escalate, lift, elevator的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同
1、escalate:第三人称单数,escalates、现在分词,escalating、过去式,escalated、过去分词,escalated,派生词、escalation,记忆技巧:escal 梯子 + ate 表动词 → 爬梯子使人逐步上升 → 逐步上升。
escalator是自动扶梯lift elevtor是电梯(升降的)lift 是英式的 elevtor 是美式的
escalatees.ca.lateAHD:[µs“k…-l³t”] D.J.[6esk*7le!t]K.K.[6Wsk*7let]v.(动词)es.ca.lat.ed,es.ca.lat.ing,es.ca.lates v.tr.(及物动词)To increase, enlarge, or intensify:增大,增强:使逐步增强、扩大、升级:escalated the hostilities in the Persian Gulf.使波斯湾的战争升高v.intr.(不及物动词)To increase in intensity or extent:逐步升级:有级别或程度上增长:“a deepening long-term impasse that is certain to escalate”(Stewart L. Udall)“(事态)正在加深为长时间的僵局”(斯图尔特L.尤德尔)Back-formation from escalator 源自 escalator的逆构词es”cala“tionn.(名词)es“calato”ryAHD:[-l…-tôr”¶, -t½r”¶] (形容词)escalate[5eskEleit]vi.乘自动[升降]梯上升; 用传送带往上输送(战争等)逐步升级迅速上涨, (物价工资等)飞快增加escalate[5eskEleit]vt.使逐步上升[升级]liftliftAHD:[l¹ft] D.J.[l!ft]K.K.[l!ft]v.(动词)lift.ed,lift.ing,lifts v.tr.(及物动词)To direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise:提,抬:从一个较低的位置弄到或搬到一个较高的位置:lift one's eyes; lifted the suitcase.抬起双眼;提起衣箱To transport by air:空运:The helicopter lifted the entire team to the meet.直升飞机把全队空运到运动会现场To revoke by taking back; rescind:撤销;解除:lifted the embargo.取消禁运To bring an end to (a blockade or siege) by removing forces.撤消封锁:通过撤走武装力量而终止(封锁或包围)To cease (artillery fire) in an area.停火:在某一地区停止(炮火)To raise in condition, rank, or esteem.提高地位,级别,声望To uplift; elate:鼓舞;振奋:Your telephone call really lifted my spirits.你的电话提起了我的精神To remove (plants) from the ground for transplanting.移植:把(植物)从地上挖起以便移值To project or sound in loud, clear tones:提高声音:提高(嗓门),使听起来清晰宏亮:lifted their voices in song.唱歌时提高了嗓门Informal To steal; pilfer:【非正式用语】 剽窃;窃取:A thief lifted my wallet.小偷扒走了我的钱夹Informal To copy from something already published; plagiarize:【非正式用语】 抄袭:从已发表的东西上照抄;剽取:lifted whole paragraphs from the encyclopedia.整段都是从百科全书上照抄的To pay off or clear (a debt or mortgage, for example).清偿:付清(例如债务或房租)To perform cosmetic surgery on (the face), especially in order to remove wrinkles or sagging skin.整容:做面部整容手术,尤指为了去皱纹或消除松弛的皮肤Sports To hit (a golf ball) very high into the air.【体育运动】 挑(球):将(高尔夫球)高高地打到空中To pick up (a golf ball) to place it in a better lie.选放:捡起(高尔夫球)放在更好的球位v.intr.(不及物动词)To rise; ascend.上升;升起To yield to upward pressure:可高举:These windows lift easily.这些窗户很容易举起To disappear or disperse by or as if by rising:消散:通过或好象通过上升而消失或消散:By afternoon the smog had lifted.到下午雾气散尽To stop temporarily:暂时停留:The rain lifted by morning.到清晨大雨暂停To become elevated; soar:受到鼓舞;感到高兴:Their spirits lifted when help came.当救援来到时,他们的情绪受到了鼓舞n.(名词)The act or process of rising or raising to a higher position.上升:上升到或上升到较高位置的动作或过程Power or force available for raising:提升力:能使物体升高的力或力量:the lift of a pump.