美国机械工程学会(ASME)有这么多分刊:Applied Mechanics Reviews Journal of Applied Mechanics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Journal of Electronic Packaging Journal of Energy Resources Technology Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Journal of Fluids Engineering Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology Journal of Heat Transfer Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Journal of Mechanical Design Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Journal of Medical Devices Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications Journal of Tribology Journal of Turbomachinery Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 英国机械工程学会(IMcheE)有下列分刊:Part A - Journal of Power And EnergyPart B - Journal of Engineering ManufacturePart C - Journal of Mechanical Engineering SciencePart D - Journal of Automobile EngineeringPart E - Journal of Process Mechanical EngineeringPart F - Journal of Rail and Rapid TransitPart G - Journal of Aerospace EngineeringPart H - Journal of Engineering in MedicinePart I - Journal of Systems and Control EngineeringPart J - Journal of Engineering TribologyPart K - Journal of Multi-body DynamicsPart L - Journal of Materials Design and ApplicationsPart M - Journal of Engineering for the Maritime EnvironmentPart N - Journal of Nanoengineering and NanosystemsPart O - Journal of Risk and ReliabilityPart P - Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology