30 年来,我国全面实行计划生育政策并取得了显著成效,但人口问题仍是当前一个严重的社会问题。我国的人口问题具有人口总数仍然偏多,人口素质偏低,人口结构不合理,人口分布不平衡等特点。
1、人口基数大,人口总数仍然偏多。新中国成立后,国家实行鼓励生育政策,就有了第一次婴儿潮。第二次出现在三年自然灾害后, 1962-1973年,这是人口出生最多的时期。第三次在1985年后,人口增长率明显回升。这三次婴儿潮让中国人口总数急剧增加。现在已经是13亿多人口,更有专家预测,2050年我国人口将达到16亿左右。由于人口数量多,人均资源数量相对越来越少,我国耕地、森林、草场等资源的绝对数量都居世界前列,但人均资源的数量很少。如我国人均耕地仅为公顷,相当世界平均水平的1/4;我国森林覆盖率为%,低于世界平均水平的30%;我国江河径流量人均仅有2450立方米,相当于世界人均水平的%。由于人口数量增多,对自然环境的破坏也日趋严重。
2、人口素质偏低。人口素质是指人们在社会活动中表现出来的在思想道德、文化技术、个性心理与身体健康等方面的综合发展的水平。尽管大陆 *** 采取了一系列政策措施,使人口素质得到不断提高,但人口总体素质仍然较差。据2005 年1 %人口抽样调查资料显示,我国人均受教育年限只有7. 8 年,尚未达到初中毕业年限;15 岁以上人口中的 *** 盲率达到11. 04 %。另一方面还有人口的身体素质不高,据2000 年人口普查统计,我国约有6000 多万残疾人,占全国总人口的4. 9 % 。
3、人口出生性别比偏高。20 世纪80 年代以前,我国出生性别比基本上属于正常范围,其出生性别比通常波动在102 -107 之间。但自80 年代以来,出生性别比明显升高,1982 年第三次人口普查的出生婴儿性别比为108. 5 ,比例偏高现象初显端倪,1990 年第四次人口普查时上升到111. 3 ,而2000 年第五次人口普查已达到116. 9 ,个别地方甚至达到135. 6 ,远远高于国际社会可以容忍的107 的最高警戒线。这和我国的传统思想有一定的关系。老一辈的人都讲究传宗接代,差不多都重男轻女。这一思想让男女出生人数严重不等,导致性别比偏高。
4、人口分布不平衡。从我国人口布局看,东部人口密,西部人口稀。据2000 年统计,西部面积占全国总面积的71. 54 % ,而人口仅占总人口的28. 13 %;东部面积占全国面积的28. 46 % , 而人口却占总人口的71. 87 %。东部地区多是平原,自然条件优越,农业发达。改革开放后,东部经济迅速发展。中国加入世贸组织后,对外贸易也迅速发展。地理条件的优越,国家的大力支持发展,让东部地区的经济发达起来。大量农村剩余劳动力涌入,导致人口越来越多。而西部地区地势高低起伏大,自然环境恶劣,经济发展缓慢,让许多人都不愿到西部地区去。人口分布的不平衡,使东部地区人均耕地面积日趋紧张,生产效率、经济效益难以提高,而西部地区许多耕地潜力及自然资源未能开发,浪费严重。 5,、人口严重老龄化,社会负担加重。人口老龄化是指65 岁及以上老年人口占总人口的比例。中国人口老龄化具有老年人口基数大、增长速度快、高龄化趋势明显、地区老龄化程度差异较大、历史欠账较多、人口老龄化与社会经济发展水平不相适应等特点。据2005年底全国百分之一人口抽样显示,中国65岁以上人口逾1亿人,占总人口数的,60岁以上的老年人口达到10.5%。由于扶养老年人与扶养少年人所需社会资源不同,负担也大不相同。各国研究结果都得到相类似的结论:抚养一位老人的平均费用与儿童的费用大体上为2∶1—3∶1。尽管中国儿童人口比例的下降抵消了老年人口比例的上升,在相当长的时期内被扶养人口总比例增加不多,但社会费用的支出仍将稳定地增长。医疗费用及退休金是社会对老年人主要的支出项目。 我国老年人医疗费用负担随年龄增加而迅速加重。
The rapid increase of world population caused many problems. Especially in some undeveloped countries population growth rate, affecting the whole national economic development, social stability and the improvement of people's living standard, to human life brought about a lot of problems. The population problems in the worldIn order to solve the problem of fast population growth, human beings must control oneself, do planned to fertility, make the growth of population and social, economic development, and environment, resource coordinates.世界人口的迅猛增长引起了许多问题。
More people need more food, more jobs. That's the huge pressure we have to face today. We can feel this if we live in a super city, like Beijing or Shainghai. People walk very fast, too many cars run on the 's extremely crowded wherever we poeple go there?They say there are too many opportunities to make money. That's true. But if we want to live in a nice place, we should move from these big towns. That means, we maybe earn less money.
