The 3D measurement that outstrips a cluth imitates really and structure designThe shape that changes with each passing day along with the mechanical engineering craft, various machineries also for outstrip the request of cluth to gradually raise, higher burden, more the hard drive has already gradually become the trend that outstrips a cluth graduation designs thought of adopting the contrary engineering mainly, with machinery related course the knowledge of the acquisition for basis, make use of 3D copy to count machine etc. test tool and way vs on hand of outstrip the progress measurement of cluth text particularly introduced to make use of Imageware vs 3D copy to count machine of the measurement receives of wedge mass progress design analysis with draw up to match, according to drawing up to match make use of SolidWorks software to carry on 3D model and creation two dimensions design chart as a result, the 3D pattern progress dynamic state creating vs the SolidWorks software imitates true with analysis, finally receive its 3D pattern and design chart paper, and imitate true process and data towards outstripping a cluth dynamic state.
Overrunning clutch of 3d measurement simulation and structure designWith the rapid development of mechanical engineering industry, various types of machinery for overrunning clutch requirement also enhanced gradually, higher load, the more stable transmission has gradually become the development trend of overrunning graduation design mainly USES the reverse engineering thinking, and mechanical or related courses are acquisition of knowledge as the basis, using three-dimensional copy several machine test tools and means for the existing overrunning clutch measuring design. This paper introduces the use of 3d copy number Imageware measured wedge of machine design analysis and fitting, according to the fitting results using SolidWorks software for 3d modeling and make 2d drawings of SolidWorks software is built, the 3d model for dynamic simulation and analysis, finally get its 3d model and design drawings, and the dynamic simulation of overrunning clutch process and data.
英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,各有各自的表达方式。下文是我为大家整理的关于的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 英汉翻译中的翻译症 摘要:英汉翻译的过程中。存在着翻译症这一诟病。文章首先介绍了翻译症。然后通过分析翻译过程中理解、表达、审校三个阶段翻译症的一些表现形式。总结出翻译症的根源,最后提出了相应的防范措施。 关键词:英汉翻译;翻译症 一、什么是翻译症 英汉翻译把英语表达的意思用汉语表达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明的目的,译文的基本标准一般为“忠实而通顺”。所谓的忠实指的是译文要忠实于原作的思想内容和并且尽量保持原作的风格;在忠实的基础上译文还应该修辞正确、逻辑合理、语言精简、文理通顺,即所谓的通顺。 由于英汉两种语言文化背景不一,行文结构与遣词造句的习惯也相去甚远,语际转换不可避免地产生一些矛盾。翻译的过程其实就是这种矛盾不断妥协的过程。著名学者、翻译家余光中将其形象地概括为“比如英文译成中文,既不许西风压倒东风,变成洋腔洋调的中文,也不许东风压倒西风,变成油腔滑调的中文”。但在英汉翻译实际操作的过程中由于英语的先入为主,矛盾对峙的结果往往一不小心西风就压倒了东风,译出来的文字便“不中不西,非驴非马,似通非通、诘屈聱牙”;让人看起来“看起来碍眼、听起来逆耳、说起来拗口”。