故事讲述一个败落的英国庄园主去世后,由于当时的遗产法规定家产只传男不传女,他的三个女儿都面临着扫地出门的命运,如何嫁一个好丈夫便成了她们的燃眉之急。大女儿爱勒诺沉着稳重,为了全家的幸福她深深藏起自己的儿女私情;小女儿玛瑞安率真任性,为了追求爱情甘愿付出。当然最终“理智”和“情感”都得到了真爱。 看这个吧可能你对有帮助
Sense and Sensibility is a novel by Jane Austen that was first published in 1811. It was the first of Austen's novels to be published, under the pseudonym "A Lady." The novel has been adapted for film and television a number of times, most notably in Ang Lee's 1995 version.Plot introductionThe story concerns two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Elinor representing "sense" and Marianne "sensibility"). Along with their mother and younger sister Margaret, they are left impoverished after the death of their father, and the family is forced to move to a country cottage, offered to them by a generous relative.Elinor forms an attachment to the gentle and courteous Edward Ferrars, unaware that he is already secretly engaged. After their move, Marianne meets Willoughby, a dashing young man who leads her into undisciplined behaviour, so that she ignores the attentions of the faithful (but older) Colonel Brandon. The contrast between the sisters' characters is eventually resolved as both find love and lasting happiness.Plot summarySpoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret, are impoverished after the death of her husband. His estate, Norland, must pass to John Dashwood, his son from his first marriage. Although John promised his father that he would take care of them, his selfish wife Fanny easily dissuades him from giving them their fair share of the inheritance.Elinor becomes attached to Fanny's brother Edward Ferrars. Edward is a quiet, unassuming young man who does not aspire to be the "fine figure in the world" his mother and sister wish him to be. Elinor admires his intelligence and good sense. Edward's fortune is dependent on the will of his mother. Elinor knows that she would not like her son to marry a woman of as low a rank as she is and does not allow herself to hope for marriage.Uncomfortable as unwanted guests in their former home, Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters move from Norland to Barton Cottage. Their landlord is Sir John Middleton, who lives in Barton Park. Lady Middleton's mother Mrs. Jennings and Colonel Brandon are staying at Barton Park. Mrs. Jennings, a good-humoured widow, thinks that Colonel Brandon is in love with Marianne and teases them both about it. Marianne disregards her because she pities Colonel Brandon as an old bachelor who has no chance of inspiring love in anyone.On a walk in the countryside, Marianne falls and sprains her ankle. Willoughby, a dashing and handsome man, carries her back to Barton Cottage. Willoughby begins to visit Marianne every day and they become very close. Margaret sees Willoughby cutting a lock of Marianne's hair to keep with him. Elinor overhears him calling Marianne by her first name and believes that they may be secretly engaged. Willoughby leaves abruptly, telling the Dashwoods that he must go to London and will not return for a year. His departure greatly upsets Marianne.Edward Ferrars comes to stay at Barton Cottage. However he seems unhappy and is distant towards Elinor, and she fears that he no longer has any feelings for her. However, unlike Marianne, she does not wallow in her sadness. Ann and Lucy Steele, cousins of Lady Middleton, come to visit. Sir John tells Lucy that Elinor is attached to Edward. However, Lucy then reveals to Elinor that she (Lucy) has been secretly engaged to Edward for four years. Shortly before the Dashwoods leave for Barton Cottage, Edward attempts to tell Elinor of his engagement, but because of his inability to tell Elinor quickly, is interrupted by Fanny and is unable to finish. Elinor is overcome with grief, but