是下道工序。如企业不具备满足一定顾客服务水平的能力,就要进行外购。在外购时采用何种服务,是租赁公共物流服务还是组建物流联盟,这就要由物流子系统对企业成功的重要性来决定。在物流子系统构成企业战略子系统的情况下,为保证物流的连续性,就应该与物流公司签订长期合同,由物流公司根据企业流程提供定制服务,即实施3PL;而在物流子系统不构成企业战略子系统的情况下,采用何种服务方式就要在顾客服务水平与成本之间寻找平衡点了。 具备了物流能力,并不意味着企业一定要自营物流,还要与物流公司比较在满足一定的顾客服务水平下,谁的成本更低,只有在企业的相对成本较低的情况下,选择自营的方式才有利;如不然,企业应把该项功能分化出去,实行物流外包。如果物流子系统是企业的非战略系统,企业还应寻找合作伙伴,向其出售物流服务,以免资源浪费。当然,这种物流服务收入不是企业主营收入。 三、我国的第三方物流发展状况 根据中国仓储协会2001年2-4月的调查结果,我国现有的物流供给能力略大于我国目前的物流需求水平。该调查同时表明,经过这几年的发展,我国的3PL取得了长足的进步。 3PL公司的分类:按物流范围和服务功能3PL可以分为综合性物流公司(规模较大、资金雄厚、并且具有良好的物流服务信誉)和功能性物流公司(如运输公司、仓储公司、流通加工公司、单一功能、仅仅承担和完成某一项或几项物流功能)。2001年我国的3PL企业中有29%属于综合性物流公司,而另外的71%则属于运输、仓储等功能性物流公司。 3PL企业的规模:物流企业的规模可以通过多种指针来衡量,最简单的就是通过物流企业的人员数目来比较。我国3PL企业平均员工数量由2000年的248人上升到2001年的259人,平均企业规模扩大了31人。 认可程度:对3PL的认可程度集中体现在3PL的使用比例上。将物流服务全部委托给3PL的工业企业比例由2000年的16%上升到2001年的21%,上升了5个百分比。 3PL企业数量:尽管没有一个完全的统计数量,但相关统计结果表明,我国3PL企业的数量正逐年增长。进入我国的著名外资3PL有UPS、DHL等。而国内的一 些物资、商储企业纷纷表示要全面进军物流业。甚至连著名的电子企业康佳也表示有意利用自身的销售网络提供3PL服务。
仅供参考:中国物流产业的发展现状及其建议【摘要】p物流业是一个综合性的行业,涉及多个领域,随着现代网络技术、信息技术的快速发展,物流的观念、方法和手段都发生了巨大的变化。物流,作为“第三利润来源”,已经成为中国国民经济新的增长点。但是物流作为新兴的服务产业,现代物流在中国尚处在起步阶段,还面临许多重大而紧迫的问题,特别是有利于现代物流加快发展的宏观环境还没与形成。本文通过对中国物流产业现状的分析,提出加快发展的若干建议。【关键词】物流业 现状分析 建议1一、物流研究与管理的起源与现实意义1、物流,在英文中对应的是“logistics”,愿意是“后勤”。是“二战”时军队运输武器、弹药和粮食等给养时使用的词。目前,物流早已不单纯是考虑从生产者到消费者的货物配送问题,而是还要考虑从供应商到生产者对原材料的采购,以及生产者本身在产品制造过程中的运输、保管和信息等各个方面,全面、综合的提高效益和效率的问题。当然我们也应该看到,如果厂商愿意承担必须的资源,那么几乎任何水平的物流成效都是能够达到的,在如今的经营环境中,限制性因素是经济而非技术。可见,一项重要的管理挑战源自于这样的事实,即物流成本与增加的物流表现之间有非比例的关系。一个为了24小时交付货物而保持高额存货以履行其可得性义务(可得性指拥有存货,能始终如一得满足客户对产品的需求。存货可得性越高,存货投资越大)的厂商与承担较少的义务厂商相比,也许要承担加倍的物流成本。同一厂商如果按100%的一致性承诺24小时服务,可能会因试图提供顾客也许并不需要的服务而白白浪费利润。因而,问题的关键是要掌握自己的能力与关键顾客的期望和需求相匹配的艺术,既能通过降低总成本得到看不见到收入,也不因承诺过度而失去现实的利润。2、为什么要研究物流?(1)物流管理本身成本很高。根据国际货币基金组织的研究,物流成本平均占全球国内生产总值的12%。罗伯特?德拉尼(Robert Delaney)对物流成本进行跟踪研究达20多年,他估计物流供应链成本占国内生产总值的,或者1126亿美元。对企业而言,物流成本占销售额比重从4%到超过30%不等。