This article on the use of Simulink block diagram of the longitudinal force trains for analysis. In the use of Simulink, we have to grasp the look-up table, manual switch, the output port, multiply, add, sum, function integrator, such as the use of modules and require proficiency in the use of oscilloscopes, the required parameters of a graph of Health to regulate the waveform size record experimental data. At the same time make full use of Matlab and Simulink same data sets, the necessary data processing. Matlab for data import, need to have a simple calculation of the order, the completion of data and buffer device is a motor car and motorcycle, as well as an important connection between the vehicle parts. In addition to vehicle traffic even hang up, but also have the effect of keeping a certain distance between vehicles, vehicles pass between the vertical force, easing the impact between the vehicles and so on. Coupling buffer force in the vertical with a certain degree of flexibility under the deformation, and can bound trains in the relative displacement between vehicles, so called flexible binding between article on the use of Simulink block diagram of the longitudinal force trains for analysis. In the use of Simulink, we have to grasp the look-up table, manual switch, the output port, multiply, add, sum, function integrator, such as the use of modules and require proficiency in the use of oscilloscopes, the required parameters of a graph of Health to regulate the waveform size record experimental data. At the same time make full use of Matlab and Simulink same data sets, the necessary data processing. Matlab for data import, need to have a simple calculation of the order, the completion of data and for the vehicle running condition, brake condition, idle line condition of the three movement patterns, in this article were also analyzed. Properties in the same conditions, in contrast to the three conditions, showing the speed, buffer stroke, such as coupling strength of the different parameters change. Composed of two moving cars and 1M1T, 2M1T various groups to discuss the situation, analyze the characteristics of different groups and changes in vertical force.