
一个麦当劳炸鸡腿得毒性相当60根香烟麦当劳前掌门人吉姆‧坎塔卢波因心脏病发去世。批评人士表示,坎塔卢波的猝死就是因为食用太多汉堡包、薯条的结果。 争论还没有结束,令人震惊的消息接踵而来。 5月5日,麦当劳总部宣布,新任总裁查利‧贝拉进行了一次肠癌手术。5月中旬,一部名为《给我最大号》的纪录片在美国开始上映,叫板麦当劳。在这部纪 录片中,年轻的美国导演摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克以自己的身体当成小白鼠做了一个实验∶连续30天,他三餐只吃麦当劳的食物,只喝麦当劳的饮料,而之后他以纪录 片的形式,让大家亲眼见证了吃麦当劳对自己的身体带来的有害无益的变化。 虽然没有医生证明坎塔卢波的死、贝拉的肠癌与汉堡、薯条有必然联系,但麦当劳公司承认,他们的确大量食用了这些快餐。路透社报道了他们不得不长期食用麦当劳汉堡的状况∶庞大的麦当劳公司总部坐落在芝加哥郊区,从业人员很少有机会和时间到外面吃午餐。公司内部的自助餐厅提供的就是麦当劳上市或即将上市的 产品。在这些食物中,有些是在麦当劳门市里见不到的东西,更多的是道统的巨无霸汉堡、软饮料和炸薯条。这个餐厅还被用作新研发出来的产品的“尝鲜坊”,新 产品在抛放市场之前都要在这里经过公司高级官员的亲自品尝。据称,贝拉吃的汉堡、薯条要比他的前任多得多。这名出身贫苦的总裁,自从15岁开始,就在麦当 劳快餐店打工挣点零用钱。自那时起,汉堡和薯条就成了贝拉的工作餐。 而摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克的纪录片则更加剧了人们对全球流行的快餐的安全性的怀疑。 近些年来,据有关部门统计数据显示,肥胖、糖尿病、肿瘤、心血管疾病等过去常见于西方的富贵病近年来在我国有不断攀升之势,并且有高达50%的死亡 率,已经成为社会的一种公害。与其发展速度相对应的是,麦当劳等洋快餐在中国的发展速度同样惊人。因此,这些疾病的幕后黑手中是否就有以麦当劳为代表的洋快餐呢?这个问号悬在我们每个人的心上。 和“麦当劳叔叔”对抗 《给我最大号》在美国被冠以“拯救你生命的电影”这样至高无上的荣誉。这部纪录片长98分钟,记录了摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克在30天里只吃麦当劳食品的整个过程。他之所以起这个电影名,是因为麦当劳员工总是问顾客要不要最大号的套餐,再加点钱添份饮料和炸薯条。 摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克的实验规则是这样的∶1.只吃麦当劳销售的食物,包括饮料;2.不买加大套餐或者汉堡、饮料,除非服务生主动提出;3.菜单里的每 种食物都吃至少一次。为了证明绝非做假,斯普尔洛克特别请了3位医生为整个实验过程做记录,定期追踪他的健康状态。然后他出发上路,到美国20个城市采访 医生、健康顾问、厨师、小孩,探寻健康与快餐的关系。 在拍摄纪录片之前,身高1米9的斯普尔洛克身体健康,体重不到84公斤。在试验了两个星期之后,医生说他的肝受到严重损伤,应当停止试验。但他没有听 从医生的劝告。三周左右,他的心脏开始异常,医生命令他每天吃两片阿斯匹林,他拒绝了,因为麦当劳不提供阿斯匹林。结果一个月后他的血压大大提升,体重也增加了11公斤。 该片的影响力的确不容忽视。影片在圣丹斯电影节获奖后,今年3月,麦当劳公司宣布取消餐厅“特大号”食品的销售,并推出了更为健康的成人“快乐餐”,里面包含菜蔬色拉、瓶装水和计步器。麦当劳还宣布,今后将陆续推出更多有益健康的食物。 摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克在接受媒体采访时说∶“我的家人都很瘦,我一直都很健康,喜欢运动。但为了拍摄这部电影,我确实付出了很多,拍摄这部影片时,我停止了运动,我只进行漫步这样的地面运动,但这样的运动量对于我其实是远远不够的。” 很多影迷在观看了该片后,纷纷到其官方网站上留言。所有影评的第一段或者最后一段都严重雷同,像“我看了这部电影之后,停止了去快餐店”,“把每周去 几次快餐店的习惯降到了每周一次,然后我的体重下降了,感觉也健康了许多,多谢导演,建议所有美国胖子都去看看这部电影,这不是娱乐或者社会实验,看过这部电影就能救你的命”。 摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克表示,世界范围肥胖症增加的原因之一是美国快餐文化的输出。他以麦当劳店举例说,这家快餐联锁店在100多个国家每天为4600万 人提供饮食,其中美国人只占一半。“也就是说,2300万人在美国,其它2300万人在国外。所以说,我们正在把我们的坏毛病输送到全世界。” 1个炸鸡腿等于60支香烟的毒性 毫无疑问,摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克的试验过于极端,因为极少有人把洋快餐当成惟一的食物。因此,也有人据此指出,只要不是顿顿食用或者每天食用,对人体的危害不会有多大。 “这个观点是不正确的!”中国营养学会理事李庆天在接受记者采访时肯定地指出,洋快餐属于典型的“三高”(高热量、高脂肪、高蛋白)食品,这样的饮食架构在营养学上是绝对不合理的。“洋快餐的食品种类无外乎那么几样,我们可以一样样来分析。”李庆天将洋快餐按照食品种类加以分类作了详细的解释。 “第一大杀手就是炸烤食品。炸薯条之类的油炸食品是导致心血管疾病的元凶。特别是炸薯条属于高脂肪食品,土豆原本脂肪含量小于1%,但因土豆膨胀性 大,油炸后可达40%左右的脂肪含量。油炸食品高温后,会产生苯并芘等致癌物质。油炸还破坏食物的维生素,使蛋白质变性。而烤鸡翅等烧烤类食品含大量‘三 四苯并芘’(三大致癌物质之首),会导致蛋白质炭化变性(加重肾脏、肝脏负担)。有研究说,1个炸鸡腿等于60支香烟的毒性。” “汉堡基料中的白面粉是精食,对人体的重点生理效应在于产生热量。人类营养史表明,长期过于精食者,易引起冠心病、糖尿病、动脉血管硬化和心肌梗塞等。由于汉堡中含有大量奶油,只夹了一两片少得可怜的生菜或酸黄瓜,因此脂肪含量非常高,维生素含量极低。” “盐的问题也不容我们忽视。”李庆天指出,因为含盐量超标的问题,麦当劳还上了英国《泰晤士报》的“黑名单”。世界卫生组织建议每人每天的食盐摄入量 不得超过5克,我国营养专家建议不得超过10克。“如果长期吃得太咸,不但会诱发心脑血管疾病,而且还会引起胃炎、消化性溃疡等疾病。” “洋快餐中的碳酸饮料可以算得上是个帮凶。”李庆天又补充道。可乐等碳酸性饮料含磷酸、碳酸,会带走体内的钙,并且含糖量过高,有气体,没有太多营养价值,喝后有饱胀感,影响正餐。许多儿童不肯好好吃饭就是这个原因。甜筒等冷冻甜品类食品含糖、奶油,极易引起肥胖,含糖量过高也会影响正餐。 中国民众解放军总医院营养专家赵霖教授也指出,汉堡包、薯条等可引起体内激素变化,使食用者上瘾,造成难以控制进食量。研究中还发现汉堡包、炸薯条、炸薯片、薄脆饼、烤猪肉、水果甜品上的棕色脆皮、饼干、蛋糕等食品中含有大量丙烯 胺。已知丙烯 胺是富含碳水化合物的食品经高温煎炸、烘焙或烘烤后 所产生的自然副产品。丙烯 胺可导致基因突变,会损害中枢和周遭神经系统,诱发良性或恶性肿瘤。专家认为,这一发现解释了西方国家肿瘤高发的原因。世界卫生组织 (WHO)规定,每公斤食品中丙烯 胺不得超过1毫克。但目前麦当劳、肯德基等出售的薯条中丙烯 胺的含量高出该标准约100倍,一包普通的炸薯片超 标约 500倍,面包、蛋糕和饼干中丙烯 胺的含量也都超标。 赵霖还特别指出,洋快餐中普遍使用的氢化脂肪(起酥油、人造黄油) 危害甚至大于饱和脂肪。他告诉记者,哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养学系主任瓦尔特‧威利特早在1991年就发表论文,明确指出洋快餐等使用的氢化脂肪对人类健 康存在潜在的危害。洋快餐中的油炸食品和烤制食品都普遍含有氢化脂肪。