据学术堂了解,目前,英文科技论文已经成为国际学术交流的重要载体。对国人而言,尽管此类论文具有一定的写作难度,但在撰写过程中仍有普遍规律可遵循。1.做好论文写作前的准备工作俗语道“磨刀不误砍柴工”,英文科技论文写作也是如此,在写作之前要做好充分的准备工作,最重要的是内容的准备。就科技论文来说,就是要做好实验设计与数据分析,并从中精简出对论文写作有用的数据,再将其制作成相应的图表,并辅以正确的分析、比较和利用。写作时一定要注意,使用数据制作的图表应与论文主题衔接匹配,只有这样,才能让论文更有说服力。在正式写作之前,应对自己所写领域的研究成果有较为充分的了解和掌握。譬如了解专业领域内的专业词汇,既可借助现代化网络方便快捷地查阅相关文献,也可从专业书籍和期刊中寻找。如果在写作前能够了解和知悉自己拟投期刊的风格,就能够较大概率地保证论文顺利通过。同时,还要针对不同的受众群体选择不同的写作素材和写作方法。除了做好以上准备工作,还要注意选择合适的期刊投稿。选择期刊时虽然看重影响因子,但也不能把这当成发表论文的决定因素和唯一指标。不同专业领域期刊的影响因子是不同的,并且大多数时候都没有可比性。一般来说,相对专业的期刊,影响因子比较小,但这不意味着该期刊不重要。在投稿过程中,可尝试着从较低级别的期刊投起,然后再慢慢过渡到等级较高的期刊。此外,较高影响因子期刊的编辑或审稿人会提出比较好的审稿意见或建议,这对于论文的撰写和改进大有裨益,作者也会受益良多。2.英文科技论文写作内容和注意事项2.1 介绍(Introduction)介绍(Introduction)是英文科技论文写作的第一部分。在写作该部分时,应当注意将写作的背景及写作目的陈述清楚。除此之外,还需介绍相关的研究方法、创新之处等,从而呈现出论文的新颖和独到之处。具体来说,论文介绍部分主要包括四方面内容:背景知识、未知的亟待解决的问题、研究的重要目的和研究方法。背景知识主要介绍该专业领域已有的研究成果。既然已有成果在前,为显示自己论文的独特性,就需将写作该论文的目的和意图陈述清楚。这方面内容切忌写得太过宽泛,应根据目标读者的身份有的放矢。紧接着,由背景知识中已知的领域引入到未知领域,这也是科技论文要重点介绍的部分。在此基础上,作者还需提出自己的研究内容,这点尤为重要,因为它可以从侧面体现文章的质量与水准,因此在写作过程中务必重点对待。最后,简单陈述论文所使用的主要研究方法。2.2 方法(Methods)这部分的目的在于向读者讲解论文用了哪些方法,解决了哪些问题。不同领域研究方法林林总总,众多期刊要求也各不相同。写作该部分时,都要求陈述几个方面的内容:首先是实验材料,能证明该实验有很好的操作性、重复度和复制性。其次是具体说明采用的实验方法等。与论文其他部分比较,这部分相对来说比较容易撰写。在撰写时应尽量向读者展现较多的细节,这样能对更多读者和相关科研人员有所帮助,提高文章的可读性,提升文章的下载量和引用率,增加文章的权威性和显示度。另外,由于该部分涉及内容多且繁杂,需要作者在写作时做到内容精准、条理明晰。方法部分的内容,可以体现科技论文的严谨性、数据的可靠性以及统计的准确性。论文所述方法可重复性越高,说明该部分的写作越成功。2.3 结果(Results)在写作结果方面的相关内容时,作者应该铭记,结果是体现研究的结论,结论就要简明扼要一目了然,不能洋洋洒洒长篇累牍,不要再重复赘述前面已出现过的内容,比如方法、意义等,这样既节省篇幅又清新明了。除此之外,作者还要注意,每一个结果的展现形式都应跟前边的方法论述保持一致,不能张冠李戴前后矛盾,所以这部分一定要认真检查,慎重对待,这也能从侧面反映论文写作是否严谨。在化学科技论文的结果展示中,会经常应用到图表,因为图表直观形象,内容高度凝练,方便读者阅读、分析和比较。另外,一定要根据投稿期刊的要求来设计图表,要保证图表数据与前文描述结果相符。在应用英文写作该部分内容时,要尽量使用主动语态,也可以适量地应用第二人称。2.4 讨论(Discussion)讨论部分内容的主要目的是说清楚本研究的重要意义。在讨论部分,作者要对论文的研究结果做简单总结,并阐明自己的研究结果相较该领域其他研究结果的优势和亮点,说明还有哪些不够完善的地方。在讨论部分,尽量使用语言文字简单阐述研究的结论及重要意义,避免使用过多的数据。当与该领域的其他研究对比时,不要遗漏最新的具有较高创新性的研究,比如热点和前沿,力求做到“新而全”。讨论部分最为重要的是总结和概括,不能一味地陈述,不要过分夸大和拔高自身研究的创新性,要实事求是,尽量保证客观公正。讨论中,除了简单论述研究结论及重要意义外,还需要阐述研究的不足之处及该领域研究的展望。从不足之处可以体现研究者自身研究的局限性,研究者能够主动提出来,可以给审稿人较好的印象,审稿人或许还可以给出一些积极中肯的修改意见;展望则是对于该领域研究未来的预期,该部分写作也要尽量与实际相符。
When my father was young,he practiced Chinese calligraphy every day and enjoyed Peking Opera with my grandfather on weekends.Now as his daughter,I type in English when communicating with my friends and enjoy surfing on the Internet during holidays.When I enjoy the pleasure and convenience that new technologies have brought me,some people cry out that as technology develops traditional cultures must be lost.Is it true that we cannot have both?Different as my lifestyle is from that of my father,I still believe that the development of technology won't lead to the loss of tradition.On the contrary,it will facilitate the development of traditional cultures. Some people draw the conclusion that technology leads to the loss of tradition because they find nowadays many people,especially the young,take interest in new things like the Internet,thus make less contact with traditional cultures. However,decreased popularity isn't equal to loss.With the development of technology,we have more choices of arts and entertainments.In other words,many new forms of culture are coming into existence,which provide people with more choices rather than threaten the existence of the