机械设计课程设计计算说明书 一、传动方案拟定…………….……………………………….2 二、电动机的选择……………………………………….…….2 三、计算总传动比及分配各级的传动比……………….…….4 四、运动参数及动力参数计算………………………….…….5 五、传动零件的设计计算………………………………….….6 六、轴的设计计算………………………………………….....12 七、滚动轴承的选择及校核计算………………………….…19 八、键联接的选择及计算………..……………………………22 设计题目:V带——单级圆柱减速器 第四组 德州科技职业学院青岛校区 设计者:#### 指导教师:%%%% 二○○七年十二月计算过程及计算说明 一、传动方案拟定 第三组:设计单级圆柱齿轮减速器和一级带传动 (1) 工作条件:连续单向运转,载荷平稳,空载启动,使用年限10年,小批量生产,工作为二班工作制,运输带速允许误差正负5%。 (2) 原始数据:工作拉力F=1250N;带速V=; 滚筒直径D=280mm。 二、电动机选择 1、电动机类型的选择: Y系列三相异步电动机 2、电动机功率选择: (1)传动装置的总功率: η总=η带×η2轴承×η齿轮×η联轴器×η滚筒 =××××× = (2)电机所需的工作功率: P工作=FV/1000η总 =1250×× =、确定电动机转速: 计算滚筒工作转速: n筒=60×960V/πD =60×960×π×280 =111r/min 按书P7表2-3推荐的传动比合理范围,取圆柱齿轮传动一级减速器传动比范围I’a=3~6。取V带传动比I’1=2~4,则总传动比理时范围为I’a=6~24。故电动机转速的可选范围为n筒=(6~24)×111=666~2664r/min 符合这一范围的同步转速有750、1000、和1500r/min。 根据容量和转速,由有关手册查出有三种适用的电动机型号:因此有三种传支比方案:综合考虑电动机和传动装置尺寸、重量、价格和带传动、减速器的传动比,可见第2方案比较适合,则选n=1000r/min 。 4、确定电动机型号 根据以上选用的电动机类型,所需的额定功率及同步转速,选定电动机型号为Y132S-6。 其主要性能:额定功率:3KW,满载转速960r/min,额定转矩。质量63kg。 三、计算总传动比及分配各级的伟动比 1、总传动比:i总=n电动/n筒=960/111= 2、分配各级伟动比 (1) 据指导书,取齿轮i齿轮=6(单级减速器i=3~6合理) (2) ∵i总=i齿轮×I带 ∴i带=i总/i齿轮= 四、运动参数及动力参数计算 1、计算各轴转速(r/min) nI=n电机=960r/min nII=nI/i带=960/(r/min) nIII=nII/i齿轮=686/6=114(r/min) 2、 计算各轴的功率(KW) PI=P工作= PII=PI×η带=× PIII=PII×η轴承×η齿轮=×× =、 计算各轴扭矩(N•mm) TI=×106PI/nI=×106× =25729N•mm TII=×106PII/nII =×106× =•mm TIII=×106PIII/nIII=×106× =232048N•mm 五、传动零件的设计计算 1、 皮带轮传动的设计计算 (1) 选择普通V带截型 由课本表得:kA= Pd=KAP=×3= 由课本得:选用A型V带 (2) 确定带轮基准直径,并验算带速 由课本得,推荐的小带轮基准直径为 75~100mm 则取dd1=100mm dd2=n1/n2•dd1=(960/686)×100=139mm 由课本P74表5-4,取dd2=140mm 实际从动轮转速n2’=n1dd1/dd2=960×100/140 = 转速误差为:n2-n2’/n2=686- =<(允许) 带速V:V=πdd1n1/60×1000 =π×100×960/60×1000 = 在5~25m/s范围内,带速合适。 (3) 确定带长和中心矩 根据课本得 0. 7(dd1+dd2)≤a0≤2(dd1+dd2) 0. 7(100+140)≤a0≤2×(100+140) 所以有:168mm≤a0≤480mm 由课本P84式(5-15)得: L0=2a0+(dd1+dd2)+(dd2-dd1)2/4a0 =2×400+(100+140)+(140-100)2/4×400 =1024mm 根据课本表7-3取Ld=1120mm 根据课本P84式(5-16)得: a≈a0+Ld-L0/2=400+(1120-1024/2) =400+48 =448mm (4)验算小带轮包角 α1=1800-dd2-dd1/a×600 =1800-140-100/448×600 = =>1200(适用) (5)确定带的根数 根据课本(7-5) P0= 根据课本(7-6) △P0= 根据课本(7-7)Kα= 根据课本(7-23)KL= 由课本式(7-23)得 Z= Pd/(P0+△P0)KαKL =() ×× =5 (6)计算轴上压力 由课本查得q=,由式(5-18)单根V带的初拉力: F0=500Pd/ZV(α-1)+qV2 =[500×××()+×]N =160N 则作用在轴承的压力FQ, FQ=2ZF0sinα1/2=2×5× =1250N 2、齿轮传动的设计计算 (1)选择齿轮材料及精度等级 考虑减速器传递功率不大,所以齿轮采用软齿面。