The education website is targeted at specific groups, focusing on a specific topic, so the education website theme design, is not a process will want to spread information and simple stack, but requires the designer based on the dissemination of information, also can give a person with a kind of visual, psychological enjoyment, in the spread of education information but also the whole art planning. The purpose and meaning of this research is according to the current situation of the educational theme website is uneven, some good and some bad and the education website construction neglected subject system design is the problem, from the visual angle of audience psychology, points out that the psychological effects caused by the proposed overall design theme, theme design education in Web Design。 手写,望采纳!!!
翻译是一门语言的艺术,下文是我为大家整理的关于2017英语翻译论文 范文 的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 2017英语翻译论文范文篇1 学翻译中意境的传递 关键词:意境 传递 模糊 语言 摘 要:意境是中国传统美学的核心范畴,具有情景交融、虚实相生的特点,使读者浮想联翩,如临其境,感同身受。意境的传递受到多种因素的影响,如译者的审美能力和 文学再创造能力、语言差异和 文化 差异。意境的核心内容是模糊美,译者需要巧妙运用模糊语言来传递原文的意境。 一、引 言 意境是中国传统美学的核心范畴,凝结了中国人的 哲学 智慧和 艺术 经验 。道家的本无之论和佛禅的空观是意境诞生的哲学前提,意境的提出受到了佛、道、禅的影响,美学正是在与宗教、哲学的区别中找到了自己的独特规定。(刘成纪,2006:87,92)根据《辞海》(1999年版)的解释,意境是文学作品中所描绘的客观图景与所表现的思想感情融合一致而形成的一种艺术境界。具有虚实相生、意与境谐、深邃幽远的审美特征,能使读者产生想象和联想,如入其境,在思想感情上受到感染。中国的古典文论独标境界,以意境之高下来衡量作品的艺术价值。优秀的文学艺术往往能使情与景、意与境相交融,塑造鲜明生动的艺术形象,产生强烈的感染力。 茅盾曾为文学翻译下过一个定义:“文学的翻译是用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发,感动和美的感受。”(茅盾,1984:10)不少人认为文学翻译是以意境的传达和再现作为自己的最高目标。意境的营造已属不易,而要在翻译中用一种语言再现另一种语言所烘托的意境就更是难上加难。“意境由意象群组合而成,它浑融诸意象,而超越于意象之和。”(吴战垒,1991:41)刘禹锡曾说:“义得而言丧,故微而难能;境生于象外,故精而寡合。”这说明“意境产生于意象又超越于意象,可意会而不可言传”(龚光明,2004:38)。翻译时译者要如何处理这种不可言传性,在译文里再现原文的意境,对自身无疑是一种高难度的挑战。其实,意境再现是一种翻译的理想境界,有时很难实现,毕竟不同国家和不同民族在语言、文化和思维等方面存在许多差异。不过,译者可通过自身的努力,用另一种语言来传递原作的意境。 二、影响意境传递的主要因素 意境的传递受到许多因素的影响。既然是翻译,就一定会涉及原文和译文、译者和读者。意境属于美学范畴。“翻译美学的研究对象是翻译中的审美客体(原文、译文),翻译中的审美主体(译者、读者),翻译中的审美活动,翻译中的审美判断,审美欣赏,审美标准以及翻译过程中富有创造性的审美再现等等。”(毛荣贵,2005:7)意境的再现或传递要求译者在翻译时“不仅要达意,还要传情,要引起读者身临其境的审美冲动”(陆洋,2005:50)。译者的审美能力和文学再创造能力是影响意境传递的主观因素,而语言差异和文化差异则是影响意境传递的客观因素。 1.译者的审美能力和文学再创造能力 译者的审美能力决定了译作的美感层次。译者从事翻译活动时是“由多种 心理要素及其功能关系组合而成,这些心理要素通力合作,才能保证译者审美经验(美感)的最终实现”(屠国元、袁圆,2006:25)。文学翻译的艺术性强调了译者对原作的思想内容与艺术风格的审美把握,要求译者以再现原作的艺术美为旨归。因此文学翻译的过程可以简单表述为“感受美—体验美—理解美—表达美”。译者要再现或传递原文的意境,自己就必须能够感知原文的意境美、体验并理解这种美,然后在译文中再现或传递原文的意境。 “意境的创造要求达到物我水乳交融,即意与境浑,心与物共。”(孙迎春,2002:87)作者是意境的创造者,他的主观心灵与客观事物相融合而产生某种意境。译者首先是原文的读者,需要细心品味文中之境,让自己如身临其境般去体验作者的审美情感,之后通过再创造将原文的意境传达给译文的读者。文学作品通常蕴涵丰富的思想内容和艺术技巧,因此译者要具备一定的文化修养和人生经历才能比较全面深刻地理解原作的意境,才能将译文读者带到原文的意境美中去。 郭沫若曾说:“翻译是一种创造性的 工作,好的翻译等于创作,甚至还可能超过创作。这不是一件平庸的工作,有时候翻译比创作还要困难。”(郭沫若,1984:22)翻译的创造性性质属于二度创造,也就是再创造。译者需要深入了解原文作者艺术创造的过程,把握原作的精神,然后用适当的语言在译文里再现或传达原作的内容、风格和意境等。文学再创造不是词对词、句对句的转换,译者为了再现或传递原作的意境,不应拘泥于原文的形式框架。“译者的创造不是指语义内容层面上的变化,而是指艺术心理的发挥。”(姜秋霞,2000:260)译者首先要感知原作的意境,再通过审美心理要素的作用,使心物交融,获取审美意象,然后用另一种语言再造象外之意的意境。 2.语言差异和文化差异 翻译需要进行语言文化的对比研究,认识差异并寻求穿越差异的 方法 。