泵的提升力An amount or a weight raised or capable of being raised at one time; a load.承载量:一次能举起的量或重量;装载量The extent or height to which something is raised or rises; the amount of elevation.提升高度:某物升高或被提高的高度或程度;提高的量The distance or space through which something is raised or rises.扬程:某物升高或被提高所经过的距离或空间A rise or an elevation in the level of the ground.上升:在地平面上的上升或升高An elevation of the spirits:振奋:兴致或情绪提高:The good news gave us a lift.好消息让我们精神振奋A raised, high, or erect position, as of a part of the body:翘起:升高的、高的或直立的位置,如身体的某一部分:the lift of his chin.他翘起的下巴A machine or device designed to pick up, raise, or carry something.起重机,千斤顶:用来抬高、升高或搬运某物的机器或装置One of the layers of leather, rubber, or other material making up the heel of a shoe.鞋跟材质:一层用于制造鞋跟的皮、橡胶或其他材料Chiefly British A passenger or cargo elevator.【多用于英国】 电梯:载客或载货电梯A ride in a vehicle given to help someone reach a destination:搭便车:让某人搭乘运输工具以到达某人目的地:gave my friend a lift into town.让我朋友搭便车进城Assistance or help:帮助,援助:gave her a lift with her heavy packages.帮她抬那些沉重的包裹A set of pumps used in a mine.一组唧筒:矿井中使用的一套泵The component of the total aerodynamic force acting on an airfoil or on an entire aircraft or winged missile perpendicular to the relative wind and normally exerted in an upward direction, opposing the pull of gravity.空气浮力:作用于机翼或整个机身或带翼导弹的整个空气动力学的力的组成部分,与相对风垂直,作用方向向上,与地球引力作用方向相反lift offTo begin flight:发射:The spacecraft lifted off at noon.航天飞机中午发射lift fireTo increase the range of artillery fire by elevating the muzzle of a piece.增大射程:升高炮口以增加大炮火力射程Middle English liften 中古英语 liften from Old Norse lypta 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 lypta lift“ableadj.(形容词)lift“ern.(名词)lift,raise,rear,elevate,hoist,heave,boostThese verbs mean to move something from a lower to a higher level or position.这些动词的意思是使某物从较低移到较高水平或位置。 Lift sometimes stresses the expenditure of effort: Lift 有时强调花费的努力: a trunk too heavy to lift;太重而提不动的旅行箱;requires three men to lift the piano.要三个人才能抬起这架钢琴。Raise often implies movement to an approximately vertical position: Raise 经常指移动到基本上垂直的位置: raised the window slightly;轻轻抬起窗户;raising a monument to the war dead.为战争中的死难者立一座纪念碑。Rear is frequently interchangeable withraise : Rear 经常可以与raise 互换: rear a ladder;立起一架梯子;rear a flagpole.竖起一根旗杆。“Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains” (Macaulay).“她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓” (麦考利)。 Elevate is sometimes synonymous with the preceding terms ( Elevate 有时是前几个词的同义词( used two pillows to keep his head elevated), but it more often suggests exalting, ennobling, or raising morally or intellectually: 用两个枕头来抬高他的脑袋), 但它更经常地含有使崇高、使高贵或在道德上或智力上提高的意思: “A generous and elevated mind is distinguished by nothing more certainly than an eminent degree of curiosity” (Samuel Johnson).