图 3 镜质体 VR°max- L 关系
图 4 煤大分子骨架的几种形式
图 5 煤的超微孔隙
应用高分辨率透射电镜可有效地研究煤及其显微组分的物理结构。它不仅能提供有关煤的基本结构单元的尺寸及其排列、超微孔隙的信息,还能提供煤分子骨架的形状,杂原子( O,S) 的信息,为深入研究煤的大分子结构提供了依据,对于煤的成因理论和实际应用都很重要。
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1. 山西平朔煤镜质体 002 晶格条纹图像,289 万倍。
2. 山西马兰煤镜质体 002 晶格条纹图像,247 万倍。
3. 山西晋城煤镜质体 002 晶格条纹图像,289 万倍。
4. 宁夏碱沟山镜质体 002 晶格条纹图像,289 万倍。
5. 山西河曲丝质体 002 晶格条纹图像,289 万倍。
6. 山西东曲丝质体 002 晶格条纹图像,327 万倍。
7. 山西东曲煤热解碳 002 晶格条纹图像,303 万倍。
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The Application of High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy to Study the Structures of Coal Macerals
Zhao Fenghua and Ren Deyi
( Beijing Graduate School,China University of Mining and Technology)
Abstract: The authors studied the physical structures of a metamorphic series of vitrinites, fusinites and pyrolytic carbon by applying high - resolution transmission electron microscopy( HRTEM) . The results show that with an increase in coal rank,the average length of the basic structural unit ( BSU ) and the average number of condensed aromatic rings of vitrinites increase,the number of diffraction circles goes up,and the degree of circle diffusion decreases, so resulting in arc - like. This indicates that the BSU of vitrinite might grow and get more orien- ted in the process of metamorphism. It is found that the point w ith VRo,max = 6. 50% ,marks a step change and that w hen VRo,max > 6. 50% the BSU became oriented apparently. The high - resolution image of fusinites and pyrolitic carbon w ere firstly studied by HRTEM. The structural order of fusinites is less and its evolution is slow er than that of vitrinites. The structural order of pyrolytic carbon is better.
Key words: maceral,coal structure,high - resolution transmission electron microscopy, coal rank,vitrinite,fusinite,pyrolytic carbon
( 本文由赵峰华、任德贻合著,原载《地质论评》,1995 年第 41 卷第 6 期)