1. Chen Jishuang(write). Experimental Plant Virology, Springer Press(德国), ISBN 978-3-642-14118-8, 浙江大学出版社, , ISBN . 陈集双, 姜永厚. 外来入侵生物控制. 浙江大学出版社, 杭州, , ISBN 7-308-04611-7/Q. 0548. 胡秀芳, 应飞祥, 陈集双. 胶质芽孢杆菌突变株021120的培养条件及发酵工艺优化. 中国生物工程杂志, 2007, 27 (9) : . 陈斐斐, 杜志游, 刘歆, 谢礼, 陈集双. 黄瓜花叶病毒2b蛋白对寄主光合速率和叶绿素结构的影响. 生物化学生物物理进展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 889-896. SCI收录10. 廖乾生, 杜志游, 张华荣, 朱丽萍, 吴鹏, 陈集双. 黄瓜花叶病毒CB7株系引起心叶烟坏死反应与RNA2相关. 生物化学生物物理进展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 824-829. SCI收录11. 陈绍宁, 陈集双, 吴鹏, 朱为民. 引起番茄植株坏死病的病毒研究. 植物病理学报, 2007,37 (4): . 何煜波, 胡秀芳, 陈海敏, 陈集双, 高必达, 应飞翔. 半夏细菌性软腐病原菌的分离及鉴定. 植物病理学报, 2007, 37(4):. 郎秋蕾, 陈集双, 傅天珍, 杜志游. 马铃薯S病毒的分子鉴定与检测. 植物病理学报, 2007, 37(2):. 刘莉, 陈集双. 利用Taq聚合酶直接从双链RNA模板中扩增靶序列. 微生物学通报, 2007, 34(1):. 李松华, 薛国新, 陈集双. 加拿大一枝黄花制浆研究(系列报道之四)碱—蒽醌化学浆漂白性能的研究. 中华纸业, 2007, 28(1):48-51. 1. Chen Jishuang(write). Experimental Plant Virology, Springer Press(德国), ISBN 978-3-642-14118-8, 浙江大学出版社, , ISBN . 陈集双, 姜永厚. 外来入侵生物控制. 浙江大学出版社, 杭州, , ISBN 7-308-04611-7/Q. 054代表论文:: 表示为通讯作者2012年——1. Feng JL, Lai LY, Lin R, Jin CZ, Jishuang Chen*, Differential effects of Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNAs in the perturbation of microRNA-regulated gene expression in tomato. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 39(1):. Xu T, Wang B, Liu X, Feng RX, Dong M, Jishuang Chen*, Microarray-based identification of conserved microRNAs from Pinellia ternata. Gene. 2012, 493(2):年——1. Lang QL, Jin CZ, Gao XL, Feng JL, Chen SN, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*,Profiling of cucumber mosaic virus responsive mRNAs in tomato using micro paraflo microfluidics microarrays.. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011,11(4): . Chen SN*, Gu H, Wang XM, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and Tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2011,43(6):. Yan Xu, Sheng TJ, ML Zhao, W Shi, QS Liao, Jishuang Chen*, Investigation on the Precocity of Regenerated Seedlings from Micro Tom. Advanced Materials Research 2011,365:. Feng JL, Liu X, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai) 2011, 43(4):. Lang QL, XC Zhou, XL Zhang, R Drabek, ZX Zzou, YL Rren, TB LI, Jishuang Chen*, XL Gao, Microarray-based identification of tomato microRNAs and time course analysis of their response to Cucumber mosaic virus infection. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 2011 12(2):. Qiulei Lang, ChunZhi Jin, Leiyu Lai, Junli Feng, Shaoning Chen, Jishuang Chen*, Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Mol Biol Rep7. Lanfang Wu, ZhiJie Xu,ZuoDong Qin,Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen*,Utilization of an Invasive Species – Pulping Applications of Spartina alterniflora (Common Cordgrass) based on fiber characteristics 能源、建筑与材料科学国际研讨会 2011:年——1. Yan Shijie, Qin Zuodong, Jin Leilei, Jishuang Chen*. A new isolate of Iris severe mosaic virus causing yellow mosaic in Iris ensata Thunb. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010 10(2):. Yang WZ, Liu X, Zhang JG, Feng JL, Li C, Jishuang Chen*, Prediction and validation of conservative microRNAs of Solanum tuberosum L. Mol Biol Rep. 2010, 37 (7): . Lang QL, Jin CZ, Lai LY, Feng JL, Chen SN, Jishuang Chen*,Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Mol Biol 38(3):. Feng JL, Liu Xin, Lai Leiyu, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 43(4):. Chen Shaoning, Gu Hao, Wang Xin, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]6. 梁颖、张静微、覃佐东、李环、陈集双. 培养条件下小球藻共生微生物的初步研究. 中国可再生能源科技发展大会,Volume IV, P2439-P2443.(ISTP index)7. Qin Zuodong, Leilei Jin, Fangjiao Xu, Jingwei Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, RNA3 of a Cucumber mosaic virus strain infecting Musa basjoo based on the molecular characterization of its 5' UTR. (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI . Jia Mingliang, Jie Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, Genetic structure of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) 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Xiufang Hu, Qionglou Fang, Shixiao Li, Jinguang Wu, Jishuang Chen, Isolation and characterization of endophytic and rhizosphere bacterial antagonists of soft rot pathogen from Pinellia ternata. FEMS Microbiol Lett 295 (2009) 10–. Ting Yu, Jishuang Chen, Huangping Lu, and Xiaodong Zheng .2009. Indole-3-Acetic Acid Improves Postharvest Biological Control of Blue Mold Rot of Apple by Cryptococcus laurentii. Phytopathology 99 (3): . Xiufang Hu, Shixiao Li, Qionglou Fang, Jinguang Wu and Jishuang Chen. Transfer of Bacillus mucilaginosus and B. edaphicus to the genus Paenibacillus with emended descriptions of P. mucilaginosus comb. nov. and P. edaphicus comb. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60 (2010), 8-147. Jiang Feng, Chen Jishuang, MiaoYin, Krupinska, K., Zheng Xiaodong, 2009. Identification of differentially expressed genes from cherry tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum) after application of the biological control yeast Cryptococcus laurentii. Postharvest Biology and Technology 53(3):131-137. 8. Li Liqiang, Tian Qinghua, Jishuang Chen, 2009. A novel double-stranded RNA virus detected from Primula malacoides is a plant-isolated partitivirus closely related to partitivirus infecting fungal species. Arch Virology 154(4):. Weixia Liu , Jishuang Chen, 2009. A double-stranded RNA as the genome of a potential virus infecting Vicia faba. Virus Gene 39(1):年—— 1. Feng Jun-li, Jishuang Chen Determination suppressive effect of satellite 369 on accumulation of Cucumber mosaic virus by real-time reverse transcript-polymerase chain 2nd international Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE . Zhiyou Du, Feifei Chen, Zhijing Zhao, Qiansheng Liao, Peter Palukaitis, Jishuang Chen.The 2b protein and the C-terminus of the 2a protein of cucumber mosaic virus subgroup I strains both play a role in viral RNA accumulation and induction of symptoms. Virology 2008,380(2):. Zhang Jian-Guang , Rong Zeng1, Jishuang Chen. Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets from Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Gene 2008,423(1):. Jiang Feng, Xiaodong Zheng, Jishuang Chen. Microarray analysis of gene expression profile induced by the biocontrol yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in cherry tomato fruit. Gene 2008,423(2):. Feng Jun-Li, Rong Zeng, Jishuang Chen. Novel Methods for Data Processing of Quantitative Real-time PCR Using a Tripartite Plant Virus as Model. Biotechniques. 2008, 44(7):. Weixia Liu, Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen. Genomic characterization of a novel partitivirus infecting Aspergillus ochraceus. Virus Genes 2008, 37(3):. Sun Haohua, Susu ShenTu, Feng Xue , Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen. Molecular characterization and evolutionary analysis of soybean mosaic virus infecting Pinellia ternata in China. Virus Genes (2008) 36:177–. 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Biocontrol of blue and gray mold diseases of pear fruit by integration of antagonistic yeast with salicylic acid. Int J Food Microbiol. 2007 May 30;116(3):. Zeng Rong, Feng Junli, Jishuang Chen. Synergy Between Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus on Cucurbitaceae Hosts Tested by Real-Time Reverse Transcript-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39 (6):. Du Zhiyou, Jin Bo, Liu Wenhong, Chen L, Jishuang Chen*. Highly Sensitive Fluorescent-labeled Probes and Glass Slide Hybridization for the Detection of Plant RNA Viruses and a Viroid. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39 (5): 326–. Liao Qiansheng, Zhu Liping, Du Zzhiyou, Zeng Rong, Peng Wu, Jishuang Chen. Satellite RNA-mediated Reduction of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Genomic RNAs Accumulation in Nicotiana tabacum. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2007, 39 (3): . Chen Yanfei, Jishuang Chen*, Huarong Zhang, Xiangshan Tang, Zhiyou Du. Molecular evidence and sequence analysis of a natural reassortant between Cucumber mosaic virus subgroup IA and II strains. Virus Gene, 2007,35(2):. 胡秀芳, 应飞祥, 陈集双. 胶质芽孢杆菌突变株021120的培养条件及发酵工艺优化. 中国生物工程杂志, 2007, 27 (9) : . 陈斐斐, 杜志游, 刘歆, 谢礼, 陈集双. 黄瓜花叶病毒2b蛋白对寄主光合速率和叶绿素结构的影响. 生物化学生物物理进展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 889-896. SCI收录10. 廖乾生, 杜志游, 张华荣, 朱丽萍, 吴鹏, 陈集双. 黄瓜花叶病毒CB7株系引起心叶烟坏死反应与RNA2相关. 生物化学生物物理进展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 824-829. SCI收录11. 陈绍宁, 陈集双, 吴鹏, 朱为民. 引起番茄植株坏死病的病毒研究. 植物病理学报, 2007,37 (4): . 何煜波, 胡秀芳, 陈海敏, 陈集双, 高必达, 应飞翔. 半夏细菌性软腐病原菌的分离及鉴定. 植物病理学报, 2007, 37(4):. 郎秋蕾, 陈集双, 傅天珍, 杜志游. 马铃薯S病毒的分子鉴定与检测. 植物病理学报, 2007, 37(2):. 刘莉, 陈集双. 利用Taq聚合酶直接从双链RNA模板中扩增靶序列. 微生物学通报, 2007, 34(1):. 李松华, 薛国新, 陈集双. 加拿大一枝黄花制浆研究(系列报道之四)碱—蒽醌化学浆漂白性能的研究. 中华纸业, 2007, 28(1):48-51.代表成果:
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