My school, To the East, by your mountain, The west side is next to the Huaihe River, Here, the spirit is outstanding, Talent cluster together,Is the holy land of education.
A scene of thousands of spirits, Togather here, As soon as I go the school , And you can see two willows waving in the wind ,Welcome you ,My school playground is so huge, There are many sports grounds, A teaching building is also on the playground, This is the high official of our school, Although a little crude, But still beautiful.
My school, Although ordinary, But it was brilliant.
I have a lot of good my best friends is Bob.
He is an ordinary man, He has a pair of gem-like eyes, He also has a coil of shiny tungsten hair, What does he look like? He's kind of handsome.
Bob is very humorous,Every day at school, He's the one with the most can even entertain his teacher, I have to say, he's very talented at being funny, Isn't that what it is?
This is my best friend, What do you think of him?
Dear Peter,
I'm glad to know you will travel to Beijing, which is the centre of cultural, political and international communication.
as for the center route,I suggest that you spend a day visiting the tian an men square and the palace museum,Which are the most famous and most see tourist attractions. another Popular place is the summer palace with it is splendid palace. it attracts millions of Tourists every year. What's more, what you shouldn't miss is the great wall. There is a saying that goes, One who fails to reach the great wall is not a hero of course,There are many other places of interest in Beijing. It's a pleasure for me to be your guide when you come.
Looking forward to your coming.
Electricity, which can not be seen or touched, is indispensable to human life. With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, more electrical appliances have entered thousands of households, but electricity is a dangerous thing. If we touch it carelessly, it will injure us again. A little carelessness will take our lives, even cause fires, and turn everything into ashes. As long as we use electricity reasonably, it is possible not to cause electric shock accidents. In the use of electrical appliances, attention should be paid to the above practices, to guard against electric shock. However, once there is no electricity, these conveniences can only be seen and not used like ornaments. It can be seen how important electricity is in people's lives. People are indispensable to ionization, and people are indispensable to electricity. We need to use electricity scientifically, starting from me, starting from the little things around us
Shanghai is my hometown. I was born and raised in Shanghai. Its changes I see in my eyes and remember in my heart. I remember when I was only three or four years old, I learned the Oriental Pearl TV Tower for the first time from the literacy card. I knew it was the tallest tower in Asia at that time and the world third. I always thought it was the tallest building in Shanghai. But gradually I realized that the tallest building in Shanghai had been replaced by the Jinmao Tower in the Eastern Pearl Tower as early as 1999, and 2008 in the year. The Shanghai World Financial Center has once again set a record for the tallest building in Shanghai. How fast Shanghai has changed! In any prosperous area of Shanghai, you will be surprised to find many changes as long as you go there again at intervals: either the roads have been widened or many newly decorated stores have been added.
1).Research on ultracold cesium molecule long-range states by high-resolution photoassociative spectroscopy,Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,vol. 51 no. 2 147-156,2008-2,sci核心B区(一A),排名:62).Nonlinear coherent spectroscopy in a degenerate two-level atomicensemble for a transition Fg=0→Fe=1,Optik,119 P185–191,2008-2,sci核心B区(一A),排名:53).Analysis of the influence of various effects on frequency shifts of the acetylene saturated absorption lines,Chinese Physics B,Vol 17 No 1, 1674-1056,2008-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:54).Ultra-high resolution trap-loss spectroscopy of ultracold 133Cs atoms long-range states in magneto-optical trap,Laser Physics,, , P,2007-9,sci核心B区(一A),排名:65).Saturation of Photassociation in Cs Magneto-optical Trap,(2007)1904-1907,2007-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:56).新型多功能矿用危险气体传感器的研究,光电子激光,, P550-553, 2007,2007-5,统计源(二A),排名:67).光缔合制备超冷分子及其光谱特性研究,山西大学学报(自然科学版),30(2)181-187,2007,2007-5,统计源(二A),排名:18).室温单分子光场的光子统计特性,山西大学学报(自然科学版),30(2)188-192,2007,2007-5,统计源(二A),排名:29).Appropriate gate time for single molecular photon detection based on optimal signal-to-noise ratio analyse,Chin. 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甲苯( BDH )是predried超过4人˚分子筛和蒸馏钠二苯甲酮ketyl前夕使用。二氯甲烷(病)是由钙氢化物蒸馏之前使用。所有其他的化学品均购自奥尔德里奇和作为得到进一步净化。氮, N0期娣(正丁酯) -1,6,7,12 -四( 4 -叔butylphenoxy ) -3,4,9,10 - perylenetetracarboxylicbisimide准备根据所述方法,在文献中。 4 - Ethynylbenzonic酸为原料,经palladiumcatalyzed偶联反应的trimethylsilylacetylene甲基4 - bromobenzoate其次碱催化desilylation 。 11 Phthalimido - 1 -苯基- 1 - undecyne ,聚( 11 phthalimido - 1 -苯基- 1 - undecyne ) ( P8 ;兆瓦22,700 ;毫瓦/锰 ) ,和聚( 11 -氨基- 1 -苯基- 1 - undecyne ) ( P11 ;兆瓦11,500 ;毫瓦/锰 )准备根据之前,我们的文章。仪器仪表红外光谱测定的扩增16电脑红外分光光度计。 1H和13C NMR谱谱录的布鲁克ARX技术300核磁共振光谱仪使用氯仿三维为溶剂和tetramethylsilane作为内部参考之用。紫外吸收光谱测定的米尔顿罗伊Spectronic 3000阵列分光光度计。质谱谱录的质谱仪广交7000三重四极质谱计操作系统在化学电离( CI )的模式下,甲烷作为载气。分子量和多分散指数估计在聚合物四氢呋喃的水域协理凝胶渗透色谱(胆碱)系统。一套单分散聚苯乙烯分子量标准涵盖一系列103-107用于分子量校准。热稳定性的聚合物被评为上扩增重7干燥氮气在升温速率20 8C/min 。光致发光(特等)光谱中的聚合物四氢呋喃均录在扩增LS55spectrofluorometer 。光致发光量子产率(法国法郎)的聚合物在DCM的决心使用方法中所描述复合4作为标准,其法郎假定100 %的时间相关singlephoton计数荧光进行了研究使用爱丁堡FL900谱仪在激发和发射波长为370和610纳米分别。
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