威利特说∶“脂肪对血液胆固醇影响的控制饮食研究以及关于氢化脂肪的摄入量与患心脏 病、糖尿病几率关系的流行病学研究表明,氢化脂肪比饱和脂肪更糟糕。” 长期食用洋快餐的恶果 “如果你年纪轻轻就经常睡不着、易疲劳,就应该好好注意自己的膳食架构了。”这是李庆天对时下年轻人的劝告。他指出,现下年轻的上班族越来越懒得自己动手 做早餐,经常与午餐并到一起吃,晚餐也常在外就餐,而三餐最常见的替代品就是洋快餐。长期如此,健康很难保证。他表示,早餐一个鸡蛋、一杯牛奶和谷类食品是必不可少的,而快餐的营养搭配极不合理。 对于儿童来说,洋快餐造成的最直接后果就是肥胖。赵霖认为,随着居民生活日益富裕,物质供应极为丰富,各种中西式快餐、软饮料、方便食品的大量兴起,居民饮食模式和习惯有较大改变。而另一方面由于交通便利、电视计算机普及、体力活动减少,导致儿童摄入热量增加而消耗量下降,使儿童肥胖症的发生呈上升趋势。儿童肥胖症的大量出现已成为儿童学习、成长的一个不可忽视的问题。据有关调查显 示,近年来,我国有些城市国小生肥胖发生率逐年增长,已达5%—10%,有的城市甚至已超过了发达国家。不知不觉中,一直在西方比较流行的肥胖在我国也渐 渐成为了一种公害。 也许有的父母会说,“孩子小时候胖点没关系,胖点才可爱嘛!”事实远非如此,儿童肥胖除影响小儿自身生长发育以外,极易发展为成人肥胖症。据研究,学龄期儿童肥胖转变为成人肥胖的危险度是非肥胖儿的3.9—5.6倍,大约有42%—63%的学龄肥胖儿将转变为肥胖成人。儿童肥胖还成为其成年后出现高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、胆结石、肾脏病、脂肪肝、猝死、乳腺癌、痛风等疾病的诱因。肥胖对儿童的心肺功能和有氧能力造成损伤,使儿童运动能力下降。营养过剩 还使免疫细胞过早发育,促使中年时期细胞过早衰老,导致细胞免疫功能迅速降低。更为严重的是,由于肥胖儿童的大脑垂体细胞也逐渐被脂肪细胞所代替,由此而造成性激素分泌紊乱,可导致男孩女性化,女孩男性化,而这一人群成年后的性无能和生殖无能不仅会摧毁无数本该福祉的家庭,甚至可能成为一种社会问题。 最近更有加拿大的研究人员发现,高脂食品会损害孩子正在发育的神经通道,可能对孩子的大脑和思惟素质造成永久性伤害。而且,肥胖还会造成儿童免疫功能下降,易生病;活动能力下降,人不灵活;并且使儿童的心理状态不佳,特别是学生很容易产生自卑心理。 李庆天指出,建立合理的膳食架构需要政府出台有关法规整肃食品市场;更需要广大社会公众的自我约束,对营养专家的建议不能听着有理,听完又去吃;对食品厂商诱惑得不得了的广告宣传,媒介应把好关;同时鼓励食品厂商开发出更多美味而营养的食品。倡导全社会多吃少盐、少糖、少油脂的清淡营养食品,在合理营 养的情况下享受美味。饮食时必须做到“进出平衡”,即摄入的营养和消耗的热量平衡。因此可以多吃一些动物和植物蛋白,如豆制品、瘦肉、鱼虾、奶、蛋等,要多吃水果和菜蔬。注意不要偏食、挑食,少吃油腻、油炸食品,少吃或不吃甜食。“社会和健康专家面临的挑战是教育消费者,说服他们改变生活模式。”美国疾病 控制预防中心的迪尔茨医生如是说。这如同警钟,对于我们这些普通消费者,的确最重要的就是改变不健康的生活模式,和麦当劳说“再见”只是其中的一项举措。 这段资料给你,你来个开头,结尾就搞定了 哎呦喂,您怎么不早说。。。把这翻译成英文就哦了 二楼你真狠,直接翻译我的。
A McDonald's fried chicken was very toxic 60 cigarettes ‧ former head of McDonald's Jim Cantalupo died of a heart attack. Critics said that Cantalupo's sudden death is because eating too many hamburgers, french fries results. Debate is not over, the shocking news one after another. May 5, McDonald's headquarters announced that the new president, Charlie ‧ Beira had a colorectal cancer surgery. In mid-May, one called "Give me the greatest number" of the documentary in the United States began to release, words against McDonald's. In this documentary, the young American director Morgan Spurlock ‧ mice as their own bodies to do an experiment: 30 consecutive days, he ate only McDonald's food three meals a day, drink McDonald's drink, and then he in the form of a documentary, so that everyone witnessed eating McDonald's for their own health changes brought about more harm than good. Although there is no medical proof of Cantalupo's death, Beira in colorectal cancer and hamburgers, French fries are necessarily linked, but the McDonald's admitted that they did a lot of these fast-food consumption. Reuters reported that they had the status of long-term consumption of McDonald's hamburgers: a huge McDonald's corporate headquarters is located in the Chicago suburbs, practitioners seldom have the opportunity to go outside to eat lunch. Available within the company cafeteria is McDonald's listing or upcoming products. In these foods, some are not seen at the McDonald's shop, what more of Orthodoxy Big Mac hamburger, soft drinks and French fries. This restaurant has also been used as a new product developed by the "early adopters Corner", the new products in the market prior to jettison should be here through the personal taste of senior officials. Allegedly, Beira to eat hamburgers, french fries a lot more than his predecessor. This name came from a poor president, since the age of 15, on the McDonald's fast food restaurant to work