This experiment take asparagus off icinalis Linn the flower bud as a material, uses theparaffin wax 切片法 movie-making, observedasparagus off icinalis Linn the floweredmedicine dissection structure, the comparative analysis asparagus off icinalis Linn flower bud exterior shape characteristic as well as the paraffinsection observation, obtains between the two to correspond therelations; Take asparagus off icinalis Linn the flowered medicine as the material,carries on the flowered medicine raise to obtain suits asparagus off icinalis Linn theflowered medicine raise induction culture medium, the split up culturemedium and the raise condition and obtains the pollen adult plant;Carry on the peroxide enzyme same labor enzyme electricity byasparagus off icinalis Linn the regeneration adult plant and the cultivation adult plantto swim the distinction regeneration adult plant's sex, its resultindicated. 1.asparagus off icinalis Linn the flower bud transverse cutting delivers in person thebutterfly the shape, separates, the constitution by themedicine. including , flowered medicine wall twoparts. The colored medicine wall initial period often stores themassive matter. When the colored medicine is mature, the cell radialdirection expands, stores the matter to vanish, besides to thewall, has the multi- strip slanting longitudinal stripe shapecellulose the center fabric cell isbigger, the initial period but starts for the single nucleus in thepollen mother cell to reduce time the fission, forms orpolynuclear. struggles generation surprised toadmirefresh emperor S slanting postscript Song respectfully? 2. different growth times asparagus off icinalis Linn flower bud material exterior shapecharacteristic as well as between the flowered medicine interiorcytology characteristic, obtains between the two to correspond therelations. When flower bud length 1.5-2mm the flowered medicine is inthe single nucleus to keep to the side the time. 3. Most suits asparagus off icinalis Linn the flowered medicine raise hormonecombination is 1.0 mg/L 6-BA coordinates 2.0 mg/LNAA is56.0%. The split up culture medium is as the basic culture mediumattaches 6-BA1.0 mg/L, NAA0.2 mg/L take MS, the most high score rateis 60%. 4. The sucrose for suitablly took asparagus off icinalis Linn in the flowered medicineraise , it is suitable the density is 3%. In the culture mediumsuitably joins the activated charcoal, is advantageous to thedifferentiation rate induction and the differentiation. Most issuitable the density is: 0.5%. 5. asparagus off icinalis Linn in the flowered medicine raise, best sends the rootsquaring method is straight receives 0.3mm the stem point tovaccinate, 6-BA, NAA, IBA, and in KT coordination use culture medium.Most is suitable asparagus off icinalis Linn regenerates Miao Fagen the culture mediumis: MS+ 6-BA 0.05 mg/L +NAA 0.04 mg/L+IBA1 mg/L+KT 0.4mg/L. 6. asparagus off icinalis Linn the peroxide enzyme same labor enzyme electricity swimsthe result, the is more corresponding than female few enzymebelt. Through swims the enzyme belt with the cultivation adult plantperoxide enzyme same labor enzyme electricity to compare, may displaytemper fromasparagus off icinalis Linn the regeneration adult plant's peroxide enzymeenzyme belt distinction leaves.