尤今・奈达在《翻译理论与实践》提到了这种现象,专门造了一个词――translationese。翻译症不但严重影响译文的质量,而且会影响汉语语言的纯洁性,不利于汉语语言的健康发展。 二、探寻翻译症的原因 英汉翻译是一项及其复杂的工作,理解、表达、审校三个翻译阶段,任何一个阶段处理不好都可能导致翻译症的发生。 一理解阶段 理解的过程就是对原文进行语言分析比如词汇、语法结构等、语境分析上下文含义、篇章语体结构等,并力求透彻领会文字所承载的文化内涵,了解相关的背景知识,有时需要具备一定的生活常识。 例1:Galileo’s greatest glory was thatin 1609 he WaS the first person to turn thenewly invented telescope 0n the heavens toprove that the planet revolve around the sunratherthanaroundthe earth. 原译:伽利略最大的荣耀是他在1609年第一个把新发现的望远镜对准了天空,以证实行星是围绕太阳运转,而不是围绕地球寻转。 分析:翻译只理解了原文的表层意思,机械地将glory理解为“最大的荣耀”,导致最终的译文令人费解。翻译时如果只考虑原文的表层意思,简单地依照字面意思理解,结果往往言不达意。通过例1的上下文可以看出,它指的是伽利略借助科学手段第一次用试验的方法证实了行星围绕太阳运转这一事迹。原文的正确译法为“伽利略最光耀的业绩在于,他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准了天空,以证实行星是围绕太阳运转,而不是围绕地球运转”。 例2:It doesn’t matter to me as longaS I get something between my rids and mybackbone. 原译:没有关系,只要有点东西放在我的肋骨和脊骨之间就行了。 改译:没有关系,吃点东西,填填肚子就行了。 分析:人的肋骨和脊骨之间是胃,getsomething between onffs rids and my back-bone等价于get something to eat。这是一种非常幽默的说法,英美人喜欢幽默,翻译时要学会理解他们的幽默感。由于中英文化的差异,如果直接按照源语理解,往往语义不通,不合逻辑,不知所云,败坏读者的阅读兴趣。 二表达阶段 表达是翻译的重心,在这一过程中,除了正确理解原文这一前提外,还要依赖于对目的语的修养程度和对这两种语言的把握。 例1:The students in a cluster and lifttheirhandswhentheirnames are called. 译文:学生们站在一起,当他们的名字被叫到时,就举举手。 分析:译文显得不够流畅。英语属于形合语言,句中的词语或分句之间需要功能词加以连线,而汉语属于意合语言,词语或者分句之间往往不需要词语来连线。所以在进行英汉翻译时,原文中诸如连词、代词、介词之类的功能词,往往需要略去不译。英汉翻译时,如果漠视这种差异,见when就译成“当……时候”,每遇修饰语就用“的”处理,将导致翻译僵化,翻译症严重。 例2:And it iS imagined by many thatthe operations of the mon mind Can beby no means pared with these processes,and that they have to be acquiredby a sortof special training, 原译:它被许多人想象成这样子:普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学的思维过程相比,这个思维过程必须经过专门训练才能掌握。 分析:例2将“itisimagined”的被动结构机械照搬,译文“它被许多人想象成这样子”读起来别扭。译者忽略了英汉两种语言表达习惯的差异,汉语比英语更习惯于用主动语态。这种情况如果不采用一定的变通手段,化被动为主动,而是刻意忠实于原文的表层形式,译文就显得不地道。 例3:I have sought love,first,becauseit brings ecstasy-1 would have sacrificed allthe restoflife for afewhours of this joy, 原译:我追逐过爱,首先因为爱能带来狂喜――我宁愿牺牲我所有的余生来换取这片刻的幸福。 分析:可以改译为“我追逐过爱,首先因为爱能带来狂喜――我宁愿倾我一生来换取这片刻的幸福”。由于语言结构体系的不同,英语语言具有相当的清晰性、分析性和逻辑性,而汉语则模糊性、跳跃性和圆融性见长。如果忽视了这种特点,认为中文不够精确,不够科学,而在翻译的过程中,一味地借助一些词加以规范,向英文考虑,译文往往不伦不类,适得其反。仔细分析一下,“我所有的余生”并不比“我的一生”精确多少,而且汉语中的余生常指老年人的晚年,或者大难后侥幸保全的性命,这和原文的意思想去甚远。 例4:It is as significant as a game ofcricket, 原译:这件事如同板球赛一样重要。 分析:很多人都认为这个译文“息有”翻译症,其实不然。是不是患有翻译症,有时关键还要看翻译的目的和接受者是谁。如果接收者文化水平不高或对“板球赛”不甚了解,那么这种表达肯定很难理解。但在英国板球是人们最热衷的运动,板球赛是男女老少都关注的事,所以有时这样的异化翻译还能更好地传达异国风格。 三审校阶段 审校是初步译好原文后,进一步全面查实工作的一个后期阶段。译者细致地通读译文草稿不仅可以对内容的忠实性、问题的切实性、译语的可读性进行甄别、查证、修改、点定,还可以进一步解决理解、表达阶段尚无定论的问题。纽马克主张,译者应根据文字的难以程度,花费翻译所用时间的50-70%来审校自己的译文。 通过以上对翻译各阶段中翻译症的一些表现形式的分析可以看出,尽管翻译症产生的原因从根本上说还是上述三个阶段综合作用的结果:理解阶段未透彻理解原文、表达时片面强调忠实,从形式上照搬原文而忽视汉语的遣词造句特征,审校工作不认真。 三、如何减少、避免翻译症 一篇中求句,句中求字 1、吃透原文。对原文的理解不能见字不见句,只见树木不见树林,需要结合其篇章语境、情景语境和社会语境。