Chinese dream and America dream in our school knows that there is a call Martin Ruud Kim leaders of the civil rights movement in the USA, his words "I have a dream" spread all over the world. Let the world know USA power of dreams. On the topic of American dream too much. But, as Bai Yansong said, "to know, not only a English version of 'I have a dream'. In the distant east, in an inherited thousands of years of China, also have a dream. He is not ambitious slogan, it doesn't lie with the government, he belongs to everyordinary Chinese, but it Chinese. 'I have a dream'". USA dream that long-standing, it is supporting America from thirteen colonies first step by step,become the sole superpower. 300 years ago, when the England immigration in a May flower across the Atlantic to Maryland, looking for a piece of the Puritans can live "pure land", "American dream" (American Dream) has begun to quietly sprouting -- America gave the world everyone equal opportunity, as long as you work hard, can realize their dreams. Everyone has a chance of success; success depends on his own talents and efforts, rather than family background and the background; all have equal rights; everyone has the freedom of conscience. This is America dream, only in the Americathis young land to grow up dream. USA dream is a dream of hope, the dream of success, the dream, the dream of happiness equal. In the five thousand years of history of the Chinese before American is really too young. Five thousand years of our country experienced the vicissitudes of life, there have been brilliant also suffered humiliation. But never give up steps forward,because in each Chinese have the hearts of a person Chinese dream in the modern performance of the most obvious, modern our country started by the imperialist aggression, the Millennium ancient civilization was a heavy blow. Sun Zhongshan from thecharacteristics of the three people's principles to Mao Zedong, after Marx'sChinese, Deng Xiaoping's China socialism, reveal what China dream, that is:innovation country, country characteristics.翻译:中国梦与美国梦 我们在中学的时候就知道在美国有一个叫马丁路德金的民权运动领袖,他的那句“我有一个梦想”传遍了世界。让世人知道美国梦的力量。关于美国梦的话题太多了。但是,正如白岩松所说的,“一定要知道,不仅仅只有一个英文版的‘我有一个梦想’。在遥远的东方,在一个几千年延续下来的中国,也有一个梦想。他不是宏大的口号,并不是在政府那里存在,他是属于每一个非常普通的中国人,而它用中文写成‘我有一个梦想’”。 美国梦的说法由来已久,它支撑着美国从最初的十三块殖民地一步步发展成为当今唯一的超级大国。300年前,当英格兰移民乘坐着五月花号横穿大西洋来到马里兰,寻找一块清教徒能居住的“净土”时,“美国梦”(American Dream)已开始悄然萌芽——美国给了全世界每一个人均等的机会,只要努力奋斗,都可以实现自己的梦想。人人都有成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。这就是美国梦,只有在美国这片年轻的土地上才能生长起来的梦。 美国梦是希望之梦、成功之梦、平等之梦、幸福之梦。 在拥有五千年历史的中国面前美国的确太年轻。五千年我们的祖国历尽沧桑,有过辉煌也受过屈辱。但从未放弃前行的脚步,因为在每个中国人心中都有一个人中国梦。中国梦在近代表现的最为明显,逐渐走向成熟。因为近代我们的祖国开始受到列强的侵略,千年文明古国遭到沉重的打击。从孙中山特色的三民主义,到此后毛泽东的马克思主义中国化、邓小平的中国特色社会主义,都揭示着何为中国梦,那就是:创新兴国,特色兴国。