随着中国经济的发展,收入差距越来越大,收入差距问题也越来越受到人们的重视。本文重要对中国的地区收入差距的现状进行介绍,然后对产生这种现状进行原因分析,以使人们能够更正确的理解和对待收入差距。关键词:地区差距 贫富差距 经济政策 中国改革开放的不断深化使人们的收入得到了非常大的提高。“三步走”的第二步——在20世纪末人们的生活达到小康水平,也已经在20世纪末顺利实现了。我们现在正朝着第三步迈进。可是就在我们为到下个世纪中叶,使人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平奋斗时,中国的贫富差距也在不断扩大。在中国,造成贫富差距拉大的原因十分复杂,有市场经济发展的自然选择因素,有转型期的特定结构性、体制性因素,也有腐败、市场失序等非正常因素。要想正确的理解中国的收入差距,必须对中国收入差距类型及原因有着很好的理解。现在中国收入差距大体可以分解为城乡差距、地区差距、行业差距以及不正当收入差距。下面主要介绍中国的地区收入差距以及对出现此差距的原因进行分析。 一、地区差距现状城镇居民收入的地区差距进一步拉大。东部地区城镇居民收入水平及增速均明显高于中西部地区,收入差距逐年扩大。从1981年至1999年,按现价折算,东部地区城镇居民人均收入增长了倍,中部地区增长了倍,西部地区增长了倍,以中部地区收入为1,东、中、西三大地带的收入比例从1981年的改变为,中西部与东部的收入绝对差额由79元,8元扩大到1999年的2299元和1844元,分别扩大了29倍和231倍。城填居民人均收入地区差距变化[1]针对这种地区间差距的扩大,有人将其概括为“一个中国,四个世界”,即把中国31个省、市、自治区(除台湾外)放到全球来认识,按实际购买力平价来计算美元值,可划分为四个世界:第一世界是上海、北京、深圳。1999年,上海和北京人均GDP分别为15516美元和9996美元,明显高于中等收入国家平均水平(为8320美元),上海和北京两市人口占全国总人口的。第二世界是大中城市和沿海地区中上等收入地区,天津、广东、浙江、江苏、福建、辽宁等沿海省份人均GDP均高于世界下中等收入国家平均水平(为3960美元),六省市人口占全国人口的。第三世界是下中等收入地区,包括沿海地区的河北、东北、华北中部部分地区,人均GDP均低于下中等收入国家平均水平,人口占总人口的26%。第四世界包括中西部贫困地区、少数民族地区、农村地区、边远地区、低收入地区。低于世界低收入国家平均水平(为1790美元),人口约亿,占全国总人口数的50%。二、地区差距原因1.历史因素在中国,不同地区在改革的初期所面临的初始条件是不同的,初始条件的差异也构成了不同地区在改革过程中的收获各不相同。首先,这些初始条长期累积起来的商品经济观念在东西部地区之间存在相当明显的差异。历史上,东部地区尤其是江浙一带居民的商品经济观念比较浓,对市场的理解和参与意识较深。相反,中西部地区的居民则相对比较保守,习惯于固守本土观念,缺乏冒险精神和创业意识,相应地,中西部地区人口的流动性相对较差。所以,当中国开始市场化改革的时候,东南沿海地区的居民由于积极地参与便首先分享了改革的“红利”,而中西部地区的居民则由于行动迟缓而丧失了先动优势,从而使东部与中西部地区之间居民收入差距越拉越大。其次,东西部地区的工业基础存在差异。虽然在六、七十年代中国政府出于军事战略的考虑,在工业布局和资源分配上向中西部地区倾斜,在中西部地区设立了一系列军事工业基地,这些工业基地增强了中西部地区的生产能力和工业基础,但并没有从实质上弥补东部与中西部地区工业化水平的差距。加上六、七十年代所建立的军工企业在改革开放以后。由于体制等方面的原因存在经营困难,不但没有提高中西部地区的工业生产水平,反而成为这些地区的沉重包袱。2.政策因素中国政府在开放次序方面的安排使得不同地区在改革中所能够获得的收益存在较大的差异。改革开放伊始,中国政府的经济政策便向东部沿海地区倾斜。五个经济特区、十四个沿海开放城市都是在东部,这些地方在财政政策上无论对外商还是当地企业都非常照顾,使得东部沿海地区在改革开放初期得以吸引大量的外国资本,当地经济得到巨大发展。