无论我们怎样估计物流成本,对大多数企业而言,物流成本都是很高的,仅仅次于所销售产品的成本(采购成本)。尽量降低物流成本就可以增加价值,并将受益传递给客户和企业的股东。(2)物流管理可以降低企业的总成本。随着企业更多的全球视角来看待经营,世界各国产业的全球化和国际化都极大的依赖于物流管理水平和成本。此时,由于物流成本尤其是运输成本,在企业总成本比重越来越大,物流在企业里起着越来越重要的作用。例如,为了增加利润,想从国外购进生产中的原材料,或者在国外设厂生产产品,原材料和劳动力成本可以降低,但由于运输和库存成本增加,物流成本会上升。原材料、劳动力和一般管理费用下降与物流成本和关税成本上升相抵,结果可能是导致利润增加。外包也可以增加价值,但需要对供应渠道中物流成本和产品流动的时间进行更好的管理。(3)物流显著增加客户价值。如果产品或服务不能在客户所希望消费的时间、地点提供给客户,它就不存在价值。当企业花一定的费用将产品运到客户处,或者保持一定时期的库存时,对客户而言,就产生了以前不存在的价值。这一过程与提高产品质量或者降低产品价格一样可以创造价值。通常,企业创造产品或服务的四种价值,它们是:①形态,②时间,③空间,④占有。物流创造其中的两种价值。形态价值是通过将投入转化为产出,即原材料生产加工成制成品创造出来的。物流控制产品中的时间和空间价值,主要通过运输、信息流动和库存实现。一般认为,占有价值是营销、技术和财务部门创造的,他们帮助客户通过广告(信息)、技术支持、销售条件(定价和信贷可得性)等手段获得产品。二、物流相关理论述评物流相关理论比较多,主要有商物分离(商物分流)论、黑大陆和物流冰山学说、第三利润来源学说、效益背反说、后勤学说、物流的供应链管理理论、成本中心学说等。1、商物分离论商物分离理论是物流科学赖以生存的先决条件。所谓商物分离,是指流通中的两个组成部分商业流通各自按照自己的规模和渠道独立运动。社会进步是流通从生产中分离出来之后,并没有结束分化及分工的深入和继续。现代化的分工和专业化是向一切经济领域延伸的。第二次世界大战以后,流通过程中上述两种不同形式出现了更明显的分离,从不同形式逐渐变成了两个有一定独立运动能力的不同运动过程,这就是 所称的“商物分离”。2、黑大陆和冰山学说著名的管理学权威.德鲁克曾经讲过:“流通是经济领域里的暗大陆”,德鲁克泛指大流通,但是,由于流通领域中物流活动的糊性尤其突出,是流通领域中们更认识不清的领域,所以,“黑大陆”说法现在转向主要针对物流而言。“黑大陆”说主要是指尚未认识、尚未了解,在黑大陆中,如果理论研究和实践探索照亮了这块黑大陆,那么摆在人们面前的可能是一片不毛之地,也可能是一片宝藏之地。“黑大陆”说对20世纪中经济学界存在的愚昧的一种反对和批判,指出在当时资本注意繁荣和发达的状况下,科学技术也好,经济发展也好都没有止境;“黑大陆”说也是对物流本身的正确评价;这个领域未知的东西还很多,理论和实践都还不成熟。物流冰山说是日本早稻田大学西泽修教授提出来的。他研究物流成本时发现,现行的财务会计制度和会计核算方法都不能掌握物流费用的实际情况,因而人们对物流费用的了解是一片空白,甚至有很大的虚假性,他把这种情况比作“物流冰山”。冰山的特点,是大部分沉在水面之下,而露出水面的仅是冰山一角。物流便是一座冰山,其中沉在水面以下的使我们看不到的黑色区域,而我们看到的不过是物流的一部分。西泽修用物流成本的具体分析论证了德鲁克的“黑大陆”说,事实证明,物流领域的方方面面对我们而言还不是清楚的,在黑大陆冰山的水下部分正是物流尚未开发的领域,正是物流的潜力所在。3、第三利润源说“第三利润源”是对物流潜力及效益的描述。从历史发展来看,人类历史上看,人类历史曾经有过两个大量提供利润的来源。第一个是资源领域,第二个是人力领域。在这两个利润源越来越小,利润开拓越来越困难的情况下,物流领域的潜力被人所重视,按时间序列排为“第三利润源”。第三利润源注重生产力的不同要素,第一个利润源的挖掘对象是生产力中劳动对象,第二个利润源的挖掘对象是生产力的劳动者,第三利润来源则主要挖掘生产力中劳动工具的潜力,与此同时又挖掘劳动对象和劳动者的潜力,因而更具全面性。4、效益背反说和物流的整体观念“效益背反”是物流领域中很经常也很普通的现象,是这一领域中内部矛盾的反映和表现。效益背反指的是物流的若干功能化和利益发生的同时,必然会存在另一个或另几个功能要素的利益损失,反之也是如此。