Population and environmental issues is closely inter-causal links, to a certain stage of social development, and productivity of a certain level of geographical conditions, the population should be maintained at an appropriate proportion of proliferation within.人口问题是与环境问题有密切的互为因果的联系,在一定社会发展阶段,一定地理环境和生产力水平条件下,人口增殖应保持在适当比例内。
The rapid growth in world population caused many problems. In particular, some over-population, economic growth in developed countries, affecting the country's economic development, social stability and people's living standards, many of the problems to human life. World population problems In order to solve the problem of excessive population growth, the human must control their own, so that planned fertility, the population growth and socio-economic development patible with the environment, resource coordination.世界人口的迅猛增长引起了许多问题。
人口数量问题困扰世界 为了解决人口增长过快的问题,人类必须控制自己,做到有计划地生育,使人口的增长与社会、经济的发展相适应,与环境、资源相协调。
In the 1970s, it was considered to account for the population at that time had lived on earth for 75% of the total population. The widely quoted statistics are too affected by the impact of the 20th century population explosion - the proportion of it is incredibly high. To get a more accurate result, we must determine when modern humans from the beginning, the birth rate is the number, and the history of how many people lived in the end. Generally believe that modern man is in the 50,000 years ago. We can imagine, does not limit the population was born, and life expectancy is very short, which resulted in a young population and higher fertility rates - every mother's health at around six to eight children. To the Middle Ages, the birth rate began to decline long. The record shows that since the 18th century, when the industrialized countries, the birth rate continues to decline. . demographers Carl - Hao Po (CarlHaub) that, before the advent of agriculture, hunting in the way, the world's population is only about 5 million to 10 million. Light of the message, to the 1st century AD, according to the Roman, Chinese and Mediterranean off the census, the world's population has grown to 300 million. Application of this population a higher birth rate, we can estimate that so far a total of life on Earth over approximately 106 billion people. We now have billion people, accounting for life on Earth has had a total population of . In 1900, only 16 million people around the world, but developing countries rapid population growth led to the proliferation of the world's population, so we had a population proportion of the population of the Earth on the rise.在20世纪70年代,有人认为,当时的人口要占地球上曾经生活过的总人口的75%。
这一被广泛引用的统计结果过于受20世纪人 *** 炸的影响——比例实在是高得令人难以置信。
我便拿起金刚变呀变,变成了一个战士,抬头对父亲说:“爸爸,看! 他像你! ”这时,我看见父亲连吹带吸地大口大口地吃着面条,我心里想,爸爸今天怎么了?他平时老是告诫我吃饭要细嚼慢咽,不能狼吞虎咽,爸爸今天的吃相真难看! 从此,变形金刚成了我的好朋友,一有空就变来变去,父亲的吃相总是浮现在眼前。
随着岁月的流逝,我长高了一个头,当我再拿起变形金刚,看看父亲慈祥的面孔,一切都明白了,父亲是为了让我认识变化的脸和不变的内心,我感动极了,拿起亮晶晶的金刚收藏在抽屉里,父亲的恩情珍藏在我心灵的深处,永久,永久…… 长大了,我迈进了中学大门。
”于是,我闭上了双眼,猛然睁开,哇! 是一碗砸好的核桃仁,我刚要吃,忽然发现父亲的大拇指又红又肿,指甲盖发青,我问父亲:“手指……”父亲忙说:“不小心砸了一榔头。
”唉! 父亲的手指曾经受过伤,不灵活,又砸了一榔头,真是雪上加霜! 我心疼得不得了。
Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led m the rapidgrowth of the world population. Modern medical science, for example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live improved living conditions, particularly in the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a resuit, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 5 billion. But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society. A large population demands a great deal of food supply and shelter space. However,the limited productivity and scarce natural resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-Increasing population. Thus in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm 英语作文网To guarantee the steady development of human society, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from a fast population growth and the importance of carrying out a family planning programme. Only by adopting effectual measures can human society de velop steadily and have a bright future. 4ia英语作文网控制人口 4ia英语作文网科学的进步和生活条件的改善导致了世界人口的迅速增长。
It is reported that the world's population was 6 billion in the year 2,000,and it is growing faster and world's population problem is the greatest one because it brings lots of problems,such as water resources problem,more and more people losing their jobs and so problems are mainly in the developing countries because the population of the developing countries is over 4/ 5 of the world's China,the largest developing country,has kept the policy “one couple,one child.”
Some people say that there are more than billion people in mainland China now, although the official figure is are there so many people? Why is the official number different from what some non-governmental scholars say?The main reason is that many people, especially those who have little education, are too fond of having seems that those people are so interested in giving birth to children when they are there is the law against having more those people bee so *** art and clever when they are working out strategies to have children secretly. That is why there are so many unregistered citizens in China.
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