The spring river contains abundant water power resources, among them, ZHANG GU3 DUAN4 suiteds for to fix to set up the water conservancy vital point, the main purpose of the water conservancy vital point is a flood control to generate electricity. This text combines a valley form geology characteristics, the hydrology characteristic, as to it's the water conservancy vital point carried on the first step design.The main contents includes the spring river ZHANG GU3 the basic data, main building design, vital point of the water conservancy vital point arranges the project, the foundation processing and constructions to lead to cut to flow etc. contents. Considered various factor under, the choice B - B conduct and actions originally the dam stalk line of the vital point engineering, choice in the dam type, to various dam type after carrying on the merit and shortcoming comparison, combine the local characteristics of this engineering, choose the concrete entity gravity dam conduct and actions originally the dam type of the water conservancy vital point.Adjust the 洪 calculation adoption more widespread half illustrated manual table method, at compare three adjust the project of 洪 after made sure a fit project, get it designs the flood as 306.3 meters, the flood a 307.1 meters of the school pit, make sure that a high distance of dam is 310.9 meters.Main building of this vital point from block the building of water, leak water the building, generate electricity the building and put the empty building to constitute.Pass machine-readable( the gravity dam stability and should dint calculation procedure) and should to compare with pit, the dint and stabilities are after, getting to overflow the economic section of flow the dam not,12.5 meters of a breadth of dam, high 125.9 meters;Leak water the building adoption watch bore overflows the way for flow, a curve of dam adopts the practical curve of WES, eliminating the ability method to adopt to pick to flow to eliminate the ability;The factory premises dam segment includes a segment of three machines and an installs a segment, the factory premises adoption dam is behind type;Adoption deep bore conduct and actions put the empty building, the bore figure choose and use and did not press the dam inside sluiceway.The end construction leads to flow to choose to use two expect the two pieces to lead to flow the method, on expect from tie the narrow river bed to leak to flow, two expect from lead to flow the bottom bore to leak to flow, to the spring river ZHANG GU3 the water conservancy vital point give a the design project that compares the integrity.