煤矿安全是一种多因素、多环节、动态复杂的系统工程。据统计,全国工伤事故最多的是煤炭工业,煤炭工业中80%以上的事故是由于违章作业、违章指挥造成的。其中,人的不安全行为在煤矿事故致因中占有决定性的地位,而煤矿职工的心理隐患是不安全行为的根子,所以,早就有专家断言——研究矿工的安全心理素质,寻找出一套强化心理素质的好方法,对尽可能多地防止和减少事故有着特别重大的意义。 众所周知,当今社会,由于生活节奏不断加快,生存、工作压力又在逐年增大,这样会对人的心理健康造成不同程度的影响或损伤,特别是对煤矿工人而言,如果在工作中带着情绪干活或者由于心理压力、负担过重,往往会给事故 隐患留下可乘之机。因此,减轻矿工的心理压力、及时疏导矿工的亚健康情绪显得相当重要,同时,这也是保证安全生产的一个重要措施。西南大学心理学院的导师张进辅说,现在煤矿工人有很多是单身,或者夫妻长久不在一起,情感方面会出现各种变化,有的对生活、工作失去信心,幸福感下降,有的人甚至想寻死,总是把不良情绪带到工作上,思想受情感支配,能力受情感影响,就很容易出现安全事故。 事实亦如此,矿工因情感、心理障碍而引发的安全事故不胜枚举。綦江县某矿井下磨盘工老张,结婚多年,可妻子在外地打工,去年儿子要填报高考志愿,必须他去。他一直琢磨着这事,为了早点下班,井下挂矿车时,违章操作,致钢丝绳断裂,车滑落时将他两根手指压断……还有心理疲劳,尤其是农村出身的矿工,他们承担着双重担子,一是,在矿上务工挣钱,尽快脱贫致富;二是耕种责任田,每到“三夏”、“三秋”大忙季节,他们就会“人在曹营,心在汉”,人虽然在井下还干着活儿,心里却总惦记着老家粮食的种收问题,结果总不能安心从事生产,因此造成疲劳过度或麻痹大意而极易出现事故。因此,张教授提醒,“矿工的情感、心理问题不容忽视;煤矿属高危行业,目前,矿工的心理问题尚未受到足够重视,这是很危险的。” 特别是今年两会期间,曹渝等五位来自湖南师范大学的学生,用了两年的时间,在矿区当地煤矿工人的帮助下,冒着生命危险走访了湖南30多个煤矿,三次亲下矿井,调查了五百多名矿工,写出了《湖南煤矿工人心理安全感的影响因素及提升策略》,发现煤矿工人的心理安全问题亟待关注,有近半数的煤矿工人心理安全令人担忧,而如果煤矿工人的心理安全问题解决不了,就遏制不住矿难。因此,他们向社会发出了“为了矿区的稳定和煤矿工人家庭的幸福、为了煤矿企业的可持续发展,让我们关注矿工的心理安全”的强烈呼声。3月24日晚,正在上晚自习的曹渝接到国家安全生产监督管理总局信访办工作人员电话:你们的调查报告李局长已经收到,李毅中局长作出了具体的批示,要求有关部门阅研,同时要求我们对学生给予回复。这篇调查报告给我们提供了一个新的思路,我们在今后的工作中会做出相应的调整。 从以上文字中,大家不难看出,矿工心理安全研究是我们这个时代的大势所趋,它(矿工心理安全)是矿工弟兄们所急需的“心理营养大餐”,它是切实解决煤矿安全生产问题的一个重要组成部分,它是缓解煤矿事故攀升的一个重要手段。因此,解决矿工心理安全问题已到了迫在眉睫的地步! 在这种情况下,作为既从事过记者编辑工作,又正在从事井下掘进工作的我来说,已经不能再无动于衷了。好在我也曾写过几篇心理稿件,并在《心理医生》杂志上发过,再加上我具备一名记者所特有的新闻敏感和灵动嗅觉,我充分利用业余时间、结合下井或休班时与其他矿工的聊天情况,将一些事故案例和我的自身体会特别是我自己所经历的“挤手”事故穿插在一起,很快便写出了针对性较强且符合“矿工口味”的(主要是通俗易懂)“矿工心理安全系列稿”,最初是四篇,后来又在掌握大量数据和采访素材后补续了四篇,总计是8篇矿工心理安全系列稿,并于2007年3月16日上午投给了“中国煤炭新闻网”,该网中最富有爱心和责任心的晓岚编辑敏锐地感觉到了此稿的重要性,于2007-3-16 15:57:31编发了我的第一篇矿工心理稿《矿工心理系列之一:谁是矿工安全的隐形保镖?》。 该稿的发表标志着我国煤矿工人特别是一线矿工已在曹渝等五位湖南师范大学的学生向社会和媒体公布《湖南煤矿工人心理安全感的影响因素及提升策略》前就已经意识到了“煤矿工人心理安全”的重要性和紧迫性,并开始着手解决这一问题。 换言之,我作为中国的一名煤矿工人,已经赶在曹渝等五位湖南师范大学的学生“提出问题”之前就已经在切实地“回答并解决问题”了!不仅如此,我的《矿工安全的心理保镖》一稿早在2006年6月份就发表在了重庆的《企业文明》杂志的“心理茶园”专栏里! 当然,由于本人是农民出身,难免有“目光短浅、才疏学浅”之撼,所以我目前写的还很不够,仅仅只有8篇稿子而已,远远跟不上时代发展的步伐和百万矿工弟兄们渴求的目光。因此,我已决定今后将继续利用业余时间撰写关于矿工心理安全方面的稿子,特别是还要继续撰写煤矿中层管理者(主要是跟班区长、班组长违章指挥、管理方式不良)对一线矿工安全的影响;另外,家庭因素对我们一线矿工的间接影响也不可小视,特别是我们的父母、妻子、儿女由于种种原因而对我们矿工的不利影响,这些我都将通过进一步采访挖掘后再成稿,以飨我亲爱的广大工友和全国煤炭系统的一线矿工。相信我,我会排除一切困难逐步去做到的,这仅仅是个时间问题!再者说,本人乃信佛之人,讲究“行善积德 普度众生”;我想,这么做就是在做善事、好事。 最后,衷心祝愿同是奋斗在煤海一线的哥们们 平安 健康 幸福 好运永伴! 不好意思,没有英文
中华人民共和国煤炭法(中英文对照)1 第一条为了合理开发利用和保护煤炭资源,规范煤炭生产、经营活动,促进和保障煤炭行业的发展,制定本法。 Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to rationally developing, utilizing and protecting the coal resources, standardizing the production and marketing of coal, and promoting and ensuring the development of the coal industry.第二条在中华人民共和国领域和中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域从事煤炭生产、经营活动,适用本法。 Article 2 This Law shall be applied to the production and marketing of coal within the territory of the People's Republic of China and in the sea areas under its jurisdiction.第三条煤炭资源属于国家所有。地表或者地下的煤炭资源的国家所有权,不因其依附的土地的所有权或者使用权的不同而改变。 Article 3 The coal resources are owned by the State. The State ownership of the coal resources, either on the surface or underground, shall not change with the ownership or right to use of the land which the coal resources are attached to.第四条国家对煤炭开发实行统一规划、合理布局、综合利用的方针。 Article 4 With regard to the development of the coal resources, the State shall apply the principle of unified planning, rational geographical distribution and comprehensive utilization.第五条国家依法保护煤炭资源,禁止任何乱采、滥挖破坏煤炭资源的行为。 Article 5 The State shall protect the coal resources according to law and forbid any indiscriminate mining which is destructive to the coal resources.第六条国家保护依法投资开发煤炭资源的投资者的合法权益。 Article 6 The State shall protect the lawful rights and interests of the persons who invest in the exploitation of the coal resources according to law.国家保障国有煤矿的健康发展。 The State shall protect the sound development of State-owned coal mines.国家对乡镇煤矿采取扶持、改造、整顿、联合、提高的方针,实行正规合理开发和有序发展。 