The detection of buried pipeline and its developing history were introduced, including their functionalities, structures and specifications. The limitations and current problems for the conventional methods were compared and discussed. A novel automatic vehicle was designed to examine the pipeline and assure the quality to achieve high efficiency, high convenience, and highly personalized. 作为一个英文的摘要,内容上还不够,首先不知道你这篇论文的主要论点是什么,到底写这篇论文是为了对比一下各种检测装置介绍现状,还是解决目前面临问题?别人看了只觉得论文中有各种介绍,但到底分析了什么,讨论出什么都不明确。还有就是结论说的还不够,至少得包含2-3点结论才行。可以以The aim of this paper is to... 开头,然后为了实现这个aim,分了几步做到的,每步各得到什么结论,收集了这些数据和结论后,认为应该怎样,最后给个结论