摘 要 This article in view of the blog this newly emerging things' development, considers the blog from the marketing angle the commercial value. This article has first analyzed the blog commercial value, for example the network marketing's expense is low, the convenient market survey and the new product's development, is advantageous in enhances the enterprise creditworthiness and the brand promotion, strengthens with consumer's exchange, simultaneously enhances the invasion threshold and so on. Then emphatically as well as has made the enterprise blog SWOT analysis from the enterprise blog's commercial value. Namely regarding enterprise's blog marketing opportunity analysis, superiority analysis, threat analysis, inferiority analysis and so on. And the question which possibly appears to the enterprise blog marketing in proposed the solution way. In concrete blog marketing operation, possibly because the manner will not have the thorough transformation, will become a mere formality, causes the blog content actually, the competitor also possibly not to use the blog platform dispersion negative information, when will process individual idea and enterprise's marketing strategy must plan the overall situation, and must be good at the comprehensive utilization blog resources and other marketing resources, will take consumer's participation, will act appropriately to the situation. Prepares for various aspects, can guarantee that enterprise's blog marketing can the smooth development, serve the final purpose.