中文摘要:测绘学有着悠久的历史。测绘学主要研究地球的地理空间信息,其研究内容很多,涉及许多方面。学科分类:大地测量学、摄影测量学、地图学、工程测量学、海洋测绘学。现代测绘科学技术以“3S”技术为代表。“3S”指:全球定位系统GPS、遥感RS、地理信息系统GIS。关键词:基本概念,研究内容,学科历史,3SAbstract:SM (surveying and mapping ) has a long history. SM mainly study geographical informantion of the Earth .The research content of SM involve many aspects.Classification of the subject: geodetic surveying , photogrammetry , theoretical cartography , engineering surveying , marine survey . 3S technology is the representative of the modern science and technology of SM .3S stand for GPS (Global Positioning System ), RS (Remote Sensing ), GIS (Geographic Information System).Keyword:Basic concept, Research content ,History of SM ,3S这是我当时写的摘要,你可以修改下,更具摘要把书上的内容整理一下,最后表达下你的目标什么的就ok啦~