The games were held every four years during August and September and the word "Olympiad", which referred to the four year intervals between competitions, was commonly used to measure time. The first documented Olympic champion was a man named Coroebus, a cook from Elis who won the sprint race in 776 BC. Historians believe that the games had already existed for at least 500 years prior to that date. The Olympic Games originally featured only one event: a race called the "stade", equal to a distance of about 210 yards. By 728 BC two additional races had been added, comparable to the 400 meter and 1,500 meter races of the modern games. The Olympics came to include wrestling, boxing and the pentathlon, as well as specialized events for soldiers and heralds. It was only in 472 BC that the events were spread out over a period of four to five days, previously they had all taken place on a single day. Participation in the Olympic Games was originally limited to free born Greeks, but as Greek civilization was spread by the conquests of Alexander the Great, the Games drew entrants from as far away as Antioch, Sidon and Alexandria. While the only official prize was a wreath or garland, successful athletes were supported by the governments of their cities and devoted much time to training. Most of the competitors were, in fact, professionals. After the Roman conquest of Greece in the second century BC, the Olympic Games suffered a decline in popularity and importance, but the Games persisted until AD 393, when the Roman emperor Theodosius I ordered their abolition. The idea of reviving the Olympic Games originated with Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a 29 year old French aristocrat who first publicly raised the issue in 1892. At a conference on international sport held in Paris in 1894, Coubertin managed to convince delegates from 49 organizations representing nine countries to vote in favor of an Olympic revival. His chief allies in this effort were Dimitrios Vikelas of Greece and Professor William M. Sloane of the United States. The organizers had planned the first modern Olympics for 1900 in Paris, but later decided to move the date forward to 1896 and to change the venue to Athens, though the local government of the Greek capital was initially hostile to the idea. Coubertin and his colleagues of the newly formed International Olympic Committee eventually prevailed, and the first Olympic Games of the modern era were inaugurated by the King of Greece in the first week of April 1896. The Games of 1896, 1900 and 1904 were loosely organized and did not feature national teams produced by rigorous selection. The 1908 Games, held in London in a newly built 66,000 seat stadium, were the first where the events were organized by the relevant authorities in each athletic discipline. More than 2,000 athletes from 22 nations competed in 100 events. The 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm drew more then 2,500 competitors from 28countries and featured the first women's swimming events. No Games were held in 1916 due to World War I, but the Games enjoyed strong growth after the war, with 44 nations participating in the 1924 Olympics in Paris. At the1928 Games in Amsterdam there were more than 290 women among the 3,000athletes, more than double the number that took part in 1924. The Olympic Games were suspended again for 12 years because of World War II, resuming in 1948 in London. The post-war era saw steady growth in the number of countries and athletes competing and a dramatic increase in women's events. Politics began to intrude on the Games in a serious way at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, where Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village. Sixty nations boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, while the Soviets and some of their allies retaliated by declining to take part in the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. The end of the Cold War has eliminated the largest source of political conflict, and most Olympic controversies in recent years have centered on accusations 奥运会是每四年举行一次,在8、9月间将"奥林匹克",其中提到,间隔四年比赛,通常是用来衡量时间. 奥运冠军是第一个有记载的姓Coroebus,从厨师伊菲托斯短跑竞赛曾获776BC. 历史学家认为,游戏中至少已有500年前那一天. 原来只有一个突出的奥运事件:比赛称为"高速",相当于约210码的距离. 由公元前728增加了两个新赛事,相当于400米和1500米比赛的现代游戏. 悉尼奥运会将是摔跤,拳击赛,以及专门为军人和活动预告. 直到472BC,分散活动为期4至5天,他们以前都在一天内发生. 参加奥运会原本只限于希腊人没有出生,但希腊文明的传播是时代的亚历山大大,请游戏者远从Antioch,亚历山大和西顿. 而正式比赛只获得了花圈或推断,由运动员成功的城市,政府投入大量的时间来训练. 大部分选手实际上人才. 在罗马征服希腊在公元前二世纪,奥运下降欢迎和重视,但游戏持续到393广告时,我信奉罗马帝国皇帝下令取消. 复兴奥运会的设想源于顾拜旦男爵Pierrede,Aristocrat29岁的法国人在1892年首次公开提出这个问题. 在国际体育会议在巴黎举行的1894年,顾拜旦设法说服来自9个国家的49个组织的代表在表决奥运复活. 他在这方面的主要盟友都不能容忍教授WilliamM.斯维克拉斯希腊和美国斯隆. 主办单位原计划首批1900年奥运会的巴黎,但后来决定将提交日期1896年,地点改为雅典,但地方政府的希腊首都最初设想的敌对. 顾拜旦和他的同事们在新成立的国际奥委会最终胜利,第一,现代奥运会开幕的希腊国王在1896年4月的第一个星期. 1896年的奥运会、1900年和1904年的特点是组织松散,没有严格的选拔产生的国家队. 1908年的比赛中,在伦敦举行的一个新建的体育场66000席,是首次举办的活动,有关部门在每个运动员的纪律. 来自22个国家的2000多名运动员参赛,100事件. 1912年在斯德哥尔摩举行的奥运选手28countries提请就有2500头,包括妇女游泳活动. 比赛是在1916年没有因为我的世界战争,而是享受游戏战后强劲增长,有44个国家参加1924年奥运会在巴黎举行. 在阿姆斯特丹the1928游戏有超过290名女运动员之一,人数增加一倍以上,1924年参加. 奥运会中断了12年再次因第二次世界大战于1948年在伦敦开. 战后时代看到了稳步增长,一些国家的运动员有竞争和急剧增加妇女的事件. 政治游戏开始进犯以认真的态度在1972年慕尼黑奥运会上,巴勒斯坦恐怖分子袭击以色列运动员在奥运村. 1980年60个国家抵制莫斯科奥运会,抗议苏联入侵阿富汗,苏联和一些盟国的报复拒绝参加1984年在洛杉矶比赛. 冷战的结束消除政治冲突的最大来源,近年来争议最奥林匹克中心指控