· 建筑节能· 现代建筑电气篇(2007No4)建筑节能技术在智能建筑中的应用摘要:基于智能建筑对节能的需求,对智能建筑能耗的分布情况进行了分析,论述了智能建筑的中央空调节能、变频技术节能、照明节能、太阳能光伏技术节能的基本原则,详细阐述了这些节能技术措施的实现方法和实施注意事项。提出智能建筑节能措施是一项系统工程,节能技术措施及其推广和应用是实现建筑节能的关键。关键词:智能建筑;节能措施;变频技术;中央空调;太阳能光伏技术中图分类号:TU201.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001—5531(2007)04-0051-54Several Efective Energy Saving Techniques andM easures of Intelligent BuildingsAbstract:Based on the energy saving demand for intelligent buildings,the energy consumption distribution ofintelligent building was analyzed.For intelligent buildings,the basic principles of energy saving techniques in thecentral air conditioner,frequency conversion,ligbting and solar energy photovohaics were discussed. The imple—menting methods and executive notices of these energy saving meas ures were expounded.Th e viewpoint that energysaving measures of intelligent buildings Was a system engineering Was introduced.It Was pmpo s~ that energy savingmeasu~s and their being extended an d applied were the keys to realize construction energy saving.Key words:intelligent building;energy saving me~ure8;frequency conversion technique;central airconditioner;solar energy photovoltaic technique0 引 言随着我国国民生活水平的提高,建筑能耗在整个能耗中的比重越来越大。智能建筑用电设备的增多和对建筑环境舒适性的严格要求,更加大了对能源的消耗。因此,智能建筑的节能技术推广和应用变得十分重要。1 中央空调节能中央空调在整个建筑能耗中所占的比例最大,在节能方面有着巨大的潜力。提倡选用新型的节能环保空调,主要有地温空调和燃气空调两种。地温空调使用水源热泵,利用地下浅层地热资源,是一种既可供热又可制冷的有效节能空调系统。它将不可利用的低位能开发为可利用的高位能,消耗1 kW能量可得到4.5~6.0 kW 的热量和冷量,适用于水资源丰富的地区。燃气空调为利用天然气的空调系统(如家用燃气空调机组、直燃型溴化锂吸收式冷热水机组、燃气发动机驱动制冷压缩机等)。对目前广泛使用的传统中央空调,可采用如下节能措施:(1)合理设计。在智能建筑的中央空调设计中,根据室外环境状况和对室内环境的需求,合理、科学地选择中央空调的机组规模,设计风机盘管的布局,设置末端设备,避免制造出先天高能耗的中央空调系统。(2)中央空调废热回收与再利用。中央空调压缩机工作过程中会排放大量的废热。其热量等于空调系统从空间吸收的总热量加电动机的发热量。中央空调的废热回收技术主要是利用热交换原理,将中央空调的废热全部或部分回收后通过热交换产生45~75。C的热水,再经过蓄能水箱为用户提供服务。其原理如图1所示。中央空调一51 —维普资讯 现代建筑电气篇(2007l~4) ·建筑节能·在制冷过程中可成为一个制热系统,专用设备的核心部件是热交换器和冷凝器。将空调压缩机在制冷运行中排放出的高温冷媒蒸汽与被加温冷水进行热交换,使压缩机排出的热量转换成可利用的热水。在工程实践中应重视改造专用设备与中央空调对接过程中的各种技术环节。该系统可将中央空调机组效率提高5% ~15% 。由于负载减少,不仅省电,而且减少了机组故障。用户中央U 专空调I I用制冷H 设机组l I备热水水箱J l冷水水箱闭式水箱系统回水循环水泵图1 中央空调废热利用原理图(3)中央空调清洗。热交换器所产生的污垢、水垢直接影响中央空调的热交换率和制冷量,使用电量增大(据美国制冷界权威科学机构Phi.1ips Kote资料显示:冷凝管中垢层厚0.3 mm多耗电10% ;0.6 mm多耗电20% ;0.9 mm多耗电31% ;1.2 mm 多耗电42% ;1.6 mm 多耗电53%)。管道上的污垢不仅直接影响热交换率,而且污垢中的细菌产生的不洁通风还会使室内空气二次污染。对热交换器中的污垢采用人工化学清洗、电子自动除垢仪除垢等;对管道的清洗可引入管道清洗机器人等设备进行物理处理。(4)冷水机组群控。根据有效负载控制冷水机组的运行,使冷水塔、水泵和冷水机组等均根据有效负荷的变化而调整,优化能源的利用。2 变频技术节能由交流电动机转速公式:,l=60f(1一s /t,式中n— — 电动机转速.产一电源频率s— —转差率p— — 电动机的极对数对风机、泵等变转矩负载应用变频器有明显的节能效果:Q =Kl,l, H =K2,l一52 一P = Kl K2 K3式中Q— — 流量H一扬程P—— 轴功率K , , —— 常数变频调速技术应用的前提条件是风机或泵在整个运行过程中存在较大的富裕流量。对运行负荷比较满、没有多少溢流或放空的情况,变频器达不到任何节能的效果。(1)冷却水泵的变频节能。对中央空调系统冷水机组的冷却水泵采用变频控制,节电明显,一般为30% ~60%。根据冷却水泵供回水管的压差,调节变频器的频率,改变冷却水泵的转速,使压差稳定。图2所示为中央空调冷却水泵变频控制原理图。图2 冷却水泵变频控制原理图(2)冷冻水循环泵的变频节能。中央空调的冷冻水随时都处于调节过程中。采用变频技术可通过控制冷冻水循环泵的转速(即改变冷冻水流量)跟踪冷冻水的需求量。