国际工程管理知识体系International Engineering management body of knowledge.帮你找了些不错的资料哦英文版本中文版本建议楼主google 一下Engineering, management,或 body of knowledge就可找到资料了希望能帮助你
Summary of the study on construction project management methodology: is the largest number of construction projects, the most typical "projects", construction project management practice is one of the important sources of project management theory with integrated project management system of project management theory and practical experience provide theories for construction project management tools, making increasingly systematic and scientific management of construction projects. Tags: 1, raised issues of project management and overview of project management is becoming a modern social address "one-off questions" effective tools that a kind of professional qualification, wide application in the process of social, economic and rapid development is that it provides a new way. Modern social economic total constantly increased, economic globalization, and information trend increasingly enhanced, development speed speed up, process complex, new of industry, and field constantly appears, products development cycle shortened, led increasingly more of "one-time", and no precedent can through of task of appears, especially enterprise and management social public affairs of Government, more faced was increasingly complex of from market and at home and abroad Affairs of various problem, involves of factors, and interests main increasingly more, these problem General of management approach difficult to solution or successfully solution, and from construction project and the military, and space exploration, field of project management method by upgrade for project management theory and thought, provides has solution social economic development non-General problem of means. You can think, lies in its development and application of project management method. Widely promoted popular project management in China in recent years, the ascendant, and we introduce, universal focus, should not be a complicated theories, concepts, procedures, and should be concise, applicable and effective way. Regardless of the economic structure changes, construction remains the main carrier of China's economic development. In comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in China under the background of the Northwest, Northeast, become important means for economic revitalization in many parts of the project. Some cities even proposed "project will flourish cities" slogan. Rely mainly on the application of new scientific and technological achievements in economic progress, relying on the content-type extension, depend on the situation of knowledge innovation, rely on an extensive project is not a suitable means of revitalizing the economy, has been in China for failure to pay the investment decision of enormous cost, so using the scientific method on engineering construction project management, including assessment of argumentation, is the important condition of the building can achieve the desired purpose of the project. Project management methods are not only specific methods, including thought. Party of 16 session third plenary made people, and can continued of science development view, "people", and "can continued" of a basic content is science and technology, and economic, and environment, and social of coordination development, project construction do for development economic of important means, not only cost huge, and on around environment has larger effect, so must meet can continued, and coordination development requirements, this is project management of important guiding