“一颗慷慨、高贵的心灵最显著的特征当然是具有强烈的求知欲” (萨缪·约翰逊)。 Hoist is applied principally to the lifting of heavy objects,often by mechanical means: Hoist 主要指举起重物,经常是通过机械方式: hoist a sunken ship;吊起一艘沉船;uses a crane to hoist the construction beams. Toheave is to lift or raise with great effort or force: 用起重机吊起建筑物的横梁。 Heave 的意思是用力举起或抬起: heaved the pack onto his back.用力把包扛在背上。Boost suggests upward movement effected by or as if by pushing from below: Boost 含有从下面推或好象从下面推的动作实现的向上运动的意思: boosted the child into the saddle;把孩子托上马鞍;boost sales;提高销售额;boost morale. See also Synonyms at steal 提高士气 参见同义词 steallift[lift]vt.举[抬, 提]起提高, 提升; 鼓舞偷窃; 抄袭(书中章节等)[美]提出, 赎出(典押物)晋升带, 运送; 空运挖出; 拔, 拔起撤消, 解除(禁令等); (用手术)除去(皱纹)偿付, 清偿把(板球)向高空击去lift a voice or cry高声喊叫lift a sentence out of context断章取义地抽出一句来This box is too heavy for me to lift.这箱太重我搬不起。We lifted the students to Shanghai.我们把学生运送到上海。liftvi.升高[起]被提高[举起, 推起](云, 雾)消散耸立(地面)向上突出[隆起](船)随浪升高The huge airplane lifted from the airport.大客机从机场起飞。The window won't lift.这窗户推不开。The mist began to lift.雾开始消散。liftn.高举, 举起, 提, 吊(一次)举重量, 起重量;【机】升程, 起升高度; 河水上升高度[英]电梯; 吊车; 爬上电梯帮助; 助手; (半路上)搭便车高昂的姿态, 情绪激昂; 鼓舞高地; 小丘, 地面的隆起(修理汽车用的)千斤顶; 起重机楼层进步; 增进【航空】空运, 升力鞋后跟皮的一层一次印出的一堆(纸张)a lift of her eyebrows她眉毛一扬Give me a lift with this job.帮我做这件事。liftboy [liftman]n.[英]开电梯的工人lift-offn.(飞机, 导弹的)升空, 起飞; 起离, 初动; 起飞时刻lift-on -lift-offadj.货柜运输的lift-pumpn.提升[扬水]泵lift-slab[`lIftslAb]adj.【建】升板法施工的(混凝土板在地面预先浇妥, 等到使用时才用起重机吊起安放的)lift-upn.举起, 升高lift-valven.升阀liftableadj.a dead lift(不用机械)硬搬需要全力以赴的难事give sb. a lift让某人搭车帮某人一把on the lift[美方]虚弱的[地], 弱不经风的[地]thumb a lift(伸出翘起拇指的拳头向司机示意)要求搭车; 搭乘便车lift down(用于将东西)搬下去; 从高处搬到低处lift off(火箭, 导弹等)发射, (直升飞机等)起飞lift up举起, 提起使振奋, 使受到鼓舞airfoil lift机翼升力, 翼型升力alarm bolt lift起闹栓升杆ankle extensor lift踝关节伸展练习arms backward lift直臂后举arms forward lift直臂前上举backhand lift反手起球bar sash lift车窗提手builder's lift建筑工程升降机buoyancy lift浮升力, 浮升cam lift凸轮升程, 凸轮升度car lift升车机chair lift升降椅click lift升爪clutch lift棘轮式自动起落机构colter lift开沟器起落机构concrete lift混凝土升高层, 混凝土(薄)层混凝土升降机core lift抬芯delivery lift [head]水头; 压力差扬程disk gang lift圆盘(耙)组起落机构draw lift吸入管(泵)dynamic suction lift动式吸入高度electric fork lift叉式电池车foot lift踏板式起落机构forcing lift压力泵fork lift for pallets集装箱的叉式升运机free lift自由升力gasoline suction lift吸提汽油gate lift气力起重机gear lift被动齿轮负载后在垂直平面内的移动hack lift背后硬拉heel lift鞋跟皮层hip abductor lift侧卧举腿动作(练髋关节)hip flexor lift直坐弯抬腿动作(练髋关节)hub lift(由行走轮传动的)轮毂式自动起落机构hydraulic table lift收割台液压起落机构hydraulically operated lift液压(操作的)起落机构hydrodynamic lift水动升力流体动力举力jack lift用千斤顶压出或拔出器拔出(零件)起重车knee lift抬膝knee extensor lift直坐伸小腿动作mechanical power lift机械式自动起落机构mechanical water lift机械式提水器needle lift针阀升程overall lift总升力parallel lift平行四边形起落机构; 平行四边形悬挂装置plain lift普通起落 机构pneumatic lift气力升降机prone horizontal arm lift俯卧直臂上举pump lift扬程ram lift冲压升力活塞起重机柱塞升程撞头rear lift后提sand lift扬砂管screw lift [elevator]螺旋提升机separated lift【航空】分离升力service lift送货吊机static suction lift静止吸入高度stiff-legged dead weight lift直腿硬举suction lift吸升高度, 吸入升程吸引升力, 吸引举力supine horizontal arm lift仰卧直臂上举table lift(谷物联合收获机的)收割台起落机构T-bar lift滑雪吊车translational lift瞬变升力, 瞬变飞行状态升力valve lift阀门升程window lift吊窗提手window sash lift车窗手柄lift raise elevate都含“举起”的意思。