中英对照供参考:工业革命 指从农业和手工业经济转变到以工业和机器生产为主的变化过程。始于18世纪的英国。技术上的改变包括:钢铁和新能源的使用、提高产量的新机器的发明(包括多锭纺纱机)、工厂体系的发展、交通和通信的重要发展(包括蒸汽发动机和电报机),其他改变还包括:农业的改进、更加广泛的财富分配、反映出经济力量转移及全面社会变革的政治变化。1760~1830年间产业革命基本上仅发生在英国,后来又传播到比利时和法国。其他国家则滞后一些,但德国、美国和日本产业革命开始后,取得的成就则超过了英国最初的成功。东欧各国则延迟到20世纪,直到20世纪中叶,产业革命才传到中国和印度。许多分析证据表明,由于采用了新材料和新能源、自动化工厂、新的生产资料所有制,以及自由放任主义管理的转变,20世纪末发生了第二次产业革命,或称新产业革命。Industrial RevolutionProcess of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine began in England in the 18th century. Technological changes included the use of iron and steel, new energy sources, invention of new machines that increased production (including the spinning jenny), development of the factory system, and important developments in transportation and communication (including the steam engine and telegraph). Other changes included agricultural improvements, a wider distribution of wealth, political changes reflecting the shift in economic power, and sweeping social changes. The Industrial Revolution was largely confined to Britain from 1760 to 1830, then spread to Belgium and France. Other nations lagged behind, but once Germany, the ., and Japan achieved industrial power they outstripped Britain's initial successes. Eastern European countries lagged into the 20th century, and not until the mid-20th century did the Industrial Revolution spread to such countries as China and India. Many analysts saw evidence of a second, or new, industrial revolution in the later 20th century, with the use of new materials and energy sources, automated factories, new ownership of the means of production, and a shift away from laissez-faire government.