Zhengdian pocket money. Since then, the burgers and fries meals have become the work of Beira. And Morgan Spurlock's documentary ‧ even exacerbated the popular fast food on global security doubts. Recent years According to relevant statistics, obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease is commonly found in western rich man's disease over the past recent years, China has a rising trend, and there are up to 50% of the mortality rate, has become a community a public nuisance. Correspond with the pace of development is that, McDonald's and other Western fast-food in China, the pace of development was equally astounding. Therefore, these diseases, whether behind the McDonald's there to do as the representative of the Western fast food? The question mark hanging over our hearts for everyone. And the "Ronald McDonald" against the "Give me the greatest number" in the United States to be known as "save your life the movie" This supreme honor. The documentary is 98 minutes long, recorded ‧ Morgan Spurlock ate only McDonald's in 30 days of food throughout the process. The reason for the name from this film is because McDonald's employees are always asking customers whether or not to the greatest number of packages, plus money Tim copies of drinks and French fries. Morgan Spurlock's experiment ‧ rule is this: 1. Eat only McDonald's sales of food, including beverages; 2. Do not buy packages or to increase the Hamburg, beverages, unless the service offered; 3. Menu of each eat food at least once. In order to prove that not fraud, Spurlock and invited three doctors to do recorded throughout the experiment, regular follow-up of his health. He then starting the road, covering 20 cities in the United States doctors, health consultants, chefs, children, exploring the relationship between health and fast food. Prior to filming the documentary, height 1 m 9 Spurlock's health, weight less than 84 kg. During the trial two weeks later, doctors said his liver was seriously injury, should stop testing. But he did not listen to a doctor's advice. Three weeks or so, his heart began to abnormal, the doctor ordered him to eat two aspirin a day, he refused, because McDonald's does not provide aspirin. Results One month later his blood pressure greatly increased, also increased body weight 11 kg. The film's influence is indeed not be ignored. Film in the Sundance Film Festival award, this year in March, McDonald's announced the abolition of restaurant "large number" of food sales, and introduced a more healthy adults "happy meal", which contains vegetables salad, bottled water and counting Step device. McDonald's also announced that in the future would continue to introduce more wholesome food. ‧ Morgan Spurlock in a media interview, said: "My family is very thin, and I have been very healthy, like sports. But in order to shoot the film, I really paid a lot, shooting the film, I am to stop the movement, I just like to walk the ground motion, but such exercise for me is not enough. " Many of his fans, after watching the film, have come to its official Web site message. All critic of the first paragraph or the last paragraph are serious identical, such as "I saw this film, stopped to fast-food restaurant," "the fast-food restaurants several times a week habit of going down to once a week, and then my weight down, a healthy feeling of many, I thank the directors, suggested