ideology one. Methodology is the study of methods. Comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in Northwest and northeast of real background might set off a new round of upsurge of construction, sustainable and coordinated development of scientific concept of development put certain constraints on the construction of macro-control, this method should be implemented in construction project management. Project management is not only for the purposes of achieving specific objectives (duration, quality and cost), should also do project construction and coordination of environmental, social or risk repeating previous errors, mistake, got out of the investment mistakes. This is also a project management method to rise to "methodology" meaning one. Project management of theory so far has can said is is complete of, this not only performance in rich diverse of theory results as various project management books (including translation) of launched, more performance in this area has has own of "knowledge system", as United States Project Management Association (PMI) Yu 1987 made and by 1996, and 2000 amendment of "project management knowledge system", international project management Association 1997 launched has "project management personnel ability benchmark", China double method society for the project management Research Committee also Yu 2001 launched China project management knowledge system under. Each of these knowledge systems project management body of knowledge is divided into a number of areas, elements, modules, China knowledge system "methods and tools" concept, other systems do not have on the topic independent of the method, but throughout all stages of project management, processes, fields. Various project management works also focus on content, stage of project management, program, organization of expositions devoted to rare. Of course, this does not mean to ignore, perfection but summary, concentrate on methods of research and contribute to the popularization and application of project management project management role into full play.建设工程项目管理的方法论研究摘要:建设工程项目是数量最多、最典型的“项目”,建设工程项目管理的实践是项目管理理论的重要渊源之一,融合了项目管理实践经验的系统的项目管理理论又为建设工程项目管理提供了理论工具,使得建设工程项目管理日益系统化、科学化。 关键词:项目管理 工程1、问题的提出及现状综述 项目管理之所以成为一种现代社会解决“一次性问题”的有效工具以至于一种职业资格,在社会事务、经济过程中广泛应用并且迅速发展,就在于它提供了一种新的方法。现代社会经济总量不断增加,经济全球化、信息化趋势日益增强,发展速度加快,过程复杂,新的行业、领域不断出现,产品开发周期缩短,导致越来越多的“一次性”、无先例可循的任务的出现,尤其是企业和管理社会公共事务的政府,更面临着日趋复杂的来自市场和国内外事务的各种问题,涉及到的因素、利益主体越来越多,这些问题常规的管理办法难以解决或圆满解决,而来自建设工程项目及军事、空间探索等领域的项目管理方法经提升为项目管理理论和思想,提供了解决社会经济发展中非常规问题的手段。可以认为,项目管理的发展与应用在于它的方法。项目管理在中国广泛推广普及是近几年的事,方兴未艾,而我们引进、普及的重点,不应是繁琐的理论、概念、程序,而应该是简明、适用、有效的方法。 不论经济结构如何变化,工程项目建设仍是我国经济发展的主要载体。在我国目前全面建设小康社会、开发西北、振兴东北的背景下,项目建设成为许多地区经济振兴的重要手段。有的城市甚至提出“项目兴市”的口号。在经济进步主要依靠新科技成果应用、依靠内涵式扩展、依靠知识创新的形势下,靠粗放式项目建设并不是合适的振兴经济的手段,我国也一直在为投资决策的失误付出巨大代价,所以利用科学方法对工程建设项目进行管理,包括评估论证,将是项目建设能否达到预期目的的重要条件。 工程项目管理方法不仅是具体方法,也包括思想。党的十六届三中全会提出以人为本、可持续的科学发展观,“以人为本”、“可持续”的一个基本内容就是科学技术、经济、环境、社会的协调发展,工程项目建设做为发展经济的重要手段,不仅耗资巨大,而且对周围环境有较大影响,所以必须满足可持续、协调发展要求,这也是工程项目管理的重要指导思想之一。方法论是对方法的研究。全面建设小康社会、开发西北、振兴东北的现实背景可能掀起新一轮工程建设热潮,可持续、协调发展科学发展观对工程项目建设提出了一定制约的宏观控制,这一点要落实到建设项目管理的方法上。工程项目管理的目的不仅是实现具体的目标(工期、质量、费用),也应做到项目建设与环境、社会的协调,否则可能重蹈以前投资失误、失策、失控的覆辙。这也是工程项目管理方法上升到“方法论”的意义之一。 项目管理的理论至今已可以说是很完备的,这不仅表现在丰富多样的理论成果如各种项目管理书籍(包括翻译)的面世,更表现在这个领域有了自己的“知识体系”,如美国项目管理协会(PMI)于1987年提出并经1996、2000年修订的“项目管理知识体系”,国际项目管理协会1997年推出了“项目管理人员能力基准”,中国双法研究会项目管理研究委员会也于2001年推出《中国项目管理知识体系》。上述各知识体系将项目管理知识划分为若干领域、要素、模块,中国的知识体系有“方法与工具”概念,其他体系未有关于方法的独立专题,而是贯穿于项目管理的各个阶段、过程、领域。各种项目管理著作也多侧重于对项目管理内容、阶段、程序、组织等的论述,对于方法的专门论述不多见。当然这并不意味着对方法的忽略,但对方法的总结、集中研究与完善有助于项目管理的推广应用的项目管理作用的充分发挥。
