
出处:三相异步电动机的原理与结构 摘要:作电动机运行的三相异步电动机转子的转速低于旋转磁场的转速,转子绕组因与磁场间存在着相对运三相异步电动机而感生电动势和电流,并与磁场相互作用产生电磁转矩,实现能量变换。与单相异步电动机相比,三相异步电动机运行性能好,并可节省各种材料。按转子结构的不同,三相异步电动机可分为笼式和绕线式两种。关键词 三相异步电动机;基本结构;工作原理;选用一、三相异步电动机的基本结构1、定子(静止部分)(1)定子铁心作用:电机磁路的一部分,并在其上放置定子绕组。构造:定子铁心一般由毫米厚表面具有绝缘层的硅钢片冲制、叠压而成,在铁心的内圆冲有均匀分布的槽,用以嵌放定子绕组。定子铁心槽型有以下几种:半闭口型槽,半开口型槽,开口型槽。(2)定子绕组作用:是电动机的电路部分,通入三相交流电,产生旋转磁场。构造:由三个在空间互隔120°电角度、队称排列的结构完全相同绕组连接而成,这些绕组的各个线圈按一定规律分别嵌放在定子各槽内。(3)机座作用:固定定子铁心与前后端盖以支撑转子,并起防护、散热等作用。2、转子(旋转部分)(1)三相异步电动机的转子铁心:作用:作为电机磁路的一部分以及在铁心槽内放置转子绕组。(2)三相异步电动机的转子绕组作用:切割定子旋转磁场产生感应电动势及电流,并形成电磁转矩而使电动机旋转。构造:分为鼠笼式转子和绕线式转子。3、三相异步电动机的其它附件端盖:支撑作用。轴承:连接转动部分与不动部分。轴承端盖:保护轴承。风扇:冷却电动机二、三相异步电动机的工作原理定子绕组接上三相电源后,电动机便产生旋转磁场,所谓旋转磁场就是指电动机内定子和转子之间气隙的圆周上按正弦规律分布的,能够围绕着电动机在空间不断旋转的磁场。转子与旋转磁场之间存在相对运动。转子导条被旋转磁场的磁力线切割而产生感应电动势,它在转子绕组中感应出电流,两者相互作用产生电磁转矩,使转子转动起来。从而将电能转化为转轴的机械能。当电动机的三相定子绕组(各相差120度电角度),通入三相对称交流电后,将产生一个旋转磁场,该旋转磁场切割转子绕组,从而在转子绕组中产生感应电流(转子绕组是闭合通路),载流的转子导体在定子旋转磁场作用下将产生电磁力,从而在电机转轴上形成电磁转矩,驱动电动机旋转,并且电机旋转方向与旋转磁场方向相同。三、三相异步电动机的选用三相异步电动机应用广泛,是一种主要的动力源。在此,要特别强调合理选择电动机的额定功率,如额定功率选择过大,不仅造成设备投资费用增加,而且电动机长期处于低效率低功率因数点运行,是很不合理很不经济的。1、三相异步电动机的选用要点(1)根据机械负载特性、生产工艺、电网要求、建设费用、运行费用等综合指标,合理选择电动机的类型。(2)根据机械负载所要求的过载能力、启动转矩、工作制及工况条件,合理选择电动机的功率,使功率匹配合理,并具有适当的备用功率,力求运行安全、可靠而经济。(3)根据使用场所的环境,选择电动机的防护等级和结构形式。(4)根据生产机械的最高机械转速和传动调速系统的要求,选择电动机的转速。(5)根据使用的环境温度,维护检查方便、安全可靠等要求,选择电动机的绝缘等级和安装方式。(6)根据电网电压、频率、选择电动机的额定电压以及额定频率。2、三相异步电动机的选用步骤:选电动机类型→选电动机容量→校核启动转矩最大转矩→等效发热校核→经济性综合指标校核→电动机机械特性与负载特性对比→电动机电压等级与频率→决定核→电动机机械特性与负载特性对比→电动机电压等级与频率→决定3、三相异步电动机的维护保养启动前的准备和检查(1)检查电动机和启动设备接地是否可靠和完整,接线是否正确与良好。(2)检查电动机铭牌所示额定电压,额定频率是否与电源电压、频率相符合。(3)新安装或者长期停用的电动机(停用三个月以上),启动前应检查绕组相对相、相对地的绝缘电阻值。(用1000伏兆欧表测量)。绝缘电阻应该大于兆欧。如果低于这个值,应该将绕组烘干。(4)对绕线型转子应该检查其集电环上的电刷以及提刷装置是否能正常工作,电刷的压力是否能符合要求。电刷压力为 N/cm。(5)检查电动机的转子转动时候灵活可靠,滑动轴承内的油时候达到规定的油位。(6)检查电动机所用的熔断器的额定电流是否符合要求。(7)检查电动机的各个紧固螺栓以及安装螺栓是否牢固并符合要求。4、运行中的故障处理(1)启动时的故障当合上断路器或自动开关后,电动机不转,只听到嗡嗡的声响,或者不能转到全速,这种故障原因可能是:定子回路一相断线,如低压电动机熔断器一相熔断,或高压电动机短路器以及隔离开关的一相接触不良,不能形成三相旋转磁场。转子回路断线或接触不良,使转子绕组内无电流或电流减小,因而电动机不转或者转动很慢。在传动机械中,有机械上的卡阻现象,严重时电动机就不转,且异常声响。电压过低使电动机转矩减小,启动困难或不能启动。电动机定子,转子铁心相摩擦,增加了负载,使转动困难。运行人员发现上述故障时,对高压电动机来讲,应立即拉开电动机的断路器以及隔离开关,检查其定子、转子回路。(2)定子绕组单相接地故障。电动机绕组由于受到各种因素的侵蚀,使其绝缘水平降低。此外,由于电动机长期过负荷运行,会使绕组的绝缘体因长期过热而变的焦脆或脱落。这都会造成电动机定子绕组的单相接地。(3)三相电动机单相运行的故障三相电动机在运行中,如果一相熔断器烧坏或接触不良,隔离开关,熔断器,电缆头以及导线一相接触松动以及定子绕组一相断线,均会造成电动机的单相运行。运行人员根据电动机所产生的异常现象,确认电动机为单相运行时,则应切断电源,使其停止运行。并用兆欧表测量定子回路电阻值,若电阻值很大或无穷大时,则说明该相断线。然后检查定子回路中的熔断器,断路器,隔离开关,电缆头以及接线盒内接线接触是否良好。四、三相异步电动机的铭牌每台电动机的机壳上都有一块铭牌,上面标明该电动机的规格、性能及使用条件,它是我们正确使用电动机的依据。这里对铭牌上主要的技术参数介绍如下。1、型号为了适应不同用途和工作环境需要,三相异步电动机制成不同系列和型号,不同型号的电动机的机座长度、中心高度、转速等技术参数不相同,使用或选购时应注意型号或根据需要查阅相应产品目录和技术手册。2、功率电动机在铭牌规定的运行条件下,正常工作时的输出功率(kw)。3、电压电动机定子绕组的额定线电压(v)。4、电流电动机在额定工作状况下运行时流入定子绕组的线电流(a)。5、转速电动机在额定工作状况下运行时转子每分钟的转数(r/min)。6、接法电动机的接线盒有六个接线端子,需要改变转子当前的转向时,只要把电动机的三根电源线中的任意两根对调一下,就能改变电动机的转向。结论:实践证明,在工农业生产中,根据实际需要,科学地选用三相异步电动机可以提高生产效率,收到很好的经济效益。在运行中对电动机进行科学的维护保养,使电动机长期处于非常好的技术状态,延长使用寿命,提高工农业生产的的效率。是非常有必要的。参考文献:[1] 才家刚.电动机使用与维理技术. 北京:水利水电出版社,1998.[2] 付家才.电机工程实践技术.北京:化学工业出版社,2003[3] 张曾常.电机绕组接线速成.北京:机械工业出版社,1996[4] 松柏.三相电动机修理自学指导.北京:北京科学技术出版社,2001
基于PLC的电梯控制系统 中文摘要 随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,高层建筑已成为现代城市的标志。电梯作 为垂直运输工具,承担着大量的人流和物流的输送,其作用在建筑物中至关重要。 与此同时,人们对电梯的性能要求也越来越高,比如可靠性,操作方便,舒适性, 低噪音,低能耗等等。随着人们对其要求的提高,电梯得到了快速发展,其拖动 技术已经发展到了调频调压调速,其逻辑控制也由PLC代替原来的继电器控制。 采用PLC对电梯进行控制,通过合理的选择和设计,能够有效的提高电梯的控制 水平,极大地改善了电梯运行的舒适感,使电梯的控制达到了比较理想的控制效 果。为了满足电梯舒适感提高及正确平层要求,电梯的速度给定曲线是一个关键 环节。人们对于速度变化的敏感度主要是加速度的变化率,舒适感就意味着要平 滑的加速和减速。为了获得良好的舒适感,本设计的电梯起制动速度曲线由两段 抛物线(S曲线)及一段直线构成,将加速时间和S曲线加速时间配合调整,获 得了较为理想的起动/制动曲线。 本文在介绍电梯基本结构的基础上,阐述了电梯的拖动原理和控制原理,重 点分析了电梯系统设计中如何用PLC实现控制系统并编制控制程序,研究并提出 了基于PLC和变频器的VVVF电梯控制系统的实现方案,针对这些问题对电梯系 统进行了新的设计.设计出了新的采用PLC进行逻辑控制,用变频器调速的电梯 控制系统。 