写论文的过程能够练习很多方面的能力, 资料搜索, 整理资料, 表达能力等, 同时也加深对所学内容的理解. 是个很有意义的过程.给你几个最近在国际学术周刊上发表的相关的论文好了, 可以参考. Human Resources Revolution: Why Putting People First Matters. By: Goodge, Peter. Strategic HR Review, Sep/Oct2006, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p36-36, 1/2p; Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First. By: Copeland, Lisa. Human Resource Planning, 1999, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p51-51, 2/3p; 3. The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First. By: Knouse, Stephen B.. Personnel Psychology, Autumn98, Vol. 51 Issue 3, p754-758, 5p; 4. The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First (Book). By: Katz, Jeffery P.. Academy of Management Executive, Feb98, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p93-95, 3p, 1bw; Need for Human Centered Development. By: Kelleher, Ann. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Jan1993, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p49-50, 3p; Human Resources Revolution. HRMagazine, Aug2006, Vol. 51 Issue 8, p131-131, 1/ Social Responsibility and 'Putting People First' from a Chinese Cultural Perspective. By: Phoon-Lee, Christine. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Summer2006 Issue 22, p23-25, 3p;