Smiles and Tears快乐天使←☆ 发表于: 2007-5-05 18:38 来源: 河北电视台网上社区 把爱寄给我 这是一位即将退役的海军写给新婚妻子的书信。读罢,不禁想起了林觉民的《与妻书》,“窗外疏梅筛月影,依稀掩映,吾与汝并肩携手,低低切切,何事不语,何情不诉!……”两封“与妻书”,一种一外,一古一今,同中有异。新婚燕尔,分割两地,借信笺传情,字里行间无不流露出浓情蜜意,这是两者的共同点。但由于所处时代以及环境等种种不同,两者有各有特色:海军的“与妻书”通过一系列的排比句细说深情和思念,将爱情的甜蜜和生活得幸福烘托得恰到好处;而林觉民的《与妻书》,确切说是“与妻决别书”,却是一字一血泪,一语一悲恸!My Love, You've asked what you can send me while I'm on the cruise;those tings which I want but cannot get was fairly easy to suspect that it won't be so easy to fill the order. Please send me a box with that special chill the evenings get that forebodes the cold of winter,that Jack Forst the colors of fall:the yellows, reds and browns of leaves whose cycle of life has me the sound the make as you shuffle through ankle-deep blankets of them scattered across the sure to wrap some of the fragrant smoke which spirals up from the pile as the with it the yellow harvest moon caughe in the naked branches of a tree which has begun its winter sleep. Later you can send me me the firs heavy snowfall;that mute,magical silence which comes down across the land with the fat flakes that pile up 't forget the taste of snow caught in your hair like me a blanket of white under a full moon,when the land seems to me a snowman,or even better a snow family with a snow-saddy,snowmommy and little snow children with button eyes,sticks for arms and carrots for me an evening in front of a fireplace with hopes and dreams in the me some of your warmth, as we snuggle beneath the covers on a cole December ;long sturdy ones an thin delicate ones. The holidays,too,I'll want me Halloween with the little witches,ghosts,cowboys and wrap for me the shy voices which whisper "trick or treat"from the little fairies joining in the ritual for the first them carefully with the louder,bolder cries of the more experenced trolls and Indians hidden safely behind disguises they are sure could fool even their funny or horrifying jack-o-lantern grins and for me some of the more grown-up magic that comes later that one night a year near the witching hour,when after the little ones are tucked in their beds and the house is quiet except maybe for a branch against the window and even grow-ups get an uneasy feeling that perhaps there are haunts and goblins about in the night. Save for me the smells of roast turkey and dressing,homemade breads and me the smells of Thanksgiving,as the food is cooked all day and the table is piled higher and higher. Send me that quiet sense of pride and accomplishment that rests briefly between setting the table and the feasting frenzy. Send me a Christmas just any tree;a fresh cut tree felled by small hands assisted by mom and it to me with its fresh cut smell,some lights and sparkles all draped in tinsel carelessly tossed here and there as the young try to out do each me a glass of eggnog, ever so gently your sips first,and leave the prints from your lips there on the glass for me to see and me that sleepless anticipation of the night before Christmas,when little angels are trying so hard to go to sleep,knowing in their hearts that Santa won't come until the with me a glass of milk and a couple of chocolate chip cookies as we help preserve the fleeting illusions of me the excited shouts as little ones get their first glimpse of the piles of gifts left by . Send the crinkle and tear of wrapping paper and the oohs and aahs that punciuate each gift as it is exposed and shown me the hugs as everyone opens the gifts that were "just what I wanted!" For the last day of the year,send me a quiet evening spent with you as we look forward to another year together,and marvel at all we survived the year before. Space out the packages,but send me all the changes of season,all the day-to-day worries and joys,all the holidays that I'll miss as I sit halfway around the world from of all,send me your smiles and tears. Most of all,send me your love. God[kru:z]n. (军舰等)巡逻,巡航forebode[fc:bEud]v.预示,预兆Jack Forst <拟人语>霜神,严寒nip[nip]n.刺骨的寒气shuffle['SVfl]v.拖着(脚)走blanket['blaegkit]n.厚的覆盖物spiral['spaiErEl]v.盘旋上升harvest moon 秋分后的满月mute[mju:t]adj.无言的,沉默的flake[fleik]n.薄片,雪片pile up 堆积,积压snuggle['snVgl]v.偎依,紧靠icicle['aisikl]n.冰柱,垂冰sturdy['stE:di]adj.坚固的delicate['delikEt]adj.易破碎的,纤细的pirate['paiErit]n.掠夺者,海盗trick or treat 不请吃就捣乱,西方万圣节的一项有趣活动。万圣节前夕,孩子们会提着南瓜灯笼挨家讨糖吃。见面时,打扮成鬼精灵模样的孩子千篇一律地都要发出“不请吃就捣乱”的“威胁”,主人自然不敢怠慢,连声说“请吃!请吃!”,同时把糖果放进孩子们随身携带的大口袋里。bold[bEuld]adj.大胆的,勇敢的troll[trEul]n.(北欧神话中的)洞窟巨人disguise[dis'gaiz]n.伪装,化装horrify['hCrifai]v.使恐怖,使战栗snarl[sna:l]n.咆哮,怒吼tuck in 使...盖好被子睡觉haunt[hC:nt]n.幽灵,鬼goblin['gCblin]n.恶鬼,妖怪feast[fi:st]v.享受美食,饱餐frenzy['frenzi]n.疯狂,狂热fell[fel]v.砍伐(树等)drape[dreip]v.悬挂,装饰tinsel['tinsel]n.(装饰圣诞树,舞蹈服装的)金箔,金属片eggnog['eg,nCg]n.蛋奶酒,用牛奶或奶油、糖和蛋搅拌而成,通常混有朗姆酒或白兰地等酒的饮料spike[spaik]v.(饮料)加酒精Santa['saentE]n.即Santa Claus圣诞老人,下文的同样指圣诞老人crinkle['kriGkl]n.沙沙声punctuate['pVGktjueit]v.不时打断,插入marvel at 对...惊奇space out 隔开