你的文献综述具体准备往哪个方向写,题目老师同意了没,具体有要求要求,需要多少字呢?你可以告诉我具体的排版格式要求,文献综述想写好,先要在图书馆找好相关资料,确定好题目与写作方向。老师同意后在下笔,还有什么不了解的可以直接问我,希望可以帮到你,祝写作过程顺利。文献综述的写法与格式一、何谓文献综述?文献综述是对某一学科、专业或专题的大量文献进行整理筛选、分析研究和综合提炼而成的一种学术论文,是高度浓缩的文献产品。根据其涉及的内容范围不同,综述可分为综合性综述和专题性综述两种类型。所谓综合性综述是以一个学科或专业为对象,而专题性综述则是以一个论题为对象的。学生毕业论文主要为专题性综述。文献综述反映当前某一领域中某分支学科或重要专题的历史现状、最新进展、学术见解和建议,它往往能反映出有关问题的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理和新技术等等。文献综述是针对某一研究领域分析和描述前人已经做了哪些工作,进展到何程度,要求对国内外相关研究的动态、前沿性问题做出较详细的综述,并提供参考文献。作者一般不在其中发表个人见解和建议,也不做任何评论,只是客观概括地反映事实。二、 文献综述的特点1. 综合性 综述要"纵横交错",既要以某一专题的发展为纵线,反映当前课题的进展;又要从本单位、省内、国内到国外,进行横的比较。只有如此,文章才会占有大量素材,经过综合分析、归纳整理、消化鉴别,使材料更精练、更明确、更有层次和更有逻辑,进而把握本专题发展规律和预测发展趋势。 2. 评述性: 是指比较专门地、全面地、深入地、系统地论述某一方面的问题,对所综述的内容进行综合、分析、评价,反映作者的观点和见解,并与综述的内容构成整体。一般来说,综述应有作者的观点,否则就不成为综述,而是手册或讲座了。 1) 先进性:综述不是写学科发展的历史,而是要搜集最新资料,获取最新内容,将最新的信息和科研动向及时传递给读者。 2) 综述不应是材料的罗列,而是对亲自阅读和收集的材料,加以归纳、总结,做出评论和估价。并由提供的文献资料引出重要结论。一篇好的综述,应当是既有观点,又有事实,有骨又有肉的好文章。由于综述是三次文献,不同于原始论文(一次文献),所以在引用材料方面,也可包括作者自己的实验结果、未发表或待发表的新成果。 3) 综述的内容和形式灵活多样,无严格的规定,篇幅大小不一,大的可以是几十万字甚至上百万字的专著,参考文献可数百篇乃至数千篇;小的可仅有千余字,参考文献数篇。一般医学期刊登载的多为3000~4000字,引文15~20篇,一般不超过20篇,外文参考文献不应少于1/3。 三、 综述的内容要求 1)选题要新:即所综述的选题必须是近期该刊未曾刊载过的。一片综述文章,若与已发表的综述文章"撞车",即选题与内容基本一致,同一种期刊是不可能刊用的。 说理要明:说理必须占有充分的资料,处处以事实为依据,决不能异想天开地臆造数据和诊断,将自己的推测作为结论写。 2)层次要清:这就要求作者在写作时思路要清,先写什么,后写什么,写到什么程度,前后如何呼应,都要有一个统一的构思。 3)语言要美:科技文章以科学性为生命,但语不达义、晦涩坳口,结果必然阻碍了科技知识的交流。所以,在实际写作中,应不断地加强汉语修辞、表达方面的训练。 4)文献要新:由于现在的综述多为"现状综述",所以在引用文献中,70%的应为3年内的文献。参考文献依引用先后次序排列在综述文末,并将序号置入该论据(引文内容)的右上角。引用文献必须确实,以便读者查阅参考。 校者把关:综述写成之后,要请有关专家审阅,从专业和文字方面进一步修改提高。这一步是必须的,因为作者往往有顾此失彼之误,常注意了此一方而忽视了彼一方。有些结论往往是荒谬的,没有恰到好处地反应某一课题研究的"真面目"。这些问题经过校阅往往可以得到解决。四、综述的格式与写法综述一般都包括题名、著者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献几部分。其中正文部分又由前言、主体和总结组成。1)前言:用200~300字的篇幅,提出问题,包括写作目的、意义和作用,综述问题的历史、资料来源、现状和发展动态,有关概念和定义,选择这一专题的目的和动机、应用价值和实践意义,如果属于争论性课题,要指明争论的焦点所在。 2)主体:主要包括论据和论证。通过提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,比较各种观点的异同点及其理论根据,从而反映作者的见解。为把问题说得明白透彻,可分为若干个小标题分述。这部分应包括历史发展、现状分析和趋向预测几个方面的内容。 a.历史发展:要按时间顺序,简要说明这一课题的提出及各历史阶段的发展状况,体现各阶段的研究水平。 b.现状分析:介绍国内外对本课题的研究现状及各派观点,包括作者本人的观点。将归纳、整理的科学事实和资料进行排列和必要的分析。对有创造性和发展前途的理论或假说要详细介绍,并引出论据;对有争论的问题要介绍各家观点或学说,进行比较,指问题的焦点和可能的发展趋势,并提出自己的看法。对陈旧的、过时的或已被否定的观点可从简。对一般读者熟知的问题只要提及即可。 c.趋向预测:在纵横对比中肯定所综述课题的研究水平、存在问题和不同观点,提出展望性意见。这部分内容要写得客观、准确,不但要指明方向,而且要提示捷径,为有志于攀登新高峰者指明方向,搭梯铺路。 主体部分没有固定的格式,有的按问题发展历史依年代顺序介绍,也有按问题的现状加以阐述的。不论采用哪种方式,都应比较各家学说及论据,阐明有关问题的历史背景、现状和发展方向。主体部分的写法有下列几种:a.纵式写法 "纵"是"历史发展纵观"。它主要围绕某一专题,按时间先后顺序或专题本身发展层次,对其历史演变、目前状况、趋向预测作纵向描述,从而勾划出某一专题的来龙去脉和发展轨迹。纵式写法要把握脉络分明,即对某一专题在各个阶段的发展动态作扼要描述,已经解决了哪些问题,取得了什么成果,还存在哪些问题,今后发展趋向如何,对这些内容要把发展层次交代清楚,文字描述要紧密衔接。撰写综述不要孤立地按时间顺序罗列事实,把它写成了"大事记"或"编年体"。纵式写法还要突出一个"创"字。有些专题时间跨度大,科研成果多,在描述时就要抓住具有创造性、突破性的成果作详细介绍,而对一般性、重复性的资料就从简从略。这样既突出了重点,又做到了详略得当。纵式写法适合于动态性综述。这种综述描述专题的发展动向明显,层次清楚。 b.横式写法 "横"是"国际国内横览"。它就是对某一专题在国际和国内的各个方面,如各派观点、各家之言、各种方法、各自成就等加以描述和比较。通过横向对比,既可以分辨出各种观点、见解、方法、成果的优劣利弊,又可以看出国际水平、国内水平和本单位水平,从而找到了差距。横式写法适用于成就性综述。这种综述专门介绍某个方面或某个项目的新成就,如新理论、新观点、新发明、新方法、新技术、新进展等等。因为是"新",所以时间跨度短,但却引起国际、国内同行关注,纷纷从事这方面研究,发表了许多论文,如能及时加以整理,写成综述向同行报道,就能起到借鉴、启示和指导的作用。 c.纵横结合式写法在同一篇综述中,同时采用纵式与横式写法。例如,写历史背景采用纵式写法,写目前状况采用横式写法。通过 "纵"、"横"描述,才能广泛地综合文献资料,全面系统地认识某一专题及其发展方向,作出比较可靠的趋向预测,为新的研究工作选择突破口或提供参考依据。无论是纵式、横式或是纵横结合式写法,都要求做到:一要全面系统地搜集资料,客观公正地如实反映;二要分析透彻,综合恰当;三要层次分明,条理清楚;四要语言简练,详略得当。 d.总结:主要是对主题部分所阐述的主要内容进行概括,重点评议,提出结论,最好是提出自己的见解,并提出赞成什么,反对什么。 e.参考文献:写综述应有足够的参考文献,这是撰写综述的基础。它除了表示尊重被引证者的劳动及表明文章引用资料的根据外,更重要的是使读者在深入探讨某些问题时,提供查找有关文献的线索。综述性论文是通过对各种观点的比较说明问题的,读者如有兴趣深入研究,可按参考文献查阅原文。因此,必须严肃对待。 四、 写作步骤1)选定题目选定题目对综述的写作有着举足轻重的作用。 a.选题首先要求内容新颖,只有新颖的内容才能提炼出有磁石般吸引力的题目。 b.选题还应选择近年来确有进展,适合我国国情,又为本专业科技人员所关注的课题,如对国外某一新技术的综合评价,以探讨在我国的实用性;又如综述某一方法的形成和应用,以供普及和推广。选题通常有几种:一种是与作者所从事的专业密切相关的选题,对此作者有实际工作经验,有比较充分的发言权;一种是选题与作者专业关系不大,而作者掌握了一定的素材,又乐于探索的课题;还有一种是医学科学情报工作者的研究成果。 c.题目不要过大,过大的题目一定要有诸多的内容来充实,过多的内容必然要查找大量的文献,这不但增加阅读、整理过程的困难,或者无从下手,或顾此失彼;而且面面俱到的文稿也难以深入,往往流于空泛及一般化。