容摘要:在当今品牌竞争日渐激烈的情况下,事件营销逐渐成为推广企业品牌的重要手段,优势日益凸显,而企业如何开展事件营销及避免事件营销中的误区显得尤为重要。 Let the brand: in today's growing competition, the event marketing has become an important means of promoting enterprise brand advantage, increasingly prominent, and the enterprise how to develop the event marketing and avoid the event marketing the erroneous zones is particularly important. 因此本篇论文主要是通过对“蒙牛”的成长与事件营销的关系进行探讨。 So this paper is through "Mongolian cow" growth and the event marketing relationship are discussed. 论文运用调查与理论指导实践相结合的方法,运用事件营销的相关理论知识,着重以蒙牛“神舟五号”、“超级女声”和“非奥运营销”的三次事件营销为例,系统的阐述三大事件具体实施的过程,通过比较分析三次事件营销的实施的条件,从而得出蒙牛运用事件营销提高品牌的知名度和美誉度的原因,但蒙牛的事件营销并不是完美的,然后本文通过蒙牛在事件营销过程中的失误,希望为后来企业运用事件营销打造品牌和形象宣传做出力所能及的贡献。 This paper surveys and the theory instruction of the combination of practice method, using the event marketing related theory knowledge, mainly in Mongolian cow "shenzhou v", "super girl" and "the Olympic Games marketing" three times the event marketing as an example, expounds the system three events concrete implementation process, through the comparative analysis of three times the event marketing of the implementation of the conditions, and concluded that Mongolian cow running event marketing to improve brand visibility and reputation of reasons, but hoodwinks the cow the event marketing is not perfect, then this paper through the Mongolian cow in the event marketing the faults in the process, hope for later use the event marketing enterprise brand image promotion and make can contribute.