关键词:电梯,控制系统,PLC,变频器ABSTRACT With scientific and technological and socio-economic development,high-rise buildings have become the hallmark of modern a vertical lift equipment,a lot of people bear the transportation and logistics,its role in building the same time,it has to lift the performance requirements are also increasing,such as reliability,easy to operate,comfortable nature,low noise,consumption,and so on. But the elevator as an important traffic in skyscraper,it also has developed quickly with the improving requirement of the ’s dragging technology has developed from DC timing to AC variable frequency timing and It’s logic control-relay control also has been replaced by PLC to control the elevator,the reliability is improved and the feeling of comfort 15 better through the reasonable selection and design,so the effect of control is more order to meet the comfort,improve transporting efficiency and reach the right floor,the given curve of an elevator is a key of people’s sensitivity on changing speed is about acceleration means acceleration and deceleration on acquire favorable comfort,the starting and braking curves design of the elevator is composed of two s-curves and one adjusting the acceleration time and that of the s-curve’s,ideal starting and braking curves are gained. This paper,based on the introduction of the elevator's basic structure,expatiates the drive and control principle of elevator,and analyzes how to use the PLC to program controlling implementation project of elevator's VVVF control system based on PLC and transducer is studied and article was precisely has carried on the improvement design in view of these questions to the existing elevator PLC to carry on the logical control,modulates velocity the elevator control system with the frequency changer. KEY WORDS:elevator,control system,PLC,inverter目录 第一章前言........................................................1 电梯的起源与发展..........................................1 电梯信号控制系统发展的现状................................2 本文的工作................................................4 第二章电梯的概述..................................................5 电梯的结构...............................................5 电梯的控制要求...........................................7 第三章硬件选型...................................................9 PLC的选择................................................9 PLC的定义和特点........................................9 PLC的主要功能和应用....................................11 PLC与其他工业控制系统的比较............................12 PLC硬件设计............................................14 变频器的选择............................................17 通用变频器概况.........................................18 通用变频器的功率输出驱动技术动向......................19 VS一616G5型变频器简介.................................21设置...................................23 第四章硬件设计....................................................28 电机调速系统的设计.......................................28 电力调速系统的应用与发展................................28 异步电机的调速方法及经济技术比较.........................29 井道信号系统的设计......................................33 电梯控制系统的设计......................................35 第五章软件设计...................................................37 FX2N系列PLC的基本逻辑指令.............................37 程序流程图...............................................39 程序说明.................................................40 结束语.............................................................56 参考文献...........................................................57 发表论文和科研情况说明.............................................59 致谢...............................................................60第一章前言 电梯的起源与发展 随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,高层建筑已成为现代城市的标志。