lift 指“用体力或机械力把某物从地面举到一定的高度”, 如:She can lift a pail of water from the ground.她能把一桶水提起来。raise 与Lift 可换用, 但着重“垂直高举”或“将物件由较低处移至较高处的适宜位置, 以发挥应有的作用”, 如:raise a flag.升旗。elevate 指“提高(嗓子、思想等)”, 如:Good reading elevates the mind.阅读好书可使思想高尚。lowerLIFT=Logically Integrated FORTRAN Translator 逻辑集成公式翻译程序lift中古英语liften〈古挪威语lypta〈lopt“空气”;古英语为lyft, 德语luft, 荷兰语luchtlift,raise,rear,elevate,hoist这组动词的一般含义是“提起”,“举起”。lift 强调“提升很重的或者抬起比较重的东西”,当用于比喻时,可以指雄伟高大的建筑物或大山的“高耸入云”The dish now had to be lifted vertically because one edge was resting against the side of the canal.现在必须垂直着提升馅饼盘,因为盘的一边靠在运河的侧面上。raise 在用于“提升”的意义时,可包含费力也可能不包含费力,但总带有“垂直”提升的意思;在用于比喻时,可以表示喂羊家畜、家禽,照料农作物的生长,募集资金,抬募军队,养育儿童等…there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom…….当从海底提上来一只箱子时,船上出现了极为兴奋的场面。Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.我们的牧师老是在为这桩或那桩事募款。rear和raise在文学语言中常互换使用。在表示养育儿童时,rear 为美国南方各州惯用词She bore three children and reared (or reaised) two of them.她生过三个孩子,养大了两个。elevate 一般具有lift和raise的含义,但elevate 常用于抽象概念的提高,如“提高文学鉴赏力”,“提高情操”等Good reading elerates the mind.读好书可以提高情操。hoist 尤指“以机械提升重物”The cargo was soon hoisted into the ship.货物很快就被吊进船舱。elevatorel.e.va.torAHD:[µl“…-v³”t…r] D.J.[6el*7ve!t*]K.K.[6Wl*7vet+]n.(名词)A platform or an enclosure raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or freight.升降机:在垂直通道上载运人们或货物升降的平台或笼子The enclosure or platform with its operating equipment, motor, cables, and accessories.提升设备:笼子或平台以及操纵它们用的设备、马达、电缆和其它辅助设备A movable control surface, usually attached to the horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft, that is used to produce motion up or down.升降舵:一个可动控制台,通常安装在飞机的尾翼上,用来操纵飞机升降A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.吊车:一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料A granary equipped with devices for hoisting and discharging grain.活动谷仓:一个配有升高或排出谷物装置的谷仓elevator[5eliveitE]n.升降[起卸, 起重, 升运, 提升]机, 电梯(=[英] lift), 升降舵(能吊卸、储存并加工的)谷物仓库起重工人【医】起子, 牙挺(上)提肌air elevator气动升运器[升降机]aircraft elevator飞机升降舵apron elevator平板提升机arm conveying elevator旋臂升降机auger elevator螺旋升运器bag elevator货袋提升器bagger elevator(散粒物)装袋升运器belt elevator带式升降机belt-trough elevator斗带式升运器blast-furnace elevator高炉[鼓风炉]升降机blower elevator鼓风吹送升运机bucket elevator链斗升降机bucket-belt elevator斗带式升运器, 升带式提升机bucket feed-discharge elevator斗式装卸升运机bucket-type stationary elevator斗式定位升运机cage wheel elevator笼轮式升运器canvas sling elevator帆布带升降机cavings