此外,对英汉两种语言在体系、文化背景、思维习惯上存在相当大的差异,译者一定要增强责任心,从开始阶段就要摈弃不求甚解、得过且过的作风。 2、用汉语的思维和表达再现原文。在透彻、准确表达原文的基础上,应摆脱英文的字面束缚,充分考虑英汉语言在表达形态上的种种差异,用汉语的思维和表达方式重构译文。 二要掌握合理的翻译技巧 科学合理的翻译技巧可短时间减少翻译症的发生。 首先要把握合理的翻译标准尺度。翻译症的发生就是翻译标准走了极端。忠实和通顺是一个矛盾统一体的两个方面,一定要统筹兼顾,把握好尺寸。 其次要灵活运用转性、变态、增补、省略等多种翻译手法,以达到变中求信、变中求顺的目的。 三养成良好的审校习惯 审校是翻译的一个重要环节,译者一定要谨慎,切实把好这一关。建议译者最好放一段时间再来重新审查自己的译文,如果还不行,可以寻求他人帮助。 四、结论 翻译既是一门有一定规律可循的科学,也是一门有限制性的艺术创作。要从根本上避免翻译症的发生,还需提高译者的综合素质,尤其是语言素质。要广泛阅读,扩大知识面。不但从汉语名著中获取营养,还要适当进行一些英美文学名著明译的对照阅读。同时,翻译也是一门技能,可以通过讲授或实践学习获得,因此理论的学习和笔耕不辍的练习是减少翻译症必不可少的手段。 篇2 探讨英汉翻译技巧 摘 要:英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,各有各自的表达方式。日常生活中会遇到这样的情况,某人英语很好,能看能说,但是下不了笔,译出的东西词不达意,逻辑不通,语法混乱,洋腔洋调。对翻译的方法缺少必要的了解。了解常见的英汉翻译方法,通过翻译实践,发现两种语言之间的差异,有助于学习者更好的掌握英语。 关键词:英语翻译 教学 技巧 理解是翻译的前提,也是决定性的作用。若原文理解不对,译文再漂亮也是徒劳的。首先要了解翻译的过程,大致有三个环节:1、理解全文2、汉语表达3、核对润色。 一、理解全文 理解包括原文语法结构的理解和原文词义的理解。弄不清语法结构、不能准确的把握词义,是英汉翻译的两大“敌人”。英语语法结构通汉语相比更为严密,功能词远远多于汉语,英语句子是通过语法手段将词连线而成的。在翻译时,特别是翻译比较复杂的句子时,有必要对句子的语法成分和结构进行分析,掌握所涉及的语法知识。这样在翻译具体的语言专案时就能有明确的框架,便于安排。另一方面,英语中一词多义现象十分普遍,翻译时要依据各种资讯,结合上下文来确定词语在文中的具体的确切的意义。 二、汉语表达 汉语表达就是在理解的基础上用汉语将原文所表达的资讯传达出来。翻译时应该在吃透原文的基础上,站得远一些,摆脱原文的形式的束缚,灵活地用汉语将原文内容阐述明白。 三、核对润色 如果对原文缺乏深入的理解,翻译过程中就容易出错,受原文用词与结构的影响,汉语表达中容易出现英语式的汉语,译文读起来洋腔洋调。因此,翻译完成之后,必须认真检查核对,润色文字使译文忠实,通顺地表达原文的内容。将英语句子翻译成汉语,无非关系到两大要素词语和句子。 下面我们将重点研究一下英汉词语翻译和句子的翻译。首先,翻译表达的第一步是如何将英语的词语翻译成恰当的汉语词汇。几个大致的方法:确定词义、词类转换、增词法、重复法和减词法。 一确定词义 英语和汉语属于两种不同的语言,词汇差异较大。两种语言的词汇很难找到意义完全一一对应的。翻译时,首先要先确定词语在上下文中确切的含义。 1、利用上下文,确定词义:He is a hard-working student and all the teachers like him very much.他是个勤奋的学生,所有的老师都很喜欢他。 He is a student of physics and has published a lot of academic books.他是个物理专家,已经出版了很多部学术书籍。 英语中,student有两个意思,一个是“学生”,一个是“学者、专家”,而且两个词都是名词,翻译时就需要从上下文中来确定具体的词义。 2、根据语法知识,确定词义:He bought three books in English yesterday. 他昨天买了三本英语方面的书。 Tom booked two tickets last week.汤姆上周预定了两张票。 英语中,book可以作名词也可以作动词,但是两者意义差别很大。第一句中很显然是名词,应译为“书”;第二句中是动词,应译为“预定”。 二词类转换法 在进行英汉翻译时,不能简单的把名词译为名词,动词译为动词,是经常需要词类转换的。 1、英语名词转译成汉语动词:英语词汇中名词对,而汉语中动词多。在英汉翻译的时候,特别是翻译由动词派生出来的名词时,名词转换成动词的情况非常普遍。 The little child gave an imitation of his mother’s talking.这个小孩模仿他妈妈说话。 2、英语介词转译成汉语动词:英语中,介词的使用是非常频繁的,它们是用来表示词于词的语法关系,是组成语法结构的一种非常重要的“功能词”。汉语中许多介词是有动词虚化出来的,许多介词兼有动词的词性,因此在翻译的时候应正确处理这两类词。 The house is in repair.这个房子正在维修中。 3、英语形容词译成汉语动词:The following plan may bee available during the next decade.下列计划在10年间可能实现。 英汉翻译的过程中词类转化是比较灵活的,除了上面涉及到的几种情况外,其他词类间也是存在着相互转换的问题。翻译时要灵活运用。 三增词法 英汉翻译时,由于意义表达的需要或者汉语语法的要求,英汉翻译时,经常需要增加一定的词汇才能使译文表达的意义完整、准确、流畅。 1、英语中有许多抽象名词是由动词或形容词派生的,它们在汉语中的对等词同响应的动词和形容词几乎没有什么差别,在翻译时若把它们翻译成名词,有时就需要增词,是抽象名词的所指更具体些。 Her arrogance led to the failure of her first marriage. 他傲慢的态度导致第一次婚姻失败。 2、英语中,时态是靠动词的变化或通过增加助动词体现出来的,汉语中,时态多是由助动词或时间副词体现的,所以,在翻译的过程中经常需要增词。 Some measures has been taken,but without success. 已经采取了一些措施,但依然没有成功。 3、英语中,“数”的范畴是由名词数的语法形式体现出来的,而在汉语中,这一范畴基本上是由词汇手段来体现的,所以在翻译时,也经常需要增词。 In spite of the reasons, he still couldn’t escape critici *** . 尽管他有种种理由,但仍不能逃脱批评。
