觉醒年代英文:The Age of Awakening
In recent days, a TV series called The Age of Awakening has become popular among young people.It is produced by National Radio and Television Administration to celebrate100' birthday for the Communist Party of China
It bases on the real history in China from 1915-1921, a critical period for the birth of CPC.We all know that some major events happened in that period. One is New Culture Movementthe leaders of this movement are Chen Duxiu,
Hu Shi and Li Dazhao. This TV series put emphasis on port raying these great men's images, as well as Lu Xun, Cai Yuanpei, Qian Xuantong and many ambitious people who were eager to change the darkness days into a bright future.
Due to their constantefforts to awaken the sleeping, many students waked up. That was a reason for the beginning of another major event---
The May Fourth MovementI think the best part of this TV series is that it portraysmany young people‘s images vividly.
For example, Chen Duxiu’s two sons, Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian. You may have heard their name before, but not very famniliar with them.
And in this TV series, you are able to come into their lives, see the ups and downs they encountered, the faith and belief they stuck to.