elevator颖糠升运器centrifugal discharge(-type) elevator离心式卸料升运器chain-and-bucket elevator链斗式升运器chain and flight type stationary elevator链叉式固定升运器chuck bucket elevator链斗升料机continuous-bucket elevator连续斗式升降机conveyer elevator输送带式升运器country elevator结构简单的升运机, [俗]土升运机crop elevator(联合收获机的)谷物升运器cross elevator横向升运器cup(-type) elevator杯式[斗式]升运器cylindrical elevator滚筒式升运器delivery elevator卸载(卸粮)升运机direct-plunger elevator活塞直接驱动升降机discharge elevator卸载升运器double elevator双列(斗式)升运器drag-flight elevator刮板式升运器drum elevator滚筒式升运机endlessbelt (type)elevator环(状)带式升运器final deliveryelevator最终卸载(卸粮)升运器flightelevator刮板(式)升运机floating elevator水上升降机folding elevator折叠式升运器front elevator前置升运器full-width elevator全幅升运器gooseneck elevator鹅颈式升运机grader elevator犁扬机, 平土升送机grain elevator谷物升降机; 有升降机设备的谷仓gravity-discharge bucket elevator自重卸载斗式升运机gravity-flow elevator自流式升运器hingeddischarge elevator悬臂式卸料升运机hydraulic plunger elevator液压柱塞直顶式升降机hydraulic rope-geared elevator液压绳轮升降机inclined elevator倾斜升料机inclined pusher bar elevator斜推杆式升料机inclined sack elevator倾斜式(散粒物)袋装升运机indoor storage elevator仓内升运器internal-discharge-bucket elevator内卸斗式提升机line elevator直(管)线升运器log elevator原木提升机lorry-mounted elevator汽车升降机luggage elevator行李升降机lumber elevator堆板机, 堆垛机main elevator主升运器main lifting elevator主升运器; 挖掘升运器mobile belt-trough elevator移动式斗带升运器mobile flat-belt elevator移动式平带升运器multilevel elevator多层(高度)升运器, 可调装卸高度的升运器open-web elevator条杆带式升运器package elevator包装商品升运器paddle-type elevator刮板式升运器passenger elevator旅客升降梯paternoster elevator链斗式升料机pick-up elevator捡拾升运器pick up elevator捡拾升运器pipeelevator水压升降机platform elevator收割台升运器plunger elevator水力提升机, 柱塞提升机pneumatic elevator气流式升运器positive-discharge elevator强制卸载式升运器press-baler with loading elevator带装车升运器的捡拾压捆机primary(lifting) elevator第一升运器; (马铃薯收获机的)挖掘升运器receiving elevator接受升运器ring chain bucket elevator环链斗式提升机rod-chain elevator链杆式升运器rod-link elevator杆链式升运器rollgang elevator滚道升运器, 滚子支承式升运器rubber-flight elevator橡皮刮板式升运器slatted elevator板条式升运机sack elevator袋式升降机scoop feed elevator离心式提升机scraper elevator刮板式升运机screw elevator螺旋升运器scroll elevator螺旋提升机ship elevator浮船式链斗升运机, 浮动式搬运机side elevator横向升运器; 侧卸升运器single-chain type multi-purpose elevator单链式多用途升运机single-chain type vertical elevator单链直立式升运(提升)机skip elevator翻斗提升机slatted-chain type stacking elevator链板式堆架升运机spaced bucket elevator间隔斗提升机split-bucket elevator分段杓形(催化剂)升扬器star elevator星轮升运器terminal elevator终点升运机tractor-mounted elevator装在拖拉机上的升运器trailer-loading elevator(收获机的)拖车装载升运器; 装载升运器traverse unloading elevator横向卸载升运器tray elevator盘架升降机trowel elevator刮板式升运器truck elevator(收获机的)装车升运器tubular elevator管式升运器turnover elevator倾翻式升运器, 木格板转式升运器, 杂穗升运器twin-chain elevator双链斗式升运器undershot elevator底部输送(链扒式)升运器unloading elevator卸载(卸粮)升运器
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