就汉语和 英语 而言,两者属于不同的语言体系,这就注定它们之间的翻译不能完全对等。比如中 英文 诗歌的互译就常常遇到难题,因为汉语的平仄和英语的十二音节诗句的韵律效果是不同的。汉语是一种意境语言,“只要排列出奇,组合得当,三言两语就能出景、出情,情景交融”(毛荣贵,2005:220)。而英语则注重逻辑分析,少了“虚”和“意”,更多的是“实”和“境”。例如:余冬日往视,但见衰柳寒烟,一水茫茫而已。此汉语 句子 里有“意”——衰、寒、茫茫,有“境”——冬日、柳、烟、水,可以说是情景交融,让人充满联想和感触。试比较林语堂的英译:I went there, however, on a winter day and saw only a stretch of cold water against some sparse willow trees and a frosty sky. 虽说林译切合原文,也传达了原文的情与景,但由于英语没有汉语那么多产生朦胧美的词,使得译者无法完全再现和传递中文原句特有的意境。 文学翻译并不是发生在真空中,当两种语言发生碰撞时,它们是在两种文化传统的背景下进行的。由于不同的文化会有不同的表达特色,所以每一种文化都存在于与另一种文化相互作用的 环境中。(王宁,2006:46,48)中国文学作品,特别是中国古典诗词,常常具有一词多义、象征性、审美意象和隐喻等特征,字里行间别有一番韵味和意境。要 体会和理解其中的深意,需要读者具备一定的 中国 文化修养和 文学功底,因此,译者要向另一种文化背景的读者传递原文的意境的确是不易。“文化具有一贯性、持久性,渗透于 社会生活的各个方面。 语言是文化的载体,具有深刻的文化内涵,因此不同的文化中很难找到意义完全对等的词语。”(廖七一,2002:276)例如,唐朝诗人孟郊的《古离别》:“欲去牵郎衣,郎今去何处?不恨归来迟,莫向临邛去!”许渊冲的英译是:I hold your robe lest you should go /Where are you going, dear, today? / Your late return brings me less woe / Than your heart b Eing stolen away.文中的临邛不仅指地名,更是一种文化意象,出自司马相如与卓文君的 故事 。“莫向临邛去”意思是不要效仿司马相如另寻新欢。由于临邛所承载的文化意象对英译本读者来说比较陌生,无法用简练的诗歌语言翻译出来,所以许渊冲不得不进行再创造,把原文隐含的意境直接用 英语 表达出来。 三、模糊语言与意境的传递 语言模糊性是语言自身的特点之一,具有较高的审美价值。语言文字构成文学作品,作家用语言文字来传达文学形象。“文学审美中的非物质形态即意象、情感、意境、风格等这些非表象要素代表文学作品的气质,虽然可感,但又因难以捉摸、不可计量而模糊。”(毛荣贵,2005:230)文学语言的模糊化是作家对语言做 艺术 处理的结果。美学意义上的所谓“模糊语言”,是指语词具有朦胧而又广远的语义外延。从一定意义上说,就是不穷自己所欲言,不“嚼饭与人”,不无视或低估受众的能动;而是让读者独立思考,让读者驰骋想象,让读者享受咀嚼。(毛荣贵、范武邱,2005:11)模糊语言调动了审美主体,扩大了审美客体,从而扩大艺术空间,增加阅读美感。意境理论最核心的内容就是模糊美,或者说含蓄美、朦胧美。 意境是中国古代文论的核心范畴,它的产生和流传是中国影响外国,有着中国的特色。汉民族善于由具体到抽象的联想综合,在文字表达中强调整体的表达,主张藏而不露,欣赏似是而非、只可意会的意境。汉语表达注重整体感应,是一种意境性语言,讲究意合意会,不注重分析和逻辑;而英语则讲逻辑、重分析、求形合,欣赏客观描述,漠视整体感应。汉英翻译的憾事之一就是眼睁睁地看着汉语模糊美感的磨蚀。由此可见,在文学翻译中要完全再现原文的意境是多么困难,在很多情况下只能力求传达或传递原文的意境。 四、结语 中国传统美学崇尚意境美,追求实境与虚境的和谐统一。作者通过形象化的艺术描写手法,将读者引入一个充满想象的艺术境界。意境的基本特点是情景交融,虚实相生,具有较强的审美冲击力,使读者如临其境,感同身受。意境产生于意象又超越于意象,具有可意会而不可言传性,文学翻译中意境的传递受到多种因素的影响,因此要再现原文的意境十分困难。为了更好地向译文读者传递原文的意境,译者必须提高自身的审美能力和文学再创造能力,把握两种语言的语言差异和文化差异,巧妙运用模糊语言来传递意境,体现出意境的核心内容——模糊美,即含蓄美、朦胧美。 参考 文献 : [1] 龚光明.翻译思维学[M].上海:上海社会 科学 院出版社,2004. [2] 郭沫若. 论文 学翻译 工作[A].翻译研究论文集(1949-1983)[C].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1984. [3] 姜秋霞.佳境生象外——文学翻译的美学随想[A].翻译思考录[C].武汉:湖北 教育 出版社,2000. [4] 廖七一.当代西方翻译理论探索[M].南京:译林出版社,2002. [5] 刘成纪.重谈中国美学意境之诞生[J].求是学刊,2006:(5). [6] 陆洋.论“美译”——林语堂翻译研究[J].中国翻译,2005:(5). 2017英语翻译论文范文篇2 论文学翻译中的再创造 摘要 翻译是一门语言的艺术,文学翻译更是如此,与其他文本类型相比较,文学翻译具有其独特的创造性。本文探讨了文学翻译再创造的必然性以及译者在对文学作品进行再创造时要考虑的四个层面:历史层面、宗教层面、文化层面和语言结构层面。 关键词:文学翻译 再创造 层面 中国的翻译可谓源远流长,有两千多年的历史传统。随着翻译这一门学科的不断发展,人们对翻译理论的探讨也不断深化。各种翻译理论层出不穷,释道安的“五失本”,玄奖的“喻俗”,严复的“信达雅”,到鲁迅提出的“宁信而不顺”,傅雷的“神似”,钱钟书的“化镜”,再到我们现在通用的“忠实、通顺”等等,都对翻译作过精辟的论述。但文学翻译却有别于其他文本的翻译,具有其独特性。它是一种跨文化的语言艺术,要求把一种语言所表达的思想内容和风格特色用另外一种语言准确地重新表达出来。译者在翻译的过程会受制于诸如历史、文化等外部因素,使得翻译活动与前人所提出的“忠实”背道而驰。“忠实”的翻译原则似乎不能给文学翻译以有效的指导,在文学翻译中究竟要采取什么样的翻译策略,如何跨越不同文化之间的鸿沟去理解与再现他国的文学作品,这些都是文学翻译面临的挑战。 一 文学翻译再创造的必然性 译者是原文和译文之间的“媒人”,原文经过译者的加工而转换成译文。从翻译活动的开始到翻译活动的结束,原文是译文的出发点,离开了原文,翻译便无从谈起;而译文却是原文的归宿,翻译活动的最终目的是把原文转换成译语读者能读懂的信息。当一种语言环境下产生的作品被移植到另一语言环境中时,译者要让译文在译入语环境中产生与原文最为相似的效果,在这一过程中,译者的重要性不言而喻。中国传统翻译理论强调“忠实”而忽视“创造”。在过去如果有人提出翻译的创造性,就往往会被指责为误译、滥译、胡译。这实际上是曲解了创造性的真正含义,错误地把创造性当作了任意性,不能把握译者在翻译过程中主观能动性的“度”。 “过度”的创造确实会歪曲原作的内容,破坏原作的意境,但是“适度”的创造在表达原作方面起着积极的作用。好的文学作品的翻译离不开译者的再创造,忠实只是再创造的基础,但忠实的译文并不等于好的译文,太过“忠实”的译文不能满足译入语读者的期待,这好比是给译者套上了沉重的枷锁,禁锢了译者的思想,忽略了译者的主观能动性,在难译和不可译的地方,只能采取“死译”,因而与翻译的初衷背道而驰。再者,文学翻译除了要传递原文的意义外,还要涉及到复杂的审美活动。文学作品包含了作者的思想感情,是情与景交融的产物,译者在理解原文的过程中也会不可避免地受到价值评判标准、文化修养、生活阅历及审美情趣等因素的影响。因此,“再创造”这种主观的能动参与是无法避免的。 茅盾先生说过文学翻译是用另一种语言把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发、感动和美的感受。在文学翻译的过程中,只有根据实际情况酌情对原文进行再创造,才有可能译出好的译文。当有人把“The man is the blacksheep of family.”译成“那人是家里的黑羊”时,确实让人啼笑皆非了一把。这就是典型的“忠实”的翻译。译文确实以最大程度呈现出了原文的字面意思,但是译得很失败。译者完全陷入了所谓的“忠实”翻译,译得一字不差,但却译得不知所云。如果对原文进行创造性翻译,考虑到喻体在中国人心中的形象,将blacksheep译成“害群之马”,问题便迎刃而解。还有些译文不是对与错的关系,而是合适与不合适的关系了。 培根在《论读书》中的第一句话可谓是众所周知了,“Sdudies serve for delight,for ornament and,for ability”。如果根椐字面意思译为“读书可以让人们感觉很愉快,可以增添光彩也能增长才干”,确实让人大跌眼镜,原文的美感全无,原文的排比结构也无从体现。故王佐良先生在理解的基础上对原文进行了再创造,将其译为“读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才”,成为了精典译作。由此可见,文学翻译确实有其自身的特点,需要艺术性地进行再创造。 二 文学翻译再创造的层面 1 历史层面 不同的国家和民族都经历过其自身的历史演变,而作为历史文化载体的语言在这一过程中发挥着重要的作用。民族历史的差异造成了语言的差异,这种差异在文学作品中有不同的表达方式。因此,在翻译过程中,必须顾及到不同文化在历史中的积淀、 思维方式 及表达情感的方式等不同民族的习惯。毛泽东的《七律?送瘟神》里面有一句:“春风杨柳万千条,六亿神州尽尧舜。”有人译为: “Spring winds move willow wands,in tens of million:Six hundred million we shall all be Yao Shun.” 这是不合适的译文,汉语诗句中的意思不难理解,“神州”指的就是中国,“舜尧”则是中国古代两位最英明的帝王,这里引申为圣贤之人,这是译入语读者不知晓的信息,显然不能直接音译。只能进行再创造: “Spring winds move willow wands,in tens of million:Six hundred million we shall all be Sage-Kings.” 这样一来,译文中的“Sage-Kings(贤明之主)”更忠实于原文。《红楼梦》第三回有一段文字用来描写林黛玉的“稀世”之美: “两弯似蹙非蹙蹙烟眉,一双似喜非喜含露目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。” 霍克斯(David Hawks)译为: She had more chambers in her heart than the martyred Bi Gan;and suffered a tithe more pain in it than the beautiful Xi Shi.(David Hawks,1973) 国外的读者理解不了上面的表达,因为比干、西施是中国历史上著名的人物,前者代表着智慧和忠诚,后者代表着绝世的美艳。此处如果不采取加注的方式对原文进行再创造,译文的失败在所难免。 2 宗教层面 宗教在文明社会的形成和发展中起着重要的作用,是人类文化的重要组成部分,它指的是由民族的宗教信仰、意识形态等所形成的文化。中国的三大宗教在中国民众心中有深远的影响。而在西方人心目中,耶稣的位置不可替代,____贯穿了社会生活的各个领域,成为西方文化的主体特征之一。由此演变出很多与宗教相关的词汇,它们承载着特殊的涵义。在宗教文化的影响下,有些词语的长期使用,其含义已远远地超出了原来宗教词语的含义,随着词语使用环境的不同,其含义也有所不同,如果不进行再创造,往往不能传达这些词的全部含义,造成文本的信息丢失。在《红楼梦》的第六回,刘姥姥说:“谋事在人,成事在天。” 英国翻译家大卫?霍克斯(David Hawkes)将这句话译为“Man proposes,God disposes”。他用英语 谚语 来对译汉语 成语 ,似乎是神形兼备。“天”译为God”。而“God”的意思是____中的上帝,原句中的“天”却是一个道教概念。这使得东方道教和西方基督____的文化差异和宗教渊源无从体现。西方读者会以为《红楼梦》里的人物信奉着基督____样作品的原汁原味就丧失了。翻译家杨宪益先生将这句话译为:“Man proposes,Heaven dosposes.”他将“天”直译为“Heaven”,保存了原文中的道教色彩,使原作的文化特色得以再现。 3 文化层面 文化是指人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。不同的国家、不同的民族都有自己的文化,这些文化特征又在不同程度上体现在一个民族的文学作品中。在翻译的过程中灵活地采取不同的翻译方法来排除文化差异,以达到文化再现的目的。由于不同民族的文化背景各不相同,致使相同的表达在不同语言文化中所传递的内涵也大不一样。英汉语分属两个截然不同的语系,受语言和文化的特殊性的影响,不同的国家赋予词汇的意义也各不相同,在翻译时若一味“对号人座”、望文生义,不仅令人费解,而且也不能准确地表达原文真正的涵义,因此只能采用意译法恰当地进行翻译,以再现原文的神韵和意境。这方面的例子不胜枚举。