翻译成英语:Mechanical engineering, machinery and power generation with a relevant engineering discipline. Machinery and equipment industry is to provide the basis for the national economy, industry, the development of science and technology with a difference. Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues disciplines. Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues disciplines. Machinery of modern society the five elements of production and services (people, money, energy, materials and machinery) of, and participation in energy and materials production. My father was in 1984 and graduated from Shandong University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering, and then assigned to the machinery factory work. A child I often see him inside the factory of his work for him after work, at the time of the machine had a strong interest. By then my father for my education, I learned that engineering profession, it is a good combination of theory and practice of professional, not only have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but also have a strong practical ability and practical ability, to the the use of learned to do a perfect job. My father once said to me: "School of Engineering who not only smart, but also have superior practical ability." From then on, I set out to study engineering, studied mechanical dreams. Now, after these days in Shandong University, studying mechanical engineering knowledge, I have a more profound understanding. Shandong University, students of mechanical engineering education in the footsteps of Shandong University of Technology, under the premise of education, combined with the 21st century, facing new situations, through a series of reforms, developed a unique teaching methods. Shandong University, trained to professional students can adapt to mechanical needs of the community, promote social progress and contribute to society. Mechanical engineering students, and all engineering majors, not only taught by professional teachers a wealth of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific practical courses, requirements to practice engineering training center. In addition, one year before graduation, the school will organize the students to the factory specialized training to fully understand the actual situation, to know how to properly apply the knowledge and strengthen their ability in practice. In addition, through these years of understanding and information through Internet search. I understand that China's overseas engineering students engineering education and health education there are still many different. Although with these different, but this is because different