虽然外商投资并不是经济发展的唯一因素,但它毕竟在经济发展的初期尤其是对于中国这样的转轨经济而言是推动经济发展的主要动力。1983--1996年,中国的外商投资有分布在东部沿海地区,仅有分布于中部地区,分布于西部地区。与外商直接投资的分布相适应,内地省份在经济发展速度上远远落后于沿海地区,更进一步的结果便是各地区居民收入水平的差距拉大。3.贸易因素贸易依存度与出口依存度是反映贸易规模的两个重要指标。从1993—2003年,东部地区的贸易依存度从上升到,出口依存度从—,中部地区贸易依存度从下降到,出口依存度从下降到,西部地区贸易依存度则从到,而出口依存度一直在左右徘徊。[4]由此可以看出,中国的对外贸易多集中于东南沿海地区,而中西部地区则较少。1999年,东南沿海地区12个省市的进出口总额占全国的,其他地区只占不到10%。因此,东南沿海地区的居民享受对外贸易带来的利益比中西部地区的居民要多。同时,由于中国地区之间劳动力要素流动不畅,职业转换困难程度不同,劳动力的流动性在东部地区要强于西部地区。这在客观上造成了劳动者收入在地区之间的差别。4.教育因素随着教育的发展,它会拉大受过教育者与未受过教育者之间的差距,因为受过教育的人有更高的生产能力和更高的配置能力,它能占据收入更高的职业和岗位,从而获得较高的收入。中国不同地区之间教育水平的差距是相当明显的,东部沿海地区拥有较好的教育设施和较高的教育水平,居民受教育程度比较高,而中西部地区由于经济发展的滞后,导致教育投入不足,进而使居民的人均受教育水平远远低于东部地区。这种教育水平尤其是基础教育方面的差距构成了东西部地区间居民收入差距拉大的一个重要原因。5.自然条件及地理位置东中西部地区之间在自然条件及地理位置方面的差异也不利于中西部地区。从地理区位上讲,东南沿海地区拥有众多的港口码头、密集的公路和铁路网,并且与经济发达的香港、澳门、台湾、日本、韩国相比邻,具有其他地区无法比拟的地缘优势。同时,东部地区气候条件好,物产丰富,适宜生产及生活,这些都使得东部地区在经济发展中获得一种比较优势,从而能够先行一步。三、结束语上述是对中国现阶段存在地区收入差距现状以及原因分析。通过分析,我们可以看到现阶段出现收入差距是在我们经济发展过程中所必然要出现的,但有些差距是可以避免的。我们要理性看待贫富差距的两重性,客观分析引起贫富差距扩大的因素,区分正常因素与非正常因素。2005年中国两会的召开,代表们就收入差距提出了好多好的建议和意见,中国政府也高度重视这个问题。随着中国经济的发展、体制的健全,中国的各项制度的建立,中国实行“西部大开发战略以及农民负担的减轻,一定能够消除各种不正当收入,减少城乡差距、地区差距以及行业差距,使中国社会实现共同富裕。论文天下 求采纳
B. 产生的原因
D. 如何杜绝(如果是问题的话)
E. 前景的预测
Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem. ________(具体的社会问题或者现象)has increasingly become a common concern of the public. According to a survey, ________(说明这种现象的情况或者举一个例子).
There are a couple of reasons behind this problem/phenomenon. For one thing, ________(理由一); for another, ________(理由二). What is more, ________(理由三).
Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will ________(作出某种反应).
Accompanying all the booms brought about by the profound social changes, many problems have come along. That whether the young should have family's wealth or not is a very marked one.