电梯作 为垂直运输工具,承担着大量的人流和物流的输送,其作用在建筑物中至关重要。 是现代城市生活中必不可少,且应用最广泛的垂直交通运输工具。它起源于公元 前236年的古希腊。当时阿基米德设计出一种人力驱动的卷筒式卷扬机,共造出 三台,安装在妮罗宫殿里。人们把这三台卷扬机看作是现代电梯的鼻祖 [4] 。事实 上,早在公元前,我们的祖先和古埃及也都曾经使用了这种人力卷扬机。 在瓦特发明了蒸汽机之后,于1850年,在美国纽约市出现了世界第一台由 亨利·沃特曼制作的以蒸汽机为动力的卷扬机。1854年,在纽约水晶宫举行的 世界博览会上,美国人伊莱沙·格雷夫斯·奥的斯第一次向世人展示了他的发明 -历史上第一部安全升降梯。从那以后,升降梯在世界范围内得到了广泛应用。 在此期间,英国的阿姆斯特朗发明了水压梯 [6] 。随着水压梯的发展,蒸汽梯也就 被淘汰了。后来发展为采用油压泵和控制阀的液压梯。直到今天,液压梯仍在使 用。 1889年,美国奥的斯公司制造的由直流电动机通过蜗杆蜗轮减速器带动卷 筒卷绕绳索悬挂并升降轿厢的电动升降机,构成了现代电梯的鼻祖。 为了解决乘客乘坐电梯的安全性和舒适感方面的问题,1892年,美国亨 利·华特·列昂那得发明了用调节电动机励磁场来调速的电动机—发电机电力驱 动系统,使直流升降机的电力拖动构造有了重大发展。 1900年,交流感应电动机被使用到电梯驱动以后,进一步简化了电梯的传 动设备。以后由交流单速电动机发展到交流双速感应电动机。 1903年,美国奥的斯在电梯传动机构中采用了曳引驱动代替卷筒方式,提 高了电梯传动机械的通用性,同时也制造了有齿轮曳引高速电梯。这种电梯减少 了传动设备,增强了安全性能,成为目前电梯曳引传动的基本构造形式。 在电梯控制技术方面,1949年开始应用电子技术,以后出现了电子器件与 信息处理的分区控制系统,以后发展到大规模集成电路。 由于电梯拖动技术从直流电动机驱动,到交流单速、交流双速电动机驱动, 到交流调压调速(ACVV)控制,交流调压调频调速(VVVF)控制,使得电梯控制技术 不断成熟,加上电子技术、电子计算机技术、自动控制技术在电梯中的广泛应用, 使电梯运行的可靠性、安全性、舒适感、平层精度、运行速度、节能降耗、减少 噪声等方面都有了极大改善。 70年代,特别是1973年以来,电梯控制柜的控制电路逐渐从模拟电路向数 你好,我有相关论文资料(博士硕士论文、期刊论文等)可以对你提供相关帮助,需要的话请加我,7 6 1 3 9 9 4 5 7(扣扣),谢谢。
Vector control (also called Field Oriented Control, FOC) is one method used in variable frequency drives to control the torque (and thus finally the speed) of three-phase AC electric motors by controlling the current fed to the stator phase currents are measured and converted into a corresponding complex (space) vector. This current vector is then transformed to a coordinate system rotating with the rotor of the machine. For this the rotor position has to be known. Thus at least speed measurement is required, the position can then be obtained by integrating the the rotor flux linkage vector is estimated by multiplying the stator current vector with magnetizing inductance Lm and low-pass filtering the result with the rotor no-load time constant Lr/Rr, that is the ratio of the rotor inductance to rotor this rotor flux linkage vector the stator current vector is further transformed into a coordinate system where the real x-axis is aligned with the rotor flux linkage the real x-axis component of the stator current vector in this rotor flux oriented coordinate system can be used to control the rotor flux linkage and the imaginary y-axis component can be used to control the motor PI-controllers are used to control these currents to their reference values. However, bang-bang type current control, that gives better dynamics, is also PI-controllers the outputs of the controllers are the x-y components of the voltage reference vector for the stator. Usually due to the cross coupling between the x- and y-axes a decoupling term is further added to the controller output to improve control performance when big and rapid changes in speed, current and flux linkage occur. Usually the PI-controller also needs low-pass filtering of either the input or output of the controller to prevent the current ripple due to transistor switching from being amplified excessively and unstabilizing the control. Unfortunately, the filtering also limits the dynamics of the control system. Thus quite high switching frequency (typically more than 10 kHz) is required to allow only minimum filtering for high performance drives such as servo the voltage references are first transformed to the stationary coordinate system (usually through rotor d-q coordinates) and then fed into a modulator that using one of the many Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithms defines the required pulse widths of the stator phase voltages and controls the transistors (usually IGBTs) of the inverter according to control method implies the following properties of the control:Speed or position