小齿轮选用40Cr调质,齿面硬度为240~260HBS。大齿轮选用45钢,调质,齿面硬度220HBS;根据课本选7级精度。齿面精糙度Ra≤μm (2)按齿面接触疲劳强度设计 由d1≥(kT1(u+1)/φdu[σH]2)1/3 确定有关参数如下:传动比i齿=6 取小齿轮齿数Z1=20。则大齿轮齿数: Z2=iZ1=6×20=120 实际传动比I0=120/2=60 传动比误差:i-i0/I=6-6/6=0%< 可用 齿数比:u=i0=6 由课本取φd= (3)转矩T1 T1=9550×P/n1=9550× =•m (4)载荷系数k 由课本取k=1 (5)许用接触应力[σH] [σH]= σHlimZNT/SH由课本查得: σHlim1=625Mpa σHlim2=470Mpa 由课本查得接触疲劳的寿命系数: ZNT1= ZNT2= 通用齿轮和一般工业齿轮,按一般可靠度要求选取安全系数SH= [σH]1=σHlim1ZNT1/SH=625× =575 [σH]2=σHlim2ZNT2/SH=470× =460 故得: d1≥766(kT1(u+1)/φdu[σH]2)1/3 =766[1××(6+1)/×6×4602]1/3mm = 模数:m=d1/Z1= 根据课本表9-1取标准模数:m=2mm (6)校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 根据课本式 σF=(2kT1/bm2Z1)YFaYSa≤[σH] 确定有关参数和系数 分度圆直径:d1=mZ1=2×20mm=40mm d2=mZ2=2×120mm=240mm 齿宽:b=φdd1=× 取b=35mm b1=40mm (7)齿形系数YFa和应力修正系数YSa 根据齿数Z1=20,Z2=120由表相得 YFa1= YSa1= YFa2= YSa2= (8)许用弯曲应力[σF] 根据课本P136(6-53)式: [σF]= σFlim YSTYNT/SF 由课本查得: σFlim1=288Mpa σFlim2 =191Mpa 由图6-36查得:YNT1= YNT2= 试验齿轮的应力修正系数YST=2 按一般可靠度选取安全系数SF= 计算两轮的许用弯曲应力 [σF]1=σFlim1 YSTYNT1/SF=288×2× =410Mpa [σF]2=σFlim2 YSTYNT2/SF =191×2× =204Mpa 将求得的各参数代入式(6-49) σF1=(2kT1/bm2Z1)YFa1YSa1 =(2×1××22×20) ×× =8Mpa< [σF]1 σF2=(2kT1/bm2Z2)YFa1YSa1 =(2×1××22×120) ×× =< [σF]2 故轮齿齿根弯曲疲劳强度足够 (9)计算齿轮传动的中心矩a a=m/2(Z1+Z2)=2/2(20+120)=140mm (10)计算齿轮的圆周速度V V=πd1n1/60×1000=×40×960/60×1000 = 六、轴的设计计算 输入轴的设计计算 1、按扭矩初算轴径 选用45#调质,硬度217~255HBS 根据课本并查表,取c=115 d≥115 ()1/3mm= 考虑有键槽,将直径增大5%,则 d=×(1+5%)mm= ∴选d=22mm 2、轴的结构设计 (1)轴上零件的定位,固定和装配 单级减速器中可将齿轮安排在箱体中央,相对两轴承对称分布,齿轮左面由轴肩定位,右面用套筒轴向固定,联接以平键作过渡配合固定,两轴承分别以轴肩和大筒定位,则采用过渡配合固定 (2)确定轴各段直径和长度 工段:d1=22mm 长度取L1=50mm ∵h=2c c= II段:d2=d1+2h=22+2×2× ∴d2=28mm 初选用7206c型角接触球轴承,其内径为30mm, 宽度为16mm. 考虑齿轮端面和箱体内壁,轴承端面和箱体内壁应有一定距离。取套筒长为20mm,通过密封盖轴段长应根据密封盖的宽度,并考虑联轴器和箱体外壁应有一定矩离而定,为此,取该段长为55mm,安装齿轮段长度应比轮毂宽度小2mm,故II段长: L2=(2+20+16+55)=93mm III段直径d3=35mm L3=L1-L=50-2=48mm Ⅳ段直径d4=45mm 由手册得:c= h=2c=2× d4=d3+2h=35+2×3=41mm 长度与右面的套筒相同,即L4=20mm 但此段左面的滚动轴承的定位轴肩考虑,应便于轴承的拆卸,应按标准查取由手册得安装尺寸h=3.