that all the United States were overweight to see the film, this is not entertainment or social experiments, have seen the movie will be able to save your life. " ‧ Morgan Spurlock, said the reasons for the increase in obesity worldwide, is one of the U.S. fast-food culture output. He McDonald's restaurant, for example, this fast-food chain stores in more than 100 countries for 46 million people a day diet, only half of them Americans. "In other words, 23 million people in the United States, the other 23 million people abroad. So, we are our bad habits transported to the world." A fried chicken leg is equal to 60 cigarettes, the toxicity of There is no doubt that Morgan Spurlock's experiment ‧ too extreme, because very few people to Western fast-food as the only food. Therefore, it was also accordingly noted that as long as not eating or Dun Dun daily consumption on the human body will not be much harm. "This view is not correct!" China Nutrition Institute director Li days in an interview with reporters with certainty that the Western fast food is a typical "three highs" (high-calorie, high fat, high-protein) food, such as nutrition, diet architecture Science is absolutely unreasonable. "Western fast food type is nothing less than a few samples so that we can come to the same kind of analysis." Qing-days to Western fast food types to be classified in accordance with a detailed explanation. "The first killer is a deep-fried grilled food. French fries, sort of deep-fried food is the culprit leading to cardiovascular disease. In particular, French fries are high-fat foods, potatoes, fat content of less than 1% of the original, but potatoes expansion nature of large, deep-fried, after up to 40% of the fat content. fried foods after high temperature will produce carcinogenic substances such as benzopyrene. fried foods also destroy vitamins, so that protein denaturation. while the grilled chicken wings and other barbecue class Foods containing a large number of '34 benzopyrene' (the first three major cancer-causing substances), will lead to charring of protein degeneration (increased kidney and liver burden). a study says that a deep-fried chicken is equal to 60 the toxicity of cigarettes. " "Hamburg-based compound is refined white flour, food, the focus of physiological effects on the human body is heat. The history of human nutrition that is too fine a long-term food were easily cause coronary heart disease, diabetes, arterial sclerosis and myocardial infarction. As Hamburg contains a large number of cream, only very little clip of the 12 lettuce or pickled cucumber, so a very high fat content, vitamin content in very low. " "Salt of the problem can not be ignored." Qing-days that because of excessive salinity problems, McDonald's is also on the British "Times" and "blacklist." World Health Organization recommended intake of salt per person per day not more than 5 grams, nutrition experts suggest that China should not exceed 10 grams. "If the long-term eating salty, will not only induce cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, but also cause gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases." "Western fast foods, carbonated drinks can be described as is an accomplice." Qing-days, added. Coca-Cola and other carbonated beverages containing phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, will pick up the body's calcium, and the sugar content is too high, there is gas, there is not much nutritional value, a sense of fullness after drinking affect the dinner. Many children refuse to eat properly is for this reason. Ice Cream Frozen Desserts categories of food such as sugar, cream, easily cause obesity, high sugar content will also affect the meals. Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital nutrition experts Professor Zhao Lin also pointed out that hamburgers, french fries and other hormonal changes can cause the body to eat those addicted, resulting in difficult to control food intake. The study also found that hamburgers, French fries, potato chips, wafers, roasted pork, fruits, brown crust on the dessert, cookies, cakes and other foods rich in acrylamide. Acrylamide is known to carbohydrate-rich foods at high temperature frying, baking, or baking a natural by-products generated after. Acrylamide can cause gene mutations would undermine the central and surrounding the nervous system, induce benign or malignant. Experts believe that this discovery explains the Western countries, the reasons for high incidence of cancer. World Health Organization (WHO) provides per kilogram of acrylamide in food should not exceed 1 mg. But McDonald's, KFC, etc. French fries sold in the levels of acrylamide is about 100 times higher than that of the standard, a packet of plain potato chips exceeded about 500 times, bread, cakes and biscuits in the levels of acrylamide are also excessive. Zhao Lin also pointed out that Western fast food commonly used in hydrogenated fats (shortening, margarine) endanger even more than saturated fat. He told reporters, Head of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, Walter Willett ‧ back in 1991 issued a paper, clear that the use of Western fast food such as hydrogenated fats on human health, potential hazards. Western fast food in the deep-fried foods and baked goods generally contain hydrogenated fats. Willett said: "The effects of fat on blood cholesterol, diet studies and on the hydrogenated fat intake and risk of heart disease, diabetes, epidemiological studies have shown that the relationship between risk, hydrogenated fats worse than saturated fat." The consequences of long-term consumption of Western fast food "If you are a young age often can not sleep, fatigue, they should be well aware of their diet structure of the." This is Li days to today's young people's advice. He pointed out that holds many lessons for the young office workers are increasingly too lazy to make their own breakfast, lunch, and often eat together and dinner often eat out, but three meals a day is the most common alternative to Western fast food. So the long-term health is difficult to guarantee. He said that an egg breakfast, a cup of milk and cereals are essential, while the fast-food nutrition with very unreasonable. For the children, the Western fast-food caused by the most direct consequence of obesity. Zhao Lin believes that as residents become more affluent, very rich material supply, all kinds of Chinese and Western fast food, soft drinks, convenience food, a growing number of residents in eating patterns and habits change substantially. On the other hand, due to transportation facilities, TV computer literacy, physical activity reduced, leading to an increase in children's calorie consumption dropped, so that the incidence of child obesity