measurement or some sort of estimation is needed Torque and flux can be changed reasonably fast, in less than 5-10 milliseconds, by changing the references The step response has some overshoot if PI control is used The switching frequency of the transistors is usually constant and set by the modulator The accuracy of the torque depends on the accuracy of the motor parameters used in the control. Thus large errors due to for example rotor temperature changes often are encountered. Reasonable processor performance is required, typically the control algorithm has to be calculated at least every millisecond. Although the vector control algorithm is more complicated than the Direct Torque Control (DTC), the algorithm is not needed to be calculated as frequently as the DTC algorithm. Also the current sensors need not be the best in the market. Thus the cost of the processor and other control hardware is lower making it suitable for applications where the ultimate performance of DTC is not required.[edit] HistoryVector control was patented by Felix Blaschke in . Patent 3,824,437 filed originally on August 14, 1969 in Germany while he worked for important contemporary publication about the same topic wasKarl Hasse: Zur Dynamik drehzahlgeregelter Antriebe mit stromrichtergespeisten Asynchron-Kurzschlußläufermotoren. Dissertation, TH Darmstadt, 1969. In the Blaschke's patent the rotor flux linkage was calculated from the measured air-gap magnetic field. Thus this method is called direct rotor oriented vector control. However, to use standard induction machines, the method to estimate the rotor flux linkage from the measured stator currents, as proposed by Hasse, is more practical. Versions based on flux estimation instead of measuring are called indirect rotor oriented vector controls. An early review of the possible alternatives was published in the paper:Blaschke, F., Böhm, K.: Verfahren der Felderfassung bei der Regelung stromrichtergespeister Asynchronmaschinen. IFAC Symposium: Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Duesseldorf, October 7 – 9, 1974, Proceedings Vol I, pp. 635...649. Vector control has later been dealt with in numerous publications. Several methods have been developed to make possible the operation without speed or position sensor. Also methods to estimate the rotor time constant and other parameters have been presented. One good book dealing with these issues is:Peter Vas: Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control, Oxford University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-19-856465-1 In addition to induction machines, the vector control has also been applied to synchronous machines and doubly fed the major Siemens' patents expired in the end of 80's and beginning of 90's, many other manufacturers begin to use this method in their products making this the de facto standard in demanding motor control applications the only alternative being the Direct Torque Control (DTC) developed by is Vector Control?FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSReliance GV3000 AC drives offer simple and low-cost yet powerful closed-loop flux vector operation. These nextgeneration devices are ideal for applications which require precise, high-performance control of AC motor speed, torque andshaft GV .'s series of fact sheets are written to provide easy-to-understand answers to commonly askedquestions about the operation and application of GV3000 AC drives. They're answers that can help you receive maximumvalue from these innovative electronic drive . What makes the VECTOR inside the GV3000 AC drive?A. The GV3000 utilizes two independent control