例如:“Bush eats no fish and plays the game”,如果把它译成“布什不吃鱼还玩游戏”则让人莫名其妙。 查阅相关资料,了解到在伊丽莎白女王时代,教徒们为了表示绝对的忠诚,反对罗马天主教在星期五只吃鱼的习俗,所以有了“不吃鱼”这个说法,此处我们把“不吃鱼”创造性地译为“忠诚”;而“play the game”义同“play fair”,大体上是指公平地比赛,根据具体的语境在此处译为为人正直。所以上面的句子若能译为“布什既忠诚又正直”则更为达意。此外,中西文化中的“龙”也是很好的例证。在中国文化中,“龙”象征“权力、地位”,古代的皇帝都坐喜欢坐在龙椅上大概就是这个原因了;而在西方文化中,“龙”却是邪恶的象征,是一种不讨人喜欢的喷火的动物。因此,在翻译时就要准确地把握该词所在的语境。 4 语言结构层面 英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,属于不同的语系。英语隶属于印欧语系,而汉语则是汉藏语系;英语采用26个字母为其语言的表达符号,而汉语则在象形文字的基础上传情达意;汉语是螺旋式思维,而英语是直线式思维;英语重形合,而汉语重意合。这些差异使得译者在翻译过程中必须得斟词酌句、深思熟虑。如果把“The coat is nice and cheap”译为“这件外套漂亮和便宜”就失去汉语的意味了,因为原句中“nice”和“cheap”的搭配可谓是相得益彰,符合以英语为母语的读者们的审美观,但在翻译的过程中忽略了汉语语言的特点,失去了原文的“美”,若能此处译为“这件外套物美价廉”,则带给中国读者完全不同的感觉。译文充分考虑到了汉语语言结构特点,采用四个字的成语表达,符合中国人的思维,最自然最贴切地再现了原文。在英译汉的过程中,有些时候还要转换词语的词性,译文若采取与原文同样的词性,可能会造成“只可意会,不可言传”或是译文晦涩难懂的局面。如:“Independent observers have commented favourably on the achievements you have made in this direction.”翻译成了“有独立见解的观察家们对你们在这方面取得的成就给予了很好的评价。”译文把句中的动词“commented”译为了名词“评价”,而原句中修饰动词的副词“favourably”也相应地转译成汉语的形容词。 三 结语 文学翻译是一门艺术,而创造是表现这门艺术的唯一途径。翻译比写作更难,这是因为作家可根据自己的经验随意进行发挥、自由创作,而译者的翻译受原作内容与艺术意境的制约,可供译者驰骋的空间只有方寸之地。即使对那些“文化空白性”事物的翻译也不是任意的,既要使原文的艺术意境能顺利地“化出”,又要能为本族语的读者所接受,除了进行恰当的“创造”与“叛逆”,译者恐怕也别无他法。所谓百分之百的忠实只能是一种错觉。译者在翻译中必须借助自身的文化修养和经验水平,在“忠实”和“再创造”之间找到一个平衡点;只有这样,才能翻译出优秀的作品。 参考文献: [1] 中国翻译工作者协会翻译通讯编辑部:《翻译研究论文集》,外语教学与研究出版社,1984年版。 [2] 常敬宇:《汉语词汇与文化》,北京大学出版社,1998年版。 [3] 臧克家讲解,周振甫注:《毛主席诗词十八首讲解》,中国青年出版社,1957年版。 [4] 谭晓鸣:《文化差异与文学翻译障碍》,《科技信息》,2008年第28期。 [5] 黄顺红:《文学翻译中的文化差异与信息求真》,《焦作大学学报》,2008年第1期。 [6] 孟健、王春:《比较之中出鉴别――文学翻译中风格的传达》,《湖南医科大学学报》,2009年第1期。
AbstractEducational website for specific groups of people around a specific topic, so for education theme of the site design, is not to disseminate the information to be piled one simple process, but requires the designer in the dissemination of information based on the same time be able to give in a visual, psychological enjoyment, in the dissemination of information on education but also have an overall artistic planning. Thesis purpose and significance of Education Website for the current status of mixed construction site as well as in education neglected topic in this outstanding system design issues, from the audience's visual psychology perspective, pointing out that the theme of the overall design of the psychological effects caused by proposed theme design in the education website design with outstanding thematic focus, and enhance artistic effects and other important functions. And creative page will constitute the overall aesthetic theory and educational web pages visual aesthetic characteristics proposed by combining education website theme design principles. Collection and analysis of each school's website at home and abroad, such as levels of quality online courses were excellent educational website theme design illustration and assessment, respectively, according to their unique design and theme design principles correspond