Wang Zengqi is a Chinese modern contemporary literature writer across two periods. His literary achievements and creativity emerge in the 1940s, but they show completely only to the 1980s.Then it arouse the concern of scholars and readers. He is a writer worthy of being researched .I choose this topic from his literary creation of a comprehensive understanding of a representative from the spiritual level around Wang Zengqi’s“Land of Peach Blossoms". I want to write it from the following chapters:Chapter One: Wang Zengqi’s“Land of Peach Blossoms”. Literature describes Wang\'s "Peach Blossom Spring" connotations. From the perspective of the analysis of the text explain Wang Zengqi\'s "Land of Peach Blossoms”. It is mainly related to "Land of Peach Blossoms" in following aspects: First, he creates a "Land of Peach Blossoms" of US Favors mainly from the pursuit of freedom, brotherhood and unity among people on help and mutual assistance aspects. Second, he creates a natural and harmonious "Land of Peach Blossoms" mainly from man and nature, man and society and inner harmonious people.Chapter Two: The cause of the Wang Zengqi’s“Land of Peach Blossoms”. It is mainly from the following sections: Section I, Wang Zengqi explains from the perspective of individuals "Peach Blossom Spring" mainly from the character of the reasons for Wang Zengqi family, education reasons. Wang Zengqi further explores "Land of Peach Blossoms" the origins of writing. Section II, Explain from the background of the times Wang Zengqi\'s "Peach Blossom Spring”. Through this chapter can be discussed more clearly profound that Wang Zengqi\'s "Land of Peach Blossoms" is the writing from his inner heartsChapter Three: The comparative analysis of "Land of Peach Blossoms" in the history of modern Chinese literature. I compare Wang Zengqi with his contemporary writers such as Fei Ming, Sun Li and so on. Wang Zengqi highlights more clearly now in the position of his contemporary literature and personality characteristics. Chapter Four:“Land of Peach Blossoms”makes impact on Modern Chinese Literature history. This chapter focuses on Wang Zengqi\'s "Land of Peach Blossoms" on the impact of future generations. In the context of its times, As a special experience and personal characteristic of personality, Wang Zengqi\'s works is full of "Land of Peach Blossoms’" idealism. Such idealism in his works in different times produces different patterns of variation. It is hidden under the surface in a unique landscape. It affects the direction of his own creation.【汪曾祺作为跨越中国现代当代文学两个时期的作家,他的文学成就和创作才能在四十年代就初露端倪,但一直到80年代才完全显现出来,进而引起学者和读者的关注,这是一个值得分析和研究的作家。我选择这个论文题目,是从汪曾祺的文学创作的全面认识中抽取一个有代表性的精神层面,围绕着“汪曾祺的‘桃花源’”展开。具体从以下几章来论述:第一章汪曾祺的“桃花源”。本章主要是阐述汪曾祺文学创作的“桃花源”的内涵。从文本分析的角度阐释汪曾祺的“桃花源”,主要涉及到汪曾祺“桃花源”以下方面:第一,营造人情美的“桃花源”,主要从对自由的追求、人性关怀两个方面进行论述。第二,营造充满自然和谐“桃花源”。主要从人与自然、人与社会、人内心的和谐等方面论述充满自然和谐的“桃花源”。第二章为汪曾祺的“桃花源”产生的根由。本章主要从以下几节来阐释,第一节,从汪曾祺个人角度阐释“桃花源”,主要是从汪曾祺的性格原因,家庭、教育原因,进而探讨汪曾祺“桃花源”写作的缘由。第二节,从时代背景特殊的经历和个性特点,汪曾祺的文学创作中充满着“桃花源”式的理想主义,阐释汪曾祺的“桃花源”。通过本章的论述可以更清楚深刻了解到汪曾祺的“桃花源”是深入内心的写作。第三章“桃花源”在中国现代文学史上的比较分析。本文把汪曾祺的“桃花源”放在同时代作家中加以比较,如与废名、沈从文、孙犁等,更加清楚地凸现汪曾祺在现当代文学中的位置和个性特点。第四章“桃花源”对中国现代文学史时代影响。本章主要论述汪曾祺的“桃花源”对后世产生的影响。在其时代背景下,由于这种理想主义在他不同时代作品中产生不同形态的变体,是隐藏在表面现象下的一个独特的风景,不仅影响着的他本人的创作方向,并且由于中国在八十年代文学思潮的解放而对其他作家甚至社会产生了独特而深刻影响。】