loops to provide simultaneous control of motor speed and flux. Aspeed/torque loop for closed loop control of motor speed or shaft torque and a flux loop to provide constant magnetizingamps throughout the motor's speed range. These control loops are capable of providing:• Tight Speed Regulation - steady state error• Direct Torque Regulation - torque setpoint control from 0 to 100% rated torque• Control at Zero Speed - generate 150% torque for high breakaway torque applications• High Dynamic Response - 15 Hz bandwidth response is ideal for rapid load changesQ. What's the difference in torque control of the GV3000 compared to drives without vectorcontrol?A. Variable Voltage, Variable Frequency AC controllers like the Reliance GP2000, rely on a volts M per Hertz (Hz) curveto develop constant stator flux. The relationship between applied voltage and frequency provided by these controllers worksfine for speeds above 5 Hz. Often however, their use results in a reduction in peak torque in applications where requiredspeeds are less than 5 you can see in this Torque vs Speed Curve, the ability of a typical VVVF controller to provide peak motor torquedecreases at lower speeds. This reduction in torque is due to the non-linearity of voltage to frequency (Hz) during lowfrequency operation. The non-linearity I s caused by stator voltage drop which in turn requires a larger percentage of overallterminal voltage. To compensate for the loss of peak torque at low speeds, voltage boost is often added to VVVF . How does the GV3000 compensate for peak torque reduction at low speeds?A. The GV3000 regulates the magnitude of motor flux at a peak level throughout the entire speed range. A self -tuningfeature within the drive measures the required amount of magnetizing (flux producing) amps. By regulating this valuethroughout the speed range, constant motor flux is maintained. As a result, the GV3000 is capable of providing constanttorque from zero to the motor’s base the GV3000 regulate speed any better than a typical VVVF driveA. Yes. Typical VVVF controllers are usually not able to regulate speed on their own. These controllers suffer what’sknown as speed “droop” as the motor’s load droop or loss in speed when load increases is caused by motor slip. Slip occurs in every induction motor. It isthe difference between the rotor’s mechanicalspeed and the motor’s rotational electrical is necessary since a difference in elctrical and mechanical speeds is needed to cause the proper amount of rotorcurrent to flow. The resulting torque is then sufficient to overcome friction an dwindage losses, and to drive the speed Regulation function in the GV3000’s Control Loop performs precise speed regulation. Its speed feedbackautomatically compensates the field’s rotational speed as load increases to eliminate the effect of slip common to fact, the GV3000 AC drive can provide speed regulation within a 100 millisecond recovery time . What makes the vector control in the Gv3000 different from other types available?A. Other drives, sometimes calles sensorless or tachless vector control do not provide independent control of motor speedand flux. These methods of vector control will show better performance characteristics when compared to VariableVoltage, Variable Frequency (VVVF) drives, but they are not capable of providing the performance offered in theGV3000. Typical limitations of other vector drives include:• Constant torque is limited to speed ranges above 1 Hz• Speed regulation is improved to only 1%• Zero speed operation without motor cogging is not possibleDocument-D7171-
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