实践证明,题目较小的综述穿透力强,易深入,特别对初学写综述者来说更以写较小题目为宜,从小范围写起,积累经验后再逐渐写较大范围的专题。此外,题目还必须与内容相称、贴切,不能小题大作或大题小作,更不能文不对题。好的题目可一目了然,看题目可知内容梗概。 2)查阅文献题目确定后,需要查阅和积累有关文献资料。 a.对初学者来说,查找文献往往不知从哪里下手,一般可首先搜集有权威性的参考书,如专著、教科书、学术论文集等,教科书叙述比较全面,提出的观点为多数人所公认;专著集中讨论某一专题的发展现状、有关问题及展望;学术论文集能反映一定时期的进展和成就,帮助作者把握住当代该领域的研究动向。其次是查找期刊及文献资料,期刊文献浩如烟海,且又分散,但里面常有重要的近期进展性资料,吸收过来,可使综述更有先进性,更具有指导意义。 b.查找文献资料的方法有两种。一种是根据自己所选定的题目,查找内容较完善的近期(或由近到远)期刊,再按照文献后面的参考文献,去收集原始资料。这样"滚雪球"式的查找文献法就可收集到自己所需要的大量文献。这是比较简便易行的查阅文献法,许多初学综述写作者都是这样开始的。另一种较为省时省力的科学方法,是通过检索工具书查阅文献。常用的检索工具书有文摘和索引类期刊,它是查阅国内外文献的金钥匙,掌握这把金钥匙,就能较快地找到需要的文献。此外,在平时工作学习中,随时积累,做好读书文摘或笔记,以备用时查找,可起到拾遗补缺作用。 c.查找到的文献首先要浏览一下,然后再分类阅读。有时也可边搜集、边阅读,根据阅读中发现的线索再跟踪搜集、阅读。资料应通读、细读、精读,这是撰写综述的重要步骤,也是咀嚼和消化、吸收的过程。阅读中要分析文章的主要依据,领会文章的主要论点,用卡片分类摘记每篇文章的主要内容,包括技术方法、重要数据、主要结果和讨论要点,以便为写作做好准备。 d.加工处理:对阅读过的资料必须进行加工处理,这是写综述的必要准备过程。按照综述的主题要求,把写下的文摘卡片或笔记进行整理,分类编排,使之系列化、条理化,力争做到论点鲜明而又有确切依据,阐述层次清晰而合乎逻辑。按分类整理好的资料轮廓,再进行科学的分析。最后结合自己的实践经验,写出自己的观点与体会,这样客观资料中就融进了主观资料。 e.撰写成文:撰写成文前应先拟提纲,决定先写什么,后写什么,哪些应重点阐明,哪些地方融进自己的观点,哪些地方可以省略或几笔带过。重点阐述处应适当分几个小标题。拟写题纲时开始可详细一点,然后边推敲边修改。多一遍思考,就会多一分收获。 f.提纲拟好后,就可动笔成文。按初步形成的文章框架,逐个问题展开阐述,写作中要注意说理透彻,既有论点又有论据,下笔一定要掌握重点,并注意反映作者的观点和倾向性,但对相反观点也应简要列出。对于某些推理或假说,要考虑到医学界专家所能接受的程度,可提出自己的看法,或作为问题提出来讨论,然后阐述存在问题和展望。初稿形成后,按常规修稿方法,反复修改加工。 撰写综述要深刻理解参考文献的内涵,做到论必有据,忠于原著,让事实说话,同时要具有自己的见解。文献资料是综述的基础,查阅文献是撰写综述的关键一步,搜集文献应注意时间性,必须是近一二年的新内容,四五年前的资料一般不应过多列入。综述内容切忌面面俱到,成为浏览式的综述。综述的内容越集中、越明确、越具体越好。参考文献必须是直接阅读过的原文,不能根据某些文章摘要而引用,更不能间接引用(指阅读一篇文章中所引用的文献,并未查到原文就照搬照抄),以免对文献理解不透或曲解,造成观点、方法上的失误。五、 综述论文的遴选与审编1)综述论文是多篇研究成果的综合,所涵盖的内容信息量大,使读者费时不多却能得到更多的信息。国内外著名期刊很多都设有综述栏目,并给以较大的篇幅和较多的参考文献数额。综述论文的学术水平和写作要求比较高,只有资深的作者才可能写出合乎要求的综述论文。它要求作者对所综述的资料拥有准确的判断能力,有较强的分析、综合能力,对专业知识的掌握有一定的深度和广度,并有亲身研究的经历和体会,以及有较强的驾驭文字的能力。综述论文能较系统地反映国内外某一学科或专题的研究概况及发展趋势,可以帮助读者了解最新研究的热点及新思路、新方法,对启发读者的研究思路具有向导作用。此外,综述论文的桥梁功能亦很显著。 2)综述论文的审稿程序遵从一般审稿规则,但具体到某篇综述的取舍上,还是有其特殊性和规律性。 a.在平衡比较中遴选。综述论文的资料来源于文献,可以有多个作者就同一个问题在一个时间段内分别向编辑部投稿,因此,编辑部必须对类似稿件进行权衡比较、分析,以决定取舍。如"干细胞的研究"是当前研究热点,本刊在同一时间段内收到3篇文章,经分析比较后认为它们是从不同侧面进行的综述,各有特点,故决定放在同一期刊出。又如,有关"端粒酶"的研究是近年来的热点课题,本刊连续收到多篇同类文章,内容多有重复,结果选取了1篇投稿较早的文章,对后来者只得以"已有类似稿件,请改投他刊"而退稿。 b.在达到总体评审要求的稿件中遴选。对一篇达到总体评审要求的综述论文应该是:就某一问题写得系统、深入,能反映该课题当前的研究水平,内容有新意,文字通顺。在这些稿件中再根据其对当前研究的指导意义和参考价值进行分级优选。 2)笔者根据所编期刊近几年来审稿人的意见,并结合自己的工作实践,归纳出对综述稿件的总体评价。 a.对录用稿件的评价:属国际研究热点,有较好的指导和参考意义;是该领域重大课题,内容丰富,值得刊登;国内研究较少,对开展此项工作有推动作用;介绍设计的思路及目前动态,对读者有一定启发;综述当前概况,读者将从中汲取教益;内容新颖而重要,能引起有关读者的兴趣与重视;选题很好,对立足国内走向世界有很大的鼓舞作用;目前尚在起始阶段,有利于读者了解其概貌;内容好,文献新,层次清晰,语言通顺;有重要的理论和实际意义,重点突出,分析得当;综述较全面,并较深入,反映了当前研究状况;属前沿进展资料,有较大学术参考价值;内容具有进展性,且有作者自己的工作,值得介绍;问题有新意,且存有争议,本文提供了一定思路。 b.对被退稿件的评价:涉及面太窄,感兴趣的读者不多;实验依据不足,多为推测性内容;内容分散,重点不突出,读后无系统概念;罗列文献,未作分析讨论;题目很大,但具体内容不多;国内已有不少报道,无明显特色;观点有错,原则有误,说服无力;内容肤浅,深度不够,未能反映重大进展;语言表达及结构均差,修改难度很大;资料来源可信度差,分量不够;文献未经充分消化,思路不清,前后矛盾;选题缺乏新意,内容陈旧,文字冗长;材料零散,内容单薄,说理不透;对所综述的领域不熟,写作不得要领。笔者在编辑综述稿件时发现,达到录用要求的稿件,都无一例外地要退修和编辑加工后才能刊出。当然,编辑部对稿件退修是很慎重的,一般情况下,退修的稿件即属准备刊发的稿件。 七、综述文稿的常见问题及审编编辑工作中发现,综述论文文稿存在的问题比较多,审编时须慎重处理。1)根据已有的综述直译转抄这样做,难免有抄袭之嫌,因为"综述论文"不同于"译文"。在写作综述论文时,可以借鉴他人已发表的综述启发思路,但切不可照抄照搬。也就是说,必须结合自己的工作体会写出有别于他文的特色,有自己的侧重点。要做到这一点,首先必须进行文献更新,补足与自己侧重点有关的和该课题最新发表的文献,然后按照自己的侧重点重新命题,将全文重新整理,综合分析,提出自己的见解。如本刊收到一篇综述文稿,列文献30余篇,而正文不足4000字。在初审中发现,其题名直译自其中一篇文献,进一步发现其内容亦基本来自该篇文献,但鉴于选题是当前研究的热点,故决定让作者重新查阅文献,补足近年的研究进展,改写后再投稿,再审编。 2)洋洋大篇,只是资料的堆积有的来稿超过1万字,但内容既无重点又不深入,层次不清,概念模糊,甚至有误。究其原因,主要是作者对所综述的专题不熟悉,体验不深,不能很好地把握主题,而只是资料的堆积。对于这样的稿件退稿时即提醒作者,倒不如选一个自己比较熟悉的题目,哪怕是写一个较小的题目,只要在该专题范围内写得系统、深入,这样的文章也是一篇好综述。 3)文献开列过多,引文不当一般要求综述论文著录的文献应是作者亲自阅读过的原文,但也并不是所有读过的文献都统统列出,应选择最主要和最新近的文献.4)把综述写成讲座讲座和综述的共同点是文章的综合性、新颖性和进展性。一般认为,综述是专业人员写给同专业和相关专业人员看的,要求系统、深入;讲座是专业人员写给相关专业人员和非相关专业的"大同行"看的,一般在深度上不作太高要求。从来稿中看到,把综述写成讲座最显著的特征是,文章中夹带大量的基础知识性的内容,甚至把教科书上的图表也搬了过来,文章冗长而深度不足。对此类文稿应大力删减专业人员所熟知的内容,在深度上下功夫,进一步挖掘提炼原始文献中的科研信息,从理论和机制的高度上进行分析归纳,从而使其达到综述论文的要求。