countries have different national conditions of the decision. University of each block, while in line with international standards, but also according to their national conditions to determine which specific educational programs to cultivate a real talent for the community. At this point, Shandong University, to do very well, mechanical professional teachers teaching the basic theoretical knowledge but also teach the most advanced knowledge, and according to China's specific national conditions and arrangements for the plan most suitable for mountain college students, so that Hill College full and comprehensive development, so that after graduation they contribute to the motherland.翻译成日语:関连エンジニアリングの规律と机械工学、机械、発电。机械及び装置产业が国民経済、产业、违いは科学技术の発展の基础を提供することです。机械工学は、生产の実践、研究、技术的な経験と组み合わせて开発、设计、制造、设置、使用、修理、すべての机械の理论と実践的な问题のアプリケーションでの解决理论に基づいて、自然科学と技术の科学であり、分野。机械工学は、生产の実践、研究、技术的な経験と组み合わせて开発、设计、制造、设置、使用、修理、すべての机械の理论と実践的な问题のアプリケーションでの解决理论に基づいて、自然科学と技术の科学であり、分野。机械现代社会の生产とサービス(人、お金、エネルギー、材料、机械)の5つの要素の、エネルギーや材料の生产に参加する。私の父は1984年にされ、机械工学の技术部门の山东大学を卒业し、机械工场の仕事に割り当てられている。マシンの时に私はよく仕事の后に彼のために彼の仕事の工场内で彼を参照してください子供が、强い関心を持っていた。私の教育のためにして私の父で、私は技术职を学び、それは、だけではなく、理论的な知识の富を持っても强い実用的な能力と実践的な能力を持ち、理论と実践の専门家の良い组み合わせですの使用は完璧な仕事を行うことを学んだ。私の父はかつて私に言った:"工学系研究科人だけでなく、スマートでなく、优れた実践能力を持っています。"それから、私は工学を勉强してから设定するには、机械的梦を学んだから。今、机械工学の知识を勉强山东大学でこれらの日后、私はもっと深い理解を持っています。山东大学は、一连の改革を通じて新たな状况に直面して21世纪と组み合わせて教育の前提と、下技术の山东大学の足迹を机械工学教育の学生は、ユニークな指导方法を开発した。山东大学は、コミュニティの机械的ニーズに适応することができます社会の进歩を促进し、社会に贡献する専门学生に训练した。机械工学の学生、すべての工学専攻は、唯一のプロの教师による技术トレーニングセンターを练习するための理论的知识の豊富なだけでなく、特定の実用的なコースは、要件を教えていません。加えて、卒业一年前、学校は完全に正常に知识を适用する方法と実践の能力を强化知るために、実际の状况を理解するために工场出荷时の専门的なトレーニングを学生に整理されます。加えて、インターネット検索を介しての理解と、これらの情报年间を通じて。私は、中国の海外工学部の学生の工学教育と健康教育は、まだ多くの异なるがあることを理解しています。さまざまな国の意思决定のさまざまな国の条件を持っているので、これらの异なるが、しかし、これは。同时に大学の真っ只中にすべての席だけでなく、自国の状况に応じて、コミュニティのための本物の才能を育成する具体的な教育プログラムを确认してください。この时点で、山东大学が、非常によく基本的な理论的な知识を教えること、机械的でプロフェッショナルな教师を行うには、最も高度な知识を教える、中国の各国固有の条件やアレンジプランで最も山の大学生に适したによるので、ヒルカレッジこと完全かつ包括的な开発なので、卒业后、彼らは祖国に贡献することを确认します。翻译成韩文:관련 공학 분야와 기계 공학, 기계 및 발전. 기계 및 장비 산업은 국민 경제, 산업, 차이와 과학 기술의 발전을 위해 기초를 제공하는 것입니다. 기계 공학은 생산 연습, 공부 기술 경험과 발전을 해결, 설계, 제조, 설치, 사용 및 수리 모든 기계의 이론 및 실제 문제의 응용 프로그램에서와 결합된 과학 기술 관련 자연 과학 이론입니다 학문. 기계 공학은 생산 실천, 연구의 기술적인 경험과 결합하여 개발, 설계, 제조, 설치, 사용 및 수리 모든 기계의 이론 및 실제 문제의 응용 프로그램에서 해결 이론에 기초 자연 과학 및 기술의 과학이다 학문. 기계는 생산과 서비스 현대 사회는 다섯 가지 요소 (사람, 돈, 에너지, 재료 및 기계)의, 에너지 및 물질 생산에 참여. 내 아버지는 1984 년되었고 기계 공학 기술 계열의 산동 대학 졸업 후 기계 공장 작업에 할당. 컴퓨터의 시간에 나는 종종 퇴근 후에 그를 위해 그의 작품의 공장 내부 그를 볼 자녀가 강한 흥미를했다. 나의 교육 후 아버지가, 그 엔지니어링 직업을 배웠고, 그것을,뿐만 아니라, 이론적 풍부한 지식을 가지고 또한 강력한 실질적인 능력과 실용적인 능력을 가지고, 이론과 실천 전문의의 좋은 조합입니다 의 사용은 완벽하게 일을 배웠습니다. 내 아버지는 나를 한번 말하였다 : "공학부 누구뿐만 아니라 스마트뿐만 아니라 우수한 실용적인 기능이 있습니다."그때는 공학을 공부로 설정에 기계적인 꿈을 공부 있습니다. 자, 기계 공학 지식을 공부 산동 대학에서이 일 후에, 나는 좀 더 깊은 이해를했습니다. 산동 대학은 일련의 개혁을 통해 새로운 상황에 직면하고 21 세기와 함께 교육의 전제,,, 아래에 기술 산동 대학의 발자취 기계 공학 교육의 학생, 독특한 교육 방법을 개발했다. 산동 대학, 지역 사회의 기계적인 요구에 적응할 수있는 사회적 진보를 촉진하고 사회에 기여하는 전문적인 학생들에게 훈련했다. 기계 공학 학생, 그리고 모든 엔지니어링 전공은 단지 전문 교사 공학 교육 센터 연습을 이론적 지식의 부를뿐 아니라 구체적인 실천적인 과목, 요구 사항을 가르쳐 없습니다. 또한, 졸업 일년 전에, 학교는 완전히 정상적으로 지식을 적용하는 방법과 연습에 자신의 능력을 강화 알고, 실제 상황을 이해할 수있는 공장 전문 연수로 학생을 구성합니다. 또한, 인터넷 검색을 통해 이해와 정보의 세월을 통해. 난 중국의 해외 엔지니어링 학생 공학 교육 및 건강 교육은 여전히 다른 많은있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 다른 나라들은 정책 결정의 다른 국가의 조건을 가지고 있기 때문에 이러한 다른와 있지만, 그러나 이것은이다. 각 블록의 대학, 동안 국제 표준과 라인뿐만 아니라 지역 사회를위한 진정한 재능을 육성하기 위해 어떤 구체적인 교육 프로그램을 확인하려면 그들의 국가의 조건에 따라 인치 이 시점에서, 산동 대학,하지만 아주 잘 기본적인 이론 지식을 가르치고, 기계 전문 교사를 할 수도 가장 진보된 지식을 가르치고, 중국의 특정 국가의 조건과 조치 계획을 가장 산악 대학생을위한 적합에 따르면, 그래서 힐 대학 저 완전하고 포괄적인 개발, 그래서 졸업 후 그들은 조국에 기여합니다. 楼主,您老看看是哪个,还有下次写清楚是翻译成什么文,累死我了!!!(在书城翻了N多本书,在网上找了N多资料的某人~~~)
Mechanical engineering is concerned with the power of a door production engineering discipline. Machinery industry is provided for the national economy, the basic industries will be equipped with the development of science and technology and produce change. Most important, that must be translated)Mechanical engineering related is the natural science and technology as the theoretical basis, combining with the production practice of technical experience, research and development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair machinery theory and practical problems in the application of discipline. (this is also very important)Mechanical engineering related is the natural science and technology as the theoretical basis, combining with the production practice of technical experience, research and development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair machinery theory and practical problems in the application of discipline. Modern society is mechanical manufacturing and service of five factors (people, capital, energy and materials and machines), and one in energy and material production. The more important)My father is a 1984 and shandong college graduates, industrial and distribution to machinery factory jobs. When I was young I always see him in his factory work until he gets off work, then to have a strong interest in machinery. By my father in my later education, I learned that engineering is a need good combination of theory and practice, not only have the professional knowledge and rich theory have strong ability and practice ability, the knowledge to use perfect work to be done. My father once said to me, "the man must not only smart engineering, super ability." Since then, I have decided to study the mechanical engineering, the study of , after these days in shandong university study of mechanical engineering knowledge, I have a more