门类 英语 专业代码 050201 授予学位 文学士学制 四年 制定日期 2005年9月 一、 培养目标本专业培养英语基础扎实,知识面广,适应能力强,高素质、德智体全面发展并具有创新能力、能从事各项英语语言工作的复合型高级英语专门人才。 二、 基本要求本专业学生通过四年系统的学习和训练,应具备扎实的英语基本功、丰富的英语语言和文化知识、较高的翻译水平和初步的语言文学研究能力,能在科技、外经贸、外语教学、编辑与翻译等领域熟练地应用英语独立工作。 三、 毕业生应具有的知识、能力、素质1、具有扎实的英语语言基本功和丰富的英语语言文化知识。2、具备熟练得体地用英语进行口头与书面交际的能力,包括常用文体与题材的写作和编辑、口译、笔译的能力。3、具备科技、外经贸、英语语言文学教学与研究等领域的基本知识,并能应用这些知识较好地适应和承担相关的工作。4、具有计算机及网络、常用软件的基础知识及应用能力。5、具有合作互助精神6、严谨踏实的工作态度、刻苦钻研的精神和良好的职业道德。 四、 主干学科与相近学科 英语语言文学、英语教育、英语翻译、经贸 五、 主要课程1、通识教育基础课:德育课、马列课及文化素质教育类课;文科高等数学及高等物理;计算机类课程等。2、大类学科基础课:基础英语、英语口语、英语听力、英语写作、英语语法、高级英语阅读;3、专业主干课:翻译理论与实践、主要英语国家文学史及选读、语言学基础。 六、 主要实践环节英语综合技能训练、专业实习、毕业论文 七、 双语教学课程 市场营销、外贸函电与口语、工商导论 八、 自学课程九、 研究型课程十、 毕业学分要求及学士学位学分绩点要求本专业毕业生最低计划学分应达到166学分。英语专业八级考试(TEM-8)成绩达到50分以上,毕业论文及格以及学分成绩点大于2.0者可获得学士学位。十一、各类课程学分与学时分配 课程类别 学分 学时 学时比例 通识教育基础课 32 730 27.2% 大类学科基础课 72 1344 50.1% 专业主干课 29 448 16.7% 专业与跨学科选课 10 160 6.0% 实践系列课 集中实践环节 16 总计 159 2682 100% 十二、教学安排指导表 见指导性教学计划及集中实践教学环节指导表英语专业教研室学科介绍 Introduction To Teaching Section For English Majors 专业方向及课程简介:专业一、二年级为基础阶段,主要英语专业课程有:基础英语、英语泛读、英语口语、英语听力、英语作文、英语语法等;三、四年级为高级阶段,分为英语语言文学、经贸英语两个方向,共同的课程有:高级英语阅读、英美文学、普通语言学、英语视听说、英语翻译与技巧、英语口译、第二外语等;各方向开设有特别的课程,如语言方向的应用语言学、文体学、修辞学等;文学文化方向的诗歌选读、小说选读、散文选读、西方文艺理论、公众演讲等;经贸方向的外贸英语函电、市场营销等。每个方向在进一步加强学生的英语基础的同时,将根据各自的特点着重向学生传授本领域的专业知识、培养他们这方面的技能。各年级还经常组织学生开展形式多样的英语课外活动,如英语兴趣小组活动、英语演讲赛或辩论赛等等。Disciples and Course Design: As the fundamentals, the courses offered the first and the second year include: Comprehensive Reading; Extensive Reading; Oral English; English Writing; English Grammar; Survey of Great Britain and the United States of America, etc. Advanced study in the third and the fourth year is divided into two subdisciples: English Language and Literature, English for Economics and Trade. The two subdisciples share such courses as Advanced Reading; English and American Literature; Oral Lessons with Audio-Visual Materials; Translation; Oral Interpretation between Chinese and English, Second Foreign Language, etc. In addition to that, they each have their special subjects, such as General Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, etc, for the disciple of the English language and literature; Commercial Correspondence, Marketing, etc, for English for Trade and Business; Reading and Interpretation on Medical English and Survey of Medicine Science, etc, for Medical English. Apart from the focus on students’ basic language skills, professional knowledge is also taught in accordance with the characteristics of each disciple. Various types of extra-curricula activities are also held such as project groups, English speech contests, debates in English, English short plays, etc. 师资情况:本教研室现有教师21人,均为研究生以上学历,其中教授4人,副教授9人;已有9人在国外作过访问学者。常年聘有2至3名外籍英语专家授课。教研室的老师均各有所长,在自己的研究领域中做出了比较突出的成绩,已发表了几十篇专业论文及数部著作。Faculty & Staff: The teaching section consists of 21teachers boasting M.A or PhD degrees, of whom there are 4 professors, 9 associate professors and 9 teachers who were visiting scholars abroad. There are normally 2 or 3 foreign specialties in English language and literature, who join the faculty each year and offer courses. In token of the high attainments in their relevant fields, scores of theses and several works have been published.课 程 大 纲一、 二年级课程 Course Design (first/ second year) 课程名称和代号: 基础英语 17011011Name and number: Comprehensive English17011011 教学对象: 本科生Teaching objects: undergraduates课程类型、课时和学分: 主修;384学时;24学分Class type, class hours and credits offered: compulsory; 384 periods; 24 credits教学目标: 本课程为英语专业基础阶段的专业必修课,是综合性语言技能课程。