随着我国科技工作与国际接轨,科研论文亦逐步投向国际期刊。相应地,以综合报道国内外科学技术新进展,促进国内科技发展为宗旨的综述性科技论文必将在国内有所加强,因此,科技期刊将会加大综述文章的比重。 文献综述的写法与格式 文献综述是对某一方面的专题搜集大量情报资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文,它是科学文献的一种。文献综述是反映当前某一领域中某分支学科或重要专题的最新进展、学术见解和建议的它往往能反映出有关问题的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理和新技术等等。 要求同学们学写综述,至少有以下好处: 过搜集文献资料过程,可进一步熟悉科学文献的查找方法和资料的积累方法;在查找的过程中同时也扩大了知识面;②查找文献资料、写文献综述是科研选题及进行科研的第一步,因此学习文献综述的撰写也是为今后科研活动打基础的过程;③通过综述的写作过程,能提高归纳、分析、综合能力,有利于独立工作能力和科研能力的提高;④文献综述选题范围广,题目可大可小,可难可易。对于毕业设计的课题综述,则要结合课题的性质进行书写。 文献综述与“读书报告”、“文献复习”、“研究进展”等有相似的地方,它们都是从某一方面的专题研究论文或报告中归纳出来的。但是,文献综述既不象“读书报告”、“文献复习”那样,单纯把一级文献客观地归纳报告,也不象“研究进展”那样只讲科学进程,其特点是“综”,“综”是要求对文献资料进行综合分析、归纳整理,使材料更精练明确、更有逻辑层次;“述”就是要求对综合整理后的文献进行比较专门的、全面的、深入的、系统的论述。总之,文献综述是作者对某一方面问题的历史背景、前人工作、争论焦点、研究现状和发展前景等内容进行评论的科学性论文。 写文献综述一般经过以下几个阶段:即选题,搜集阅读文献资料、拟定提纲(包括归纳、整理、分析)和成文。 一、选题和搜集阅读文献 撰写文献综述通常出于某种需要,如为某学术会议的专题、从事某项科研、为某方面积累文献资料等等,所以,文献综述的选题,作者一般是明确的,不象科研课题选题那么困难。文献综述选题范围广,题目可大可小,大到一个领域、一个学科,小到一种算法、一个方法、一个理论,可根据自己的需要而定。 选定题目后,则要围绕题目进行搜集与文题有关的文献。关于搜集文献的有关方法,可以如看专著、年鉴法、浏览法、滚雪球法、检索法等等,在此不述。搜集文献要求越全越好,因而最常用的方法是用检索法。搜集好与文题有关的参考文献后,就要对这些参考文献进行阅读、归纳、整理,如何从这些文献中选出具有代表性、科学性和可靠性大的单篇研究文献十分重要,从某种意义上讲,所阅读和选择的文献的质量高低,直接影响文献综述的水平。因此在阅读文献时,要写好“读书笔记”、“读书心得”和做好“文献摘录卡片”。有自己的语言写下阅读时得到的启示、体会和想法,将文献的精髓摘录下来,不仅为撰写综述时提供有用的资料,而且对于训练自己的表达能力,阅读水平都有好处,特别是将文献整理成文献摘录卡片,对撰写综述极为有利。 二、格式与写法 文献综述的格式与一般研究性论文的格式有所不同。这是因为研究性的论文注重研究的方法和结果,特别是阳性结果,而文献综述要求向读者介绍与主题有关的详细资料、动态、进展、展望以及对以上方面的评述。因此文献综述的格式相对多样,但总的来说,一般都包含以下四部分:即前言、主题、总结和参考文献。撰写文献综述时可按这四部分拟写提纲,再根据提纲进行撰写。 1. 前言部分,主要是说明写作的目的,介绍有关的概念及定义以及综述的范围,扼要说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,使读者对全文要叙述的问题有一个初步的轮廓。 2. 主题部分,是综述的主体,其写法多样,没有固定的格式。可按年代顺序综述,也可按不同的问题进行综述,还可按不同的观点进行比较综述,不管用那一种格式综述,都要将所搜集到的文献资料归纳、整理及分析比较,阐明有关主题的历史背景、现状和发展方向,以及对这些问题的评述,主题部分应特别注意代表性强、具有科学性和创造性的文献引用和评述。 3. 总结部分,与研究性论文的小结有些类似,将全文主题进行扼要总结,对所综述的主题有研究的作者,最好能提出自己的见解。 4. 参考文献虽然放在文末,但却是文献综述的重要组成部分。因为它不仅表示对被引用文献作者的尊重及引用文献的依据,而且为读者深入探讨有关问题提供了文献查找线索。因此,应认真对待。参考文献的编排应条目清楚,查找方便,内容准确无误。 三、注意事项 由于文献综述的特点,致使它的写作既不同于“读书笔记”“读书报告”,也不同于一般的科研论文。因此,在撰写文献综述时应注意以下几个问题: ⒈搜集文献应尽量全。掌握全面、大量的文献资料是写好综述的前提,否则,随便搜集一点资料就动手撰写是不可能写出好多综述的,甚至写出的文章根本不成为综述。 ⒉注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性。在搜集到的文献中可能出现观点雷同,有的文献在可靠性及科学性方面存在着差异,因此在引用文献时应注意选用代表性、可靠性和科学性较好的文献。⒊引用文献要忠实文献内容。由于文献综述有作者自己的评论分析,因此在撰写时应分清作者的观点和文献的内容,不能篡改文献的内容。 ⒋参考文献不能省略。有的科研论文可以将参考文献省略,但文献综述绝对不能省略,而且应是文中引用过的,能反映主题全貌的并且是作者直接阅读过的文献资料。 总之,一篇好的文献综述,应有较完整的文献资料,有评论分析,并能准确地反映主题内容。
Article 1 Definitions In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the context otherwise requires: "mployer" means the person named as such in this contract and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such person. "Contractor" means the person whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such person but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person. "Subcontractor" means any person named in the Contract as a Subcontractor for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the Works has been subcontracted with the consent of the Engineer and the legal successors in title to such person, but not any assignee of any such person. "Engineer" means the person appointed by the Employer to act as Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named as such in this Contract. "Engineer" Representative means a person appointed from time to time by the Engineer under Clause . "Contract" means this Contract, the Specification, the Drawings, the Bill of Quantities, the Tender, the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or the Contract Agreement (if completed). "Specification" means the specification of the Works included in the Contract and modification thereof or