该段直径应取:(30+3×2)=36mm 因此将Ⅳ段设计成阶梯形,左段直径为36mm Ⅴ段直径d5=30mm. 长度L5=19mm 由上述轴各段长度可算得轴支承跨距L=100mm (3)按弯矩复合强度计算 ①求分度圆直径:已知d1=40mm ②求转矩:已知T2=•mm ③求圆周力:Ft 根据课本式得 Ft=2T2/d2=69495/40= ④求径向力Fr 根据课本式得 Fr=Ft•tanα=×tan200=632N ⑤因为该轴两轴承对称,所以:LA=LB=50mm(1)绘制轴受力简图(如图a) (2)绘制垂直面弯矩图(如图b) 轴承支反力: FAY=FBY=Fr/2=316N FAZ=FBZ=Ft/2=868N 由两边对称,知截面C的弯矩也对称。截面C在垂直面弯矩为 MC1=FAyL/2=×50=•m (3)绘制水平面弯矩图(如图c) 截面C在水平面上弯矩为: MC2=FAZL/2=×50=•m (4)绘制合弯矩图(如图d) MC=(MC12+MC22)1/2=()1/2=•m (5)绘制扭矩图(如图e) 转矩:T=×(P2/n2)×106=35N•m (6)绘制当量弯矩图(如图f) 转矩产生的扭剪文治武功力按脉动循环变化,取α=1,截面C处的当量弯矩: Mec=[MC2+(αT)2]1/2 =[(1×35)2]1/2=•m (7)校核危险截面C的强度 由式(6-3) σe=Mec/×353 =< [σ-1]b=60MPa ∴该轴强度足够。 输出轴的设计计算 1、按扭矩初算轴径 选用45#调质钢,硬度(217~255HBS) 根据课本取c=115 d≥c(P3/n3)1/3=115()1/3= 取d=35mm2、轴的结构设计 (1)轴的零件定位,固定和装配 单级减速器中,可以将齿轮安排在箱体中央,相对两轴承对称分布,齿轮左面用轴肩定位,右面用套筒轴向定位,周向定位采用键和过渡配合,两轴承分别以轴承肩和套筒定位,周向定位则用过渡配合或过盈配合,轴呈阶状,左轴承从左面装入,齿轮套筒,右轴承和皮带轮依次从右面装入。 (2)确定轴的各段直径和长度 初选7207c型角接球轴承,其内径为35mm,宽度为17mm。考虑齿轮端面和箱体内壁,轴承端面与箱体内壁应有一定矩离,则取套筒长为20mm,则该段长41mm,安装齿轮段长度为轮毂宽度为2mm。 (3)按弯扭复合强度计算 ①求分度圆直径:已知d2=300mm ②求转矩:已知T3=271N•m ③求圆周力Ft:根据课本式得 Ft=2T3/d2=2×271×103/300= ④求径向力式得 Fr=Ft•tanα=× ⑤∵两轴承对称 ∴LA=LB=49mm (1)求支反力FAX、FBY、FAZ、FBZ FAX=FBY=Fr/2= FAZ=FBZ=Ft/2= (2)由两边对称,书籍截C的弯矩也对称 截面C在垂直面弯矩为 MC1=FAYL/2=×49=•m (3)截面C在水平面弯矩为 MC2=FAZL/2=×49=•m (4)计算合成弯矩 MC=(MC12+MC22)1/2 =()1/2 =•m (5)计算当量弯矩:根据课本得α=1 Mec=[MC2+(αT)2]1/2=[(1×271)2]1/2 =•m (6)校核危险截面C的强度 由式(10-3) σe=Mec/()=(×453) =<[σ-1]b=60Mpa ∴此轴强度足够七、滚动轴承的选择及校核计算 根据根据条件,轴承预计寿命 16×365×10=58400小时 1、计算输入轴承 (1)已知nⅡ=686r/min 两轴承径向反力:FR1=FR2= 初先两轴承为角接触球轴承7206AC型 根据课本得轴承内部轴向力 FS= 则FS1=FS2= (2) ∵FS1+Fa=FS2 Fa=0 故任意取一端为压紧端,现取1端为压紧端 FA1=FS1= FA2=FS2= (3)求系数x、y FA1/FR1= FA2/FR2= 根据课本得e= FA1/FR1
有时候,当自己也沉淀下来,窥探自己的内心,写下自己的 自我评价 ,这样才可以不断进步。但是自我评价要怎么写呢?下面是我为大家带来 毕业 论文质量的 英文自我评价 ,相信对你会有帮助的。
1. Evaluation of the quality of the paper, in the discipline or national economic construction on the value or theoretical significance
