以主题句为段首的 文章 能开门见山、突出主题,既能使阅卷人一目了然,又能给阅卷人深刻印象。在 作文 考试与作文训练中,建议采用演绎法进行写作,比较简易、方便、结构鲜明。本文主要从主题句、扩展句、结尾句三方面探究段首为主题句的段落的写作 方法 , 在熟悉段落写作的基础上, 水到渠成,写出一篇较好结构的以 说明文 、 议论文 为体裁的 英语考试作文 。
如何写好 英语作文 的主题句
一、主题句(Topic Sentence)
主题句表明是关于什么描述什么的中心, 主题句分为两部分;主题(Topic)和主旨(Controlling)。主题是作者所论述的题材或问题,主旨是作者用以说明主题的致力点。主题句是作者对本段将论述的题材或问题的看法或观点, 是本段的中心思想句。例如:英语句“Smoking is harmful to people’s health.”中,“Smoking”是主题(Topic)”,“harmful to people’s health”是致力点(Controlling idea)。以下是段落:
“Smoking is harmful to people’s health. ( 主题句)Medicalscience has now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer andother diseases such as emphysema,Also,smokers have morechances of having a heart attack than the non-smokers.(扩展句)Smoking is definitely a health hazard.”(结尾句)
确立主题句是写好一个段落的关键。一定要注意一个段落只能有一个主题。例如以上段落中主题是Smoking,那么只能围绕Smoking来展开论述,不能在这段中围绕Drinking,Swimming等 其它 主题来论述。主题句的范围必须最大限度地缩小,要具体化。尽可能选择准确、能充分概括自己的观点与看法的关键词来表达。“段落主题句所限定的内容要有助于段落的铺开和抒发。换句话说,段落限定范围要符合段落写作目的”(李军,2000:2)。
一个主题句中可以有数个致力点来充分表达主题思想。但目前大学生的作文水平还相应较低, 在大学英语作文考试中提倡一个主题一个致力点写作, 在有限的考试时间内更容易得到充分发挥。
“Plants are very important living things.(主题句)Life couldnot go on if there were no plants.This is because plants can makefood from air,water and sunlight.Animals get their food by eatingplants and other animals.Man gets his food by eating plants andother animals,too. ( 扩展句)Therefore,animals and man needplants in order to live.(结尾句)”
结尾句 总结 段落的要点和对主题句作最后一次评论,并使读者对本段要点进行深思、产生联想。例如:
“English is favored on the following grounds.It is the officiallanguage of a number of countries.Of other countries,it is theirsecond language.In still others,English is spoken as their majorforeign languages.That’s why English is so popular in our presentworld.” 我们可以从上例段落的结尾句看到, 结尾句中的“English”是主题句的主题English,结尾句中的“why”与主题句中的“grounds”相呼应,结尾句中的“popular”与主题句中的主旨“favored”相呼应。作者使用用词多变性的手法在结尾句中再次强调了本段的主题思想。
要写一篇较好的大学英语作文还要注重文章的一致性(unity)与连贯性(coherence)两个写作要点。一致性是段落与文章共同的、基本的特征。一个好的段落只有一个主题,而一篇好的大学英语作文只有一个中心。段落是围绕着文章的中心来展开论述的, 我们写大学英语作文的第一要求是要切题,即首先不能跑题,否则,文字再优美也达不到写作目的。
“连贯性指 句子 与句子之间、段落与段落之间的衔接要自然通畅, 主要体现在短文的逻辑发展顺序和过渡词语的运用上”(张爱卿、王若平,2000:5)。一个好结构的段落的延伸就是一篇好的文章。大学英语作文一般分为三段,下面把文章与段落进行一个大致的比较:
Make Our Cities Greener
In recent years our cities have become much greener.A lot oftrees,grasses and flowers were planted in vacant plots and on bothsides of the streets.The area of urban forestation has been greatlyincreased.
There are a lot of advantages for urban forestation.First,trees,grasses and flowers can make the city more beautiful,fornatural plants are well matched with artificial buildings.Secondly,plants can purify air in the city because they not only absorb carbondioxide and the flying dust but release oxygen.Thirdly,plantscan muffle noises produced by vehicles and machines.Finally,trees can improve climate in that they can alleviate intense heat insummer and severe cold in winter.
Then how to make our cities greener? From my point of view,first we should make people aware of the importance of makingcities greener.Next,great efforts should be made to plant moretrees and grow more grasses and flowers.Meanwhile,we shouldcarefully look after the planted trees,grasses and flowers and noone is allowed to destroy these plants.As long as we do so,we cancertainly make our cities greener.(戚元方,1999.10)
本文三段都是段首为主题句, 整篇文章围绕城市绿化一个中心展开论述,结尾句进行了点题。段落写作中运用了分类法展开论述、运用了段落内外的衔接手段, 整篇文章比较连贯,总体分析,这是一篇结构比较好的大学英语作文。