近年的主要学术论文 (*,通讯作者)20141. J. O. Disi, J. MEI, D. WEI, Y. DING, W. QIAN*. Inheritance of leaf and stem resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in a cross between Brassica incana and Brassica oleracea var. albolabra. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2014. 152:. Yijuang Ding, Jiaqin Mei, Qinfei Li, Yao Liu, Huafang Wan, Lei Wang, Heiko C.Becker, Wei Qian*. Improvement of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistance in Brassica napus by using B. oleracea. Genetics Resource and Crop Evolution, 2013, 60:1615-16193. Qinfei Li, Jiaqing Mei, Yongjing Zhang, Jiana Li, Xianhong Ge, Zaiyun Li, Wei Qian*. A large-scale introgression of genomic components of Brassica rapa into B. napus by the bridge of hexaploid derived from hybridization between B. napus and B. oleracea. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2013, 126:2073-20804. Jiaqin Mei, Yijuan Ding, Kun Lu, Dayong Wei, Yao Liu, Joeseph Onwusemu Disi, Jiana Li, Liezhao Liu, Shengyi Liu, John McKay, Wei Qian*. Identification of genomic regions involved in resistance against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from wild Brassica oleracea. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2013, 126:549-5565. Wanshan Xiong, Xiaorong Li, Donghui Fu, Jiaqin Mei, Qinfei Li, Guanyuan Lu, Luwen Qian, Yin Fu, Joseph Onwusemu Disi, Jiana Li, Wei Qian*. DNA methylation alterations at 5’-CCGG sites in the interspecific and intraspecific hybridizations derived from Brassica rapa and B. napus. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(6):e659466. Qian Lunwen, Chen Lunlin, Mei Jiaqin, Li Maoteng, Martin Frauen, Chistian Jung, Qian Wei, Meng Jinling. Heterotic patterns in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) using exotic germplasm for Chinese semi-winter hybrid breeding. Engineering Sciences, 2013, 11(5): 41-44, 507. 丁一娟, 魏大勇, 刘瑶, 梅家琴, 钱伟*.不同类型甘蓝的可交配性研究. 植物遗传资源学报, 2013, 14(2): 342-3468. 杨续蕊, 李勤菲, 葛贤宏, 李再云, 钱伟*. 芥菜型油菜与埃塞俄比亚芥杂种基因组原位杂交分析. 植物遗传资源学报, 2013, 14(2):329-33320121. Joseph Onwusemu Disi, Dayong Wei, Jiaqin Wei, Wei Qian*. Understanding epigenetic effects in crop species. African Journal of Plant Science, 2012, 6 (14):355-3632. Jiaqin Mei, Dayong Wei, Joseph Onwusemu Disi, Yijuan Ding, Yao Liu, Wei Qian*. Screening resistance against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica crops with use of detached stem assay under controlled environment. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2012, 134: 599-6043. Lijuan Wei, Chaoxian Zhao, Jiana Li, Wei Qian, Donghui Fu. Screening of core simple sequence repeat primer pairs and extablishment of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction system for Brassica genomes A and C. Plant Breeding, 2012, 131: 457-4594. Gao C, Xiao M, Jiang L, Li J, Yin J, Ren X, Qian W, Oscar O, Fu D, Tang Z. Characterization of transcriptional activation and inserted-into-gene preference of various transposable elements in the Brassica species. Mol Biol Rep. 2012. 39:7513-23.5. Fu D, Qian W, Zou J, Meng J. Genetic dissection of intersubgenomic heterosis in Brassica napus carrying genomic components of B. rapa. Euphytica. 2012. 184:151-164.6. 万华方, 刘瑶, 梅家琴, 丁一娟, 梁颖, 曲存民, 卢坤, 李加纳, 钱伟*.人工合成高抗菌核病甘蓝型油菜几种关键酶编码基因的表达与其抗性的关系. 中国农业科学, 2012, 45(22): 4543-445120111. Jiaqin Mei, Lunwen Qian, J. O. Disi, Xurui Yang, Qinfei Li, Jiana Li, M. Frauen, Daguang Cai, Wei Qian*. Identification of resistance against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica species with emphasis on B. oleracea. Euphytica, 2011, 177: 393-3992. Jiaqin Mei, Qinfei Li, Lunwen Qian, Yin Fu, Jiana Li, Martin Frauen, Wei Qian* . Genetic investigation of the origination of allopolyploid with virtually synthesized lines: Application to the C subgenome of Brassica napus. Heredity, 2011, 106: 955-9613. Jiaqin Mei, Ying Fu, Lunwen Qian, Xinfu Xu, Jiana Li, Wei Qian*. Effectively widening the gene pool of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) by using Chinese B. rapa in a ‘virtual allopolyploid’ approach. Plant Breeding, 2013, 130: 333-3374. Nian Wang, Wei Qian, Ida Suppanz, Lijuan Wei, Bizeng Mao,Yan Long, Jinling Meng, Andreas E. Müller, Christian Jung. Flowering time variation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is associated with allelic variation in the FRIGIDA homologue BnaA.FRI.a. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62: 5641-585. Jun Zou, Donghui Fu, Huihui Gong, Wei Qian, Wei Xia, Chris Pires, Ruiyuan Li, Yan Long, Annaliese S. Mason, Tae-Jin Yang, Yong P Lim, Beom S. Park, Jinling Meng. De novo genetic variation associated with retrotransposon activation, genomic rearrangements and trait variation in a RIL population of Brassica napus derived from interspecific hybridization with B. rapa. Plant Journal, 2011, 68(2): 212-246. 李勤菲, 向竹清, 梅家琴, 杨续蕊, 李加纳, 钱伟*. 秋水仙碱对芸薹属三种单倍体染色体加倍效率. 中国油料作物学报, 2011, 33(4):409-41120101. J. Mei, Q. Li, X. Yang, L. Qian, L. Liu, J. Yin, M. Frauen, J. Li, W. Qian*. Genomic relationships between wild and cultivated Brassica oleracea L. with emphasis on the origination of cultivated crops. Genetics Resource and Crop Evolution, 2010, 57: 687-6922. Maoteng Li, Wei Qian, Xin Chen, Jinling MengThe progress of intersubgenomic heterosis studies in Brassica napus. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2010, 9: 1543-15503. 陈新,钱伟,曾长英,王文泉,孟金陵. 合成甘蓝型油菜中双隐性雄性核不育材料的发现及遗传规律分析。热带亚热带植物学报, 2010, 18(3):217-2214. 傅鹰, 覃锋, 梅家琴, 李加纳, 徐新福, 刘列钊, 谌利, 李海渤, 钱伟*. 白菜型油菜黄子资源的初步遗传研究. 植物遗传资源学报, 2010, 11(6):729-73520091. Qian, W., Sass, O., Meng, J., Li, M., Frauen, M., Jung, C. Heterotic patterns in rapeseed (Brassica napusL.): II. Crosses between winter and Chinese semi-winter lines. Plant Breeding, 2009, 128: 466-4702. 梅家琴,李加纳,李勤菲,任自力,史佩娟,殷家明,刘列钊,徐新福,钱伟*. 芸薹属远缘杂交试管苗快繁培养基的优化. 中国油料作物学报, 2009, 31:527-5302008年及以前1. Chen, X., Li, M., Shi, J., Fu, D., Qian, W., Zou, J., Zhang, C., Meng, J.. Gene expression profiles associated with intersubgenomic heterosis in Brasscia napus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2008, 117: 1031-10402. 熊万山,李加纳,刘列钊,钱 伟*. RNAi 机制及在植物遗传改良中的应用. 西南大学学报,2008,30: 81-853. Li, M., Zhang, C., Qian, W., Meng, J. Genetic Diversity of Brassica Species Revealed by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 2007, 48: 9-154. Qian, W., Sass, O., Meng, J., Li, M., Frauen, M., Jung, C. Heterotic patterns in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.): I. Crosses between spring and Chinese semi-winter lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2007, 115: 27-34.5. Jung, C., Qian, W., Bfittner, B., et al.. Using genomic information for altering bolting and flowering behaviour of crop plants. Molecular Plant Breeding, 2007, 5: 156-158.6. 梅家琴,李加纳,谌利,刘列钊,钱伟*. 高温对不同基因型油菜种子含油量影响的初探。西南大学学, 2007,29:9-117. Qian, W., Meng, J., Li, M., Frauen, M., Sass, O. , Noack, J., Jung, C. Introgression of genomic components from Chinese Brassica rapa contributes to widening genetic diversity in rapeseed (B. napus L) with emphasis on the evolution of Chinese rapeseed. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2006, 113: 49-548. Qian, W., Chen, X., Fu, D., Zou, J. and Meng, J. (): Intersubgenomic heterosis in seed yield potential observed in a new type of Brassica napus introgressed with partial Brassica rapa genome. Theoretical and Applied Genetics ,2005,110: 1187-1194.9. Li, M., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Qian, W. and Meng, J. Reproduction and cytogenetic characterization of interspecific hybrids derived from crosses between Brasscia carinata and B. rapa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2005, 110: 1284-128910. Li, M., Qian, W., Meng, J. and Li, Z. Construction of novel Brassica napus genotypes through chromosomal substitution and elimination using interploid species hybridization. Chromosome Research , 2004, 12, 417-426.11. Qian, W., Liu, R. and Meng, J. Genetic effects on biomass in interspecific hybrids between Brassica napus and B. rapa. Euphytica, 2003, 134, 9-15.12. Liu, R., Qian, W. and Meng, J. Association of RFLP markers and biomass heterosis in trigenomic hybrids of oilseed rape (Brassica napus × B. campestris). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2002, 105, 1050-1057.
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