ExtractSince 1950s/the founding of PRC (英语讲究精确,是从建国开始,还是从50年代开始,二选其一), much of governmental attention has been attached to the reform of medical insurance system. Chronically, the nation experienced three reforms in terms of medical insurance: the application of the medical insurance for labor security, of public medical service, and of the present new medical insurance system. The reforms have seen substantial achievements as it was universally appliable for the nation's developing social regime. Despite the nation's economical progress and improving living standards, however, the present social care system still leaves much to be improved. This article will begin with an account of the history of social medical care reforms, then move on to a discussion about the contemporary medical insurance system, coupled with a focus on the reforms and improvements of the system. Besides, suggestions will be given as how to improve the social medical insurance system and social insurance Wordsmedical insurance reformthe course of reformachievements of reformarising reform issuessuggestions for refinement祝答辩顺利~