on the rise. The proliferation of childhood obesity has become a children's learning and growth that can not be ignored. According to the survey, in recent years, some of our cities in the country increased year by year the incidence of obesity niche has reached 5% -10%, and some cities even more than developed countries. Unconsciously, has been more popular in the West of obesity in China has gradually become a public nuisance. Maybe some parents would say, "The children point it does not matter baby fat, fat-point was lovely Well!" The fact is far from being the case, the impact of childhood obesity among children outside of their own growth and development could easily develop into adult obesity. According to studies, school-age children into adult obesity, obesity risk of 3.9-5.6 times the non-obese children, about 42% -63% of school-age children will be obese into obese adults. Childhood obesity has also become an adult after high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, gallstones, kidney disease, fatty liver, sudden death, breast cancer, gout and other diseases. Of obesity on children's cardiovascular fitness and aerobic capacity caused by injury, decline in exercise capacity of children. Nutrient excess also allow early development of immune cells, prompting premature cell aging middle age, resulting in cellular immune function to quickly lower. More serious is that, due to large pituitary cells in obese children has also been gradually replaced by fat cells, thus causing sex hormone secretion disorder, can lead to the feminization of boys, girls and masculine, and this group of sexual impotence adult and reproductive incompetence will not only destroy the countless books of the well-being of families, and may even become a social problem. And more recently Canadian researchers found that high-fat foods may harm the developing nervous kids channels, may contemplate the quality of the child's brain and cause permanent damage. Moreover, obesity can also cause decreased immune function of children, easy to fall ill; activity of decline, people are not flexible; and the psychological state of poor children, especially the students are very prone to inferiority complex. Li days that the establishment of a reasonable diet structure of relevant laws and regulations introduced by the Government need to purge the food market; also need the general public self-restraint on the recommendations of nutrition experts can not listen to rational, after listening again to eat; for food manufacturers, the wildly popular lure advertising, the media should be well off; also encourage food manufacturers to develop more delicious and nutritious food. Promote the whole society to eat salt, less sugar, less fat light nutritious food, in the case of proper nutrition to enjoy delicious. Food must be "out of balance", that is, the nutritional intake and consumption of the heat balance. So you can eat some animal and plant proteins such as soy products, lean meat, fish, milk, eggs, etc., should eat more fruits and vegetables. Be careful not to partial eclipse, picky eaters, eat greasy, fried foods, eat, or eat sweets. "Social and health experts challenge is to educate consumers and persuade them to change their lifestyle." United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Dilts says. It's like wake-up call, for those of us ordinary consumers, indeed, the most important thing is to change unhealthy lifestyle, and McDonald's say "goodbye" is just one of an initiative.