本课程教学的目的与任务是使学生掌握基础的英语语言知识(语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能、语言意念等),并以口、笔头应用能力为重点,用多种手段对听、说、读、写、译诸项语言基本技能进行综合、全面的训练,培养学生初步运用英语较流利、准确地进行交际的能力,良好的语言学习习惯与方法,以及逻辑思维的能力,为进入高年级打下扎实的语言基础。Teaching goals: This course, by means of various means, is devoted to an all-round training in the firm command of the basic knowledge of English language (phonetics, grammar, lexicology, textual structure, function of language, notion of language, etc), the language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating , the competence to communicate in English freely and accurately, the good methods of self-teaching and the logical analytic ability in order to lay a solid grounding for students’ further study. 教学主要内容:Main teaching contents:1.语音部分:英语48个音素的正确发音和辨析、基本的读音规则、单词重音和句子重音、语流中语音的变化、基本语调及其在各种语境种的运用。 1. phonetics: pronunciation of the 48 phonemes and the differences among some similar ones; basic pronunciation rules; word stress and sentence stress; phonetic variation in connected speech; tones and their application in contexts.2.语法部分:语法项目的教学穿插在语言知识讲授和基本语言技能的训练中有机地进行;通过教学使学生熟练掌握系统的英语语法,并在口、笔语及综合运用中做到概念清楚、形式正确,提高连贯表达的能力。2. grammar: the teaching of grammar is integrated with that of language knowledge and the practice of basic language skills; students are expected to utilize the correct grammatical forms and proper connectives in oral and written translation.3.词汇部分:词汇教学以所用教材中的词汇为基础,以与《大纲》配套的词汇表中规定的1-4级词汇为依据,结合本课程的语言知识讲授及技能训练进行;通过教学,使学生掌握《大纲》规定的认知词汇量。3. lexicology: with the new words in textbooks and the word list (band1-band4) attached to the Syllabus as the basis, the teaching of new words is combined with that of language points and the practice of language skills to acquire mastery of the vocabulary required by the Syllabus. 4.功能意念:功能意念的教学主要采用教材中包含的口、笔语训练项目,通过教学和训练,使学生学会在各种常见的交际情境中根据不同交际需要,灵活、得体地运用恰当的语言形式表达思想。4. function and notion: the teaching of function and notion chiefly adopts the oral and written exercise included in the student’s book. As a result, students are expected to use English properly at proper time.5.听、说、阅读与写作:听、说、读、写四项技能的教学与训练主要采用所用教材中的语言材料有机地结合进行,同时又根据各项技能的特点与要求,适当地选用补充教材进行有重点、有目的的训练,使学生基本达到《大纲》规定的基础阶段第四级终点对听说读写能力的要求。6. listening, speaking, reading and writing: besides the exercise provided by the given teaching materials, the teaching of the four skills also carries on additional training with selected materials according to the specific requirements for each skill. Students are expected to reach the level of band-4 demanded by the Syllabus about listening, speaking, reading and writing. 6.翻译:翻译在本课程教学中仅作为巩固学生所学语言知识、增强语言实际运用能力的辅助训练形式和手段;翻译以笔译为主,结合课程教学及综合技能训练有机地进行。6. translation: translation, focusing on written exercise, is only an assistant means to consolidate the old learning and strengthen students’ ability of applying English. The teaching of translation is in harmony with that of the texts and of the comprehensive skills. 授课方式:讲课,课堂训练,讨论等Ways of teaching: teacher’s lectures; exercise in class; discussions, etc.考核方法:闭卷笔试Way of testing: written examination without reference任课教师:高健 副教授;常天龙副教授;姚羚羚讲师;胡永辉讲师;毛彩凤讲师;张豫讲师Teachers: associate professor. Gao Jian, associate professor Chang Tianlong, lecturer Yao Lingling, lecturer Hu Yonghui, lecturer Mao Caifeng, lecturer Zhangyu 教材及参考书:新编英语教程(共四册),李观仪,上海外语教育出版社现代大学英语(共四册),杨立民,北京外研社其他精选的综合语言材料 Textbooks and reference:新编英语教程(共四册),李观仪,上海外语教育出版社现代大学英语(共四册),杨立民,北京外研社Choice materials selected by teachers