A blog is the Internet platform of personal exchange center of information. Usually blog is used to publish articles, all the articles are arranged according to the date and year, some similar moderator diary. Look, there is no can be insipid show place, but it can let each zero cost, zero maintenance to create your own network media, and everyone can always have your own thoughts and inspirations updated to blog site.。Based on this, this group of personal blog site through detailed analysis, based on UML modeling of the personal blog site, gives the function requirement description, mainly discussed the personal blog website design pattern. In Java EE as systems development platform, using MVC pattern development ideas, adopt the JSP + Servlet + JavaBean three-story frame achieved personal blog system. I mainly complete personal blog system articles in the management and articles management category of design and implementation. Based on personal blog website system and the characteristics of the actual demand, so the system as the foundation, detail of system analysis and modeling process and to articles management and articles management category in detail. And the system of blogger login module, comment function is proposed.