she keeps the information from her family as a promise to Lucy.Elinor and Marianne spend the winter at Mrs. Jennings' home in London. Marianne writes to Willoughby, but her letters are unanswered. They meet Willoughby at a party, but he is cold and formal with them. He then sends Marianne a letter in which he denies ever having loved her and telling her that he is engaged to a Miss Grey, a very wealthy woman of inferior birth. Marianne admits to Elinor that they were not engaged, but that she still loved him and that he, while he also loved her and greatly implied it but never actually said it. Colonel Brandon reveals to Elinor that Willoughby seduced his foster daughter Miss Williams and abandoned her when she became pregnant. The Colonel was once in love with Miss Williams's mother, who resembled Marianne in temperament, but whose life was destroyed by an unhappy arranged marriage to the Colonel's brother.Later, Mrs. Jennings tells Elinor that Mrs. Ferrars has discovered Edward and Lucy's engagement. Edward refuses to end the engagement and his mother, furious because of Lucy's poverty, disinherits him. Elinor and Marianne feel sorry for Edward, and think him honourable for remaining engaged to a woman he will probably not be happy with. Ann Steele tells Elinor that Lucy still intends to marry Edward. Edward intends to take religious orders so that he can support them. Colonel Brandon offers his parish at Delaford to Edward, although he hardly knows him. Elinor meets Edward's boorish brother Robert and is shocked to discover that he has no qualms about claiming his brother's inheritance.Marianne becomes very ill after a walk in the rain during which she was wallowing in misery because of Willoughby, and Colonel Brandon goes to get Mrs. Dashwood. Willoughby arrives and tells Elinor that he was left with large debts when his benefactress discovered his actions towards Miss Williams and disinherited him. He then decided to marry a wealthy woman. He says that he still loves Marianne. He seeks forgiveness, but has poor excuses for his selfish actions. Meanwhile, Colonel Brandon reveals his love for Marianne to Mrs. Dashwood.Marianne recovers and the Dashwoods return to Barton Cottage. Mrs. Dashwood wishes for Marianne to marry the Colonel, but Elinor perceives that Marianne still has a lack of regard for him. They learn that Mr. Ferrars has married Lucy. Mrs. Dashwood realises how strong Elinor's feelings for Edward are and is sorry that she did not pay more attention to her unhappiness.However, the next day Edward arrives and reveals that it was his brother who married Lucy. He says that he was trapped in his engagement with Lucy, "a woman he had long since ceased to love," but that she had broken the engagement to marry the now wealthy Robert. Edward asks Elinor to marry him, and she agrees. Edward reconciles with his mother, and she gives him ten thousand pounds, enough for them to live comfortably. They marry and move into the parsonage at Delaford.Over the next two years, Mrs. Dashwood, Marianne and Margaret spend most of their time at Delaford. Marianne matures and after growing to love the Colonel, decides to marry Brandon. They marry and live close to Elinor and Edward.Characters in "Sense and Sensibility"Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.Henry Dashwood — A wealthy gentleman who dies at the beginning of the story. The terms of his estate prevent him from leaving anything to his second wife and their children together. He asks John, his son by his first wife, to ensure the financial security of his second wife and their three daughters. Mrs. Dashwood — The second wife of Henry Dashwood, who is left in difficult financial straits by the death of her husband. Elinor Dashwood — The sensible