addition thereto made under Clause 95 or submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. "Drawings" means all drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature provided by the Engineer to the Contractor under the Contract and all drawings, calculations, samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance manuals and other technical information of a like nature submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. "Bill of Quantities" means the priced and completed bill of quantities forming of the Tender. "Tender" means the Contractor's priced offer to the Employ for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance. "Letter of Acceptanc" means the formal acceptance by the Employer of the Tender. "Contract Agreement" means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in Clause 26. "Appendix to Tender" means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in Clause 16. "Commencement Date" means the date upon which the Contractor receives the including plant in notice to commence issued by the Engineer pursuant to Clause 74. "Time for Completion" means the time for completing the execution of and passing the Tests on Completion of the Works or any Section or part thereof as stated in the Contract calculated from the Commencement Date. "Tests on Completion" means the tests specified in the Contract or otherwise agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor which are to be made by the Contractor before the Works or any Section or part thereof are taken over by the Employer. "Taking-Over Certificate" means a certificate issued pursuant to Clause 81. "Contract Price" means the sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance as payable to the Contractor for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein accordance with the provisions of the Contract. "Retention Money" means the aggregate of all mommies retained by the Employer pursuant to Clause (a). "Works" means the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works or either of them as appropriate. "Permanent Works" means the permanent works to the executed concluding plant in accordance with the contract. "Temporary works" means all temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor's Equipment) required in or about the execution and completion of the Works and remedying of any defects therein. "Plant" means machinery, apparatus and the like intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. "Contractor Equipment" means all appliances and things of whatsoever nature (other than Temporary Works) required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedyingof any defects therein, but dose not include Plant, materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. "Section" means a part of the Works specifically identified in the Contract as a Section. "Site" means the places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed and any other places as may be specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site. "Cost" means all expenditure properly incurred or to be incurred, whether on or off the site, including overhead and other charges properly allocable thereto but dose not include any allowance for profit. "Day" means calendar day. "Foreign" Currency means a currency of a country other than that in which the Works are to be located. "Writing" means any hand-written, type-written, or printed communication,including telex, cable and facsimile transmission. Article 2 Interpretation Words importing persons or parties shall include firms and corporations and any organization having legal capacity. Article 3 Singular and plural Words importing