There's a concept in psychology called "the comfort zone," which is a place or situation where you feel safe, comfortable, and without stress. It sounds nice and peaceful, doesn't it? Who wouldn't like to live in such a place all the time? Unfortunately, if you never venture outside of your comfort zone, you'll never grow. A kid who never tries cycling downhill because he's afraid of scraping his knee will never feel confident while riding a bike. A shy woman who always avoids social settings because she fears embarrassment will always feels self-conscious around others. A gym-goer who never tries lifting heavier weights because he's afraid he won't be able to lift them will never grow his muscles.Heck! If it wasn't for the first curious prehistoric humans, we would still live in caves. And you most certainly wouldn't be watching this video now. Leaving your comfort zone, as uncomfortable and stressful as that can be sometimes, is a must if you want to grow as a person. Make it a habit to try new things as often as you can. Skydiving, talking to that random stranger, learning a foreign language, picking a strange new book, taking Argentinian tango classes, rock climbing, learning how to sew... What new things will you try today? 翻译: 心理学当中有个概念叫做「舒适圈」,那是你会感到安全的一种地方或情况,而且舒服又没有压力。听起来还满不错又平静的,对吧?谁不会想一直住在这样的地方呢? 很不幸的是,如果你从不跨出舒适圈去冒险的话,你永远不会成长。一个害怕擦伤膝盖而从不试着骑脚踏车下坡的孩子,他永远不会满怀信心地骑车。一个因为怕尴尬而总是避免社交场合的害羞女性,她永远都会在他人面前感到扭捏。一个去健身房但因为怕举不动而从不试着举更重的人,他永远都无法再练壮他的肌肉。 见鬼了!若不是因为最早那群充满好奇的史前人类,我们现在还会住在山洞里呢。而你现在就绝对不会在看这部影片了。 离开你的舒适圈,虽然那有时候会让人感到不舒服或是有压力,那是件必须的事,如果你想要自我成长的话。养成尽可能多尝试新事物的习惯。跳伞、随便跟一个陌生人讲话、学一种外语、挑一本没看过的新书、上阿根廷探戈的课、攀岩、学习缝纫... 今天你要挑战哪项新事物呢?