水和土壤环境污染化学与生态修复人才称号及获奖:2004年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才项目;2005年 获南开大学敬业奖教金一等奖;2006年 主讲本科生专业必修课《环境化学》获校示范精品课;2007年 获全国模范教师及教育系统巾帼建功标兵称号,博士生张学治获南开大学优秀博士学位论文;2008年 主讲本科生专业必修课《环境化学》获国家精品课;2008年 获得南开大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师称号,博士生汪磊获南开大学优秀博士学位论文;2009年 博士生于泳获高廷耀环保科技青年博士杰出人才奖金。主要教育和学术经历] b]1989年南开大学化学系本科毕业;1991年南开大学化学系分析专业硕士课程毕业;1994年南开大学环境科学系环境化学专业博士毕业,获得理学博士学位。1994年7月起,任教于南开大学环境科学系(后扩建为环境科学与工程学院),历任讲师(1994)、副教授(1996)、教授(1999)和博士生导师(2001)。1999年10月至2001年9月在日本大阪大学工学大学院环境工学系做博士后研究。2008年1月-3月瑞士联邦水科学技术研究所(Eawag)高级访问学者。科研项目: 承担各类科技项目40余项,主要有1. 国家杰出青年基金项目“新型污染物复合体系的环境地球化学行为”,2013-2016,主持人2. 国家自然科学基金委,“新型有机污染物在近海岸生物地球化学行为及其对映体选择性研究”,2011-2013,主持人3. 天津市基础研究重点项目“利用共代谢机制修复汽油与三氯乙烯复合污染土壤”, 2010-2013,主持人4.国家自然科学基金外国青年学者合作项目“短碳链全氟化合物(C4、C6)及其立体异构体在环境中来源与归宿”,2012-2013,国内合作者5.国家水利部公益项目“滨海新区水库咸化及富营养化防治技术研究”(201101060),2011-2013,骨干6. 国家科技支撑项目“滨海新区及周边地区海岸带生态系统保护与恢复技术及示范”, 2012-2015,骨干7.科技部国际科技合作项目“全氟化合物的污染与归宿-水处理设施到环境水体”(2009DFA92390),2009-2011,主持人8. 国家高新技术研究发展计划863项目“原位电动生物技术修复多环芳烃污染土壤”,2008-2010,主持人9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“土壤典型有机污染物的界面过程及修复技术原理, 2008-2011,第一参加人10. 天津市科技创新基金项目“大沽排污河底泥安全处置与河道生态修复技术集成及应用”, 2008-2011,课题技术负责人11. 天津市农村工作委员会新技术引进项目“土地渗滤系统处理农村生活污水”,2008-2010,技术负责人12. 国家自然科学基金项目“复合污染条件下有机污染物在河口颗粒物上的不可逆作用过程及其生物有效性”,2007-2009,主持人13. 天津市农村工作委员会国际合作重大项目“天津市农田重金属污染诊断及危害控制技术推广”,2006-2009,主持人14. 国家重点基础研究项目973,“东北老工业基地污染形成机理及修复原理研究”,2004-2009,骨干15. 国家科技支撑项目“松花江水污染事件生态环境影响评估与对策”子课题“松花江黑龙江段污染底质与修复技术研究”,2005-2006,骨干16. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目,“黄河兰州段典型污染物迁移转化和承纳水平研究”,2003-2006,第一参加人17. 国家科技部863项目,“天津市经济技术开发区水环境改善综合项目”,2003-2005,副组长18. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“土壤中被封锁有机污染物形成机理和风险评价”,2003-2005,主持人19. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚及其降解产物在水环境多介质行为研究”,2003-2005,主持人20. 日本Kurita水环境基金,“壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚的分析方法及在中国北方处理厂进出水分布研究”2002-2003,主持人主要学术成就:发表期刊论文130篇,SCI摘引英文论文50余篇。参加编写教材或专著7部,申请专利8项,目前获得授权2项。近3年主要英文论文如下:1. Wenling Wu, Hongwen Sun, Lei Wang, Kungang Li, Lu Wang. Comparative study the micelle properties of synthetic and dissolved organic matters. J of Hazard Mater, in press2. Xuebo Qin, Hongwen Sun, Cuiping Wang, Yong Yu, Tieheng Sun. Impacts of crab bioturbation on the fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment from the Beitang estuary of Tianjin, China. Environ Toxicol Chem, in press3. Zunlong Zhou, Hongwen Sun, Wen Zhang. Desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aged and unaged charcoals with and without modification of humic acids. Environ Pollut, available on line4. Lei Wang, Hongwen Sun, Lurong Yang, Chuan He, Wenling Wu, Shujuan Sun. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids and perfluorooctanesulfonate in bivalve shells: Extraction method optimization. J Chromato A, 2010, 1217: 436–442. 5. Hongwen Sun, Wenling Wu, Lei Wang. Phenanthrene partitioning in sediment–surfactant–fresh/saline water systems. Environ Pollut, 2009, 157: 2520–2528.6. Cuiping Wang, Hongwen Sun, Jieming Li, Yimeng Li, Qingmin Zhang. Enzyme activities during PAHs degradation by white rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in soils. Chemosphere, 2009, 77: 733–738.7. Lei Wang, Hongwen Sun, Yinghong Wu, Guolan Huang, Shugui Dai. Photodegradation of nonylphenol polyethoxylates in aqueous solution. Environ Chem, 2009, 6: 185-193.8. Hongwen Sun, Wenling Wu, Lei Wang. Phenanthrene partitioning in sediment–surfactant fresh/saline water systems. Environ Pollut, 2009, 157: 2520-2528.9. Yong Yu, Hongyan Zhai, Shaogang Hou, Hongwen Sun. Nonylphenol ethoxylates and their metabolites in sewage treatment plants and rivers of Tianjin, China. Chemosphere, 2009, 77, 1-7.10. Chunxiao Jiang, Hongwen Sun, Tieheng Sun, Qingmin Zhang, Yanfeng Zhang. Immobilization of cadmium in