traditional ones.In actuality,if we look at the tradition itself,we can find that great achievements have been made in many fields with the development of technology.New operas are on show; new researches about history are going on; new facts about historical cities have been found; all of which can prove that technology can stay peacefully with traditions. In fact,technology works far beyond that. The development of technology boosts that of the tradition. On one hand,new technologies make the research for traditional cultures possible as well as provide advanced techniques of reserving historic masterpieces.Take calligraphy as an example,new ways of illumination,which is the fruit of Hi-tech,can prevent the color of scripts from fading.On the other hand,the rapidly developing media such as the Internet and communication satellite provide traditional cultures with a stage to face the whole world.As we can see,after the short piece of ad of Shanghai Expo.,more people will know the beautiful melody of "Jasmine." In addition,if we look back to history,we can find out that it was always in the era when economy developed greatly that cultures prospered the most. No doubt that the development of technology can guarantee that of economy,which eventually influences the prosperity of culture. As we all see,the development of technology brings us richness,making the research and development of cultures affordable brings us more leisure time,making our desire to enjoy ntertainments possible.After all,as the great philosopher Marx aid,"economy determine
想要写一篇优秀的英文科研论文,就要先知道什么是优秀的论文什么不是。 编辑不喜欢看到的文章类型: (1)逻辑混乱的文章 (2)用语不当夸大其词或表述有误 (3)语法和其他错误百出
通常而言一篇科研论文包含以下部分: Title Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Materials and Methods Acknowledgements
标题是编辑或者阅读者首先看到的,因此取一个好标题至关重要。 我们要用最少的单词概括出文章的主题,对标题有以下三点要求: 1.简洁,完整,易懂 2.避免出现化学式或特殊符号 3.通常采取以下三种形式:短语式、句子式和主副式,比如: 短语式: Cyro-EM structure of human DNA-PK holoenzyme A vital sugar code for ricin toxicity 句子式: Suppression of MAPK11 or HIPK3 reduces mutant Huntingtin level in Huntington's disease models Intermittent fasting promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEGF-mediated alternative activation of macrophage 主副式: Class I histone deacetylases are major histone decrotonylases: evidecnce for critical and broad function of histone crotonylation in transcription
Abstract的目的是为了帮助读者快速了解文章的内容。 有以下几个要求: 1.独立性和完整性 可以单独存在并能够传达全文核心思想 2.简洁、准确、逻辑性强 因为Abstract有字数限制,我们必须用短短几句话说明全文的核心思想,因此每一个单词和句子都要仔细斟酌 3.形式符合期刊的规范 以发表在Cell Research 的‘5-Hydroxymethylcytosine signatures in cell-free DNA provide information about tumor types and stages’为例:
Green:课题背景 高亮:结果(可以简单提实验方法) 红线:总结(可以适当展望提升)
1.介绍本文研究领域的发展状况(mini-review) 介绍内容一定是与本文主线最相关的研究背景。重要的点一定要涉及到。细节处可以在文中提及时再介绍。 2.通过讨论本研究领域为解决的问题(包括自己之前发表论文未解决的问题),自然过渡到介绍你的实验目的和重要性。 3.在结尾简单介绍本研究所做的内容和结论。 注意: 一定要在有限的篇幅内全面介绍已知科学背景,但是不要过度铺开,只要围绕文章主线着重介绍相关的背景即可。
讨论是相对难写的部分,讨论不是对结果简单的罗列,而是对结果进行更为深入的讨论: 你的研究解决了领域中哪些问题和疑惑 你的研究提出了哪些新的可能 以后应该怎样去进一步研究等 一般,还可以在结尾处再总结一下自己的研究成果
1976年,William Zinsser在《On Writing Well》提出优秀写作的三原则:
被动态包括:宾语+谓语+主语,或宾语+谓语 eg: Upon the chemical treatment, the activation of XX signaling pathway could be observed. 可以修改为: We could observe the activation of XX signaling pathway upon the chemical treatment.