这是一个此消彼长,此盈彼亏的现象,虽然在许多领域中这种现象都是存在着的,但在物流领域中,这个问题尤其严重。5、后勤学说在经济界使用后勤(logistics)一词,是在二战以后的事情。美国在20世纪60年代开始逐渐用logistics一词取代了physical distribution一词,70年代后勤一词引进日本,日本同样翻译成“物流”,但是却按照新的解释来解释,也即赋予了物流一些新的定义。后勤学若干的简述如下:后勤网络的基本实体要素主要有原材料产地、制造工厂、配送中心和客户。后勤活动的具体内容包括14个方面:客户服务、订单处理、配送联络、存货控制、需求预测、交通和运输、仓储和储存、工厂和仓库布局选地、物料采购、备件和维修服务保障、工业包装、退货处理、废弃物处理等。5、物流的供应链管理供应链的含义是从开始经过生产、分配、销售最后到达用户,这不是孤立的行为,而是一定流量的环环相扣的“链”,例如消夜和库存观,供应链上的各环节都有不同的利益和观念,各功能之间存在天生的冲突也是难以避免的,但是由于现代管理和现代技术可以提供总体的信息使各个环节共享,因而可大大扩展视野,使之能够从总体上管理整个链条而不是如同过去那样只是管理各环节之间的接口,或只是管理其中一部分链接。供应链管理实际上就是把物流和企业全部活动作为一个统一的过程来管理。6、成本中心说、利润中心说、服务中心说和战略说成本中心说的含义,是物流在整个企业的战略中,只对企业营销活动的成本发生影响,物流是企业成本的重要的生产点,因而,解决物流的问题并不主要是为搞合理化、现代化,也不是主要在于支持保障其他活动,而主要是通过物流管理和物流的一系列活动降低成本。所以,成本中心说既是指主要成本的产生点,又是指降低成本的关注点,物流是“降低成本的宝库”等说法正是这种认识的形象描述。服务中心说代表了美国和欧洲等一些国家学者对物流的认识,它认为,物流活动的作用,并不在于企业节约了消耗,降低了成本或增加了利润,而是在于提高企业对用户的服务水平 进而提高了企业的竞争力。因而,他们在使用描述物流的词汇上选择了后勤一词,特别是强调其服务保障的功能。通过物流的服务保障,企业以其整体能力来压缩成本增加利润。利润中心的含义,是物流可以为企业提供大量直接和间接的利润,是形成企业经营利润的主要活动。非但如此,对国民经济而言,物流也是国民经济创利的主要活动。物流的这一作用,被表述为“第三利润 源”。战略说是当前非常盛行的说法,实际上学术界和产业界来越多的人已经逐渐认识到,物流更具有战略性,是企业发展的战略而不是一项具体的操作性任务。应该说这种看法把物流放在了很高的位置上,企业战略是什么呢?是生存和发展。物流会影响企业整体的生存和发展。而不是在哪个环节搞得合理一些,省了几个钱。三、在本篇文章中,作者着重探讨中国物流发展的现状及其对策。因为物流在中国的发展还很不成熟,而美国是世界上物流最发达的国家之一,所以作者认为美国的物流的发展阶段及其背景是值得我们学习的。然后分析了中国物流业的发展现状,最后对发展中国现代物流业提出了几点建议。由于作者水平有限,在文中尚存在很多不成熟的见解。参考文献:[1](美)罗纳德.H.巴罗.企业物流管理—供应链的规划、组织和控制[M].机械工业出版社.2002.[2]王晓东、胡瑞娟.现代物流管理[M].对外经济贸易大学出版社.2001.[3]郝渊晓.现代物流技术学[M].中山大学出版社.2001.[4]戴定一.贺登才.发展我国现代物流产业的相关政策建议[J].物流技术与应用.2003,(1):42-47.[5]张沈生.物流管理行业急需解决的问题[J].工业技术经济.2002,(4) :33-34.[6]孙克任.资本市场-中国物流发展的助推器[J].工业技术经济.2002,(5):28-29.[7]基于价值链管理的现代企业竞争优势研究[J].工业技术经济.2002,(5):82-83.[8]刘华.促进我国物流发展的对策[J].中国物资流通.2002,(1):18-20.[9]张皓.发展我国现代物流的几点思考[J].中国物资流通.2002,(21):8-10.[10]靳伟.政府、行业团体在物流发展中的角色[J].中国物资流通.2002,(24):39-40.
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