当管道用水量加大时,压差会下降,系统将调节变频器,使其输出频率升高,水泵转速随即上升,使管道压差回到设定值;反之亦然,达到供回水压差恒定的目的。该控制系统可由多台循环水泵组成,可实现1台变频器4泵联用、3泵联用、2用1备、1用1备等形式。图3所示为3泵联用变频控制原理图。(3)给水系统变频节能。智能建筑的给水一般采用恒压供水系统。采用变频技术使建筑在用水高峰和低谷时的供水压力恒定,具有显著的节能效果。给水泵变频控制原理如图4所示。(4)电梯变频节能。电梯是载人工具,要求拖动系统既可靠又要频繁地加速和正转/反转。采用变频调速技术可提高动态可靠性,增加电梯维普资讯 · 建筑节能· 现代建筑电气篇(2007N04)图3 3泵联用变频控制原理图出水压力&- 比例K一比例特性J一积分特性1--y-/自动切换《≯一输出限幅TRAcK一手动/自动跟踪l一显示^一给定值设定 I一手动操作图4 给水泵变频控制原理图乘坐的安全感和舒适感及效率。(5)音乐喷泉变频节能。音乐喷泉是许多大型智能建筑的附属娱乐设施,能耗比例较大。对其水柱的高低和量的大小实现变频控制,既节电又增强其艺术效果。3 照明节能智能建筑的照明节能原则是在保证照度标准和照明质量的前提下,力求减少照明系统中的能量损失,最有效地利用电能。以单位照度及单位面积所需用电量[w/(m ·Ix)]作为节能指标,力求提高照度,降低用电量。照明节能原则如下:(1)科学的照明设计。设计内容包括照明线路及方式、照度值的选择和自然光的科学利用。(2)选择优质的电光源。科学地选用电光源是照明节电的首要工作,要根据场所的特点和电光源的特性进行选择。白炽灯泡发光效率一般为7~20 lm/W,使用寿命为1 000~2 000 h,而单端紧凑型荧光灯(即节能灯)的光通量为50 lⅡ W,使用寿命为3 000~5 000 h,一只9 W 的节能灯完全可代替40 w 的白炽灯;双端直管荧光灯T12的光通量为55 lⅡ w,使用寿命为3 000~5 000 h,而T15型光通量则达90~110 lⅡ W,使用寿命为8 000~10 000 h。另外,高强气体放电灯中的高压钠灯、金属卤化物灯、微波硫灯、无极灯等,都是较好的节能型电光源。(3)选择效率高的灯具。灯具具有科学分配光的功能,关键指标是灯具的效率,即灯泡安装在灯具里后输出光通量的百分比。根据场所的需要,科学的灯具效率可改善人们的视觉舒适度。如双端直管荧光灯采用梯形空罩式灯具、铁皮涂白漆,其配光不合理,灯照度高,两灯间照度低,灯具效率约70% ;采用抛光氧化铝的双曲面灯具,使光分配成为蝙蝠形的配光,灯具效率约82%。故采用良好的灯具也是一种有效节能的方法。(4)选用适用的节电器。目前国内外都大力推广照明节电装置,即在现有照明系统上加装节电控制设备。这样做接人方便,可减少有功功率损耗和降低无功功率。照明节电装置有晶闸管斩波型、自耦降压式、智能照明调控器。晶闸管斩波型对电压调节速度快,精度高,可分时段调整,有稳压作用,但出现的大量谐波对电网系统的污染危害极大;自耦降压式结构的功能简单,能将电网电压降~lJl0 V、15 V或20 V,且正弦波输出,但电网电压波动时其输出电压也随之波动,使工作电压不稳定;智能照明调控器采用微电脑控制器,实时采集输出、输入电压值与最佳照明电压比较进行自动调节,输出最佳的工作电压,具有实时调压稳压、多段自动调整、对灯具的软启动和软关闭、三相独立可调的功能,可随负荷变化动态调整运行状态下的电流和电压,实现对功率的自动调整,节电率达25% 以上。4 太阳能光伏技术节能太阳能热水器和太阳能热水系统是我国目前最大的太阳能热利用产业。其节能的作用和效果有目共睹。但对智能建筑而言,可安装太阳能热水器的地方面积有限,且影响建筑物的整体美观效果。目前,全球太阳能建筑投资规模600亿元,太阳能建筑节能率达75% 。节能环保的太阳能一53 —维普资讯 现代建筑电气篇(20071~4) ·建筑节能·建筑代表了智能建筑的发展方向,集发电、隔音、隔热、安全和装饰于一体,体现了智能化与人性化的建筑理念与发展潮流,应用前景广阔。建筑物的外壳为光伏系统提供了足够的面积,省去光伏系统的支撑结构,并在建筑施工中可将光伏系统的安装集成到建筑物中。太阳能电池与建筑的一体化是太阳能建筑发展首要解决的技术问题。要求太阳能电池不仅是一种发电器件,而且也是与建筑物和谐统一的建筑材料。目前,利用太阳能电池做建筑物外墙的有晶体硅太阳能电池玻璃组件和非晶体硅太阳能电池玻璃组件。前者将晶体硅电池放置在内层与外层玻璃中间,夹胶组成;后者利用激光打掉膜的非晶硅太阳能电池玻璃作为外层,通过胶片与内层玻璃紧密结合而成,具有发电、隔音、隔热的双重节能效果,但因成本高达5 000—10 000元/m ,使其应用受到限制。新型的架构式非晶硅光伏中空玻璃组件使成本降到了1 500—2 500 m 。其实现技术的关键是架构式结构,变半导体加工工艺为机加工工艺(用激光线错位工艺代替半导体光刻工艺),不同受光面采用不同太阳能电池。几种太阳能光伏组件性能如表1所示。表1 几种太阳能光伏组件性能5 制约智能建筑节能的因素分析(1)在智能建筑的招标和设计阶段,建筑节能常常被弱化。(2)由于建设前期的不合理投资,使配置降低,造成智能建筑虽有节能装置但不具备节能效果,成了摆设。科学的设计、合理的投资是解决该问题的关键。(3)智能建筑节能装置和系统的使用效率偏低。目前能够投入使用的不足3O% ,节能仅为楼盘销售时的一个招牌。必须对节能装置和系统的运营进行科学管理。(4)由于物业管理水平低,技术达不到维护能力,导致节能装置和系统不能发挥出其应有的作用。要求维护人员不仅具备专业知识,还应具备一定的计算机知识、编程、网络维护以及分析和解决问题的综合能力。一54 —6 结 语智能建筑的节能是全方位的、持久的和综合性的系统工程。智能建筑的设计者必须对各种节能技术措施有全面的认识,并努力推动节能技术措施的实施和应用。同时,转变观念、对已投入运行的节能设施和系统进行科学管理也是智能建筑节能的重要措施和手段。【参考文献】[1] 曾斌,田峻.智能建筑工程[M].北京:中国建材工业出版社,2002.[2] 杨善勤.民用建筑节能设计手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1997.[3] 韩风.建筑电气设计手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1991.[4] 王占奎.变频调速应用百例[M].北京:科学出版社,1999.
