1、写和服The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing"), has come to denote these full-length robes. The standard plural of the word kimono in English is kimonos, but the unmarked Japanese plural kimono is also sometimes are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial),and secured by a sash called an obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear (especially zōri or geta) and split-toe socks (tabi).Today, kimono are most often worn by women, and on special occasions. Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called furisode,with almost floor-length sleeves, on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis. Men wear the kimono most often at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other very special or very formal occasions. Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public.和服 是日本大和族的民族服饰。“着物”起初泛指所有日本的衣服,而与这个词相对的是洋服,指来自西洋的衣饰。后来此词的词意逐渐单一化,通常单指具有日本特色的民族服装。和服为一种带有相当长的袖套的T字型长袍,袍底垂及脚踝。和服的穿着方式是右衽(左至右包,左襟在上。死者的和服为左衽)再加上一条布制腰带(帯)从后束紧。穿着和服时通常要配上一对称为足袋的分趾布袜,以及一对日式木屐(下駄)或草履。今日和服主要为女性于特别场合中所穿着的。根据传统习俗,未婚女性于该类场合只可以穿着一种拥有及地袂(袖套)的和服“振袖”。相比起女性,现今男性穿着和服的场合比较少,通常都是结婚或者一些相当重要的场合才会穿着。不过,也有部分年纪较大的女性以及极少部分的年长男性会以和服作为日常衣装。至于职业相扑选手,由于规例所限,他们必须时常穿着和服,但他们所穿着的那种和服比较偏向浴衣,材质以棉为主。