我国新准则与国际会计准则的差异依据会计理论现代化的规范性、科学性、法制性和国际性的要求,新准则的内容不是国际会计准则的简单直译,它的体系将涵盖所有国际财务报告准则的原则内容,而且它将针对特殊类别交易(如同一控制下企业合并等)和特定类型行业(如石油和天然气采掘业等)的会计核算提供具体的规定。但是,鉴于国内的特定环境,本次趋同后两套准则之间仍然存在着一些的差异。在会计操作上两套准则实务处理完全不同、互不相关和部分处理不同,但相互有关连,即:实质性差异和非实质性差异。我国新准则由1项基本准则、38项具体准则和相关应用指南组成;国际会计准则共有41项准则,不存在基本准则与具体准则之分,这是两者主观认识与指导思想的差异。两个准则中有25项准则处理相同,2项存在有实质性差异,11项有非实质性差异。(一)实质性差异1.关联方披露:国际准则认为所有国有企业都是关联方,它们之间发生的交易都是关联方交易,都应该充分披露。我国准则认为国有企业之间只存在投资控制关系时认定为关联方。2.资产减值转回:国际准则规定所有资产发生减值时都要提取减值准备,减少当期利润或增加当期损失,当资产价值恢复时要转回增加当期利润或减少当期损失。我国准则规定固定资产、无形资产、长期股权投资等长期资产一旦发生减值,视同永久减值,不得转回。(二)非实质性差异1.公允价值:国际准则推崇公允价值,我国准则认同,但认为存在有局限性:(1)公允价值变动需计入损益,该损益并不产生现金流入,却会产生税收、税后收益分配等现金流出,对企业现金运转不利;(2)没有活跃市场时,主观随意性很大。2.企业合并:对于非同一控制下的合并,双方自愿交易(购买法),购买方支付对价超过被购买方可变现资产公允价值部分作为商誉,该处理准则与我国准则一致;同一控制下的合并,国际准则没有单独规定,我国准则将其视为资产负债表重新组合,以证券价值为基础,不涉及公允价值,支付的对价与证券价值的差额不调整所有者权益,不形成商誉。3.生物资产、投资性房地产:国际准则注重采用公允价值,我国准则采用历史成本。4.保险、石油天然气、金融等特定类型行业:国际准则比较复杂,我国准则详细规定,操作性更强。5.国际准则有规定我国没有(通货膨胀、持有待售的非流动资产的中止经营):国际准则对于两者都有规定,我国没有相应准则。对持有待售的非流动资产的中止经营采取变通处理,在财务报告中披露相关情况;对于境外子公司所在国发生通货膨胀,在外币折算、合并报表指南中作了相应规定。6.其他差异(政府补助、企业年金基金利润):政府补助,国际准则全部计入损益,对于形成资产的计入“递延资产”;我国准则对于形成资产的计入“资本公积”。企业年金基金利润,国际准则为退休福利计划报告,分为:(1)特定提存计划,根据薪酬的一定比例提取交规定外部机构,(2)特定剩余计划,计算预计负债,风险留企业。我国退休政策为基本养老保险+补充养老保险,都需交外部机构,对于境外子公司因所在国设立的“特定剩余计划”,在合并报表和指南中规定。我国新准则与国际会计准则产生差异的原因我国作为一个经济转轨期的发展中国家,在思想观念、市场发育、法律制度等方面与发达国家都存在着差异:1.我国会计界主观上过分强调坚持“特色”,是我国会计与国际惯例产生差距的最根本原因。在不同社会和经济体制下,采用与全球标准有差异的反映我国经济特色的会计准则,在一定条件下是符合客观要求的。但这种特色不能无限放大,其范围要受到限制。2.我国的市场经济处于初级阶段,市场机制尚不完善,市场发育有待提高,缺乏充分、合法的市场竞争,企业之间的交易不规范,公允价值难以形成。3.法律、法规的相关规定产生差异。我国有关的法律、法规对企业进行监管和评价的主要指标是利润,而国际准则侧重于预测企业未来现金流量,因此,我国会计准则侧重于利润表与国际会计准则侧重于资产负债表是两种不同的观点。虽然,新会计准则开始侧重企业未来现金流量和资产负债表,但短期内难以有效,差异仍存在。4.我国资本市场的规模、容量不大,上市公司数量有限,在会计信息使用者方面存在差异,财务信息的使用者还不能以投资者为主,在对会计目标的考虑上必须兼顾国家宏观管理、投资者决策和公司内部管理多方面的需要。5.国有企业产权制度不健全,内部治理结构薄弱,缺乏有效的监督机制,普遍存在短期行为,违反准则以达到粉饰业绩的目的。6.会计人员素质不高,缺乏必要的职业判断能力。随着新准则的颁布、实施,会计人员没有足够的时间消化、掌握新知识,致使准则在实际运用中有偏差。7.国际会计准则是借鉴西方主要发达国家的会计准则加以制定的,其所依据的经济背景主要以西方发达国家的经济为基础,而我国准则的制定除了需要考虑我国经济相对落后、多种所有制形式共存以及东西部发展不平衡等客观因素外,还要考虑其他有关问题。在经济全球化的过程中,各国的地位和处境是不同的,尤其对发展中国家,国际会计准则是一把“双刃剑”,既有利于获得外资,但以开放市场、损害一定的经济利益为代价。8.要看到国际会计准则是相对的。在目前的世界经济情况下,在全球范围内按照一套既定的准则处理发展迥异的会计业务,不太现实。China's new international accounting standards and guidelines for the differenceIn accordance with modern accounting theory normative, scientific, legal and international requirements, the new guidelines for the content of international accounting standards rather than a simple translation, it will cover all of the system of International Financial Reporting Standards of the principles of content, but it will for a special types of transactions (as a merger under the control of enterprises, etc.) and specific types of industries (such as oil and gas extractive industries, etc.) to provide specific accounting requirements. However, in view of the specific domestic environment, after the convergence between the two sets of criteria there are still some differences. Operations in the accounting practices to deal with two sets of criteria is completely different and unrelated part of dealing with different, but related to each other, namely: the substantive differences and non-substantive 's new guidelines from a basic criteria for 38 specific criteria and guidelines related to the application of the composition; IAS 41 criteria, there is no specific criteria and the basic norms of the points, this is a subjective understanding of both the differences and the guiding ideology. There are two guidelines dealing with the same 25 criteria, there are two substantive differences, there are 11 non-substantive differences.(A) the substantive differences1. Related Party Disclosures: International guidelines for all state-owned enterprises that are related parties, their transactions are between related party transactions should be fully disclosed. Guidelines for state-owned enterprises in China that only exists between the relationship between investment control as a related . Impairment of assets back to: International Standards for all asset impairment occurs when the impairment must be extracted to reduce the current increase in the current period profit or loss, when the value of the assets to back the restoration of an increase or decrease in the current period loss of profits. China's guidelines provide for fixed assets, intangible assets, long-term equity investment, such as the event of impairment of long-term assets, as a permanent impairment may not be back.(B) non-substantive differences1. Fair value: fair value of respected international norms, China's criteria for recognition, but that there are limitations: (1) changes in fair value through profit or loss to be in the profit and loss does not have a cash inflow, it will produce tax revenue, after-tax income distribution and other cash outflows, cash-to-business operation of the negative; (2) there is no active market, a lot of subjective . Business Combinations: For the same under the control of non-merger, the two sides of voluntary transactions (purchase method), payment of the purchase price over the realization of assets were purchased before the fair value of goodwill as part of the treatment guidelines consistent with our criteria; the same under the control of merger, there is no separate provisions of international norms, China's criteria as to re-balance sheet portfolio, the value of securities based on fair value does not involve payment of securities on the price and the difference between the value of ownership interest is