With regard to township coal mines, the State shall adopt the policies of support, transformation, rectification, merging and upgrading, so that they shall exploit the resources in a regular and rational manner and in good order.第七条煤矿企业必须坚持安全第一、预防为主的安全生产方针,建立健全安全生产的责任制度和群防群治制度。 Article 7 Coal mining enterprises must abide by the principle of safety in production, putting safety and prevention first, and establish and improve the responsibility system for safety in production and the system of prevention and control by the masses.第八条各级人民政府及其有关部门和煤矿企业必须采取措施加强劳动保护,保障煤矿职工的安全和健康。 Article 8 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments thereof and the coal mining enterprises must take measures to strengthen occupational protection so as to guarantee the safety and health of coal mine workers and staff members.国家对煤矿井下作业的职工采取特殊保护措施。 The State shall take special protective measures for miners working in underground coal mines.第九条国家鼓励和支持在开发利用煤炭资源过程中采用先进的科学技术和管理方法。 Article 9 The State shall encourage and support the adoption of advanced science and technology and managerial methods in the exploitation and utilization of coal resources.煤矿企业应当加强和改善经营管理,提高劳动生产率和经济效益。 Coal mining enterprises shall strengthen and improve their operation and management and increase their productivity and economic results.第十条国家维护煤矿矿区的生产秩序、工作秩序,保护煤矿企业设施。 Article 10 The State shall maintain order in production and other work in coal mine areas and protect the facilities of coal mining enterprises.第十一条开发利用煤炭资源,应当遵守有关环境保护的法律、法规,防治污染和其他公害,保护生态环境。 Article 11 Anyone who exploits or utilizes coal resources shall abide by the laws and regulations governing environmental protection, prevent and control pollution and other public hazards, and protect the ecological environment.第十二条国务院煤炭管理部门依法负责全国煤炭行业的监督管理。 Article 12 The department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the coal industry throughout the country according to law.国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责煤炭行业的监督管理。 The relevant departments under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the coal industry within the limits of their respective functions and responsibilities.县级以上地方人民政府煤炭管理部门和有关部门依法负责本行政区域内煤炭行业的监督管理。 The departments in charge of the coal industry and other relevant departments under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the coal industry in their own administrative regions according to law.第十三条煤炭矿务局是国有煤矿企业,具有独立法人资格。 Article 13 The coal mining administrations are State-owned coal mining enterprises each with the status of an independent legal entity.矿务局和其他具有独立法人资格的煤矿企业、煤炭经营企业依法实行自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展。 The coal mining administrations and other coal mining and trading enterprises with the status of independent legal entities shall, according to law, make their own decisions regarding their operations, be responsible for their own losses and profits and be capable of expanding or contracting themselves.第二章煤炭生产开发规划与煤矿建设 CHAPTER II PLANS FOR COAL PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF COAL MINES第十四条国务院煤炭管理部门根据全国矿产资源勘查规划编制全国煤炭资源勘查规划。 Article 14 The department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council shall, according to the national plan for exploring the mineral resources, work out the national plan for exploring the coal resources.第十五条国务院煤炭管理部门根据全国矿产资源规划规定的煤炭资源,组织编制和实施煤炭生产开发规划。 Article 15 The department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council shall, according to the coal resources designated in the national plan of the mineral resources arrange for the drawing up and execution of a plan for coal production and development.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府煤炭管理部门根据全国矿产资源规划规定的煤炭资源,组织编制和实施本地区煤炭生产开发规划,并报国务院煤炭管理部门备案。 