This thesis is extensive reference international logistics highway transportation, books and papers, in their theories, methods and practice experience, on the basis of the essence of the highway transportation, logistics, through detailed analysis of research. On transportation system present situation and problems of the detailed understanding, thus further find improvement measures to rationalize logistics highway , the importance of logistics system, from the Angle to logistics and transport as a systematic project to , the definition of rationalization, such elements of highway transportation reasonable were , through to rationalize logistics, according to the China after discussion with the developed countries, the development situation of present gap analysis, found the transportation reasonable optimization measures to improve logistics , through the case, baoding transportation group highway transportation in modern logistics in China, so as to find out the transformation of logistics transportation logistics as a specific form of the advanced productive forces, is a three-dimensional, multi-sector even beyond the border areas of systems engineering, and accelerate the development of modern logistics for optimizing the allocation of resources, promoting social economic system and the mode of economic growth, the two fundamental transformation is very important and far-reaching : logistics highway transportation rationalization