the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires. Article 4 Notices, Consents, Approvals, Certificates and Determinations Wherever in the Contract provision is made for the giving or issue of any notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination by any person, unless otherwise specified such notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination shall be in writing and the orks"notify""certify"or"determine" shall be construed accordingly. Any such consent, approval, certificate or determination shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed. Chapter 2 Content and Scope of ContractArticle 5 General Provision Content and scope of this Contract shall be stipulated in the Appendix including construction erection and maintenance. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, it includes providing labours, materials, equipments for the construction, erection and maintenace. Article 6 Scope of the Contractor Work Article 7 Scope of the Employer's Work Chapter 3 Engineer and Engineer's Representative Article 8 Engineer's Duties and Authority The Engineer shall carry out the duties specified in the Contract. The Engineer may exercise the authority specified in or necessarily to be implied from the Contract. Provided, however, that if the Engineer is required, under the terms of his appointment by the Employer, to obtain the specific approval of the Employer before exercising any such authority, particulars of such requirements shall be set out in the Contract, provided further that any requisite approval shall be deemed to have been given by the Employer for any such authority exercised by the Engineer. Except as expressly stated in the Contract, the Engineer shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract. Article 9 Engineer's Representative The Engineer's Representative shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Engineer and shall carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may be delegated to him by the Engineer under Clause and . The Engineer may from time to time delegate to the Engineer's Representative any of the duties and authorities vested in the Engineer and he may at any time revoke such delegation. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until a copy there of has been delivered to the Employer and the Contractor. Any communication given by the Engineer's Representative to the Contractor in accordance with such delegation shall have the same effect as though it had been given by the Engineer, Provided that: (a) any failure of the Engineer's Representative to disapprove any work, materials or Plant shall not prejudice the authority of the Engineer to disapprove such work, materials or Plant and to give instructions for the rectification thereof; (b) if the Contractor questions any communication of the Engineer's Representative he may refer the matter to the Engineer who shall conform, reverse or vary the contents of such communication. The Engineer or the Engineer's Representative may appoint any number of persons to assist the Engineer's Representative in the carrying out of his duties under Clause . His shall notify to the Contractor the names, duties and scope of authority of such persons. Such assistants shall have not authority to issue any instructions to the Contractor save in so far as such instructions may be necessary to enable them to carry out their duties and to secure their acceptance of materials, Plant or workmanship as being in accordance with the Contract, and any instructions given by any of them for those purposes shall be deemed to have been given by the Engineer's Representative. Article 