profound understanding. Shandong university students to mechanical engineering education is in the way of education in shandong polytechnic university under the premise of the 21st century, with the new situation faced by a series of reforms, formed a unique way of teaching. Shandong university of mechanical engineering students can adapt society's demands, leading to social progress, and contribute to the society. The students, as well as mechanical engineering students all, not only to the teacher taught by the professional knowledge and rich practical courses, the special requirement to the engineering training center for practice. In addition, in the year before the graduate school, students will also go to the factory organized practice, fully understand the actual situation, know how to correctly apply knowledge and strengthen their practice addition, through years of understanding, and through the Internet search information. I understand that the engineering education in China and foreign born of engineering education still has many different these are different, but it is different countries have different conditions of the decision. Each university in with the international standard, according to their country's national education plans to determine the specific, cultivate true for society. At this point, shandong university will do very well, mechanical professional teachers to teach basic theoretical knowledge and teach the most advanced knowledge of China, and according to the specific conditions of college students is most suitable for mountain arrangement plan, make mountains adequately, comprehensive university, so that they can contribute to the motherland after graduation.
Clutch three-dimensional simulation and measurement of design With the rapid development of mechanical engineering industry, various types of mechanical requirements for the clutch has gradually increased, a higher load, more stable clutch transmission has gradually become a trend. The graduation project mainly uses the idea of reverse engineering to mechanical-related courses based on knowledge acquisition, the use of three-dimensional scanner and other testing tools and instruments to go beyond existing measurement clutch design. This article focuses on the use of three-dimensional scanner machine Imageware measured wedge design analysis and fitting, fitting results based on three-dimensional modeling using SolidWorks software and production of two-dimensional design, built on SolidWorks software for dynamic three-dimensional model Simulation and analysis, and ultimately by their three-dimensional model and design drawings, and dynamic simulation of the process of overrunning clutch and data.
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