手工翻译。请见下。摘要:21世纪是金融世纪,金融是现代产业活动的中心,市场经济的发展呼唤民营银行的诞生。Abstract: The 21st century is the century of finance which is the center of modern industry activities. The development of market economy calls for the private banks.本文从中国的金融背景环境区分析解剖,详述了为什么要改革中国的银行,并引出了中国民营银行的核心竞争力和中国现有的优势,之后通过跟外国的银行改革经验作对比,详细的探索了中国的银行的民营化改革之路。This article will make analysis about Chinese financial background to discuss the reason why the Chinese banks should be transformed. Then it will explain the core competitiveness of private banks and China’s current advantages. Comparing with the foreign banks transformation experience, it will explore the road for the privatization of Chinese banks.关键词:金融;银行;国有银行,民营银行,民营化Key words: finance; bank; state-owned bank; private banks; privatization