soils by UV-mutated Bacillus subtilis 38 bioaugmentation and NovoGro amendment. J Hazard Mater, 2009, 167: 1170-1177.11. Hongwen Sun, Xuezhi Zhang, Zhiyan Zhang, Yongsheng Chen, J C. Crittenden. Influence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on speciation and bioavailability of arsenite. Environ Pollut, 2009, 157: 1165-1170.12. Yong Yu, Jian Xu, Ping Wang, Hongwen Sun, Shugui Dai. Sediment-porewater partition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Lanzhou Reach of Yellow River, China. J Hazard Mater, 2009, 165: 494-500.13. Lei Wang, Hongwen Sun, Yinghong Wu, Ying Xin. Effect of sorbed nonylphenol on sorption of phenanthrene onto mineral surface. J Hazard Mater, 2009, 161, 1461-1465.14. Aiyin Chen, Xiaodong Ma, Hongwen Sun, Decolorization of KN-R catalyzed by Fe-containing Y and ZSM-5 zeolites. J Hazard Mater, 2008, 156: 568-575.15. Yong Yu; Jian Xu; Hongwen Sun; Shugui Dai. Sediment-porewater partition of nonylphenol polyethoxylates: field measurements from Lanzhou Reach of Yellow River, China. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 2008, 55, 173-179.16. Hongwen Sun, Zunlong Zhou. Impacts of charcoal characteristics on sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Chemosphere, 2008, 71: 2113-20.17. Hongwen Sun, Cuiping Wang, Chong Huo. Semipermeable membrane device assisted desorption of pyrene from soils and its relationship to bioavailability. Environ Toxicol Chem, 2008, 27: 103-111.18. Hongwen Sun, Qishe Yan. Influence of combination state on treatment efficiency of pyrene-contaminated soil by Fenton oxidation. J Environ Manage, 2008, 888: 556-563.19. Ruihua Zhang, Hongwen Sun, Jin Yin. Arsenic and Chromate removal from water by iron chips- Effects of anions. Front Environ Sci Engin China, 2008, 2(2): 203-20820. Cuiping Wang, Hongwen Sun, Zhiguang Song, Tao Zhang. The distribution of phenylalkanes in the modern sediment associated with gas hydrate from the Gulf of Mexico. Acta Oceanological Sinica, 2008, 27(6):71-8221. Xiaodong Ma, Hongwen Sun, Peng Yu. A novel way for preparing high surface area silica monolith with bimodal pore structure. J Mater Sci, 2008, 43: 887-89122. Hou Shaogang, Hongwen Sun. Pollution of NPEOs in four municipal sewage treatment plants in the north of China. Front Environ Sci Engin China, 2007, 1(2): 196-201.23. Guolan Huang, Shaogang Hou, Lei Wang, Hongwen Sun. Distribution and fate of nonylphenol in an aquatic microcosm. Water Res, 2007, 41: 4630-4638.24. Hongwen Sun, Qishe Yan. Influence of Fenton oxidation on soil organic matter and its sorption and desorption of pyrene. J Hazard Mater, 2007, 144: 164-170.25. Xuezhi Zhang, Hongwen Sun, Zhiyan Zhang, Qian Niu, Yongsheng Chen, J C. Crittenden. Enhanced bioaccumulation of cadmium in carp in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 2007, 67: 160-166.26. Junguo Li, Hongwen Sun, Yu Zhang. Desorption of pyrene from freshly-amended and aged soils and its relationship to bioaccumulation in earthworms. Soil Sediment Contam, 2007, 16: 79-88.27. Hongwen Sun, Xuezhi Zhang, Yongsheng Chen, J C. Crittenden. Enhanced accumulation of arsenic in carp in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Water Air Soil Pollut, 2007, 178: 245-254.28. Lei Wang, Yinghong Wu, Hongwen Sun, Shugui Dai. Distribution and dissipation pathways of nonylphenol polyethoxylates in aquatic multi-media of the Yellow River: site investigation and lab-scale studies. Environ Int, 2006, 32: 907-914.29. Shaogang Hou, Hongwen Sun, Yuna Gao. Sorption of small metabolites of nonylphenol polyethoxylates in single and complex systems on aquatic suspended particulate matter. Chemosphere, 2006, 63: 31-38.30. Hongwen Sun, Lei Wang, Ruihua Zhang, Guannan Xu. Treatment of groundwater polluted by arsenic compounds by zero valent iron. J Hazard Mater, 2006, 129: 297–303.