and reserved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She becomes attached to Edward Ferrars, the brother-in-law of her elder half-brother, John. Marianne Dashwood — The romantically inclined and expressive second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is the object of the attentions of Col. Brandon and Mr. Willoughby. Margaret Dashwood — The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. John Dashwood — The son of Henry Dashwood by his first wife. Fanny Dashwood — The wife of John Dashwood, and sister to Edward and Robert Ferrars. Sir John Middleton — a relative of Mrs. Dashwood who, after the death of Henry Dashwood, invites her and her three daughters to live in a cottage on his property. Middleton, his wife, and their children live with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Jennings. He and Mrs. Jennings are a jolly and gossipy pair, taking an active interest in the romantic affairs of the young people around them and seeking to encourage suitable matches. Lady Middleton — The genteel and idle wife of Sir John Middleton, she is primarily concerned with mothering her four spoilt children. Edward Ferrars — The elder of Fanny Dashwood's two brothers. He forms an attachment to Elinor Dashwood. Years before meeting the Dashwoods, Ferrars proposed to Lucy Steele, the niece of his tutor. The engagement has been kept secret owing to the expectation that Ferrars's family would object to his marrying Miss Steele. Robert Ferrars — the younger brother of Edward Ferrars and Fanny Dashwood. Col. Christopher Brandon — Close friend of Sir John Middleton. In his youth, Brandon had fallen in love with his father's ward, but was prevented by his family from marrying her. The girl later suffered numerous misfortunes, finally dying penniless and disgraced. John Willoughby — a nephew of a neighbour of the Middletons, a dashing figure who charms Marianne. Charlotte Palmer — The daughter of Mrs. Jennings and the younger sister of Lady Middleton, Mrs. Palmer is empty-headed and laughs at inappropriate things, e.g. her husbands continual rudeness to her and to others. Mr. Palmer — The husband of Charlotte Palmer who is running for a seat in Parliament in spite of his idleness and rudeness. Lucy Steele — a young relation of Mrs. Jennings, who has for some time been secretly engaged to Edward Ferrars. She assiduously cultivates the friendship with Elinor Dashwood and with Mrs. John Dashwood. Anne/Nancy Steele — Lucy Steele's elder sister. Miss Grey — a wealthy heiress with whom Mr. Willoughby becomes involved. Lord Morton — father of Miss Morton Miss Morton — wealthy woman whom Mrs.Ferrars wants his eldest son, Edward, to marry Mr. Pratt — uncle of Lucy Steele Spoilers end here.Critical appraisalAusten wrote the first draft of Elinor and Marianne (later retitled Sense and Sensibility) c. 1795, when she was about 19 years old. While she had written a great deal of short fiction in her teens, Elinor and Marianne was her first full-length novel. The plot revolves around a contrast between Elinor's sense and Marianne's emotionalism; the two sisters may have been loosely based on Jane and Cassandra Austen, with Austen casting Cassandra as the restrained and well-judging sister and herself as the emotional one. Austen clearly intended to vindicate Elinor's sense and self-restraint, and on the simplest level, the novel may be read as a parody of the full-blown romanticism and sensibility that was fashionable around the 1790s. Yet Austen's treatment of the two sisters is complex and multi-faceted. Austen biographer Claire Tomalin argues that Sense and Sensibility has a "wobble in its approach," which developed because Austen, in the course of writing the novel, gradually became less certain about whether sense or sensibility should triumph.