Yin Tong Technology Company . Our policy and vision on environment 2. Brief introduction to the company3. Product introductiona. Combination among indoors or outdoors wall, our product and external paints, wallpapers or tilesb. Breakdown on YT insulation productsc. Six excellent features4. Product usage5. Regions suitable for the use of our products6. Complete sale service7. Practical examples1. Our policy is to let our products keep our buildings, houses, rooms etc. warm in winter and cool in summer. Our vision is to apply our policy to lessen global energy consumption from electricity for heaters and air conditioners; and to lower global warming to benefit the world and our next . Yin Tong Technology Co Limited (e-mail address: and e letter box: ) manages and operates in accordance with the standard of our national strict company management of professional technology and ISO standard. We have obtained a lot of National Commendations and provincial Certificates including Commendation on National technology results extremely worthy of recommendation to use, National self-developed excellent insulation material, etc. The Company situates at a location convenient for transportation and communication. It has been established since 2000. Its factory occupies 38600 sq meters, with some 3000 employees, equipped with modern production equipment. It is expanding. It produces and sells environmentally friendly wall insulation material suitable for all kinds of weather conditions and climate, warm, hot, cold or . Our products are called Types YT-A, TY-B and YT-C series to be able to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Different types fit different regions with different weather. Functional referenceLegend on combination among wall, the product and paints or tilesFigure 1 Figure Our products are made mainly of light, heat-resistant and inorganic appearance Package modeBreakdown on "YT" insulation products Table A Item Description Unit Type TY-A TY-B TY-C 1 Thermal conductivity coefficient W/() 2 Thermal storage coefficient W/() 3 Strength of adhesion Mpa ≥ ≥ ≥ 4 Regions suitable for the use N/A Cold Hot in summer,cold in winter Hot in summer,warm in winter Table B Item Description Unit Nationalstandard Our standard Test result Remark1 Density w/ water Kg/m3 - 680 611 Pass2 Density w/o water Kg/m3 - 560 453 Pass3 Thermal storage coefficient W/() - Strength of anti pressure kpa ≥200 ≥300 355 Pass5 Strength of adhesion kpa ≥100 ≥150 629 Pass6 Thermal conductivity coefficient W/() ≤ ≤ Pass7 Rate of linear contraction % ≤ ≤ Pass8 Softness coefficient - ≥ ≥ Pass9 Classification of fire resistance - General fire resistance Non- flammability High nonflammabiltiy Pass10 Scopes of resistance to change of weather a). 