In recent years, the rapid development of animal husbandry in China, the total output value of animal husbandry has reached 35% of total agricultural output value, animal husbandry in China's agricultural production structure, the proportion is growing. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for livestock and poultry, and plays an important role in promoting animal calcium, phosphorus absorption, egg shell formation and bone development. At present for the aquaculture industry, livestock and poultry vitamin D supplementation, mainly through the dietary or drinking water to add micron-grade vitamin D3, vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamins, direct absorption absorption rate is relatively low, biology Titer is not high, with the development of nanotechnology in recent years, nanomaterials gradually being recognized and accepted. Some studies have shown that the use of nanotechnology can change the water-soluble vitamin-soluble vitamins, improve the bioavailability of vitamins. At the same time, through the fat-soluble vitamin D3 nano-can also improve the compatibility between the vitamin and feed processing. So far, the study of vitamin nano-focus mainly in the compound nano-vitamins, complex nano-vitamins as a complex, additive effect is difficult to explain clearly. To date, no studies have been conducted on the production of single fat-soluble vitamins in poultry production. This experiment was designed for the above reasons. The aim of this study is to evaluate the biological potency of nanovitamin D3 with the reference of ordinary vitamin D3, and to provide theoretical basis for its industrial production and practical application of animal husbandry.
2. Point out the innovation of the paper or innovation
(1) The application of solid nano-VD3 in laying hens was studied for the first time.
(2) In this study, based on the study of the effects of laying hens on performance, egg quality and tibia development, the dietary supplementation of nano-VD3 was determined to further optimize the calcium and phosphorus metabolism, to obtain the best health level and maximum potential performance. , The expected results for the scientific feeding layer, effectively guarantee the healthy growth of laying hens provides a new idea, with high application value.