to the connotation of the theme ideas dig. Thesis describes the educational website theme concept, characteristics and function separately from the rear layouts, typography, color matching, dynamic artistic effect and other aspects of the design theme of the site depth analysis, enhance educational website page design aesthetic artistic vision. About the theme design creative strategies, the theme from the educational website interface design, analyzes the hidden meaning behind the design theme, inspired design ideas, web design to improve the teaching level of education in order to help achieve optimal dissemination website theme. TheAbstractEducational website for specific groups of people around a specific topic, so for education theme of the site design, is not to disseminate the information to be piled one simple process, but requires the designer in the dissemination of information based on the same time be able to give in a visual, psychological enjoyment, in the dissemination of information on education but also have an overall artistic planning. Thesis purpose and significance of Education Website for the current status of mixed construction site as well as in education neglected topic in this outstanding system design issues, from the audience's visual psychology perspective, pointing out that the theme of the overall design of the psychological effects caused by proposed theme design in the education website design with outstanding thematic focus, and enhance artistic effects and other important functions. And creative page will constitute the overall aesthetic theory and educational web pages visual aesthetic characteristics proposed by combining education website theme design principles. Collection and analysis of each school's website at home and abroad, such as levels of quality online courses were excellent educational website theme design illustration and assessment, respectively, according to their unique design and theme design principles correspond to the connotation of the theme ideas dig. Thesis describes the educational website theme concept, characteristics and function separately from the rear layouts, typography, color matching, dynamic artistic effect and other aspects of the design theme of the site depth analysis, enhance educational website page design aesthetic artistic vision. About the theme design creative strategies, the theme from the educational website interface design, analyzes the hidden meaning behind the design theme, inspired design ideas, web design to improve the teaching level of education in order to help achieve optimal dissemination website theme. TheAbstractEducational website for specific groups of people around a specific topic, so for education theme of the site design, is not to disseminate the information to be piled one simple process, but requires the designer in the dissemination of information based on the same time be able to give in a visual, psychological enjoyment, in the dissemination of information on education but also have an overall artistic planning. Thesis purpose and significance of Education Website for the current status of mixed construction site as well as in education neglected topic in this outstanding system design issues, from the audience's visual psychology perspective, pointing out that the theme of the overall design of the psychological effects caused by proposed theme design in the education website design with outstanding thematic focus, and enhance artistic effects and other important functions. And creative page will constitute the overall aesthetic theory and educational web pages visual aesthetic characteristics proposed by combining education website theme design principles. Collection and analysis of each school's website at home and abroad, such as levels of quality online courses were excellent educational website theme design illustration and assessment, respectively, according to their unique design and theme design principles correspond to the connotation of the theme ideas dig. Thesis describes the educational website theme concept, characteristics and function separately from the rear layouts, typography, color matching, dynamic artistic effect and other aspects of the design theme of the site depth analysis, enhance educational website page design aesthetic artistic vision. About the theme design creative strategies, the theme from the educational website interface design, analyzes the hidden meaning behind the design theme, inspired design ideas, web design to improve the teaching level of education in order to help achieve optimal dissemination website theme. TheAbstractEducational website for specific groups of people around a specific topic, so for education theme of the site design, is not to disseminate the information to be piled one simple process, but requires the designer in the dissemination of information based on the same time be able to give in a visual, psychological enjoyment, in the dissemination of information on education but also have an overall artistic planning. Thesis purpose and significance of Education Website for the current status of mixed construction site as well as in education neglected topic in this outstanding system design issues, from the audience's visual psychology perspective, pointing out that the theme of the overall design of the psychological effects caused by proposed theme design in the education website design with outstanding thematic focus, and enhance artistic effects and other important functions. And creative page will constitute the overall aesthetic theory and educational web pages visual aesthetic characteristics proposed by combining education website theme design principles. Collection and analysis of each school's website at home and abroad, such