土壤是农业生产的基础,是人类最基本的生产资料和劳动对象,也是人类世代相传的生存条件和生产条件,是我们的生命线。本文在总结湖南省土壤资源利用现状的基础上,分析湖南省土壤资源的特点,土壤资源开发利用中存在的问题以及针对这些问题提出解决措施。土壤资源问题是关系到我们国家改革发展以及子孙后代生存的大事,党和政府应予以高度重视,所以实施对土壤资源的可持续利用非常必要。Hunan soil resource and use protection countermeasure The soil is the agricultural production foundation, is the humanity most basic producer goods and the object of labor, is also the survival requirement which and the working condition the humanity passes on from generation to generation, is our lifeline. This article in summarizes in the Hunan Province soil resource use present situation foundation, analyzes the Hunan Province soil resource the characteristic, the question which as well as in the soil resource development use exists proposes the solution measure in view of these questions. The soil resource question is relates the important matter which our country reform development as well as the posterity survives, the party and the government should give to take seriously, therefore the implementation is essential to soil resource's sustainable use. 土壤资源, Soil resource 土壤利用,soil use 土壤污染,soil pollution 土壤保护,soil protection 可持续发展sustainable development