[1] She endows Marianne with every attractive quality: intelligence, musical talent, frankness, and the capacity to love deeply. She also acknowledges that Willoughby, with all his faults, continues to love and, in some measure, appreciate Marianne. For these reasons, some readers find Marianne's ultimate marriage to Colonel Brandon an unsatisfactory ending.[2] The ending does, however, neatly join the themes of sense and sensibility though having the sensible sister marry her true love after long, romantic obstacles to their union, and the emotional sister find happiness with a man she did not initially love, but who was an eminently sensible choice of a husband.The novel displays Austen's subtle irony at its best, with many outstanding comic passages about the Middletons, the Palmers, Mrs. Jennings, and Lucy Steele
摘 要:从上世纪70世代形开始,有关爱情心理的研究在国外开展起来,并在理论和实际中取得了一些成果。近年来,我国有关爱情心理的研究也逐渐展开,本文拟从爱情的概念、大学生爱情心理的探讨与分析、爱情心理的结构及测量、影响因素等几个方面, 总结 了国内外的学者对爱情心理的相关研究,对其进行了评价,并展望了未来的研究方向。
关于爱情的心理学定义,至今没有一个统一的概念。不同的心理学家从自己的理念基础出发,对爱情给出了很多的定义。Wstson(1924)认为爱情是由一种性带感引发的天生的情感。Freud(1922,1952)认为,对性结合的欲望是情感的中心。当这种欲望被限制的时候,作为对这种挫折的补偿,人们对就会将其他人理想化并坠入爱河。Frommn(1956)认为爱是一种工具,用来减少人的分离感和孤独感。Rubin(1970)将爱情定义为一种指向他人的态度,这种态度使人以特定的方式思考、感受和行动。Swenson(1972)认为爱情就是行动,例赠送礼物、共同活动和坦露私密信息。Centers(1975)认为爱情是人们在与他人的互动被回报时引起的反应。Skolnick(1978)将爱情定义为一种由情感、想法、 文化 表征建立起来的建构的体验。这些定义有的关注的是爱情的起源,有的关注爱情的功能,有的则关注对爱情的描述。总之,爱情是一个复杂的东西,每个人对它都会有自己不同的理解。
身处大学校园的爱情,由于受到多种社会因素的影响,大学生的爱情观存在着多方面的问题。常泓,侯赞华(2008)认为大学生存在的主要问题有:1.对爱情真谛缺乏理解。2.恋爱动机的偏差。3.恋爱道德观念的弱化。4.恋爱行为的非理性化。而对于大学生的爱情心理问题,王素珍(2003)认为主要有:1.爱情价值观错位;在其对1005名大学生的问卷调查以及随机访谈后,发现大学生在爱情价值观方面,从总体上看是能够正确摆正爱情在人生中的位置和处理好爱情与事业、爱情与学业的关系,但调查同时显示,也有一些人存在一些问题:①看重爱情在人生中的位置。②为了爱情影响学业。③推崇“爱情至上”。④对爱情的“忠贞专一、排他性”认识错位。2.爱情挫折。3.恋爱行为不当。。让人关注的是:如今的大学生“恋爱族”中,真正为爱情而相爱的人并不太多。詹灶福,汪琴(1997)据一项对11所大学近千名大学生的关于“你恋爱的主要原因是什么?”这一问题调查发现学生回答的依次顺序是:满足生理和发展的需要、充实课余生活、双方接触产生爱情、作为一种消遣、寻求一种刺激、孤独、受到周围人的影响、对一行的好奇心、积累 经验 、为建立理想的家庭而选择伴侣。这一结果应该说是令人担忧的,。黄家兵(2005)认为有必要结合当前大学生恋爱的新特点和新趋势,探讨其中的心理问题:1、恋爱普遍化与焦虑感并存。2.恋爱“过程体验”的空虚感。3.恋爱轻率而导致的无聊感。
面对如今大学生爱情观所存在的问题。常泓、侯赞华(2008)认为应该采取如下对策:1.深化对爱情本质的理解,增强恋爱道德观念。2.培养健康的恋爱行为。3.正确处理好爱情与学业的关系。4.加强校园思想文化建设。王素珍(2004)则从爱情价值观、爱情挫折和恋爱行为不当方面阐述了调适 方法 ,认为在爱情价值观方面应该做到以下自我调适:1.要学会思考。2.要学会处理好爱情与学业、爱情与成才的关系。3.提高爱情的道德修养。在爱情挫折方面,要做到:1.要端正爱情认识。2.要分析失恋的原因。3.要采取正确的行为方式。爱是道德的表现,是一种能力,也是一种艺术。大学生的爱情必须健康、文明、高雅、大方,有利于促进身心发展。
1)Davis(1985)曾对爱情和友谊进行了比较和区分,认为友谊之中的喜欢包括8个主要元素:欢乐、互助、尊敬、无拘无束、接纳、信任、理解和交心;而爱情除这些因素外还包括集束:激情和关怀。研究发现这可以让人觉察到什么时候友谊已经转化为爱情关系,或爱情关系正在逐渐降格为普通的友谊。Davis和Todd在此论基础上设计出了关系评定表(Relationship RatingForm),此量表共包括6大方面由19个分量表组成,它被用来区分各种类型的友谊,并能预测不同关系所表现出来的特征属于哪种类型的友谊。2) Sternberg(1997)运用定量分析与定性分析相结合的研究方法提出了爱情的三角形理论,他认为人类爱情包括三种成分:亲密(intimacy)、激情(passion)和承诺 (decision/commitment)。Sternberg通过比较爱情类型的结构模型和评价这些模型中对多种亲密关系的有效性发展了36个项目、3个分量表的三因素爱情心理量表。3)Yela(2006)使用stemberg的模型作为指导,对其进行实证研究证实了最常使用的爱情维度:关爱、性欲、激情、亲密、尊重、承诺和依恋这些维度可以被合成为只有四个成分:性爱激情、浪漫激情、亲密和承诺,并编制了相应的爱情测验量表。量表包含55个项目用来测量爱情模型的四个因素,每个因素分别用15个项目来评价,每个项目均采用李克特5点量表方式作答。4)李朝旭等人则依据激活扩散模型,采用“爱情”一词为刺激,让278名大学生被试进行自由联想,再基于亲疏程度实施系统聚类分析,结果发现,当代中国大学生的内隐爱情理论包含以下5个方面:①伦理与责任;②浪漫体验;③冲突及痛苦; ④理性;⑤朋友式关爱。5) 王娟(2006)采用问卷法,以中国五个地区的大学生和社会人士为被试,通过开放式问卷和探索性因素分析确定了中国人爱情心理的结构,包括接纳、关爱、激情、爱情价值观和浪漫5个维度。编制了包含26个项目的中国人爱情心理正式问卷,采用6点计分,4个项目设为反向计分。
关于爱情类型的测量主要是爱情态度量表(loveattitudesscale,LAs)。美国心理学家Hendrick和 Hendrick(l986)依据 Lee(1977)爱情类型理论,编制了包含42个项目,每个类型7项目的爱情态度量表,包括浪漫爱、游戏爱、伴侣爱、现实爱、占有爱和奉献爱6个分量表,采用李克特5分的作答方式。
从研究内容上来看,国内对于爱情心理的研究大多停留在对大学生恋爱观的调查,存在问题和 教育 对策的理论研究和与其他变量的关系研究上,对于爱情心理形成的原因机制的分析较少,也没有具体探讨不同社会人群中的爱情心理。如何形成正确的爱情观,以当今中国人的爱情恋爱观提出一些行之有效的对策,提高中国人幸福满意度应该是研究的最终目的。
[4]王素珍.(2004).大学生爱情心理调查与思考. 连云港师范高等专科学校学报,1,14-17.
[5]林艳艳,李朝旭.(2006). 心理学领域中的爱情理论述要. 赣南师范学院学报,1,40-44.
[6]黄家兵.(2005).当代大学生爱情观与心理健康. 经济与社会发展,6,87-89.
(作者单位:江西师范大学心理学院,江西 南昌 330022)
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