as levels of quality online courses were excellent educational website theme design illustration and assessment, respectively, according to their unique design and theme design principles correspond to the connotation of the theme ideas dig. Thesis describes the educational website theme concept, characteristics and function separately from the rear layouts, typography, color matching, dynamic artistic effect and other aspects of the design theme of the site depth analysis, enhance educational website page design aesthetic artistic vision. About the theme design creative strategies, the theme from the educational website interface design, analyzes the hidden meaning behind the design theme, inspired design ideas, web design to improve the teaching level of education in order to help achieve optimal dissemination website theme. TheAbstractEducational website for specific groups of people around a specific topic, so for education theme of the site design, is not to disseminate the information to be piled one simple process, but requires the designer in the dissemination of information based on the same time be able to give in a visual, psychological enjoyment, in the dissemination of information on education but also have an overall artistic planning. Thesis purpose and significance of Education Website for the current status of mixed construction site as well as in education neglected topic in this outstanding system design issues, from the audience's visual psychology perspective, pointing out that the theme of the overall design of the psychological effects caused by proposed theme design in the education website design with outstanding thematic focus, and enhance artistic effects and other important functions. And creative page will constitute the overall aesthetic theory and educational web pages visual aesthetic characteristics proposed by combining education website theme design principles. Collection and analysis of each school's website at home and abroad, such as levels of quality online courses were excellent educational website theme design illustration and assessment, respectively, according to their unique design and theme design principles correspond to the connotation of the theme ideas dig. Thesis describes the educational website theme concept, characteristics and function separately from the rear layouts, typography, color matching, dynamic artistic effect and other aspects of the design theme of the site depth analysis, enhance educational website page design aesthetic artistic vision. About the theme design creative strategies, the theme from the educational website interface design, analyzes the hidden meaning behind the design theme, inspired design ideas, web design to improve the teaching level of education in order to help achieve optimal dissemination website theme. The
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