It is widely accepted that we have been living in a "the rich gets richer whereas the poor gets poorer" age in terms of income gaps within a generation. There is an old saying in China, "the offspring of low-income can grow faster" which means the children of low-income family have better problem-solving abilities during adulthood. But is it really true?
Recently I have read much news about affluent 2nd generation which in most cases is negative. Born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they don't have to worry about luxurious cars, houses and so on. The characters of them are always criticized by the public. Sometimes they just think about themselves and forget other people's feelings including their parents. I have never known them to behave any other than selfishly.
Sometimes they are peacockish and wasteful, but they think they can do to their way of thinking. On the contrast, some rich young people are more serious to life, and they think more and feel stressful at the same time.
Personally, I believe children raised in household not in possession of a good fortune are conditioned in their early life to exercise self-control and self-restraint. Through the childhood and early adulthood they are used to repeated experiences of parents' rejections of their requests. It is most difficult for them get a successful career, they may be much more difficult. As they are cultivated to have a strong mind and have many beautiful virtues inside, they are more likely to be loved or accepted by the public.
As far as I know, personal wealth is not measured by what your parents may give you, but is measured by personal ability and personal virtues.
伴随着深刻的社会变革所带来的繁荣,许多问题也随之。 ,无论是年轻的,应该有家庭的财富与否是一个非常显着的。
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?"
"It was great, Dad."
"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.
"Oh yeah," said the son.
"So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.
The son answered: "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them."
The boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."
Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we don't have.
儿子回答: “我们家有一条狗,而他们有四条,我们的泳池的边界到花园的一半,他们的溪流没有尽头。我们花园里有进口的灯笼,他们晚上能看到满天的繁星。
One day a rich father took his young son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, "how was the trip?"
"Very good, Dad!"
"Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked.
"Yeah!" "And what did you learn?"
The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden; they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden; they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard; they have a whole horizon."
When the little boy was finishing, his father was speechless.
His son added, "Thanks, dad, for showing me how poor we are!"
Isn't it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude toward life, you've got everything!
While china continue to amaze the outside world with its stories of rapid economic growth,the country's Gini Co-efficient-a standard measure of income inequality has exceed the threshold viewed as danger china has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty during the period of reform and opening,has transformed from planning economy system to marked-oriented system,the gap between the rich and poor remains in rural-urban income as well as in every social classes are widening that will confine the long-term development of national economy as whole. The per capita disposable income of city dwellers released in 2003 was 8,472 yuan (US$1,024),compared with 2,622 yuan (US$317) of farmers that account for 80% of the national population. approx. 25% of chinese population is in the upper middle class to rich. But the larger segment-about 75% is in the low middle class to though the past year of 2004 appears a good one for the country's some 800 million farmers thanks to a substantial recovery in grain price and cuting tax,the task to uplift the farmer income,to narrow the disparity and inequality which will affect society stabilization in rural-urban development level is arduous. to achieve a coordinated development between urban and rural areas and to resolve issues concerning agriculture, farmers and rural areas,Wen called for reforms to increase assistance and protection for agriculture, to speed up urbanization, to let cities play a bigger role in promoting the development of rural areas and to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas, by unifying the management of issues like labor, family, compulsory education, and taxation.
Gap between the wealthy and poor As we know, only if balance each social stratum relations especially between the wealthy and poor can we have a euphonious is no doubt that every country has the gap between the wealthy and , what is your opinion and how do you think to solve this problem? From my point of view, what we should do is form a correct concept about is after all it is unavoidable. But, we must take some action rather than imagine at the same time. It needs not only our government’s macro-control but also every citizen’s effort. On the one hand, I often heart some bad events account for some people are not be respected just because they are poor. It is exactly a citizen, we can help the poor as much as we can even if we don not the rich such as a kind smile, an equality may have a big influence if everyone can do it. On the other hand,it is the most important to envelop our social’s economic. As the old saying goes,“The fundamental task is to develop the productive forces” So, it may becomes another center of the work. It is equal between the wealthy and poor. We should learn to help the disadvantaged rather than have a bad , let us solve the problem together as much as we can and have a more euphonious social.
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