1, Yue-Jun Zhang, Zhao Liu, Huan Zhang, Tai-De Tan. The impact of economic growth, industrial structure and urbanization on carbon emission intensity in China. Natural Hazards (in press), 2014. (SCI)2, Yue-Jun Zhang. Speculative trading and WTI crude oil futures price movement: an empirical analysis. Applied Energy, 2013, 107: 394-402. (SCI&SSCI)3, Yue-Jun Zhang, Ya-Bin Da. Decomposing the changes of energy-related carbon emissions in China: evidence from the PDA approach. Natural Hazards, 2013, 69(1): 1109-1122. (SCI)4, Tian-Jian Yang, Yue-Jun Zhang, Jin Huang, Ruo-Hong Peng. Estimating the energy saving potential of telecom operators in China. Energy Policy, 2013, 61: 448-459. (SCI&SSCI)(通讯作者)5, Yue-Jun Zhang, Zi-Yi Wang. Investigating the price discovery and risk transfer functions in the crude oil and gasoline futures markets: some empirical evidence. Applied Energy, 2013, 104: 220-228. (SCI&SSCI)6, Yue-Jun Zhang, Hao-Ran Chang. The impact of acid rain on China's socio-economic vulnerability.Natural Hazards, 2012, 64(2): 1671-1683. (SCI)7, Yue-Jun Zhang. Interpreting the dynamic nexus between energy consumption and economic growth: empirical evidence from Russia. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(5): 2265-2272. (SCI&SSCI)8, Yue-Jun Zhang.The impact of financial development on carbon emissions: an empirical analysis in China. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(4): 2197-2203. (SCI&SSCI)9, Yue-Jun Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei. The dynamic influence of advanced stock market risk on international crude oil return: an empirical analysis. Quantitative Finance, 2011, 11(7): 967-978. (SCI&SSCI)10, Yue-Jun Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei. The crude oil market and the gold market: evidence for cointegration, causality and price discovery. Resources Policy, 2010, 35(3): 168-177. (SSCI)11, Yue-Jun Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei. An overview of currentresearch on EU ETS: evidence from its operating mechanism and economic effect. Applied Energy, 2010,87(6): 1804-1814.(SCI)12, Yue-Jun Zhang, Ying Fan, Hsien-Tang Tsai, Yi-Ming Wei. Spillover effect of US dollar exchange rate on international crude oil price. Journal of Policy Modeling, 2008, 30(6): 973-991.(SSCI & EI)13, Ying Fan, Yue-Jun Zhang, Hsien-Tang Tsai, Yi-Ming Wei. Estimating ‘Value at Risk’ of crude oil price and its spillover effect using GED approach. Energy Economics, 2008, 30(6): 3156-3171.(SSCI & EI)14, Yue-Jun Zhang, Jing-Li Fan, Hao-Ran Chang. Impact of China’s stock market development on energy consumption: an empirical analysis. Energy Procedia, 2011, 5: 1927-1931. (EI)15, Zhi-Fu Mi, Yue-Jun Zhang. Estimating the 'Value at Risk' of EUA futures prices based on the Extreme Value Theory. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2011, 35(2/3/4): 145-157. (EI)(通讯作者)16, Yue-Jun Zhang, Hao-Ran Chang. How can China properly allocate its carbon emission intensity reduction target by 2020 among provinces. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy. 2012. (Accepted) (SCI)17, 张跃军, 魏一鸣. 国际碳期货价格的均值回归研究:基于EU ETS的实证分析. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, 31(2): 214-220. (EI)18, 张跃军, 魏一鸣. 化石能源市场对国际碳市场的动态影响实证研究. 管理评论, 2010, 21(6): 34-41.19, 张跃军, 王婧, 王姿懿, 张璐, 王小越. 2013年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 15(1): 1-4.20, 张跃军, 周彬. 基于支持向量机模型的北京市能源需求预测研究. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 15(3): 8-12.21, 张跃军, 王兆华. 我国未来能源投资需求预测及特点分析.数学的实践与认识, 2011, 41(6): 83-89.22, 于晓勇, 张跃军, 杨瑞广, 尚赞娣. 基于系统动力学方法预测中国的煤炭投资需求. 北京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 31(4): 489-493. (EI)23, 张跃军, 赵伟东, 王婧, 王姿懿, 刘萍. 2012年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 中国能源, 2012, 34(2): 24-28.24, 张跃军, 赵伟东, 常昊然. 两种基准国际原油价格的反常价差及对我国影响分析. 中国能源, 2011, 33(5): 10-12.25, 张跃军, 赵伟东, 常昊然. 2011年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 中国能源, 2011, 33(2): 17-20.26, 张跃军, 王琼. 国内外碳交易所的发展特征及对我国的启示. 中国能源, 2010, 32(10): 15-19.27, 樊静丽, 廖华, 梁巧梅, 张跃军. 我国居民生活用能特征研究.中国能源, 2010, 32(8): 33-36.28, 张跃军, 魏一鸣. 我国未来能源投资的效益与风险研究.中国能源, 2010, 32(5): 29-32.29, 范英, 王恺, 张跃军, 廖华. 2009年国际原油市场分析与价格预测. 中国科学院院刊, 2009, 24(1): 42-45.30, 陈徐梅, 张愉, 张跃军. 低碳经济是实现科学发展观的必由之路. 中国能源, 2008, 30(7): 21-23.31, 张跃军, 魏一鸣, 范英. 基于GED-GARCH模型的中国原油价格波动特征研究. 数理统计与管理, 2007, 26 (3): 398-406. (文章被中国人民大学书报资料中心全文转载)32, 颜志军, 张跃军. 基于聚类分析的决策表约简研究. 北京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 26(3): 256-259.(EI)33, 颜志军, 张跃军. 基于遗传算法的流程挖掘方法研究. 计算机工程与应用, 2007, 43(6): 77-79.