10 Instructions in Writing Instructions given by the Engineer shall be in writing, provided that if for any reason the Engineer consider it necessary to give any such instruction orally, the Contractor shall comply with such instruction. Confirmation in writing of such oral instruction given by the Engineer, whether before or after the carrying out of the instruction, shall be deemed to be an instruction within the meaning of this Sub-Clause. Provided further that if the Contractor, within 7 days, confirms in writing to the Engineer any oral instruction of the Engineer and such confirmation is not contradicted in writing within 7 days by the Engineer, if shall be deemed to be an instruction of the Engineer. The provisions of this Sub-clause shall equally apply to instructions given by the Engineer's Representative and any assistants of the Engineer or the Enginee's Representative appointed pursuant to Clause . Article 11 Engineer to Act Impartially Wherever, under the Contract, the Engineer is required to exercise his discretion by: (a) giving his decision, opinion or consent, or (b) expressing his satisfaction or approval, or (c) determining value, or (d) otherwise taking action which may affect the rights and obligations of the Employer or the Contractor shall exercise such discretion impartially within the terms of the Contract and having regard to all the circumstances. Any such decision, opinion, consent, expression of satisfaction, or approval, determination of value or action may be opened up, reviewed or revised as provided in Clause 99. Chapter 4 Assignment and SubcontractingArticle 12 Assignment of Contract The Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Employer (which consent, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4, shall be at the sole discretion of the Employer), assign the Contract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder, otherwise than by: (a) a charge in favour of the Contractor's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract, or (b) assignment to the Contractor's insurers (in cases where the insurers have discharged the Contractor's loss or liability) of the Contractor's right to obtain relief against any other party liable. Article 13 Subcontracting The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the works. Except where otherwise provided by the Contract, the Contractor shall not subcontract any part of the Works without the prior consent of the Engineer. Any such consent shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under the Contract and he shall be responsible for the acts, defaults and neglects of any subcontractor, his agents, servants or workmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglects of the Contractor, his agents, servants or workmen. Provided that the Contractor shall not be required to obtain such consent for: (a) the provision of labour, or (b) the purchase of materials which are in accordance with the standards specified in the Contract, or (c) the subcontracting of any part of the Works for which the Subcontractor is named in the Contract. Article 14 Assignment of subcontractors?obligations In the event of a Subcontractor having undertaken towards the Contractor in respect of the work executed; or the goods, materials, Plant or services supplied by such Subcontractor, any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the Defects Liability Period under the Contract, the Contractor shall at any time, after the expiration of such period, as sign to the Employer, at the Employer's request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof
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