The departments in charge of the coal industry under the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the coal resources designated in the national plan of the mineral resources arrange for the drawing up and execution of plans for local coal production and development and submit the plans to the department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council for the record.第十六条煤炭生产开发规划应当根据国民经济和社会发展的需要制定,并纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。 Article 16 Plans for coal production and development shall be worked out in light of the needs of the national economic and social development and shall be incorporated into the plan for national economic and social development.第十七条国家制定优惠政策,支持煤炭工业发展,促进煤矿建设。 Article 17 The State shall formulate preferential policies to support the development of the coal industry and promote the construction of coal mines.煤矿建设项目应当符合煤炭生产开发规划和煤炭产业政策。 Coal mine construction projects shall conform with the plans for coal production and development and the policies for the coal industry.第十八条开办煤矿企业,应当具备下列条件: Article 18 To establish a coal mining enterprise, the following requirements shall be met:(一)有煤矿建设项目可行性研究报告或者开采方案; (1) having a feasibility study report on or mining plan for coal mine construction project;(二)有计划开采的矿区范围、开采范围和资源综合利用方案; (2) having a planned mining area, the limits of mining and a plan for comprehensive utilization of the resources;(三)有开采所需的地质、测量、水文资料和其他资料; (3) having geological, survey and hydrogeological data and other information needed for mining;(四)有符合煤矿安全生产和环境保护要求的矿山设计; (4) having a mining design which meets the requirements of safety in coal mine production and of environmental protection;(五)有合理的煤矿矿井生产规模和与其相适应的资金、设备和技术人员; (5) having a ratinal scale of coal mine production and the funds, equipment and technicians commensurate with such scale; and(六)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。 (6) other requirements prescribed by laws and administrative rules and regulations.第十九条开办煤矿企业,必须依法向煤炭管理部门提出申请;依照本法规定的条件和国务院规定的分级管理的权限审查批准。 Article 19 For establishing a coal mining enterprise, an application must be submitted to the department in charge of the coal industry according to law; the application shall be examined for approval in light of the requirements provided for in this Law and by the administrative department at the corresponding level with the authorization of the State Council.审查批准煤矿企业,须由地质矿产主管部门对其开采范围和资源综合利用方案进行复核并签署意见。 Before examining and approving the application for establishing a coal mining enterprise, it is necessary for the department in charge of geology and mineral resources to verify the proposed limits of mining and the plan for comprehensive utilization of the resources and write down its comments with signature.经批准开办的煤矿企业,凭批准文件由地质矿产主管部门颁发采矿许可证。 The coal mining enterprise that has obtained approval for establishment shall, by virtue of the document of approval, be issued the mining license by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources.第二十条煤矿建设使用土地,应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。征用土地的,应当依法支付土地补偿费和安置补偿费,做好迁移居民的安置工作。 Article 20 To use land for construction of a coal mine, the coal mining enterprise shall go through the formalities in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations. Where it is necessary to requisition land, the enterprise shall, according to law, pay compensation for the land and for the evacuees and help the evacuees to settle down.煤矿建设应当贯彻保护耕地、合理利用土地的原则。 In construction of coal mines the principle of protecting the cultivated land and utilizing the land rationally shall be adhered to.地方人民政府对煤矿建设依法使用土地和迁移居民,应当给予支持和协助。 Local people's governments shall give support and assistance to the enterprise that uses land and has to have the residents move to another place in accordance with law for the construction of coal mine.
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