Biodiversity is an important theme in biology and is crucial to theprosperity and survival of humans. The benefits that ecosystems andindividual species provide to humans are countless: clean air andwater, detoxification and decomposition of wastes, preservation offertile soils, control of agricultural pests, aesthetic beauty,(Campbell & Reece, 2002) and many more. Moreover, biodiversity iscommonly studied to view community structure and the health of aparticular region. Species richness and abundance values can helpbiologists address certain environmental concerns and possiblesolutions to issues they may find. Bio Science 1 students at SolanoCommunity College often conduct studies of freshwatermacroinvertebrates in Suisun Creek to view biodiversity and todetermine water quality. The upstream and downstream sites rests onprivate property identified to the students only as �0�0“Frank�0�0’s Place�0�0”.The settings of the Suisun Creek sites were both overwhelmed withvegetation and overhead canopies. Timing of sampling is directlyrelated to the resulting collected species. Species diversity indices,such as Family-level biotic Index, are used to provide importantinformation on the community structure of freshwatermacroinvertebrates and can often tell us the overall health of theregion we are studying also FBI provides a rapid, but less critical,evaluation of streams in the field by biologists who can recognizearthropod families by sight.[2] The non-living, abiotic componentsthat the class attempted to research at all three stream locationsincluded taking readings of the water's: temperature (oC), dissolvedoxygen [% saturation and (mg/l)], conductivity (�0�0�0�8S), specificconductance (�0�0�0�8S), salinity (ppt), and pH. Dissolved oxygen is ameasured value of the oxygen content that is present in the water.