改革开放以来,随着我国国民经济持续稳定发展,服务业得到了快速发展。据国家统计部门公布的有关资料表明,在我国国民经济和社会发展第十个五年(2001~2005)计划期间,服务业国内生产总值增加值的比重已超过40%,其就业人数占全社会就业总人数的比重已达到31.3%。我国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年(2006~2010)规划期间,服务业国内生产总值增加值的比重和就业人数占全社会就业人数的比重,将分别达到43.3%和35.3%。西方发达国家进入服务社会后,服务业占GDP的比重均超过60%,部分国家已达到70%或80%,其受雇于服务业的员工占全社会就业总人数的比率达70%。我国服务业与西方发展国家比较,还有相当大的差距。由于服务业是满足他人需要的活动,其发展水平是衡量现代社会经济发达程度的重要标志。全面、快速、健康地发展服务业,对于促进经济结构的优化,缓解就业压力,增加资金积累,改善人民生活,建设和谐社会,和谐民族,以至和谐国家,都具有重大的现实意义和深远的战略意义。因此,为应对21世纪面临的挑战,加速与国际经济接轨,进一步促进我国国民经济持续稳定发展,必须高度重视服务业在我国国民经济发展中的重要作用,为推进服务业健康向前发展,除了深化我国服务行业体制改革以外,当前突出的问题是要从服务业的角度深刻理解其关系营销的内涵、作用,并在搞好关系营销方面采取有效对策。服务是一种本质上无形的活动或利益,它在服务提供者与顾客的互动过程中同步生产和消费。服务营销的基本目标就是通过优质服务使组织和顾客保持良好的长期关系,而以发现、建立、保持和强化与顾客的良好关系为目的营销就是关系营销。为此,本文试就服务业关系营销的本质特征、重要作用,以及搞好关系营销的对策加以论述。一、服务业关系营销的特征由于服务本身具有如下特色 :一是具有无形性,即买者无法在购买前试用,如尝试、感觉、试听等;二是具有不可分割性,即服务本身无法和服务提供者分割开来,很多的服务、创造、传递和消费是同时进行;三是具有异质性,指企业很难用提供标准化的服务;四是具有易逝性,即服务无法储存。因此服务业的关系营销既具有其他产业的关系营销的共性,又具有本身的个性,即具有双赢性、稳定性、过程性、无形性、公平性。(一)双赢性获得双赢是服务业关系营销的基础,双方在进行交易时不但要考虑自己的利益,更重要的是将对方利益摆在优先的位置上,让对方利益得到满足,如银行对企业提供贷款时,考虑的是资信较好的企业,反过来资信较好的企业又为银行带来较好的贷款利息收益。因此关系营销的关键也就是双方找到利益的共同点,达到双赢的目的。(二)稳定性由于关系营销注重与顾客的合作,注重与顾客共同创造价值,注重保持和顾客改善关系,因此自交易开始建立的这种关系会更加稳定,顾客需要提供服务时会产生一种惯性,而这种惯性正是关系营销稳定的基础。如虽然顾客得到另外一家证券公司更优惠的交易佣金的许诺,但该顾客可能选择继续留在现有的证券公司,这是因为该顾客与公司有着长期的信任利益,这种长期的信任利益很难改变该顾客产生的惯性心理。(三)过程性这是服务业营销最重要的特点,这一过程是由一系列活动所组成,这些活动消耗各种资源,包括了人力资源和其他资源,通过服务型企业与顾客的互动,寻求找到顾客问题的解决方案,在服务过程中,顾客亲自参与,顾客的这种参与构成了服务过程重要组成部分。如医生对病人进行手术时,在手术过程中,都要询问病人的感觉情况。因此服务业的关系营销应更加关注其过程性。(四)无形性因服务是一种活动或利益,而不是实物,所以服务业的关系营销不像其他营销一样,有产品去看,有感觉去触摸,通常是以主观的方式来感知服务,如坐火车旅行时,乘客只拥有一份将被安全送达目的地的承诺。(五)公平性为了与顾客建立更为密切的互信关系,取得最大的顾客价值让渡,服务业的关系营销还具有公平性的特点。首先是结果的公平,指顾客抱怨的结果,能够与其不满意的水平相匹配。其次是过程公平,即顾客在投诉后,马上会有人在规定时间里进行处理。最后是对待公平,即顾客在投诉过程中会被诚实礼貌地对待。二、服务业关系营销的作用(一)降低服务业的成本,增加服务业的利润通常讲“不要回头货,只要回头客。”由于关系营销带来的是忠诚的顾客,从而为降低服务业的成本,增加服务业的利润创造了条件。首先节约了成本,据调查获取新顾客的成本是保留一位顾客成本的5倍。由于与老顾客沟通起来容易,服务业不必花大量的时间和精力进行促销,从而减少了运营成本。其次顾客的忠诚不仅可以拒绝同行服务业促销的诱惑,而且还会主动向亲朋好友和周围的人推荐该服务业提供的服务,成为不花钱而最具有价值的广告,从而为稳定现实顾客,增加潜在顾客打下基础。据有关资料表明,顾客保留率提高5%,其利润就能增加25%~85%,良好的关系下,顾客对服务业感情越深,他们投入这家企业的货币、时间和精力也就越多,这家服务业的收入就越稳定,利润也就越多。最后是关系营销可以克服服务易逝性所导致的供需矛盾,减少了因服务能力过剩或短缺造成大量利润损失的机会,增加利润,减少成本。如海南的旅游公司正是通过与全国旅游公司建立这种关系营销来平衡因季节不同造成的需求矛盾的。(二)减少顾客非货币成本支出一是时间成本,大多数服务要求顾客亲自参与,因顾客要花费时间,这主要表现在往返路途、等待等接受服务过程花费的时间,建立这种关系营销可以减少这种时间成本支出。二是搜寻成本,即指顾客为确定和选择所要接受的服务以及估计服务的价格而付出的脑力劳动,关系营销可以减少服务的无形性和服务价格不可见性的搜寻成本。三是便利成本,指顾客为前往服务场接受服务所付的各种代价,包括了时间、体力和金钱等。四是精神成本,这主要是对顾客购买和消费一些服务时所付出的精神成本,如担心、担心被拒绝、担心被敷衍等,关系营销减少由于顾客关系不熟悉所带来的精神成本支出。(三)提高顾客满意率,为顾客获得更为优质服务创造条件由于服务本身的过程性、无形性和易逝性,顾客在服务过程中,心理愉悦感是顾客满意的重要因素,关系营销可以满足顾客受尊重、社交及消费心理的需求,从而为顾客提供优质服务,获得超值享受创造条件。如一个旅游者和导游建立了良好的关系,对旅游者获得旅游方面的心理需求,就会大有益处。三、搞好服务业关系营销的对策(一)提升顾客价值资产服务业的盈利能力不但取决于服务本身,更重要的取决于长期顾客关系的维系,而要取得更加忠诚的顾客,关键是要给顾客更多所得,减少顾客付出,要达到这两个目的,必须提升顾客价值资产。价值资产由服务的质量、价格和服务便利性三个要素构成。提升价值资产最有效的方法是提高服务质量,降低服务价格,使顾客更便利,这也是搞服务业关系营销的前提和基础。首先是提高服务质量,服务的质量可分为四个主要部分:有形产品成分、无形服务成分、服务提供过程和服务环境。在这四个部分中,有形产品成分和无形服务成分的质量控制已经受到了广泛的重视,但服务提供过程则非常难以保持稳定,成为最重要的竞争砝码,服务的环境,在零售业中尤为重要。如走进美容院大厅给人以美的享受,顾客就会对服务质量产生较好的感觉。其次是降低价格,对争取很多顾客,维系关系营销也非常重要。最后是使顾客更便利,包括了地理位置、方便使用和可获得性三个要素,地理位置对服务业非常重要,如麦当劳开设了为过往开车顾客服务的便利窗口,使得司机不用下车就可以购买食品,成功地吸引了大量顾客。(二)开辟多种渠道,维系顾客关系在服务业竞争越演越烈的今天,提高顾客的价值资产来进行关系营销,远远不够,还必需开辟多种渠道维系顾客关系,进一步提高顾客保留率。首先是常客回报活动,常客回报是综合性关系营销和顾客保留中一种最基本的层次。采用这种方法不仅可以提高服务业绩,更重要的可以提高商誉,如航空公司和酒店采用免费机票、免费住宿、价格优惠,对奖励忠诚的顾客有较大作用。其次是特殊赞赏和特殊对待。