80 times recycles of heating up to high temperature and watering. b). 25 times recycles of heating up and cool down. No separation between wall and the products, no bubbles, no peel-off, no in-between hollow, no cracks, anti crash up to 10J and strength of adhesion up to Pass4 The company’s contribution to energy saving in building is by means of our advanced technology with safety and being environmental friendly. Our company is responsible for research, production and sale of the series. We use international and our own technology for the adhesion and compatibility of our product with wall, tiles and wallpapers. We produce the series by own self. Such technology results in our products’ keeping warm, excellent heat insulation, fire resistance, vibration resistance, light weight, sound proof, crack resistance, peeling-off resistance and no separation between wall and the products. The mixture of all these features can reduce 50% to 65 % of energy consumption of indoors heaters or air conditioners (For calculation of real energy reduction figures, please ask our company), satisfying or even exceeding our national requirement. In comparison with outdoors temperature, our products are, in winter, capable of raising room temperature by 6 - 10 degree Celsius. In summer, it can lower room temperature by 6 – 8 degree Celsius. Additionally, lower prices as well as easy and simple operation flow related to own products is also our superiority in the market. Due to the above-stated advantage, our products are always receiving true and high Why are our products better than others? Better heat resistanceIt is because our products are of high density, strong strength but small figure of heat transmission coefficient. With these features, our products have surely better effect of keeping warm in winter and cool in summer as well as saving energy and Safety, fire prevention and resistance to change of weather and climateOur products are classified as Grade A fire-resistant material, excellently able to withstand heat attack at more than 1000 degree Celsius. Floor, ceiling and walls of corridors glued thickly with our products can stop fire from rooms to some extent for a period of long time. The coefficient of our products’ cubical expansion is nearly the same as that of wall materials, for example: concrete. Therefore, the products on wall form flexibility, non-cracks because of weather change, strong adhesiveness, no in-between hollow, firm bonding, the enduring of continuous clash, no separation between wall and our products and countering Comfortable living environment We produces with the raw materials without poison, odor and non-harmful to environment. Our products, . the insulation coating on wall, roof, room