摘要:随着国民经济的的飞速发展,市场对物流的需求越来越高。 Abstract: with the rapid development of national economy, market demand for logistics is getting higher and higher. 随着物流对商品生产、流通和消费的影响日益明显并越来越引起人们的注意。 As the logistics of commodity production, circulation and consumption has become increasingly apparent and the influence of growing draw people's attention. 从本质上说,企业在市场上的表现主要是由产品的质量、价格以及产品的供给三个因素决定。 Essentially, enterprises in market performance of mainly by the quality of the products, price and product supply three factors. 而这三个因素都受到物流的影响。 While the three factors are the influence of logistics. 随着现代企业生产经营方式的变革和市场外部条件的变化。 With modern enterprise production management way change and market external conditions change. 第三方物流给供应链各参与者带来了很多好处和方便,因而受到了极大的欢迎,市场潜力巨大,必将成为下一世纪物流业的主流。 The third party logistics supply chain each participant to bring many benefits and convenience, and is extremely popular, and market potential is tremendous, will become the mainstream of the logistics industry in the next century. 本文讲从以下几个方面来介绍第三方物流的利弊与制造业、零售业物流模式的选择。 This paper speak from the following several aspects to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of third party logistics with manufacturing, retail logistics mode choice. 关键词:物流 第三方物流 利弊 选择 Keywords: logistics third-party logistics advantages and disadvantages choice