最后是进行联谊和感情交流活动,将顾客的兴趣、财务刺激和情感交流相结合的联谊活动,可以建立顾客对服务组织及其供应品的依恋之情,并加强顾客相互之间的情感联系。(三)为顾客提供品牌服务和特色服务在追求生活同质化的今天,要满足顾客的消费期望,消除服务中异质性所带来的差异,关键是要为顾客提供品牌服务,如美国联邦快递公司,之所以能成为快递市场的领导,其重要原因是隔夜包裹快运品牌服务得到顾客的认同。此外为满足丰富多彩的消费需求,为顾客提供特色服务也是必不可少的。如美国的著名丽嘉酒店,增设“技术”岗位,安排专业技术人员全天候命,帮助客户解决各种电脑软硬件问题,商务旅客认为这是一项价值很高的服务。(四)进行服务补救一方面由于服务的无形性,使得服务很难标准化,顾客缺乏有形的标准作为参照,对服务的感知总是比较主观,难于把握。另一方面由于服务的异质性,因而其产生的问题不能确定质量的一致,顾客没有一定的评定标准。此外由于服务不可分割性,要求顾客和服务人员都必须了解整个服务传递过程,才能实现顾客的真正满意,但是在服务中很难实现两者之间的全过程的不可分割。基于上述原因,服务中产生差错是不可避免的,但重要的是对产生差错进行服务补救。首先重视顾客问题,承认问题的存在,分析失误的原因,对服务失误进行评估,并能在恰当的时候对顾客道歉。其次是建立一个服务补救预警系统,在问题出现前预见到问题并予以避免。再次有效处理顾客抱怨和投诉,顾客投诉是发现服务失误的一个重要来源,须设计方便顾客投诉的程序,引导顾客投诉。最后尽快解决问题,一旦发现服务失误,服务员必须在失误发生的同时迅速解决失误,防止失误升级。(五)建立服务业关系营销管理信息系统在现代信息社会中,信息已成为服务业不可缺少的重要资源,通过建立信息系统来收集、分析和处理信息是赢得市场竞争的重要手段,也是提升服务管理水平、改进服务质量、搞好客户关系、进行服务补救的前提和基础。组建关系营销信息管理系统的实质,就是采用数据库和交互技术等现代信息技术,通过广泛收集和积累各类公开发表的数据和消费者数据,然后分析和处理这些数据,从而为深入了解每一位客户的需要、爱好及质量服务要求打下基础,达到改进服务体系,进行服务创新,并提升服务业关系营销层次的目的。
S 麦当劳特许谋划的上风 1.麦当劳哄特许谋划实施大规模的低成本扩张对特许商麦当劳来讲,借助特许谋划的情势,其可以兴许在实施集中节制的同时连结较小的规模,既可赚取合理利润,又不有关高本钱危害,更没必要统筹加盟商的同样平常琐屑的事再者因为加盟店对隶属地域有较深切的相识,往往更易掘客出企业尚没有有关的营业规模另有,因为特许商不需要介入加盟者的员工办理工作,故而自己所必需措置惩罚的员工不懂的题目相对于较少特许商不领有加盟商的资产,保障资产安全的责任纯粹落在资产所有人的身上,特许商没必要负担相干责任对加盟商来讲,其可以借助特许谋划"扩印底片" 有人曾经形象地把加盟特许谋划比方成"扩印底盘",即借助特许商的牌号、特殊技术、谋划标准样式来重复哄,并借此扩展规模 加盟商可以安享现成的商誉和品牌加盟商因为秉承了特许商的商誉,在开业、创事业阶段就领有了杰出的形象,使很多工作患上以顺遂开展除此以外,制止市场危害也是其举行特许谋划的上风之一对缺少市场谋划的投资者来讲,面临猛烈的市场竞争环境,往往处于劣势投资一家业绩杰出且有真格的力量的特许商,借助其品牌形象、办理标准样式和其它撑持系统,其危害大大减低分享规模效益的上风也不容轻忽这些个规模效益包孕:采集购买规模效益、告白规模效益、谋划规模效益、技术研发规模效益等最后总重要的是获取多方面撑持加盟商可从特许商处获患上多方面的撑持,如培养训练、选择地址、资金融通、市场阐发、同一告白、技术让渡等 总而言之,特许谋划乐成成长的最重要的上风缘故原由就是在于精确定位因为能精确定位,使企业方针市场选择精确,能盘绕方针市场举行辕销计谋组合,并能实时相识方针市场的变化,使企业的产物和办事走在时代最前一列 W麦当劳特许谋划的弱势 因为特许谋划将特许谋划主与加盟商拴在了一路,正可谓有福共享,有难同当是以加盟商谋划欠好或者诺言欠安,都直接影响到特许谋划主的实际好处正如其实不是所有企业都合适做特许谋划主同样,也其实不是所有人都合适做加盟商在选择加盟商时,企业应该举行适当的查询拜访和考据作者以为时装行业的加盟商至少需要具备以下前提:一定的资金真格的力量,杰出的贸易诺言,具备谋划的基本本质,而且应该对时装市场的动态有敏感的洞悉力今朝我国时装企业在这一点儿上存在很大的差异很多特许谋划主征寻加盟商时其实不注重其资信状态,在大多环境下,后者只要缴纳一定的包管金便可成为加盟商,对后期的危害预计不足 在某一固定地域,市场消费程度是相对于固定的,如果在该地域同时存在加盟店与自营店,在举行选址时容易孕育发生冲突这一冲突一朝处理完成欠好,则势必会对自营店的发卖业绩孕育发生影响这一点儿要求特许谋划主在举行店址的选择时必需充实注重到商圈的成长、人海的漫衍、店面的巨细等因素以只管即便制止同行间的过分竞争 以是说规塑性是特许谋划的首要原则如果特许谋划没有一套完备的公司内部办理规范,对加盟店的办理没有同一规范,势必使特许谋划弄患上驴唇分歧纰缪马嘴但在实际的操作中,加盟店的规塑性很难获患上包管首要存在以下几个方面的环境: O麦当劳神州特许谋划的机会 1) 麦当劳将会更存眷2、三线城市 在危机期间,很多的2、三线城市所受的经济恐慌相对于较小,以是麦当劳会把这些个地域作为市场研发的重点云云看来,经济恐慌却是增进了很多2、三线城市的畅通或者第三财产的成长从国度或者地域经济的群体来看,这就是所说的的塞翁掉马实在麦当劳也可借此周全进驻大中华地域 2)收集经济的活跃,神州收集事业的不停成长为麦当劳神州特许谋划进程项加足了Hp(马力)迩来麦当劳加大其收集投入 麦当劳公司这段选用了Corporate Yahoo!(企业雅虎)为其成立了流派网站,以处理完成其复杂的后勤办理不懂的题目,即为其散布到全球的员工、连锁店业主及供应商供给对信息系统的拜候能力 “公司的方针是使这一流派成为员工开展同样平常工作的处所”首席信息官兼高级副总裁DaveWeick说,成立公司网站可以餍足公司对“同一架构”的需求,施用户可以兴许拜候其有关浩繁国际运作部分的内部系统 流派纯粹建成后,120多个国度中的麦当劳员工与供应商将可以兴许路程经过过程登录Web页面获患上相干的数据该网站另有助于将谋划着80%的麦当劳连锁店的特许谋划者归入信息圈中 来自差别营业部的30名员工对公司流派网站举消遣文娱成尝试使用后,麦当劳此刻筹办将其周全投入施用分阶段实动工程将从全球营销部分隔始,包孕告白公司等外部互助伙伴,如DDBWorldwide与Leo Burnett公司等 T 麦当劳神州特许谋划的威吓 受全球金融危机的影响,神州也不破例是以在神州,麦当劳也难免受到艰难困苦: 1开店数目会削减 在经济恐慌工作,因为至关一部分的投资人会有不雅望等候和保有现金的灰心投资生理,以是其投资决议信念绝对是受到影响;同时,很多特许人企业也会碰到因消费低迷而引起的直接市场坚苦,以是,岂论是在直营店或者加盟店的开设数目方面,均可能削减,甚或者是大幅度地削减 2. 麦当劳的特许谋划用度会削减 面临经济恐慌,麦当劳企业为了加盟事业的成长,务必会采纳给加盟商让利的招商优惠办法,以与加盟商共渡因难关口特许人企业招商优惠政策的此中最凸起的体现之一就是其特许谋划用度会削减,首要削减的种别会包孕一次性缴纳的加盟金、按期缴纳的权益金等削减的体式格局会有很多种,好比直接地在数据上削减、容许加盟商分期付款、向加盟上推出二手装备等 3. 致力于单店获利、品位办理 因为开店数目的削减和消费的低迷实际,麦当劳神州总部会有更多的精神和压力来提高单店的获利办理程度,夸大以品位吸引更多的主顾以是,2009年将会是麦当劳的单店群体获利能力和程度、品位办理上涨的一年这也不掉是麦当劳群体晋升自我的良机 4.来自同质财产的威吓,好比说肯德基,必胜客另有来自神州本土快餐行业的威吓,例如,华莱士,德克士,桂林人,绿野仙踪等等
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