screen, etc. have an ability to breathe through numerous pores on the coating, making persons in room healthy and feeling comfortable and Simple handling and easy gluingOur products can be used to directly coat on walls, after our products are mixed with nothing other than fresh water. The coating needs to be flattened and smoothen only once. It does not require further to be watered on the coating. Our products are naturally white, which facilitates decoration with paints, tiles or even wallpapers (if indoors) Excellent quality and lower pricesOur target is to make our products achieve the integration concept on building design and building technology by means of reducing giant construction cost under construction, maintenance cost and building energy consumption at the rear of building completion. Our goodwill is to apply our company ‘s advanced equipment, technology and complicated production flow to generate the products which our end users handle easily, quickly and convenient. Besides, our product series is much cheaper by 10% to 20% than other similar products in the market while our products’ quality is much better than them, which is proved by many construction reports and famous structural Norm of product functionsAll the function of our products is set in accordance with our own strict stipulation Q/YTQ 004-2006. It satisfies or even exceeds our national requirements of construction insulation mud, GB/T 20473-2006 and Suitable geographical regionsWe understand that the fitness is the best. The different types of our product suit different regions with walls of different bricks and different weather as well as climate. Our products can be laid on old and new roofs, walls, brick, sandy bricks, etc. in warm, hot, cold and coldest climate. 7 Complete sale Before saleWe provide to potential customers the detailed information on our products, business formalities and technology on how to deal with the products. We may guide potential customers to watch our products already pasted on existing buildings Support service According to individual customers’ request, we provide solutions to their design and technology problem. As for operation, our company is absolutely willing to train and even appoint our technicians to instruct end users, unskilled workers to apply the products. Further to logistics, we can convey customer-ordered products from our factory to customers’ site under customer’s After-sale serviceWe will regularly visit customer’s sites under operation and at the completion of construction, and listen to their opinion. By the consolidation of the information above, we shall improve our products and service continuously, if any.
Outer wall heat preservation 外墙保温
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