【摘要】:雨水泵站是指设置于雨水管道系统中或城市低洼地带,用以排除城区雨水的泵站,对城市具有非常重要的作用,本文以下内容将对雨水泵站设计中应注意的几个问题进行简要的分析,以供大家参考学习之用。【关键词】:雨水泵站;设计;管道系统;工艺流程Abstract: Water pumping station is arranged on the rainwater piping systems or the low-lying parts of the city, to exclude the urban rainwater pumping station, the city has a very important role, this paper will on several questions of rainwater pumping station design which should pay attention to carry on the brief analysis, for your reference to learning to words: water pumping station; design; pipe system; technological process中图分类号:文献标识码: A文章编号:2095-2104(2012)1、前言改革开放以来,随着经济的不断发展,我国的城市化进程不断加快,很多基础设施工程迎来了建设的高潮,但是由于城市基础设施工程的建设速度跟不上城市化进程的速度,城市规模无规律的增大,导致了一系列的问题,很多城市一到雨季,全城都是水,简直就成了水城,可见与城市建设相配套的雨水泵站是基础设施中不可缺少的。(剩余2946字)