General dysfunction of the immune system has been suggested in both mouse and human studies. 可以修改为: Both mouse and human studies suggested that XX (disease) cause general dysfunction of the immune system.
1.不需要介绍性短语。例如:as it is published; as it is known
2.去掉没有意义的词。例如: important
3.啰嗦的词简化,把精力花在主要的句子上 a majority of ->most a number of ->many all four of the ->the four due to the fact that ->because give rise to ->cause
4.重复意义的词或句子用一个 limit condition, output performance
5.剪掉一些副词:very, really, quite
6.用肯定语气 not harmful ->safe does not have ->lacks not correct ->wrong be not the result of A but B ->reflect B rather than A
7.不要常用there is/are There are many ways in which we can handle this case. ->We can handle this case in many ways.
The data suggest there is an association between temperature and crop diseases. ->The data suggest an association between temperature and crop diseases.
It is likely that there exists functional redundancy among XX proteins. ->It is likely that functional redundancy among XX proteins exists.
8.用标点符号来改变句式,精简语言 分号(semicolon): 连接两个独立的从句。 圆括号(parenthesis): 加入解释或一些想法,即使没有这部分句子也应该是独立的。 冒号(Colon): 分隔能力弱于分号,比破折号要正式。用于列举,引用,举例,第二个从句是第一个从句的延伸。 破折号(dash): 表示强调,解释或定义。留给重要的用处。
在英文写作中我们常犯的问题: 1.科学用语的准确性 2.时态错误(描述实验过程结果时用过去式,总结实验结果时用现在时) 3.单复数错误 4.'a','an','the'的使用错误 5.比较不对等: The root length of XX mutant is shorter than wild type rice. The root length of XXmutant is shorter than that of wild type rice. 6.用词或句式单一 7.语序问题 8.句子过长 9.使用口语化用词
A Flow Shop with Compatibility Constraints in a Steelmaking Plant* Abstract We present a scheduling methodology for applications where the generation of schedules is constrained by antagonistic and vague knowledge. Besides temporal and capacity constraints, compatibility constraints between consecutive jobs are managed. We model the vague constraints and uncertain data by fuzzy set theory. The importance of single jobs and the difficulty to schedule them is defined on the different constraints and is used to control the generation of schedules. A preliminary schedule is generated by considering the important jobs and those that are difficult to schedule first. Easy or not so important jobs are scheduled later. Finally, the achieved schedule is “repaired” until a schedule is found that achieves a given level of satisfaction. Since the goodness of solutions is rated by fuzzy sets, robust schedules achieve better evaluations than weak schedules. However, if no robust solution is found constraints will be relaxed. This methodology is appropriate for applications in process engineering where uncertain knowledge is dominant. We explain the methodology with a case study from a steelmaking plant for high-grade steel 补充: Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red. First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is China's Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games. Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red. It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people. Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics. Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can't deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled" The Green Olympic Action Plan", between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. By then, the city's green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper. Certainly, all of this is no easy task. But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green goals. For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens. Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes. As the saying goes, United, we stand, and a green Beijing will be achieved. When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique Olympics." New Beijing, Great Olympics"; will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green. 追问: 用中文写清楚 这篇英文文章研究的是什么问题?这个问题是怎么研究的?发现了什么?这些发现意 味着什么? 谢谢 回答: 第一篇与电有关求采纳
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