not adjusted, not the formation of goodwill .3. Biological assets, investment real estate: International guidelines for the use of fair value-oriented, our criteria for the use of historical . Insurance, oil and gas, financial and other specific types of industries: the complexity of international norms, the detailed requirements of our guidelines, interoperability . International norms are not provided for our country (inflation, holders of non-current assets held for sale of discontinued operation): International guidelines for both the provisions of the guidelines in our country, there is no corresponding. Sale of non-current assets held by the suspension of the operation to take alternative treatment, in the financial disclosure of relevant reports; subsidiaries outside the country for inflation, in the foreign currency conversion, the merger made statements in the corresponding provisions of the . Other differences (government grants, corporate pension funds profit): Government subsidies through profit or loss of all international norms, for the formation of the assets included in "deferred assets"; China's guidelines for the formation of the assets included in "capital surplus." Profit enterprise annuity fund, the international criteria for the retirement benefits plan, divided into: (1) picture of the movements of specific plans, according to extract a certain percentage of pay provided for external agencies to pay, (2) a specific plan the remainder of the calculation of projected liabilities, the risk of remaining enterprises. China's retirement policy for the basic old-age insurance + supplementary old-age insurance, external agencies need to pay for the overseas subsidiaries set up by the host country due to "specific plan to the remaining" in the merger provisions of statements and 's new rules and international accounting standards different from the reasons forChina's economic transition period, as a developing country, in the ideas and concepts, market development, legal systems with the developed countries there are differences:1. China's accounting profession too much emphasis on subjective adherence to the "characteristics" is the international practice of accounting and have the most fundamental reason for the gap. In different social and economic system, the use of global standards and reflect the difference between the economic characteristics of China's accounting standards, under certain conditions, is in line with the objective requirements. However, this feature can not be infinitely magnified, its scope should be . China's market economy in its early stages, the market mechanism is still not perfect, the market development needs to be improved, the lack of adequate, legitimate competition in the market, transactions between companies is not standardized, it is difficult to form the fair . The laws and regulations of the relevant provisions of a difference. China's relevant laws and regulations on supervision and evaluation of enterprises the main indicator is the profit, international norms and enterprises focus on future cash flow projections, therefore, focus on China's accounting standards with International Accounting Standards Income Statement focused on the balance sheet are two different points of view. Although the beginning of the new accounting standards focus on the enterprise future cash flows and balance sheet, but it is difficult to effectively short-term, there are still . China's capital market size, not capacity, a limited number of listed companies in the accounting information users are different, the users of financial information to investors is not the main goal of accounting must take into account considerations of national macro - management, investors and corporate decision-making needs of various internal . The state-owned enterprise property rights systems, weak internal governance structure, lack of effective oversight mechanisms, the prevalence of short-term behavior, in violation of the performance criteria in order to achieve the purpose of . The quality of accounting personnel is not high, lack of the necessary professional judgment. With the promulgation of the new guidelines, implementation, accounting personnel did not have enough time to digest the acquisition of new knowledge, resulting in the practical application of the criteria in the . International Accounting Standards is to learn from the major developed countries of Western accounting standards to be developed, based mainly on the economic background of the economy of Western developed countries, based on the formulation of guidelines and our need to be considered in addition to the relative backwardness of China's economy, various forms of ownership form of coexistence, as well as east and west of objective factors such as uneven development, we must also consider other related issues. In the process of economic globalization, the status and situation is different, especially for developing countries, the International Accounting Standards is a "double-edged sword," not only facilitates access to foreign capital, but to open their markets to a certain level of economic damage . To see the International Accounting Standards is relative. In the current world economic situation, at the global level under a set of guidelines for dealing with the development of different accounting business, not realistic.
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