(3) By comparing the advantages of nano-VD3 compared with conventional vitamin VD3 in breeding.
(4) the preparation of vitamin nanoparticles for the use of laying hens to study whether to improve the utilization of VD3
3. My research ability
During the graduate, actively participate in academic exchange activities, strictly follow the scientific rigorous study and research attitude, seek truth from facts, earnestly study, and continuously improve the scientific research ability. According to the guidance of instructors, read a lot of literature, and gradually clear the research direction, to determine their own research topics. In the experimental research stage, in strict accordance with the experimental program for research, can be used flexibly to solve the problems encountered in the trial, and constantly improve their ability to solve problems. Through their own continuous efforts, as well as with teachers and students to explore the exchange, so that their access to literature, comprehensive analysis of the basic quality of continuous improvement, the ability to express written temper has also been temper, especially independent thinking and research ability, Great progress, published during the student-related academic papers and independent completion of the thesis.
4. The main shortcomings of the paper
(1) In this study, the effect of adding vitamin D3 and vitamin D3 on the related indexes of laying hens was studied. It is necessary to further study whether the test animals have the same additive effect on other animals.
(2) The levels of vitamin D3 and vitamin D3 were 100 IU / kg, respectively. The proportion of vitamin D3 in the layers was 900-2700 IU / kg according to the method of equal ratio. In the actual production, The level of some large, should be further designed gradient test of different concentrations to explore the vitamin D3 in the diet the most appropriate level of added.
A good paper is not written out, but modified out, which requires patience, but also hard. In the process of writing the paper, I encountered many problems, some of which are beyond the scope of their ability, whenever they can not write their own ideas or thoughts do not go, I will appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but in a timely manner to adjust their mentality, with the help of students in the teacher, completed the first paper writing. The more you do not understand the things you want to learn, in the learning process you will gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best way to learn, after learning you will feel a sense of accomplishment, which I completed After the production site to experience.
Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back down, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the work to learn to cooperate with the attitude, listen carefully to the views of others, so start things can be less effective.
The successful completion of the paper, first of all I would like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable comments and suggestions. In addition, I would like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knowledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knowledge of professional courses, which is the basis for the paper to be completed.
Through four years of the door to survive, I grew a lot. At the time of my graduation, I made a summary of my four years of experience and feelings, and as a guide to my future initiatives. Mind, I seek to move forward, the mind has made great progress in consciousness. I love the country, love the people, decisively attached to the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system. I think the price of a person by his society for others to do the honor to measure, I participate in the cause of the Chinese Communist Party is to actively achieve their own costs. I earnestly studied all kinds of theories of the Party and actively paid them to practice to have a clearer understanding of the Party.
Learning, I think the door to the important task of students or learn cultural knowledge, so I learn in the sense, not to relax. I think that a good learning method to learn very good knowledge, so in each test, I sum up a city learning experience. But to deal with our computer-related professional disciples, the optical optical good books on the knowledge is far from enough. I often use the spare time to read the computer class books, and participated in a number of computer degree of qualification tests, successfully obtained __x certificate, __x certificate, __x certificate. I kept looking for the sublimation of character, pay attention to their own conduct, to independent thinking as their motto, when not forgetting. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the mass foundation of knowledge and a lot of professional knowledge, my mind has a qualitative Pentium, a faster grasp of a new skill knowledge, I think this is very tense for the as the Department of Health students will campaign, the yard structure of the speech contest, arts and cultural festival of the arts show, English speech contest. In the process of participating in these activities, I make friends with some good friends, learned the manners of doing things, to cultivate their own skills.
Social practice has made great progress. Four years in college, I participated in a lot of school activities and did some social tutors, volunteers, dumping and planners, and occasionally feel tired, but increased with other students to exchange and to learn from their opportunities, to develop their own communication skills, learn the strengths of others, Clear the drawbacks of their own, let the door to survive more colorful.
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